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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 850x460, raw-chicken_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7701114 No.7701114 [Reply] [Original]

Are you supposed to be switching spatulas after using it to cook raw chicken on a pan?

>> No.7701130

Cookery utensils are usually pasteurized in the process of cooking, both through steam and direct contact with the hot food, so no. The surface temperature of food in a pan is so high that even if you put microbes on it, they'd just die instantly.

>> No.7701132
File: 33 KB, 300x300, thanos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yar, if you're using that spatula to cook anything else, you need to either wash it or use a different one.

>> No.7701139

I don't understand how people become such pussies.

It's fucking mind boggling to me.

>> No.7701164

Being cautious with something you believe might kill you does not make you a pussy mate.

>> No.7701171

No restaurant washes their spatulas after flipping raw proteins to cooked proteins of the same kind. Grow up.

>> No.7701174


Are you implying a chicken breast has the ability to end a person's life?

if that's the case then that person really deserves to die.

>> No.7701180
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Don't get me wrong, if I'm cooking for myself I'm probably less careful. But when you're cooking for guests and don't take precautions, you're just being a fuckwit and will eventually get someone sick.

>> No.7701190


>omg i touched a raw chicken breast call a fucking ambulance

you sound like you carry hand sanitizer around with you

>> No.7701191

Please read the post a second time and this time take the cock out of your mouth so you can focus.

>> No.7701196

I would say OP is a faggot, but babies haven't learned sexuality yet. I bet you were abused as a child. Don't know what kind of lighting your parents used to grow such a huge fruit indoors, but they could make a mint selling them to farmers.

>> No.7701240


i hope you die seeing as your immune system is that of a fucking toddler.

>> No.7701250

I think you need to read that post a third time buddy, you still don't seem to have understood it. This time try getting the cock out of your ass as well.

>> No.7701260
File: 90 KB, 561x600, 561px-MUJA_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've just outed yourself as a dime-a-dozen typical 4chan troll. You're certainly one of those people who are oh so tough behind your keyboard but wouldn't say shit in real life if you had a mouth full of it.

>> No.7701266

What are you talking about faggot.

>> No.7701269

>Are you supposed to be switching spatulas after using it to cook raw chicken on a pan?
I give it a quick wash, yes. If I'm outside grillin? I'll take the juicy raw meat platter back into the house with the spatula/tongs, after the first flip, and quickly wash both, or trade it out for a fresh tongs when I grab a clean plating platter or board.

Most at the stove though, I lay the raw food in there with fingers, and then wait to use the spatula. I'm sure there's some science to it getting hot or sanitized from hot foods, but why risk it? Buy a spare or get your sponge and hot water going on it for a moment in the sink. You're right there. Risks are far higher than the effort involved. Actual odds vs risktaking behaviors is a whole nother topic of course. Use common sense. It's kind of like the "don't wash chicken pieces in your sink" rule where some genius figured out people who full force splash water around contaminate a kitchen and sink area to the point where it's worse to wash chicken in the first place given the odds of salmonella being present. How about not being a dumbass with the water, and spritzing your sink area with bleach before laying some vegetables on it or storing your sponge in the bottom of the drain. Duh. It doesn't mean it's right not to rinse it because it washes off bacteria blooms from juices clinging to meat, right? Cook all your meals like someone in your family is on immune suppression meds if it's not that big a burden.

>> No.7701272

toddlers actually have incredible immune systems

>> No.7701278
File: 29 KB, 400x196, 186245_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about you, ese. You're a loudmouthed shitslinger and nothing more.

>> No.7701280

Your rage issues. Seek a therapist.

>> No.7701283

>toddlers actually have incredible immune systems
Wtf, who gave you a degree? This is the most false piece of crap I've heard online. There's a reason we don't give kids honey, because the sick, the elderly and the young have inferior immune systems to handle the survival rate we enjoy as normal adults if and when presented with a bacterial or viral infection. They also present with ridiculously more active full on high febrile responses too, quite a danger to a child, to risk seizure for that awesome brain damage that happens.

>> No.7701288
File: 10 KB, 747x138, wtf google search1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to google that but immediately stopped here

>> No.7701426
File: 39 KB, 440x435, 1459584735125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>a bunch of pale-skinned pasty faggots who need 4 flu shots a year to survive and will get sick if they watch someone sneeze are so angry that they can't eat any chicken products that haven't been irradiated by the heat of the sun because their immune system is similar to that of an aggressively infected AIDS patient, must absolutely and diligently defend their denial that their crippling fear of coming in contact with more than two or three microbes at a time might very well render them comatose because the raw chicken meme has fear-mongered them into becoming terrified of an inanimate piece of animal flesh as if it were a fucking crudely constructed mustard-gas explosive.

>> No.7701440

I never really thought I'd see someone get as angry as you have over something so small. It's absolutely baffling.

>> No.7701454

>projecting harder than a drive-in movie

>> No.7701513
File: 22 KB, 300x300, han.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep itching for that pretend fight, dumdum.

You're just digging yourself deeper.

>> No.7701549


>lol ur dumb

at least i wont die if I eat chicken lol

>> No.7701570


>There's a reason we don't give kids honey

Yeah, good thing allergies are on the decline now that we shelter our children from peanuts and honey as infants...

>> No.7701578

You are literally retarded. Google why to not give infants honey and educate yourself.

>> No.7701579

"Honey can contain spores of a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum, which can germinate in a baby's immature digestive system and cause infant botulism, a rare but potentially fatal illness."

>> No.7701588

Best example of quality /ck/ content I've seen in a while

Keep it up guys

>> No.7701632

Food pathogens can make you seriously ill even if you're young and fit. Even if salmonella won't kill you, you'll regret poor food hygiene when you have the shits for a week.

>> No.7701643

Proper breast feeding is key to reducing allergies in kids -- not feeding your kid random shit to "toughen up".

>> No.7701676

>pathogens can make you ill

Breaking news at 9

>> No.7701698

That post was in reply to all the guys in this thread who seem to have an attitude of "I'm too tough for bacteria to hurt me"

>> No.7701766
File: 52 KB, 550x550, 76b6ea0b588629c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people ITT sound like the kind of people that are borderline germaphobic yet get food poisoning 20 times a year and are constantly sick.

You need to be exposed to the nasty things so your body can build up an immunity to them.

This guy could eat raw chicken out of a hookers ass and be fine.

>> No.7701811

And you're just another illiterate trying to blow reasonable advice out of proportion in an attempt to look tough or because you can't handle being wrong.

>> No.7701826
File: 526 KB, 1240x1228, 1462633414200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that picture
>trying to imply that raw beef is anything at all like raw poultry

>> No.7701838


the dude eats everything raw zero fucks. Anything sitting out in 40 degrees all day and covered in flies is sketchy.

>> No.7701855

oh god, people as easily upset as a 6 year old with autism will never cease to be the most entertaining thing on 4chan

>> No.7702382
File: 29 KB, 266x200, 1160253901560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


welcome to /ck/ where we take the finest, 20-something burnout chefs who don't even have the mental capacity to smell their own food, and give them credit for pretending to be certified microbiologists

>> No.7702396

Whoa whoa whoa that's racist and offensive to those carrying HIV and similar health-related inconveniences, shitlord.

>> No.7702595

Alright leeroy calm down