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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7710479 No.7710479 [Reply] [Original]

How did you bring your lunch to school? When I was a kid I was so poor I had to bring lunch to school in cement bags

>> No.7710483

I ate lunch in the cafeteria and bought my snacks in the kiosk, kept the rest of my stuff in my locker. Carrying shit is for faggots.

>> No.7710490

Our district's food was actually pretty tasty, so I never brought my lunch.

Though I've heard it's gone way downhill since I graduated high school ten years ago. Not sure if it was Obama, budget cuts, or a combination of both.

>> No.7710498

I just ate the cafeteria food until high school when they started turning out mostly crap. Then I just went to the snack kiosk.

>> No.7710553

I didn't have lunch at school.

>> No.7710556

You aren't alone, many others didn't either. Not that anyone actually gave a shit.

>> No.7710559 [DELETED] 

>Mother never packed me lunch past 3rd grade
>Too "wealthy" to be given free school lunch
>Too poor for my folks to give me money every day for school food.
Not that anyone actually fucking noticed since I was just a white kid

>> No.7710567

>Too "wealthy" to be given free school lunch
>Too poor for my folks to give me money every day for school food.

How the hay does this happen? You barely even had to be poor to qualify for free lunch at least in my school

>> No.7710575

I ate school cafeteria. Mom gave a little extra scrilla to get a snack or two.

Texas strawhat was my shit. Also when I was a freshman a senior cut in front of me "pffft nothing personal kid". As payment he showed me the trick to extra Salisbury steak. Grab one and put in small tray then put mash potatoes on top to cover it up. Then put second Salisbury where it normally goes.

White milk master race, you chocolate milk bitches.

>> No.7710588

I had a super mario lunchbox well into high school. We didn't have kitchens until I got to HS and even then most people brought their own. The only thing they ever made that was halfway decent was taco salad, I would get that sometimes

We also had these deals with local businesses to cater food for us in middle school. Like subway, the local hot dog stand, the jewish deli... shit like that. Mom would pay something like 40 bucks a quarter and wouldn't have to pack a lunch for me on Wednesdays. That was pretty dope but the hotdog place only sent along ketchup packets and mind you this was in Chicago where that's basically sacrilege

>> No.7710603

Welcome to liberal America..

>> No.7710604

And look how you ended up

>> No.7710606
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The rules of my high school actually forbid students to bring their own lunch because they didn't want to lose that precious $$$.

I protested by stealing mine when I bothered to eat lunch at all, only got caught twice in four years.

>> No.7710619

That's a pretty disgusting practice. What the school did, that is.

Whereabouts did you live?

>> No.7710646

Rural west Tennessee. Town had a population of under 10000 at that time.

>> No.7710651

Fucking flyovers, you make me sick.

>> No.7710652
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god bless america

>> No.7710659

Stay mad.

>> No.7710661

>There are people that live in other places than I do
>They have their own customs and traditions other than my own

Not him. But you fuckers need to get over yourselves.

>> No.7710680
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you people are the worst

>> No.7710693

What I love about coming to /ck/ after a long absence is finding out what new crutch insults they use around here. They're like a kid who learns a new word and looks for excuses to use it.

>everything that more than three people use or do is a meme
>everything that isn't New York is flyover

>> No.7710705

Nice blog post

>> No.7710713

>everything that I don't want to be true is a blog post

>> No.7710719


Hi Opie.

>> No.7710724
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>being this upset

If you hate being a flyover so much, why don't you just pack your bags and move to the coasts?

>> No.7710739

>everyone I can't rattle r just MAD

>> No.7710740

We had the means but not the want. My mom would whine about having to pack me lunches or remembering to get change at the bank. All you've got to do is ask for a bunch of ones back and not spend them on yourself or, better yet, give them to me to hold on to. Despite my reputation of being responsible, she didn't trust me with it. I went hungry a lot of days. Insufferable cunt.

I learned from a student that you could get a free lunch, but they failed to tell me it didn't work one day out of the week. I can't remember which day, but we'll call it Thursday. I tried it on a day that wasn't Thursday, and lo and behold, they write your name down and keep a tab. Fast forward a few weeks and I'm starving, because that whore of a mother can't seem to remember I need breakfast. I've already got my tray, and I tell them to put it on my tab, and they tell me, "Today is Thursday. You can't." I had to take the food back to the kitchen, and they threw it away because they couldn't put it back on the line.

This policy of "the rules are the rules" is bogus. We're raising children to be cynical and bitter. It's sad.

>> No.7710744
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Once again not him.

Maybe because some of us are gun owners that own significant amounts of land and enjoy freedom. We don't want to live in communist shitholes.

So enjoy your fine cuisine under totalitarian rule. I'll be OK.

>> No.7710746

I don't think you realize how much cheaper it is to live in the country's interior. I'll be retired by 45

>> No.7710747

I literally never ate at school till I graduated, never really ate at work and still don't eat at Uni-I'm just never hungry at that time I guess

My HS had awful pizza and fries basically everyday, or dry plain burgers

>> No.7710756
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>flyover's perception of the big, scary coasts

I doubt you've ever been inside an airplane before.

Coasts are far better, though. More people, more to do, oceans, more culture, better food, more diversity, nicer women, quality of life is better, better universities, etc.

Besides, it's all relative. Sure, you'll be retiring earlier, but you're going to at the cost of being a flyover.

>> No.7710768

>lol flyover
Keep digging that hole deeper, dumdum. That's all you have and you know it.

>> No.7710775
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We were so poor that there really was nothing to take to school in the morning, yet somehow my parents made 'too much' to be in the assisted lunch program or whatever the fuck that was.
I generally skipped lunch at school, and ended using it as a study hall.

It worked out pretty well, since I didn't have to worry about eating in front of other people, which I hate doing.

>> No.7710795
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A college town anywhere in the midwest is hugely diverse, safer, with plenty of access to culture, and we don't all get asthma from living near factories. Why are you talking about something you don't know anything about?

>> No.7710800

>not a single Ivy League in flyover land

You just lost this argument.

>inb4 but m-muh state flagships are better and Ivy leagues are just superficial

>> No.7710803

>This is what people living on the coast actually believe.

>More people
How is that a plus?

>more to do
Such as? For everything you can list that we can't do, there is something you can't do. Simple as that.

We've got lakes, rivers, bayous, and many of us even have ponds on our property stocked with fish.

>more culture
What does that even mean? Last time I checked, you guys adopt a bunch of cultures as your own because there's nobody around who remembers how things were or cared to keep it going. You'll find people living today who were alive when our culture took root.

>better food
Do you really think that the South doesn't have arguably the best food in the country? New Orleans is a food mecca. We've got Cajun, Creole, soul food, barbecue, Tex-Mex, etc. and it's copied endlessly.

>more diversity
Also unsure what this means or how it's supposed to be good.

>nicer women
Southern hospitality is a thing.

>quality of life is better
Says you. Sitting on the back porch with a pitcher of lemonade, soaking in the warm sun and clean air on a calm, quiet day is something people who live in the city pay to go on vacation to do. It's just a normal life for us.

>better universities, etc.
Maybe. You can take classes out of state or online. Once you've got your degree, you're going to move back to the South and make your family there.

>> No.7710810

Not that guy, and I have no fucking clue why I care, but Harvard is in a 'flyover state'

>> No.7710813

There's also the Gulf of Mexico. Or there was until BP took a big stinky shit in it. Thankfully it seems to have made a come back.

>> No.7710815

>How is that a plus?

More people to hang out with, to get involved in business with, etc. Also more people implies a greater diversity. That brings a greater diversity of restaurants and markets which is a great thing if you're into food.

>> No.7710822

Massachusetts is anything but a flyover state

>> No.7710825

Many cities in the South are popular tourist destinations, and you'll find this sort of thing going on.

Hot Springs, Memphis, New Orleans, Austin (participation ribbon)

>> No.7710833
File: 65 KB, 566x480, 1393267786463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Northwestern, U Chicago, Washington U in St Louis are all great schools. Ivy league is a regional conference and they don't have a monopoly on brains

also congrats on derailing yet another thread with your garbage

>> No.7710890

>Implying I wasn't stationed in Commiefornia for 4 years

Beautiful place. It's the people that are garbage. Especially the "Cali surfer bros" you meet at the beach. The Mexicans were better at least they had good food.

I'll remain here in flyover town. Enjoy the cuck life.

>> No.7710901
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When I was in 6th grade where everyone is a little faggot my mom packed me healthy stuff like pumpernickel bread with brussel sprouts and cheese. The kids made fun of me telling me that I was eating dirt and grass. I thought it tasted pretty good so I forced the kid who was making fun of me the most to eat it and he said "Pretty good."

>> No.7710915

> Poland in early 2000's
> Family in debt to pay food and bills
> We had barely to eat

I literally used to take 2-3 days old bread sandwiches with homemade ham (we had a farm with piggu) in a plastic bag used again and again... It was the norm for 1 kid on 5 at the time so I had no problems with it

>> No.7710918


>> No.7710928

>implying west coast is best coast

You went to the wrong one, faglord

>> No.7710929

How did you force him?

Offer him brussel sprouts or a cockmeat sandwich?

>> No.7710939

Where at East coaster?

>> No.7710952

Anywhere from Richmond up to Burlington

>> No.7710957

I guess he was willing to try something new as well but I think I just shoved it in his face and said "EAT IT"

>> No.7710966

I don't like sea food generally. We might say people from Texas are full of Steers and Queers.

I say you're full of shrimps and gimps. Now my wife is from Maine and I've vacationed there. I will say for sea food Maine lobster is pretty cash.

>> No.7710979

Where can I subscribe to your blog?

>> No.7710987

I literally just took my bread and stuffed it into a pocket of my bag. Didn't put it into a lunch box or a lunch bag, I just stuffed it in my bag.

I have no idea why I did that.

>> No.7710997

Get off /ck/ opie you hack

>> No.7711000


You can find me there on a weekly basis. By the way were out of lemonade.

>> No.7711012

>Harvard University
>Boston University
>Northeastern University
>The city of Boston and the city of Cambridge

MA is not flyover

>> No.7711047

>ITT: The coast gets wrecked once again, and surprisingly not by pack of muslims or a hurricane this time

>> No.7711213

>coastfags ruin a good thread once again

I mostly ate stuff at the school because our school actually had people who could cook

When I eventually went to a different school, around the time they were shilling for "better food in schools" and they started serving those shitty square pizzas. I mostly just ate tuna salad and subway sandwiches and other things packed by my mom.

>> No.7711239

I don't want to say I came from a rich neighborhood, but at Halloween the psychos used to put electric razors in the apples.

>> No.7711248

I'm an autotroph.

>> No.7711274

>I was so poor I had to bring lunch to school in cement bags

you were poor?!
who do think ate the cement for lunch at school?

>> No.7711285

> Newports
> opinion mattering

>> No.7711288


>Implying I care what you think

Cancer sticks are cancer sticks.

>> No.7711321

>I smoke the least expensive cigs
Come on, if you're going to kill yourself, at least get Parliaments.

>> No.7711341

Those are cheaper than Newport's...

Europe is that you?

>> No.7711359

I used to get money from my parents to buy a cafeteria lunch at school, but I used it to buy 10 Bensons, a packet of prawn cocktail skips and a Commando comic.

>> No.7711821

I didn't go to a Communist school so they never gave us free stuff.

>> No.7711824

>more diversity
that reason alone is why the coast sucks

>> No.7713551


>> No.7714275

My buddys Mum would make Extra sandviches for me, since I often woke up for school alone, and my own Mum woulnd't get up early to make me lunch. Also, Cafeteria in our school was A+.

>> No.7714279

Fucking flyover

>> No.7714307


You should have just eaten it right there anon. What are they gonna do, make you throw it up?

>> No.7714313

>bringing lunch to school

I'm a upper middle-class 10/10 alpha, I never packed lunches.

>> No.7714317

It would be Michelle Obama fault, not Barack. Her first lady busy work was to make school lunches healthier and the healthy food isn't quality healthy food so it's pretty fucking nasty.

>> No.7714630

A true patriot would only smoke American Spirits

>> No.7714641
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I had this

>> No.7714665
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>> No.7714721

If I had that thermos I'd still use it today. I fucking love sandshrew.

>> No.7714728

I had one but it was like a canteen and not a Thermos. Man I miss it.

>> No.7714743

My school was 2 blocks away from my home so I had lunch with my family every day.

>> No.7714749

In kindergarden, school would end at 12 and I would get home to have my grandmother make me lunch. Usually vegetable soup and toast. In grade school I had school lunch. I thought chocolate milk was the shit. Middle school and high school I brought my lunch. Typical shit like a ham sandwich, apple, and bottle water. If I forgot my lunch my school had pre-wrapped cut vegetables in the vending machines for .75 cents. I think it had something to do with my school switching from regular junk food and snacks to healthier choices. Whatever.

>> No.7714778

We got food in the cafeteria, no need to bring anything. Not exactly the tastiest food you could imagine though, so sometimes I would just skip lunch if it was something I particularly disliked. In high school we sometimes went out for lunch and had a pizza or something.

>> No.7714787

When I was very young, I had a Ninja Turtles lunchbox. When I got older, I usually bought lunch from the cafeteria. On the rare occasions my mom would make me a special lunch in a paper bag, she would always put a little note in it saying she loved me and she hoped I had a good day. I felt bad about throwing them out, so I always saved them.

>Carrying shit is for faggots.
Unrelated, but you just reminded me of my school's retarded policies on policing how students carried their shit
>no bookbags allowed
>no visiting lockers between classes, only at lunch break
So basically, we were supposed to stop at our lockers only in the morning, and take our books for our first set of classes with us, then at lunch we were supposed to swap them for the rest of our books. Then back everything back up at the end of the day before we go home. Such bullshit.

>> No.7714790

>tfw brought Vietnamese food for lunch in a pretty middle class white town in elementary in the mid 90s
>got teased for it
>no one ever wanted to try it

Vietnamese food is popular now - joke's on you, you fucks

>> No.7715021

I just had a cigarette and coffee for lunch

>> No.7716341
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>I felt bad about throwing them out, so I always saved them
That's adorable.

>> No.7716367

I just bought school lunches. In high school, I pretty much stopped eating lunches and just saved the money. Sometimes my friends would offer me some of their food when I skipped. I had almost 200 bucks saved up when I graduated.

>> No.7717261

Is op Opie ?

>> No.7717268
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I had one of these and I ate my lunch in the toilet.

>> No.7717388
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A story shared many times

>> No.7717892

i always carried my lunch in one of those plastic bags from Walmart. Always had a shitton of those things, and not just from Walmart. Ever since kindergarten, I'd make my own lunch in the morning. At first it was just plain ol cheese sandwiches, then salads, then just leftovers from last night's dinner. Threw away plastic bag after lunch, put Tupperware into book bag.

>> No.7717930
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Until 2nd grade my dad would always boil me a hot dog, with some chips, a ding dong, and a juice box.

IDK what it was but something about a hot dog that's been sitting in a lunch box for about 4~ hours smelled and tasted way nicer than it should have.

Also I had this to carry it all in.

>> No.7719427

Normal kids bought from the cafeteria. Only the fucking weird kids brought their own.

>> No.7720097

so you were too rich to have poor kids?

i'm so sorry ;_;