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7702697 No.7702697 [Reply] [Original]

Beer thread.

Theres nothing wrong with enjoying PBR, it is the best neutral beer.

>> No.7702703

It's good for its price point.

>> No.7702715

it's a little yeasty in my opinion but I'll drink it anyways. certainly the best gas station beer.

>> No.7702719

>certainly the best gas station beer.
Where do gas stations not have any good beer?

>> No.7702726

shitty little stops in vermont that only carry macrobrews like budweiser and pabst.

>> No.7702731

Never been to vermont, but I feel like even shitty ones have the local craft flagships and the largest national/regional ones in places I have traveled

>> No.7702738

I only drink it because it's the only cheap beer that doesn't give me hangovers.

>> No.7702743

I like that it has no aftertaste. It makes for a great beer to wash the palate.

>> No.7702745

most do here. like longtrail, magic hat and smuttynose, occasionally heady topper which people line up for on delivery days (not worth waiting in line for but if you can grab it you should), as far as locals, plus the obligatory micros like dogfish head and founders. some even have walk in fridges full of different beers. they probably sell more of that than cigarettes.
I just associate these big name ones with gas stations because people in college used to go down to the gas station at the corner and grab two 30 racks of pabst or other shitty beers.

>> No.7702752

Ah, thats cool. My college was in a neighborhood with no fucking parking at all and therefore few gas stations nearby

>> No.7702772

what school?
UVM alumni here. burlington is a college city. every thursday friday and saturday night during the school year there are hoards of drunk people walking all over the road out in front of cars and all that. I saw a three way brawl one time in the parking lot of a friend's frat house that was like 50 people just punching each other. I knew a several people in the fight, they said they were just hitting random people, they didn't give a shit who. they scrambled when some kid had his head hit the curb and started having a seizure. It was pretty awesome.
a lot of shit like that went down, often fueled by pabst blue ribbon.

>> No.7702794


My local haunt has a PBR and shot of jack special for 5 bucks. I hate my life

>> No.7702818

Wisconsin, parking was so shitty that most people left their cars with heir parents. But yeah, people were drunk as shit with an incredible number of places to drink in walking distance, people having cars surely would have resulted in a lot of dumb drunk drivers

>> No.7702828
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Oh god this stuff will be glorious once the summer heat comes, I need to stock up on cans.

>> No.7702833

never had that, but that brand never lets me down.

>> No.7703255
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Who /homebrew/ here?

>> No.7703260
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Beer is for plebs. Vodka all day

>> No.7703269

coronapleb here

>> No.7703274
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Hamm's is better

>> No.7703277
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shits delicious

>> No.7703278

Just racked my rhubarb wine yesterday.

It should be ready in 3 months.

>> No.7703280

I like the smiths $2 for 32 oz option. get two of those, $4 a day, costs me $28 a week on booze...which actually save me money opposed to any other method I attempted. can't by 30 packs without drinking half of it in one evening.

>> No.7703315

everytime i threw up from drinking my freshman year of college it was because of this shit

>> No.7703327

>It was pretty awesome.
totes senpai

>> No.7703332
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Drinking this tonight. It was $7 off its normal price because the 3 Luponic is supposed to be consumed by the 19th. But because this brewery is smart, they can their beer, so it tasted just like the cans I got when I first bought it 10 days after brewing.

>> No.7703335

I don't care how plebeian I am. I'll take an Asahi over anything ;_;

>> No.7703341 [DELETED] 


>> No.7703367
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>pouring a pbr into a glass.

>> No.7703386
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So does mine, easy to get shitty

>> No.7703992
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Not often i drink Pbr.

>> No.7704018

PBR is a cheap beer that tastes like hop oil. Less offensive than Bud or Heineken, but nothing worth seeking out. Fine for a cook out, or with takeout Chinese or as a bar drink special with a shot of well liquor.

>> No.7704140

You need to get better gas stations. The wawa here carries multiple six packs from founders, victory, left hand and Sierra Nevada, as well as stuff from a ton of local breweries like Cigar City and some smaller ones.
Not even that expensive there either, cheapest prices I've ever seen for a most of them.

>> No.7704159

based wawa

>> No.7704204

this is the one that will
shit tastes like old dishwater

summerfest red-eyes, new GOAT

>> No.7705027


This. It's the current year for fuck's sake. I will admit the craft has a huge markup at c-stores than at supermarkets.

>> No.7705043

I literally only drink Coors Light. I fill up a trash bag of silver bullets every week and leave it on the corner for the roaches (Mexicans). PBR doesn't do it for me anymore, I get a really awful feeling in the back of my throat after about 6.

>> No.7705980

My first ever stout hit FG a few days ago. Gonna bottle it on thursday. What has me concerned is that it tastes mostly of acetaldehyde. What are the chances that it will mellow out and actually become drinkable in six weeks?

>> No.7706101

>tfw archaic PA liquor laws don't allow Wawa to carry beer

>> No.7706134

PBR is in my top four all-time favorite beers along with Schlitz, Hamm's, and Blatz

>> No.7706139

I keep it on tap at home, great beer

>> No.7706151
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>not exclusively drinking rare sours

>> No.7706159

don't drink their stouts. Stouts shouldn't be hoppy. theirs are.

>> No.7706175
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who /lagunitas/ here?

>> No.7706183

The beer isn't really that good, it's just better enough that it's worth drinking when really better isn't an option.

>> No.7706188

professional brewer here, willing to answer questions for a while if anyone cares.

I'm very familiar with the california craft beer scene, homebrewing/commercial brewing equipment and techniques, specialty ingredients/processes etc.

>> No.7706192

PBR is one of the finest beers ever crafted and pairs quite well with a nice Chicago Style Pizza

>> No.7706212

IMO PBR feels gassier and more carbonated than any of the other macrobrew lagers. Might be why it kills your throat.

>> No.7706222
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PBR's not bad but high life is the best pisswater IMO

>> No.7706223

what is the gayest beer you ever brewed?

>> No.7706239

My dad (A midwest good-ol-boy type who historically drank the stuff before it was hipster) described PBR to me as "Fizzy water with a slight alcohol taste." I think it's perfectly acceptable as a "cold one" type of beer for BBQs/Pool/Music venues/etc.

>> No.7706243

This. It's the CHAMPAGNE OF BEERS, which is why it's so classy.

>> No.7706246

depends on your definition of a "gay beer" I think.

I brewed a berliner weisse with raspberries that ended up straight pink, and not as tart as I would have liked.

I've also brewed grapefruit IPAs, berry saison's, and more blonde ales than I'd care to admit.

>> No.7706255

My choice buying order for cheap shit goes:

1)High Life
2)Rolling Rock

>> No.7706263

I recently bought 2 24oz cans of Pabst.

Really cheap, 3$ for the both of them.

But shit, it was yeasty, acrid and mildly unenjoyable.

For the price it's worth it, and it's better than most other macrobrews. I think I've just been spoiled on micros. I simply can't see myself drinking Pabst or any other macro except for the express purpose of getting fucking smashed with friends.

>> No.7706264

best way/route to get that job?

>> No.7706269

On the topic of cheap beer: Having worked through a case of Milwaukee's Best Ice over a couple days with the purpose of getting drunk, don't. Just go straight for ghetto liquaa' like Steel Reserve or Olde English if you need to get drunk on beer.

>> No.7706303
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I don't usually throw up but I got especially sick after drinking 3 40oz of cold 45. I'll never touch that crap again

>> No.7706309

Fun fact, apparently Colt.45 got petitioned to put Billy D Williams on the cans now. Anyway, Steel Reserve 211 seems to have the best quality control. The thing with getting beer-drunk is that to get smashed, you have to put a gallon of bullshit in your stomach, as opposed to a few shots/drinks of liquor.

>> No.7706318

So I usually like fat tire or George Killian Irish red, do you guys have any recs on those? Like a better red ale?

>> No.7706320

Yuengling's the best dollar beer, bar none.

>> No.7706324
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I love pretty much any lagunitas beer, other than the stouts cause i don't like coffee. But this one is the best so far, fuck its great.

>> No.7706326

I definitely put it above PBR, Bud Light, and all the other cheapo can beers.

>> No.7706336

Currently living in England after living in Belgium for 8 years.
My god do the English even understand they are drinking piss everyday?

>> No.7706487
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It's cheap and gets me drunk

>> No.7706501
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personally i find yeungling a little rotgutty

but pic related is definitely the way to go.

>> No.7706507

Hell yeah. Yuengling is the greatest trash beer, and great for house parties. If I don't want to hate myself, though, I'll grab some Left Hand milk stout. The Wake Up Dead in specific is delightful.

>> No.7706536

At my local ampm the only decent beer they sell are pint cans of sierra nevada torpedo for $1.99 a can and I got burned out on those after drinking that stuff all day one summer, now I just buy olde english.

>> No.7706664

My favorite was watching craft beer "aficionados" pretend that was some kind of eccentric lager just because it had just started distributing here.

>> No.7706669

If we're going "neutral" I actually think I prefer Heineken. Pilsner vs Lager, aside.

>> No.7706671

Mah friend.

I always say when it's hot, and I'm thirsty, and I want a beer, nothing's better than an ice cold Coors Light. It's just so refreshing. And you get a little buzz. What's not to like?

>> No.7706676

If you're in the South Central US, look for a beer called Perfect Tin by the Tin Roof Brewing company. They're out of Baton Rouge, LA. If you like Fat Tire but find it a little too single noted, Perfect has more pronounced Maltiness, and a nice, grassy, hoppy finish, without being waxy like some other Amber Ales or Pale Ales can be.

>> No.7706682

lots of bubbles on the top of that. is that a chicago style Brew?

>> No.7706685

>If we're going "neutral" I actually think I prefer Heineken
A beer with a taste this offensive can hardly be called neutral.

>> No.7706690

Which one?

>> No.7706693
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>> No.7706695

Better than PBR. That was kinda the point of my post.

>> No.7706698

>Skunked disgusting shit
>Better than tasteless PBR

>> No.7706700

Alright, alright. I don't want to play with you anymore. Take your ball and go home.

>> No.7706702
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>> No.7706705

Nice. Chicago style or?

>> No.7706733

Become gay is a good start

>> No.7706766

Sam Adams sends me cases of whatever's popular with them because reasons.They're okay.

>> No.7706799

Sit on it for a while. That's about all you can do, the yeast should clean up the acetaldehyde once it runs out of consumable sugars.

>> No.7707054
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I know they have two breweries, one in Cali and one in Chicago. I've never heard of Chicago style in reference to beer before.

Does anyone like Three Floyd's? Their backmasking oatmeal stout was pretty great

>> No.7707069
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local place has drafts of Hamms for $1
I like draft beer and it goes down easy.
I love it with shots of whiskey (V.O.)

This is what I've been buying for the house. And since Coors has been sold I don't feel guilty about drinking a beer made by an anti-union man founder Coors.

I love my life.

>> No.7707077
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>Sam Adams sends me cases of whatever's popular

d-bag alert

>> No.7707737

depends on what the end goal is. if you want to work at macro or top-tier brewery, a BS in chem/bio and then a credential from siebel or UCSD/UCD is your best bet. thats probably not the most practical approach though.

I bartended and homebrewed, eventually volunteering and working my way up. read about beer, become a part of the beer community, get to know small brewers. find a place that is just starting up and see if you can volunteer. once you get your foot in the door, you can work your way up. it just may take a couple of years, depending on your timing (people quitting, expanding, etc)

>> No.7707748

Why are you so triggered by an extra in a beer ad from 3 years ago? And if you're going to keep complaining, can you at least find a version bigger than 161x90?

>> No.7707776
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King of budget beers?
2.99 for the six.

Though steel reserve at 2 40oz for 2.22 comes close.

>> No.7707820

These have a weird after taste that isn't bad, but it's just the first time I've had a cheap beer taste like something.
>steel reserve
how can you stomach that?

>> No.7707829

Tbh I don't drink beer, spirits mainly. But I used to sell it and the real alcoholics knew the best deals.

I did use to drink big Flatts cause I was a degenerate with very little money and I found it tolerable, as well as hamms or schlitz.

Never did drink the steel reserve cause I never sank that low tho.

>> No.7707872

Can't decide if underrated shit post or obvious b8

>> No.7708652
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I got smashed with this shit last week, so much that I forgot about an hour of the night

>> No.7708665
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Me, but it's been a while since my last batch

>> No.7708667
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Final product

>> No.7708668
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>ask roommate to pick me up beer while he's at the store
>buys me this

jesus why, now I've gotta drink it and I really don't want to.

>> No.7708676

The best neutral beer where I am is Shiner Bock.

>> No.7708677


>> No.7708678
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Got a friend to buy me this from the store how'd I do

>> No.7708680

If anything this shit is my watery grave

>> No.7708685

I hope you like playing Shadowrun

>> No.7708689

Howdy neighbor

>> No.7708739
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I have a living room fill with beer (mostly Jester King) that I haven't been able to drink since two years ago when I found out my liver enzymes were through the roof. I normally wouldn't give a shit but my dad has been in a fight with liver cancer for over a year now. All that delicious Montmorency and Balaton....Life is hard bros ;_;

>> No.7708767

Are we talking macros exclusively here? Because if you're hating on quality britbeer we gotta fight nigger.

>> No.7708773

You mean the tabletop game and not the abominations they made for the pc, right?

>> No.7708778

Any of them really. But the recent ones are pretty gud for what they are.

>> No.7708795

>nothing wrong with ____

This may as well be a shit soda thread.

>> No.7708808
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>tfw get bloated after a couple beers

I've moved over to wine instead.

>> No.7709833

>"this alcoholic drink doesn't give me hangovers!"

when will this ignorant meme die

>yes, certain things can give you worse hangovers, like wine and shit, but if you get drunk enough on anything you will get a hangover

>> No.7709846
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I have to order it, but it is so fucking worth it.

>> No.7709862

My gas station sells:
>Arrogant Bastard
>Old Rasputin (Fun fact, it's the only place in the county that sells this shit in pints)
>Most of the local microbrews
>Newcastle (It's shit, but it's better than PBR)
>Anchor Steam
>Sierra Nevada

All of which are better than PBR

If you're into Gose, you'll dig it. Otherwise, it's 50/50 if you'll like it.

Depends on which beer. Lil Sumpthin and Lagunitas Sucks are great. I still have yet to get ahold of Waldo, but I've heard nothing but rave reviews.

>> No.7710421

Brought a Bernard Dark Lager today. I usually don't drink craft beer and all, i usually just stick to Heineken, Eisenbahn and a few other local beers.
Anyways, did i do good?

>> No.7710473


Would you like to send me your delicious Jester King sours anon? I can drink them in your honor

>> No.7710482

Literally none of the beers you listed are better than PBR... you're a beer snob that can't into beer.

>> No.7710608

I haven't had it but they seem to like it at BA. Czech dark lagers are IMO usually both good and reasonably priced so I believe you did well.

>> No.7710827

What are some "higher quality" beers that taste similar to Labatt Blue?

>> No.7710869
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Yeah that one goes down smooth. Not a specific favourite, but grew on me as it was part of a pack that I frequently bought. Goto Lager from Späti.

Saw a keg of that, figured that it would be far too much, fan of their product line though.

My current predicament is whether to spend 50% of my current bank balance on beer from Poland and drink it while reading the newest Witcher. Poland is actually a great beer country, pic related

>> No.7711258
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>I get way drunker on X alcohol.

>> No.7711264

All of those are literally twice the price of PBR. The Blue Ribbon is the best value, hands down.

>> No.7711418

i just had this and it is really good

>> No.7711453

>Saw a keg of that, figured that it would be far too much, fan of their product line though.
It would be hard for a small group to drink a keg of DT, it's heavier than it appears.

>> No.7711456
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>> No.7711783
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damn nigga it's pretty good

>> No.7712644

Vt is the best state, and therefore has the best selection at its gas stations.

>> No.7712667

My go-to cheap and/or summer beers:

1. Gennesee (not Cream)
2. Narragansett
3. PBR
4 Coors Banquet

>> No.7712909

Well, technically certain things like the carbonation in champagne can effect the way alcohol is absorbed, but yeah in general a drink (that is to say, the unit of measurement) is a drink if it's a shot of jameson or a pint of coors.

Of course anything stronger will seem like it gets you drunker because you're able to down more of it more quickly

>> No.7712943
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>> No.7712952

I can't fucking do it anymore. I drank so much damn PBR in Uni that I fucking puke if I try to drink it now. Fucking scarred for life after drinking way to much of this shit playing beerio kart