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7688776 No.7688776 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about veganism?


>> No.7688778


>> No.7688779
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>Oh it's this thread again

>> No.7688783

Wasn't here for it.

>> No.7688785
File: 41 KB, 800x533, Indifferent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you never been on /ck/ before? Sure thing.

>> No.7688788

I have but not for this thread...

Is it so hard to believe more than one person could want to talk about veganism on a food and cooking board?

>> No.7688792


>> No.7688793

>What do you guys think about veganism?

I think there are better methods to kill yourself.

>> No.7688797
File: 26 KB, 460x276, so-bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have but not for this thread...

Given there's at least one shitposter starting a vegan thread knowing full well it'll turn into a shitfest, either:

a) you haven't been on /ck/ before.
b) you have started a vegan thread knowing full well it'll turn into a shitfest.

As you claim you're not new to /ck/ I conclude it must be option 'b' and therefore you can fuck off post-haste.

>> No.7688801

Yeah, tell that to this guy:

I've been here but I very, very rarely come here. It's 3:20 am and I can't sleep and that's the only reason I posted this today. Must have missed what you're talking about.

>> No.7688803

>I've been here but I very, very rarely come here

Please make your visits even more rare.

>> No.7688804

Why are you so butthurt about this? It's cracking me up.

>> No.7688813

>hes vegan and eats honey


>> No.7688815
File: 61 KB, 459x306, bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you annoyed by someone who admits they don't visit the board often posting yet ANOTHER veganism thread on a board that sees eleven vegan threads each and every day, all of which just turn into a shitfest

Gee I wonder.

>> No.7688818

Yet all his contemporaries eat meat and lift equivalent amounts of weight.

>> No.7688819

Everything else is vegan and some vegans do eat honey. But okay, this lady then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjiO8oZBHwU

>> No.7688821

>supporting human cruelty
I am pretty sure being butchered is better than living on a vegan diet.

>> No.7688822

Maybe you should leave the forum a little bit more and you wouldn't know what happens here every hour....
Anyway your bitching would be comparable to me bitching about threads with animal products in them being posted non-stop. Suck it up buttercup.

Except he holds multiple world records, so no.

Pick one.

>> No.7688834


We've already established that you have a mental illness (insomnia and eating disorders are often associated with mental health issues) so now I guess it's just working out how sick you are.

>> No.7688836

And you have to factor in how few vegans there are and how few of them are weightlifters. It's like 1 vegan weightlifter to 4000 meat eating, steroid injecting ones. But the vegan still came out on top.

>> No.7688838

>Except he holds multiple world records, so no.
he doesn't hold them all then, so yes.
also pretty sure the copious amounts of steroids did more than the kale

>> No.7688841

>the vegan one didn't use steroids
top KEK, that's not how human physiology works. also, when it comes to fitness obsessed athletes, vegans are way WAY more than 1 in 4000. Which doesn't even apply in the general population.

>> No.7688844

>Source: my ass

>> No.7688847
File: 38 KB, 649x480, billy simmonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See above for more information: >>7688836
You really think the meat eaters aren't using steroids? And let me introduce you to Mr. Natural Universe, Billy Simmonds. (No steroids allowed in their competitions.)

>> No.7688850

Not all vegans are weightlifters you dumbfuck. Most aren't.

>> No.7688851

>No steroids allowed in their competitions.

Unlike all those competitive sports & competitions that do allow steroids?

>> No.7688852

>You really think the meat eaters aren't using steroids?
no, they're ALL using steroids. you can't lift that kind of weight without steroids or a severe growth defect. that's a reality of the human body.
Also you can hide steroid use, as if that means anything.

>> No.7688856

never said that, retard. I'm saying their population is significantly denser in weight lifting communities.

>> No.7688859

Holy shit I don't care. You're still comparing apples to apples because the meat eaters would be using steroids too.


>> No.7688861

Look at this weak little meat eater desperately trying to convince himself that vegans aren't superior. Even if it was 1/100 it'd be impressive. Quit your crying.

>> No.7688863

>I'm saying [veganism] is significantly denser in weight lifting communities.

>Source: Rectal Journal of Made Up Stuff

>> No.7688864

>Holy shit I don't care. You're still comparing apples to apples because the meat eaters would be using steroids too.
and my point isn't that meat eaters are stronger. My point is that vegans are completely at the same plateau, and in a natural scenario they'd probably be worse off.

>> No.7688865

I'll eat your meat, faggot.

>> No.7688868

Every vegan athlete I know of (and I know of a fucking lot) has had improved performance after going vegan though lol. And the science is there to back it up. A vegan diet is just more efficient in every way.

>> No.7688870

My meatflaps?

>> No.7688871

ew, no, I only eat sausage.

>> No.7688872

I think this post is going underappreciated.

>> No.7688878
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Serious question to vegans.
How do you deal with your saliva?

>> No.7688880
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Let's get this thread back on track.

Creative remake of the semen question.

>> No.7688913

>He has a different diet but is still an insufferable body builder

>> No.7688920
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>> No.7688921

Isn't the ant the strongest animal? Because it can lift a multitude of it's own bodyweiight? And i'm pretty sure they eat everything.

>> No.7688925

This has to be bait. Both of them werent 100% vegan. They had to eat meat when they were younger.

>> No.7688926

An ant can't lift as much as Patrik Baboumian, so no.

>> No.7688936

Bernando Lapallo was vegan as a kid if I'm remembering correctly. And can we just appreciate how extremely rare it was back then for someone to be vegan, and yet there are multiple centenarians who are vegans? Like, less than .01 percent of people back then were vegan but they make up a much larger percentage of centenarians.

>> No.7688942

No, smaller things can just lift bigger things proportional to their size, that's why we can't have a godzilla, they wouldn't be able to lift themselves.
The strongest living thing by that logic is gonorrhea, so living off humans is clearly the best way to be strong
the animal that can dispense the most energy/move the most mass is the blue whale, a meat eater

>> No.7688943

But who needs anecdotal evidence when you have the science to prove the methods of their achievement: https://goveganoroffyourself.wordpress.com/health/

>> No.7688954

>the animal that can dispense the most energy/move the most mass is the blue whale

Not out of the water it can't.

>> No.7688963

uh, good point? likewise, an elephant can't do much in space.

>> No.7688966


Yet there are a shitload of Japanese in Okinawa who eat pork and fish every day and drink like a fish who are over 100 years old. Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.7688969

>good point?

It is if you're not stupid: the blue whale can only move it's own mass because, you know, it's IN WATER and thus it has natural buoyancy. Buoyancy is a force that acts upward.

You, too, can move heavier items if you and the item are both fully submerged and buoyant.

>> No.7688971


No shit retard, but regardless of the weight of creature it takes far less energy to move your mass under water. That was the point, stupid fuckface.

>> No.7688975

Okinawans are the closet to being vegan you fucking genius, and they historically eat minimal amounts of fish and pork. So thanks for helping prove my point?

>> No.7688979

>the blue whale can only move it's own mass because, you know, it's IN WATER and thus it has natural buoyancy. Buoyancy is a force that acts upward.
what? how does that relate to mass and energy at all? The blue whale has the highest energy output and can move the largest amounts of KG, high amount of force. It's the strongest animal by all accounts. again, if we are talking pound for pound, the strongest living thing is gonorrhea BY FAR, hundreds of times stronger than any ant.
Yes but the blue whale still can dispense more ENERGY than any other animal, how efficiently that energy is used isn't really relevant when judging strength

>> No.7688981

meat eating animals are way cooler tho
like cheetahs

>> No.7688986

>how does that relate to mass and energy at all?


>> No.7688990
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>> No.7688993

I have noting against veganism in of itself, I just get tired of vegans shoving their lifestyle in my face.

>> No.7688995

No it doesn't. the force excerted is still the largest, the medium which this is expressed in is the same, be it water or concrete. That water is a very efficient medium for the whale to obtain forward propulsion in is totally irrelevant to the power exerted by the whale.

>> No.7689006

Awww, you poor little baby. It's not like vegans have to deal with that all the fucking time and it's not like the animal agriculture industry advertises and glorifies the product of tortured animals in every public space, right?

Meat eaters are such fucking babies holy shit.

>> No.7689016
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Wahhhh, people are trying to educate me and I hate that!

>> No.7689024

you could avoid this by not broadcasting your diet like a weirdo.

>> No.7689033

No actually because I was sadly once an apologist vegan who avoided talking about it. Didn't matter. People were shitheads about me being vegan regardless. Half of my workplace made retarded jokes about it with shit eating grins on their faces as if I was expected to laugh with them. And don't even ask about my family. Alright fuck okay I'll tell you a little story. My sister always criticized me for being an outspoken vegan (she was vegan for her health only) and now that her husband's family is non-stop harassing her about it she's coming to me for advice.

Check your fucking privilege. Meat eaters rub their diet in the face of vegans in an obnoxious way because they're fucking scum. Vegans try to inform you and you fucking cry about it like we're bullying you lol.

>> No.7689035

just wondering, why do bodybuilders exist?

>> No.7689036
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Stupid thread is stupid.

>> No.7689039

That's not a bodybuilder.

>> No.7689040
File: 135 KB, 704x774, 808221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check your fucking privilege

Back to tumblr with you

>> No.7689042

I'm sure the animals are more tired of you shoving them down your throat and paying for them to suffer.

>> No.7689043

I don't frequent tumblr but found the phrase fitting seeing as you're a little bitch.

>> No.7689045

the only good argument for vegan is reduction of co2 from raising barn animals...

also somehow there would be more food in the world... which we already do have a lot of but we are not giving to people who need it cus we are assholes who don't know how to force fat countries to feed poor nations...

>> No.7689047

You sound mad.

>> No.7689050

I should be mad, deep down I am, but yeah I'm laughing because you guys make it so fucking easy for me to feel superior and I guess I get a kick out of that.

>> No.7689058

Some vegans eat honey, especially ethical vegans consider buying honey supports bee survival and generally is not a cruel process. Also bees actually have the freedom to leave the hive rather than confined

>> No.7689071

Well meat eaters could stop broadcasting their diet by posting pictures of steak and meat and making vegan jokes but they won't, so just stop throwing a tantrum when someone online is a vegan

>> No.7689072


stupid shitty ideology for stupid shitty people

>> No.7689078
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>Well meat eaters could stop broadcasting their diet by posting pictures of steak
they're just being normal, they're not making a statement of their meat eating, just posting a pic of what they're eating, no one will judge you for posting a picture of a the doritos you're eating, you fat vegan fuck.

>> No.7689080

Are you kidding me, do you know how painful it can be to eat with a vegan. They have to vocalize how disgusted they are by what you're eating and how horrible of a person you are for not eating like they are, and how their appetites have been completely ruined.

I think many vegans just crave attention and unfortunately they act like jackasses to get it.

This is what it would be like if we meat eaters acted like you vegans.


>> No.7689089

By getting in my face? I know all about the the meat industry. I've even seen the slaughter of animals, and I still eat meat. I know the facts, the fact is though I just don't care. I like eating meat too much. Don't get me wrong, I'm for animals being as painlessly executed as possible in order for us to consume.

But I'm more concerned with the plight of humans than people eating meat.

You don't need to educate me, I know the facts, I'm just not bothered by them like you are. You're expecting me to experience the world the same as you, and assume if I don't then there must be something I don't know. I've seen ll the videos and "shock" videos and I'm still a meat eater, deal with it and get out of my face.

>> No.7689094

They're dead by the time they go down my throat so it's not like it matters?

>> No.7689102

"Meat eaters don't broadcast their food"
Broadcasts a picture of their food on a vegan thread
Keep me posted when a vegan posts tofu on a meat thread to trigger the meat eaters fag

>> No.7689105

>meat thread
that's the thing, that's not really a thing, and if it was, it wouldn't be a statement, it'd just be a discussion of meat preparation/appreciation.

>> No.7689117

"What are some good vegan recipes"
"Eat meat fag"
Like 4 actual recipes and a dozen triggered meat eaters on a thread that does not concern them, answer my question -is it common to see vegans go onto meat threads to start an argument, no.

>> No.7689123

You sound like the triggered one to me.

>> No.7689135

Vegetarian here. I made the exact opposite experience. Once meat-eaters know that you are living vegetarian they practically wave that shit in your face saying "Don't you want to taste it?", because they are trying to be funny. Guess what, it's not.
I don't enjoy the smell of meat, but I don't cry about it like a little bitch. I don't like any meat touching my food, but I don't mind sitting next to someone who eats meat. Neither do I have the urge to tell everyone that I am a superior vegetarian. I only ever bring that up when I am asked about it, or discussing it.

>> No.7689162

All the vegans I know go out of their way to let you know it, and try to shame you for eating meat in a passive aggressive manner.

>> No.7689164

>-is it common to see vegans go onto meat threads to start an argument


cf. every single "vegan" thread on /ck/ ever including this one.

>> No.7689169

Do you think meat eaters arent passive aggressive or judgemental towards vegans

>> No.7689178

I've heard vegans cry about it before, but generally what they mean by a meat eater being passive aggressive is if a meat eater eats meat in front of them. I've never seen any actual passive aggressive behavior only vegans looking for it so they can claim to be a victim.

>> No.7689188

eating little meat = eating no meat

>> No.7689198

"I've heard vegans cry about it" you mean you heard people on 4chan talk about it
Well I've never seen any passive aggressive behavior from vegans I think meat eaters look for it to act like a victim.
Stop acting like vegans and meat eaters act any different both get defensive about their diet. Only one is ridiculed when they get defensive, and one is supported.

>> No.7689222

Can't really talk for vegans, because I don't know any, but me and the few friends of mine that are vegetarians as well don't do that kind of stuff, UNLESS it is provoked with "But look at it, oooh, it's so tasty, don't you want to try it?"
And even then it is a simple explanation of no, I don't want to eat dead animals, thank you very much.

I can imagine, though, that vegans are a lot more extreme about it. There are always radical vegans AND meat-eaters, but just because they shout the loudest doesn't mean that everyone is like that.

People should just eat what the fuck they want, while perhaps informing themselves about what it is they are shoving into their mouths and where it comes from. I won't give up on my beloved cheese any time soon, and there are probably enough vegans that would scold me for it. Who cares.

>> No.7689232

>My anecdotes and non-sourced claims support my argument

Lean meat contains protein, which is needed for muscle growth.
Plants contain amino-acids, which can be combined to make protein. This requires balancing your diet. Also, most plants contain less amino acids than meat contains protein.

Just because proffesional lifters are super focused on diet and exercise does not mean it's easier to become a vegan bodybuilder than a omnivorous one. In any case it is harder for casuals, since they mostly don't have a clue about what they need, and what foods contain that.

Omnivores (e.g. noral humans) can become buff more easily since they can eat superfood vegans eat, AND eat meat. Vegans compensate with more exercise

>> No.7689245

>I don't want to eat dead animals, thank you very much

But why don't you mind eating dead plants then?

actual serious question

>> No.7689291
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>> No.7689292

Basically, plants don't have feelings, due to their lack of a central nervous system. That's the difference.
You can't live from air alone. You got to eat something. Better to not kill something with intelligence and emotions.
(And then there are the obvious environmental reasons, that eating plants themselves is causing a lot less plants to die than eating animals, blabla.)

>> No.7689302


is this the part where i link a bunch of videos of monkeys eating meat? they love the meat so much they will fight each other over it and only the strongest monkeys will get to eat the most of it and share very little with the others.

give a fuck what some faggot jamming needles in his ass thinks about his "natural gainz" as he inhales 20 scoops of whey isolate a day to meet his caloric needs

>> No.7689314

>this is what vegans actually believe

>> No.7689337

>Keep me posted when a vegan posts tofu on a meat thread to trigger the meat eaters fag
How fucking new are you? You retards are in every single god damn thread bringing up your retarded herbivore bullshit nobody wants to hear about.

>> No.7689343


That's not entirely true. Plants register pain, and their physical chemistry fluctuates in response to it.

Just because they don't express it the same way animals do doesn't mean they don't feel anything.

>> No.7689347


>> No.7689365


>A vegan diet is just more efficient in every way.

did they make the 10 lb. per day of supplements drinkable through a straw now, is that how its more efficient?
you know, the supplements that vegans have to take everyday so they don't die or kill their organs.

>> No.7689370


protip they are all killing their organs with the pounds of supplements/drugs they are taking

there is a reason why you will never catch these guys drinking alcohol because their body is already working so hard to process out all the shit they are taking and getting drunk can cause organ failure super easy

>> No.7689374

>Basically, plants don't have feelings
There's no proof of that, some scientists argue plants feel pain.

L. Ron Hubbard claimed that tomatoes make a silent scream when you slice them.

>> No.7689384

>Check your fucking privilege

wow, way to redirect your pent up hate cause you were too scared to stand up for your beliefs

also, i have literally no idea what the fuck 'check your privilege' means or is implying. all i can think about is picturing you in a picket line trying to make it illegal for white males to glance below the neck while looking talking to women in any situation ever

>> No.7689395

While I agree that veganism is a mental disorder with no basis in science, I don't think bringing L. Ron Hubbard into this on your side of the argument is helping.

>> No.7689414

>plant eaters
Sure, because they're not great at hunting, but the minute they get their hands on a little monkey it's a fucking bloodbath

>> No.7689419

that's the stupidest quote I've ever heard.
the worlds strongest animals are in the ocean and are definitely meat eaters

>> No.7689422


Also, who gives a shit about "Strongest"? Let's look at the smartest.

>> No.7689462


well humans are very obviously the smartest animals on the planet and they're also the first and only animals to think of veganism


>> No.7689468

What do you have against the man? He was a scientist, he just got some crazy ideas later in life, that doesn't mean everything he said is nuts.

>> No.7689506

It's impossible to live on this planet without killing something to live

Even if you were vegan/vegetarian the vegetables you eat are still living beings and also many many animals die in the fields like rats, shrews, insects, even deer so you can have your vegetables. Animal death is inescapable.

Best way to minimalize the animals you'll be directly or indirectly supporting to kill is to hunt and have a vegetable garden.

If you're a vegan to "save animals" sorry to say your method is not that much different than minimal meat consumption.

If you're doing it to be healthy then lol, have fun with B12 supplements and annoyingly specific foods in order to gain the things you need to actually be healthy.

>> No.7689516


every species has genetic failures

humans are the only ones that try to keep the failures alive

eugenics would have turned us all into super humans by now and cured the majority of diseases on earth but it hurts peoples feelings and so now we are doomed to de-volve and self destruct

>> No.7689518

>he just got some crazy ideas later in life,

That fact calls all his opinions into question. He may very well be right here, but certainly not on the basis of his name alone. I'd want to see the data he based that on rather than trust him implicitly.

>> No.7689520

That's not true. The ultimate humane eater is the fruitarian. The vegan is inhumane in that they kill plants.

>fruitarians will eat only what falls naturally from a plant

By only eating that which is already fallen and dead you are not killing any sentient or feeling entity.

Vegans need to step up their game and end their cruelty against plant kind by adopting a philosophy of fruitarianism.

>> No.7689526


>start a fake church
>become a rockstar millionaire
>tax free
>preserve your legacy forever

i don't think crazy is the right word... maybe abnormal? it was brilliant as fuck.

>> No.7689536

obvious bait but ill bite
death is a natural part of existing on this planet and every organism will kill something in order to survive. by avoiding that you're behaving unnaturally

every time i hear of a more "natural" way to eat things it's always extremely unnatural

>> No.7689556

Wearing clothes is unnatural, social development and eating habits and behavior change are human evolution happening before our eyes.

Our unnatural behaviors may appear unnatural in appearance but only when compared to what has come before, it is only "unnatural" because it is new... but it is actually natural in that we are just evolving.

>> No.7689578

The only argument I find valid about veganism is not wanting to support the tortuous conditions cattle are raised on. But that would leave room for wild hunt and free-range farming, which of course a vegan person will never go through.

>> No.7689636


Plans do not register pain because there is no need for it. The point of pain is for the creature to know that the wise decision is to run away, because pain = danger for the body. Plants are stationary and cannot run from danger. It's pretty simple biology, guys.
Plants might feel something, we just have no way of knowing. They are living beings, after all. Fact still stands that people have to eat and I personally don't have the time to stand beneath a tree all day waiting for the fruit to drop (fucking fruitarians, man) OR am lunatic enough to believe that air and sunshine is the only nutrition we need (fucking breatharians, man). Refraining from eating animals that have been treated poorly all their life is the lesser of two evils, imo.
And my other point still stands. Eating plans is destroying less plants then eating animals that ate plans.

>> No.7689794

"The world's strongest animals are plant eaters. GOrrilas, Buffalloes, Elephants and me."
>2007 (China) 14.
>2009 (Ukraine) 9.
>2010 (USA) 23.
What about all those people that did better than him in those world cups? Were they all vegans too?

>> No.7689797

>also the first and only animals to think of veganism
but also one that doesn't naturally engage in it. we're also the first ones to conceptualize pretty much everything, including carnivores.

>> No.7689800

>That fact calls all his opinions into question.
no it doesn't. The man behind a scientific study is 100% irrelevant

>> No.7689844

Cry some more.

>> No.7689854

>>The man behind a scientific study is 100% irrelevant
I agree. the study should be evaluated on its own merits. But you're not quoting the study.

All that was stated here was "L Ron Hubbard said X".

Until someone posts/links the study all we have is one man's opinion.

>> No.7689885

some vegans dont want to eat with people who eat meat from abused animals. so what? people don't like to live near paedophiles either.

>> No.7690031
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I think it merits further study.

>> No.7690052

>some vegans dont want to eat with people who eat meat from abused animals. so what? people don't like to live near paedophiles either.

Yea since those two are SO similar. You're retarded.

>> No.7690290

If vegans acted like meat eaters: "You know you're giving meat eaters a really bad name. I'll never be a meat eater anyway but I just think from my perspective as someone who will never do what you suggest regardless of your approach, that you should approach things differently."
"lol tofu tho"
"Humans have no conscience or emotions so we should definitely fund the torture of them for literally no reason."
"Meat eaters are always so pasty and fat. Yeah I've only ever met one - your point?"
"Is semen omnivorous?"
"Where do you get your fiber?"
"Oh, you're trying to prevent the abuse of children? Fuck you you self-righteous prick. ANIMAL LIVES MATTER MORE!"
"Found the meat eater."

It's painful eating with a vegan? Try being the animals tortured by meat eaters for literally no reason you whiny fuckhead.

>> No.7690299

Kill yourself. You don't appreciate life, you don't deserve life. If you care so little about the animals suffering you should have no problem slitting your throat.

>> No.7690309

Most animals don't suffer

They eat, sleep and then are killed without pain

>> No.7690321

You're funding the industries daily like you're a billionaire and it's your favorite charity. Also, supply and demand. Christ, I learned this shit in middle school, how old are you kids?

>> No.7690331

Maybe it's because they actually care about animals being tortured for no reason? And most likely you were a dick to them to begin with. Regardless, we don't have to pretend to enjoy the fact that you're destroying the planet for current and future generations while funding the torture of animals. We have reason to complain, but you're just a little bitch.

>> No.7690348

The animals care. You're not doing them any good by being vegetarian... And vegans should be shouting loud because what's happening is fucking ridiculous and needs to end NOW.

>> No.7690358

It's time to stop baiting

>> No.7690368
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Without meat how can you have a family?

>> No.7690369

Not really a fair statement. Herbivores are able to grow far larger than carnivores- huge carnivores need to eat so much that it isn't something the environment can sustain. They either can't catch enough food and starve or eat too much and run out, whereupon they starve.

>> No.7690372

LOL you fuckwit. http://www.forksoverknives.com/the-myth-of-complementary-protein/

Holy shit do you seriously think that the protein of meat isn't made up of amino acids? I'm dying here, lmao.

Rice protein has been proven to be just as effective as whey for muscle building. http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/first-double-blind-study-proves-plant-based-rice-protein-has-identical-benefits-to-animal-based-whey-protein-196818811.html

Vegans don't have to compensate at all and you're 100% talking out of your ass.

>> No.7690374

I know that, I don't care. I'm saying the animal doesn't care when it's going down my throat because it's dead. It doesn't feel to care.

>> No.7690379

He was an alchoholic drug addict nutjob?

>> No.7690381

Every family needs that edgy contrarian teen in the corner

>> No.7690382
File: 36 KB, 800x450, jiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill yourself. You don't appreciate life, you don't deserve life.

Jeez, ease up their jigsaw.

Are you saying the life of an animal is equivalent or worth just as much as a humans?

>> No.7690383

All of those are either completely unnecessary or have alternatives, and most of those products are usually made vegan. Try harder.

>> No.7690389

So? Oil companies are much worse for the world and its future than the meat industry. why aren't you ranting against them.

>> No.7690394

Not only that who gets excited to sit down together and share a plate of tofu? Meat brings people together.

>> No.7690395

Weak ass straw man. Especially since vegans don't eat whey lol.

And monkeys are not gorillas, but who gives a fuck, it was a joke.

>> No.7690400

Been a vegan for 6 years without supplements and I have perfect blood work.

The supplement industry exists primarily for meat eaters. But sometimes supplements can provide better nutrition than food alone could so I don't see why you're bitching about it like it's the devil's invention.

>> No.7690403
File: 968 KB, 550x309, cut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is irrelevant to the topic but that image reminded me of this. I don't think this way but it's awful funny.

>> No.7690408
File: 601 KB, 900x523, corpse_party_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to eat dead animals, thank you very much.

I do though. Vegans love to taunt the line

>My body is not a grave yard

as some cheap ploy they think will gross meat eaters out, when it doesn't, all it does is make meat eating sound cool.

I'm proud to say there is an animal corpse party going on in my stomach and a baby calf (veal) is coming for dinner.

>> No.7690414

>>My body is not a grave yard

Why do vegans say this? Do they refer to their own bodies as compost heaps?

>> No.7690416

Vegans are definitely less happy. Even by personality because it takes a special sort of person to care so much about something so trivial

>> No.7690421

I don't really care about trivial human issues honestly. I care about child abuse and animal abuse, and work to end both. (Feminism plays a role in ending child abuse btw - as someone who was physically abused nearly daily by a man for 9 years and told by her mother to ignore it til it's over and be nice as possible to him after, because men are just expected to be violent. Religion is a big problem for feminism and all of the family members I've become close to suffered physical abuse because of their religion. And they force these fucked up ideas on their kids too. I'm gonna stop there before I write an essay.)

>> No.7690423

>no basis in science

>> No.7690425

I tried that vegan shit and cried uncle after a week.

It's horrible. It gets redundant and bland really quickly, and all these vegans out there saying the substitute shit tastes the same or very similar, is bullshit. If you think it tastes anything like the real thing you either have no tastes buds or you haven't eaten meal in a looong time.

Never doing that crap again.

>> No.7690426
File: 9 KB, 250x188, 1463114754012s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end yourself

>> No.7690430

They think it sounds edgy and hip, while simultaneously trying to gross you out in hopes that it will get you to stop eating meat.

It's stupid shit that only grosses people who are already vegans out.

>> No.7690438

"But vegans kill animals too!" http://liberatehp.freeforums.net/thread/2/vegans-animals

You're a fucking moron and like over half of meat eaters are B12 deficient. Judging by your retarded comment I'd say you're severely lacking a supply of glucose to your brain, and B12.

And there's a FUCKING HUGE difference between "minimal meat consumption" and veganism. Do I really have to get into the environmental impact as well as the extreme abuse animals go through or can you guys read something other than 4chan for once and figure it out yourselves?

>> No.7690441
File: 99 KB, 640x920, elektra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating animals makes me feel alive. Feeling alive gives me purpose and drive. Therefore I shall continue doing so. Case closed.

>> No.7690444

You can't think of meals without animal products for a week???
anon you're just culinarily retarded

>> No.7690445

Maybe because it's fucking gross to eat animals and you have absolutely no reason to do that except ignorance and/or brain damage?

>> No.7690452

I eat meat but only raw meat, I'm not a fan of cooked shit.

Also I believe blood is good for the blood.

>> No.7690455

>brain damage?
Ironic that you say that because meat eating is what led to our larger brain sizes. Advocating for the abstaining from meat is literally retard tier.

>> No.7690457

Wouldn't it actually be edgier to say that your body is a graveyard and that you're proud of that fact?

>> No.7690460

They are though... Animals are fucking tortured their entire lives and they feel just as much pain. But it doesn't matter which is worse if either, don't contribute to either one. It's not fucking hard.

>> No.7690470

Human rights trump animal rights as humans are superior beings with superior sentience.

Sorry but animals and humans are not equals. You are literally arguing against natural selection.

>> No.7690471

Yeah no. https://goveganoroffyourself.wordpress.com/animals/


Animals are very much abused on even "Certified Humane" farms, but most animal products come from factory farms where they're full blown tortured as standard practice in all factory farms. (95-99% I forget the statistic but you get the fucking point.)

>> No.7690477

Don't leave the house. Your walking around frightens nearby ants. You might even step on one.

>> No.7690480

I'm a nanny for a vegan family with a 3 year old and an infant and I'm so fucking jealous I wasn't raised that way. Happiest, healthiest, smartest kids I've ever met.

>> No.7690481


nice source. I've been to farms and the animals are treated fine. Enough for me to continue to eat meat personally

>> No.7690485

Animal lives are worth much more than human lives like yours let's be fucking honest.

>> No.7690486

No they fucking aren't you fucking unbelievable dipshit. But I ride my bike when I can alright?

The animal agriculture industry is like 100000000000000000000 times worse for the planet and animals and humans and fucking everything than the oil industry.

>> No.7690491

We need a eugenics program against weeaboos.

>> No.7690494

Restriction of meat, fish, and poultry in omnivores improves mood: a pilot randomized controlled trial.

>> No.7690503
File: 36 KB, 564x421, Native Foods Oklahoma Veganized Bacon Cheeseburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a week
> a week
> a week

Been vegan 6 years and I'm still finding out new extremely flavorful vegan foods. I feel sorry for you for being so stupid you couldn't think to find anything to eat besides potatoes and bananas.

>> No.7690504

>39 people for two weeks

nice study

>> No.7690507

And then divided by 3 in each group. So 13 people

>> No.7690509


>> No.7690511

Why limit your flavor profile by becoming vegan?

>> No.7690513

>natural selection somehow means we're allowed to do whatever we want with “inferior” beings

If someone smarter than you needs a heart transplant, does this mean you should give yours up? Actually, that implies you'd have a choice. The superior being deserves your internal organs and should be able to take them whenever he pleases.

>> No.7690516


Hey, speaking of doing good for the enviornment, have you considered throwing away your computers, tablets, and smartphones? Do a little research about the slave labor and massive environmental damage caused by mining the metals for your precious text machine.

Oh, wait: throwing them away is a bad idea because the batteries are highly toxic. Better have them recycled instead.

>> No.7690517

What about vegans and vegan apologists?

>> No.7690518


>Deakin University health researchers have found that eating less than the recommended amount of red meat is related to depression and anxiety in women.

>> No.7690526

I've been to farms too and the animals were severely abused. AND HOLY FUCK YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE THEY'RE BEING SEVERELY ABUSED IN THE MANY VIDEOS AND THERE'S A FUCKING STUDY PROVING HOW BIG OF AN IDIOT YOU ARE. Good god. We need a fucking eugenics program.

>> No.7690527

Never happening I love eating crab and crab cakes waaay too much. It's one of the best foods God has given us. I'm not rejecting that gift on a platter.

>> No.7690532

some cherrypicked videos from America?

>> No.7690535

You don't? I've done nothing but expand my flavor profile. There is an endless amount of flavor in vegan diets. Don't give vegans a hard time just because you're too dumb to learn how to use anything but butter and barbecue sauce.

>> No.7690541

>I'm against abuse and suffering
>Advocates for eugenics

You're retarded you know that?

>> No.7690542

Anti-capitalist swine.

>> No.7690545

You do realize that not all farms are run exactly the same right?

>> No.7690549

There are literally hundreds of undercover investigations. Feel free to look for all of them but I didn't think most people would be willing to stomach all that. How many undercover investigations showing standard practice in the animal agriculture industry do you need to fucking see?

>> No.7690551

There are flavors present in meats that simply cannot be artificially produced in some hunk of soybean protein.

>> No.7690556

I'm a utilitarian and these people are making the abuse and suffering happen so it's fucking irresponsible to let them breed. They should be put away in work camps til they die or grow a brain.

>> No.7690565

>he thinks eugenics wouldn't reduce suffering
Good goy detected.

>> No.7690568

It's not standard at all

>> No.7690569

You do realize that most of them are right? I've worked in the industry and I've done 6 years of research. Don't fucking bullshit with me.

>> No.7690578

Holy fuck. Yes it fucking is. Pretty much everything you see in those videos is STANDARD. MEANING EVERY FACTORY FARM DOES THE SAME THING. I hope you're trolling and you're not actually this deluded and arrogantly ignorant.

>> No.7690580

Ah well I follow Kant.

>> No.7690585

I doubt it. I've been to plenty of meat farms and that would be illegal

And then there's the fact that I've never eaten American meat in my entire life. You seem to assume I have

>> No.7690593

Standard my ass. It's cherry-picked for propaganda purposes.

>> No.7690595

i like beans, never liked meat
when my qt gf started to breast feed our kid it made it all clear, so i stopped consuming dairy

so my thoughts on veganism?
it's nice

>> No.7690611

Oh God, were you one of those "undercover" expose people that PETA sends to the animal farms desperate to get something breaking for their next propaganda piece?

If not, you know how long those asshole go to various farms filming for hours on hours on end capturing absolutely nothing? Ever wonder how much film is edited out and thrown away?

>> No.7690635

I buy all my meat from here. All humane and all organic.

Would you have issue with eating meat bought from here?



I highly recommend you visit them and purchase some ethical grade a clean organic meat.

>> No.7690654

None of it is illegal you shameless fucking liar.

>> No.7690660

Educate yourself you fucking jackass. All of it is fucking standard. I've seen hundreds of undercover investigations. It's a fucking obvious fact not even the factory farmers would deny, unless maybe they were posting on 4chan and trying to confuse people.

>> No.7690663

I actually know exactly how much because I've spoken with undercover investigators for Mercy For Animals.

And here's an interview with one:

>> No.7690666

Meat is bad for your health and even if it was an absolutely magical place, you're still unnecessarily breeding and taking the lives of animals for no reason except to eat gross food.

>> No.7690722

I think you killed him

>> No.7690735

Maybe not, but they can be improved. Try Gardein for example. A meat eating acquaintance of mine has a fridge literally stuffed with Gardein because he likes it better than meat.

>> No.7690745

Nice autism, fatso

>> No.7690750

>What do you guys think about veganism?

literal faggots

>> No.7690751

Thats complete bullshit. Stop with the propaganda that being vegan is easy and roses and sunshine.

Not in moderation. Same thing goes for alcohol, those who drink a glass of wine a day are healthier than those who drink heavily or those who abstain completely. Meat is similar.

>> No.7690753

Responding to stimuli isnt feeling pain

>> No.7690754

>Linking to reddit

Holy kek, they're not even trying to hide it anymore fellas.

>> No.7690756

Just stop, you can never talk reason to the militant vegists. It's not worth your time or effort to even try. Hide the thread and move on.

>> No.7690758

>meat is similar

No its not, and that glass of wine a day bullshit increasingly becoming bullshit.

>> No.7690761
File: 458 KB, 500x375, traumatized now fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, that's it. I'm going vegan after reading this thread.

Nope, nope, nope.

>> No.7690765

As opposed to being a militant retard like yourself?

>> No.7690767

It's an interview you fucking mongoloid. And as if 4chan isn't worse than reddit. Fucking weeaboos and shills make up half of you fags.

>> No.7690770

>glass of wine a day bullshit increasingly becoming bullshit.

Someone isn't keeping up with their science news, a new study released shows those who drink moderately have better immune system health than those who drink heavily and those who abstain.
Nice try. Obviously you're already a vegan.

>> No.7690772

No it isn't at all actually and you know jack shit about nutrition.

>> No.7690785

>thinking the first world won't destroy third worlders for the sake of eating meat

I envy your naivety

>> No.7690794
File: 28 KB, 600x338, Marinating in Marino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste OP. Personally I wonder what it would be like to suck this dude's cock. What do you think?

>> No.7690797

Yeah theres a billion fucking new studies, it means jack shit.

>> No.7690809

I would love to find out. I have a pretty big crush on him. Especially after watching this video.


>> No.7690814


>> No.7690825

A study with fucking monkeys? Are you serious?

>> No.7690830

Is there crossover between /ck/ and /hm/?

>> No.7690834

Then doesn't that mean all your data on veganism being "healthy" is also equally worth jack shit?

>> No.7690837

Are you like anti-fun or something, you seem die hard to try and suppress any evidence pointing to the drinking of alcohol or the eating of meat as being even remotely fun...

>> No.7690841

You're assuming there are only two people in this thread lol.

>> No.7690854
File: 39 KB, 304x200, Moar please.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are precisely 58 posters in this thread.

>> No.7690883

Those must be some clever ass bodybuilders

>> No.7690935

true or not - just because you're a bodybuilder doesn't mean you win arm wrestling

>> No.7691009

rice, brown, has about 6 grams of protein per cup of cooked rice
a cup of cooked ground lean beef has 31 grams

the idea is that while vegitables may contain protein they are not as protein dense as meat often is

>> No.7691036

beans are a better source of protein than rice any way, a cup of black beans being twice+ as protein rich

>> No.7691043


beans and nuts nigger. no one eats rice for protein.

>> No.7691051

legumes motherfucker, eat it.

>> No.7691055

nuts are good but in some cases higher in fat and calories than meat, while being less filling, and expensive

>> No.7691061


Gorillas are opportunistic omnivores. They are sedentary animals, that move to an area then sit on their asses all day eating whatever they can get their hands on before packing up and moving on. They don't actively hunt, but if they can get a hold on small animals they'll eat 'em just the same.

Horses are omnivores, too. Pregnant mares in particular will hunt and eat small animals like mice to supplement their protein intake.

>> No.7691064

I thought many nuts were rich in healthy, good fats.

>> No.7691069

im tired of figuring out good or bad, i keep seing arguments that there is no such thing as good fat, and i dont know what to properly believe about it

>> No.7691086

What does being a sedimentary creature have to do with anything?

>> No.7691090


>weight lifter
>worried about fat

just easy calories bro. throw some muhfukken peanut butter in my whey protein shake.

>> No.7691296

Lol this retard thinks the study was talking about cups of rice instead of rice protein being compared to whey.

>> No.7691304

Whey tastes like fucking shit. Try some pea, rice, and hemp protein. Same results, no animal abuse, and tastes way fucking better.

>> No.7691503

Baileys now has a vegan option, Trader Joe's has vegan marshmallows.

The world is changing. Veganism is the way of the future.

>> No.7691551
File: 262 KB, 651x1600, 397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Is it so hard to believe more than one person could want to talk about veganism on a food and cooking board?
no dumbass. thats why you're being told that this thread has been had before, a lot, and its always bait. Actual vegans who want to talk veganism post recipes and ignore cucks who insult diets, they don't opinion poll a contraversial topic like some kind of quadruple retard incapable of forseeing the result. so either you are so stupid you shouldn't be able to breath, or you're a troll just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.7691555

capitalism is retarded. objectively retarded, evidence you ask? the earth is a finite space with finite resources. capitalism is based on exponential growth and expansion. I'll go ahead and just assume you know what that means. if you don't, you should not be allowed to talk on any subject having to do with anything.

>> No.7691937

Or maybe veganism is about more than the recipes you fucking genius.

>> No.7691940

All the slowest animals eat plants

>> No.7692020

if you are not a troll then you are a gary yurofski tier degenerate beta male

>> No.7692030

>Gary Yourofsky

lol you're trying too hard. Take a breather.

>> No.7692077

>gorillas are slow
>rabbits are slow
>gazelles are slow

You're pretty slow yourself buddy.

>> No.7692378

>251 posts
>64 posters
>almost 4 posts/faggot
Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls...

>> No.7692930

What are you talking about?

Gazelles have the legs of gazelles and therefore are fast. Also Gorillas are much faster than humans especially when angry.

>> No.7692951

I'd say world's strongest animals are hippos and whales. Hippos could definitely fuck anyone up.

>> No.7692952

What the fuck is Baileys and Trader Joes? Your a yankee aren't you?

>> No.7692956

No it would be an orca or elephant or some kind of whale.

>> No.7692980

Don't eat meat or fish
but I love my ice cream. still tell people I'm vegan :)

>> No.7693003

Both orcas and whales love meats though

>> No.7693026

Pretty certain that ants eat plants. They use any food they find to cultivate a fungus wich they eat.

>> No.7693080

I understand the argument of vegetarians, I don't accept it but I can understand it and relate to it.

What I don't understand is the argument of veganism, against every and all animal products, it seems just full blown retarded.

>> No.7693116


Veganism is essentially just a less strict variation of vegatarianism

this is like saying you can understand fascists but not conservatives

>> No.7693118

Because the dairy and egg industry are probably just as or more cruel than the meat industry.
Health-wise dairy and eggs are unhealthier than meat.
And if you're talking nature, it's more natural to eat meat than the milk or eggs of another species.
Don't understand why people go veggie rather than just cut out dairy and eggs but still eat meat tbqh

>> No.7693308

>Veganism is essentially just a less strict variation of vegatarianism

Uhhh, it's more strict, they can't eat eggs or milk or honey while vegetarians can. Vegans are a more extreme form of vegetarianism.

>> No.7693311

>Health-wise dairy and eggs are unhealthier than meat.

Source on that?

>Because the dairy and egg industry are probably just as or more cruel than the meat industry.

So do vegans have no issue with people eating free range eggs and drinking free range milk?

>Don't understand why people go veggie rather than just cut out dairy and eggs but still eat meat tbqh

Because killing is not involved, unless of course you think a chicken's egg is not potential life but that the fetus is an individual chicken with rights and freedoms.

>> No.7693324

If you're actually not trolling, there are like a bazillion vegan ice creams. Ben n Jerry's recently came out with some. Not my favorite personally out of the many delicious vegan ice creams but yeah. Cashew milk ice cream is my personal favorite, along with Rice Dream pies and Trader Joe's soy creamy cherry chocolate chip ice cream and their soy ice cream sandwiches. You can also pretty easily make vegan ice cream yourself. I used to do it when I was more poor.

>> No.7693355

Vegetarianism is fucking retarded. It does fuck all for your health, fuck all for animals, and fuck all for the environment. Veganism is the only real solution.

What. Veganism is stricter than vegetarianism. Feels weird calling it strict though because it's easy as fuck.

Free range eggs is a marketing tactic. The term "free range" means essentially nothing. And they're still abused. Male chicks are ground up alive as the most standard method of getting rid of the males who make no profit. Beaks are burnt off to keep hens from killing each other due to the high stress environment. And they're bred to produce more eggs than their bodies can handle, are starved to force molting, etc., etc. And don't get me started on free range milk.

Killing is fucking definitely involved in egg and milk production... Just as much so as the meat industry.

>> No.7693375

Shows you know jack shit about farming.
I was raised on a dairy farm, for the cow to produce milk you need a calf, if the calf is female it may live but if it's a male they are usually killed for veal or since meat eaters find veal cruel the calf is just killed as waste. Some male calves may be raised for beef but the potential for profit is low and it would cost too much so they are usually just killed. The female cow goes through constant pregnancy and milking until she is spent and killed. This isn't rare cases, this is the norm. This is what my family's dairy farm did, this is what most dairy farms do. These are the best cases where the cows can graze in fields and other than constant pregnancy and milking have okay lives, this is the best cade scenario, other dairy cows have much worse lives.
Same with eggs, male chicks yield no potential for profit and are killed. The best case for chickens is if the farmer gives them about 40% of their own egg to regain nutrients they lose from producing it. General practice for chicken farms is killing the male chicks, life of producing eggs, and then killing the chickens when they are spent.

Also the criteria for free range is not as clear cut as you think.

>> No.7693802


>> No.7693854


fuck off OP


>> No.7694287


This was already responded to here:

Defensive meat eaters just aren't funny. You guys are so desperate though to hate vegans and comfort yourselves that you're pretending anything in that video is funny. That's literally the only reason that video is popular. The rest of his videos have like only 10000 views lol. He has to rely on desperately defensive pussies to get views.

>> No.7694309


Wow, so one strongman is a vegan. What about the 90% of athletes who aren't?

>> No.7694675

99% of people in the world aren't vegans you fucking dummy. And you don't even get the point. The first thing most people say when they meet a vegan is, "Where do you get your protein?"

Obviously Patrik Baboumian and all the other professional vegan athletes (Olympians, MMA fighters, etc.) have no problem getting protein.

Also, Patrik Baboumian isn't just a strong man, he's the STRONGEST man.

>> No.7694795

dude, he's full of roids.

but i'd genuinely be interested in some vegan food options, that's actually why i came to this board.
pretty disappointed.

>> No.7694797

>He's the strongest man.

Of like what? Germany, What the fuck is that suppose to prove? Like where are you trying to get at? That you can body build with a vegan diet for some people? Reality check kid, Not all diets are going to work for everyone. Grow the fuck up and find something better to argue like actual issues such as i don't know, Women being treated like shit in the middle east instead of worrying about animals that would sooner shit on your carcass the moment you die or eat you.

Kill yourself retard.

>> No.7694833

If you don't eat your meat, how can you have any pudding?

How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!

>> No.7694845

>he's full of roids

So is every top level athlete

>> No.7694851

Please spare your family any more time with your insufferable ass and just shoot yourself already you waste of fucking oxygen

>> No.7694930

Newcomer here.

Says the beta vegan cunt. Eat shit and tree bark like the degenerate you are and get fucking shot like one

>> No.7694933

No one cares you fat fucking faggot. Go end your worthless life now since it's obvious something as inconsequential to you as veganism is making you sperg out like the waste of life you are

>> No.7695112
File: 163 KB, 960x960, mfw vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TL;DR meattard arguments

>> No.7695196
File: 32 KB, 774x500, 1460800785525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a vegan shitposting thread again

>> No.7695242
File: 164 KB, 1024x1276, IT HAS NO BEEF HA HA HA HA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey anon, whatcha eatin?"
"Just some chili."
>It's actually vegan chili

Who else /sneakyvegan/ here?

>> No.7695311

but all chili is vegan, because chili is a spice?

>> No.7695323

it is 100% the blue whale if you measure the pure force exerted by the body of the animal.

>> No.7695385

Did you not click the link in the OP? Tons of recipes and vegan food options.

If you don't have a Pinterest which I can understand though seriously that board alone is worth making an account for. Made the board before they made it so you had to create an account so I apologize. One of these days I'll transfer all the recipes and shit to a new site.

And yeah, what the other person said about the roids. Been over this already in this thread.

He has multiple world records for weight lifting.

A vegan diet can work for everyone you fucking retard. Get out of here with your "listen to your body" pseudoscience.

And there are women being treated like shit here and I do seek to end that. Religion is a huge cause of the violence, and cultural norms that tell men they can't show emotions except anger don't help. People equate being violent with being "manly".

And I'm not sure what I can personally do about women in the Middle East but I know I can help stop animals from being fucking tortured and the environment being destroyed here. If you want to let me know how I can help women in the Middle East please let me know but I'm going to take an educated guess and say you don't give a shit about them either.

>> No.7695398

This post is bait.

>> No.7695481

Words can have more than one meaning, and the dish chili is usually meat, spices and tomatoes. Without meat it's more like tomato soup

>> No.7695508

This is b8.

>> No.7695512

Yeah, I compensate by adding red cargo rice in the place of beef.

>> No.7695597

You have no fucking idea how capitalism works. When a resource becomes scarce its value increases this funds the development of alternative resources. Capitalism is literally just a method of maximizing the value of resources via the invisible hand.

>> No.7695622
File: 67 KB, 525x808, vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7695634

>check out a vegan thread
>3/4ths of the posts are "I eat meat xD"

Questions for vegans, do any of yall crave any meat/animal product dishes since becoming vegan? Do any of yall consider oysters to be vegan? (I do) Anyone excited for lab grown meat?

>> No.7695649

it's the result of a plant based diet, you have to eat all the time and not expend too much energy

>> No.7695659

How do you know if someone's a carnist?

Don't worry, they'll stuff their fat fucking faces with burgers right in front of you

>> No.7695770

I hate carnists, they're dirty, smelly, rude, and their games are always rigged or have really shitty prizes.

>> No.7695789

When I first went vegan I craved tuna salad on saltine crackers but I'm totally over it because I've found much tastier foods since. It was my favorite snack though back in the day. Other than that, no.

Don't know about oysters. Never cared to eat them. My concern would be how they farm them I guess if they truly don't feel or anything. I'm excited for lab grown meat but I think it's retarded at the same time. Still unhealthy and gross. But if other people want to eat stuff that affects their health negatively that's fine I guess.

Couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.7695831

Vegan Olympic weightlifter Kendrick Farris recently broke the American lifting record in the Men's 94kg clean-and-jerk


>> No.7695863


>> No.7695871

lol wat?

>> No.7695890

wow, blaming religion for your own personal life choices
since you had let someone physically abuse you for 9 years you're trying to change other peoples beliefs about eating habits?
(and i say you let it happen because if your case was like most of the rest, you literally could have walked away at any time and mentally hardened yourself to endure it thinking you had to)

>> No.7695906

lol then you misread my post
there's nothing wrong with supplements
every vegan i know has to take them in order to have a balanced nutritional diet, worst case they can have organ failure
supplements weren't designed for normal eating habits alone, they were designed for anyone who needed to supplement their diet with nutrients they couldn't readily get
$20 you finally figured out where they got the name for suplements

>> No.7695907

I was a child and I chose to be homeless but my mother kept calling the police, and I also had it drilled into me that I couldn't tell anyone and I'm still currently having my life threatened by my main abuser if I ever tell anyone.

And religion is the cause of 99% of the physical abuse in my family and I know that a lot of other people deal with physical abuse because religion tells them stupid shit like they can't get a divorce or that men are supposed to beat their wives. My aunt has brain damage now and a permanent limp because her husband is a religious fanatic who abused her over stupid beliefs. My mom and sister both stayed with physically abusive men as well because they didn't believe in divorce.

>> No.7695913

>literally no reason
for food?

>> No.7695920


>> No.7695922

You can eat vegan food you absolute mongoloid. How sad is it that you people actually see animal carcass and secretions as food.

>> No.7696001
File: 60 KB, 780x585, Vegan food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7696004

Humans are also the first species to have members shove glass jars up their anus.

>> No.7696073
File: 173 KB, 285x316, 1459456918861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My influence on others has been humbling

>> No.7696108

Vegan food tastes so much fucking better than animal based food. You should fucking smell your "food" after two years of being vegan. It smells worse than garbage. In fact, if you threw a piece of chicken in a pile of rotting trash, the smell of the chicken would actually be improved.

>> No.7696252
File: 831 KB, 1121x752, vegan food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7696275

yeah the IFBB doesn't allow steroid users either
guess jay cutler and lee priest are natty now

>> No.7696299

>american lifting record
its trash

>> No.7696724

Autism and a terrible fad.

>know this white girl living in japan
>dating a jap
>recently started talking about how Japan "isn't racist" even though she knows that's bull for all the shit they gave her and some of her friends for moving in
>now she's saying she wants to go vegan
>this was right before she paid for her cat to get a very useless surgery done
>now she's adopting another cat, and this one is genetically deformed
>instead of letting it die she decided to pay the "awful evil breeders" that "bred it that way" to get it away from them and claims she's going to get them in trouble for it somehow

I really hope both her cats die or she sinks even more of her money and goes homd, she is fucking retarded. The only thing that could make her truly abhorrent now is if she forces her cats on a vegan diet.

Vegans are just wasting away their money and health.

>> No.7696853
File: 10 KB, 225x225, latsbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latsbrah will always be my favorite body builder, he is the most based body builder of them all.

>> No.7696856

Here's his youtube channel, watch how based he truly is and show him what you owe him, awe.


>> No.7696864

Are those who eat meat for the flavor but always throw it up and only allow their stomachs to digest vegetables considered vegan? I mean they're not technically eating meat so...

>> No.7697003

Why are you on a cooking board if your cooking knowledge is so limited you don't know how to live on something other than animal products for over a week?

>> No.7697179
File: 64 KB, 500x500, Tasty-Crunchable-Birdses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animal products are tasty.

Animal products are crunchy, animal products are juicy.