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7675809 No.7675809 [Reply] [Original]

Alcohol thread

>> No.7675832

Alright boys, i'm starting to get weirded out by myself.

Whenever I blackout drunk I do some really weird shit. Almost every time I go knock/bang on my parents bedroom door , I have no idea why. They tell me in the morning and I have no recollection of it , and have no idea why I would do that. They say I usually just knock on it but last night after knocking the night before, starting violently banging on it. WTF?

Also I checked my internet history, and even though I passed out around 1am, between 3-5am I youtubed some seriously hardcore black death metal shit that I normally would never listen to. the album names are frightening, its even more frightening that i dont remember any of this and cant understand why i did any of this shit

anyone else do weird shit when they black out?

>> No.7675843

piss everywhere

>> No.7675856


yea that happens to me as well, it doesnt weird me out nearly as much as this other shit though.

i feel like im being possessed

>> No.7675881


I apparently get real gropey...

>> No.7675895
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what does dying from liver failure feel like?

>> No.7675902

What are you, 17?

>> No.7675904

I haven't seen discussion about alcohol in a culinary aspect in these threads for months, fucking alcoholic faggots. Make a discord or something and take your circlejerk there.

>> No.7675908


What does being a pussy feel like?
Ive drank heavily for nearly 10 years and recently had full bloodwork/organ tests done and everything is 100% healthy according to my doctors.

Feels good man

>> No.7675919

Move out you piece of shit, before you piss on your mother and rape your father.

>> No.7675932


Fuck off faggot, alcoholic threads have been a part of /ck/ since forever, take your faggotry elsewhere

>> No.7675935



I ended up with withdrawls, insomnia for days after being on a bender for weeks, pissed blood, shit blood, puked blood, got hooked on benzos for dealing with alcohol withdrawl.. and im 26

how did you come through with nothing?

>> No.7675936

what bands did you listen to

>> No.7675942

>Pour a glass of rum at night
>Think I'm going to drink a lot
>Two hard drinks and I'm still not tipsy
>Not thirsty anymore either
I fucking hate my irish genes.

>> No.7675955


mostly was gorgoroth and caliban

i normally listen to electronic shit and hip hop so idno man, feels weird

>> No.7675956
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>> No.7675968


two hard drinks?

I used to drink a pint of rum a night during the week just to fall asleep. it didn't even work after a while

>> No.7675988

Not him, but I did 10 years daily drinking and have had very little problems other than weight gain and sleepless nights when quitting. It's them magical genes man. Getting off nicotine did fuck me up though.

>> No.7675993

>he fell for the "alcohol is hardcore and masculine" meme
o i am laffin

>> No.7675997

Does anyone else here drink straight gin or is it just me?

>> No.7676004

check out Murmur next time you are blackout angry
super good drummer

>> No.7676014

i dunno how guys do it

after 3 days of drinking i just wake-up feeling too shit to drink any further into the week

im jealous

>> No.7676046
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I fucked up again.
I spent 2 years being a shitty alcoholic. Fighting, driving drunk, breaking things, hurting people.

I stopped 6 months straight until mid-april, when I started to have a beer or two with friends.
Last week end I bought some whisky, telling myself how it would be great to sip some liquor after coming from work. Enjoying just a drink or two. I'm a changed men now I'm in control of my drinking.

I emptied the bottle, got arrested by the cops for starting a fire in a public parc (i live in a super urban area of a major NA city).

I woke up the next morning with burn holes in my new clothes I could finally afford because I had some cash saved since I wasnt drinking. My hole bedroom was smelling like shit. The was blood in the kitchen since I hurted my foot. My kitchen counter where a mess of empty glasses and spilled food.
It took me 2 days before I could get out of bed and clean the mess.

Why are we like this my friends?

>> No.7676069

I had two cans of beer last night. They tasted good and relaxed me. Why would you drink any more than that.

>> No.7676089

to get drunk, u srs?

>> No.7676135

Wanna speak culinary merit?

Does Grand Marnier liqueur have any drinking merit, or is it just for cooking?

>> No.7676312

makes good margaritas if you just use tequila and lime juice.

>> No.7676332

well OP I was on the road to alcoholism but I got out after I was killing a 12 pack a night. drinking heavy on weekends, and showing up to work piss drunk or hungover. I thank the good lord oden that I didn't get too deep and I was able to tell myself to slow down. I stopped drinking for a few months and now I have been able to drink 2-3 every couple of days if I feel like it. but as of writing this I haven't had any beer or liquor in about a week.

>TLDR I learned moderation, true alcoholics though there is hope.

>> No.7676347

Listening to music and stand-up comedy while working my way through a 12pk of beer, have a bottle of bumwine on standby to get that extra boost into sleepyland.

>> No.7676479
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Just added this to the collection today thanks to my tax refund.

>> No.7677061
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i need advice from seasoned alcholics. whats the most cost effective/least painful liquour i can buy to get wasted.

>> No.7677079

I don't know. All I know is I wake up on the floor somewhere with the deepest sense of elation. Everything seems to be in order apart from the empties strewn about the place.

>> No.7677273

been drunk for 6 days straight and just delaying the inevitable withdrawals. Tomorrow is gonna suck

>> No.7677279


>least painful

You're not at al/ck/'s level, son. You won't care about that when you're drinking a fifth per day.

>> No.7677289

not sure how you can pull that off?

after 3 days straight drunk, my body has released so many counter-alcohol hormones and stimulants that i cant relax even with a full bottle of vodka

explain please?

>> No.7677296

vodka mixed with some kind of juice

also drink some gatorade or powerade before you pass out. you will piss out electrolytes like potassium and magnesium. also take a little bit of b-vitamin supplement tablet before you pass out.

this may sound extreme but you wanted the answer and there you go

>> No.7677338

I'm not that drunk anymore, just drinking beer to hold off the withdrawals

>> No.7677339

Holy fuck

>> No.7677344

well... good. keep drinking beer *sparingly* to hold them off. you wont have a big problem if you do that tomorrow. maybe a beer an hour, huh?

>> No.7677347

I usually just deal with it and go cold turkey, a couple days of bad anxiety and then felling normal again...until the next bender

>> No.7677349

same with me. 24 hours after is pure hell. 48 hours after is half that bad. 72 hours after is almost good again.

i will remind you that taking b-vitamin pills speeds up your recovery period a lot. i mean A LOT.

>> No.7677353

>alternating benders and cold turkey
>not just drinking moderately every day forever

>> No.7677355

>I am a weak piece of shit who got addicted to a drug for 10 years straight but this means I'm strong like a real manly guy cos the doctor said my pathetic decade of escapism didn't harm my liver

>> No.7677357

thanks for the tip. I also noticed that a lot of W/D symptoms are because of low blood sugar. Even though I dont feel like eating, a couple pieces of chocolate has a noticeable effect

>> No.7677362

nice. pay attention to whatever works for you. however... this is based on my experience and that of others' i have witnessed. its a losing battle. you eventually just get utterly defeated. however long you can draw that out is really a matter of skill.

>> No.7677367

went on a 4 day bender with fifth a night with a 6 pack to wash it down

starting to get withdrawls and i got no sleep last night

shit sucks, really want to quit so i dontn feel like shit all the time.

>> No.7677371

Left work early on Thursday to get drunk. Had twelve shots, then decided I needed exercise and went running. I fell over at one point and scraped up my hands and knee.

Friday I decided I needed to get drunk again because, well, it was Friday. I had a bottle of wine and 1.5L of beer, then decided I needed to go running. I almost puked and had to walk most of the route. At least I didn't fall over that time.

After feeling sick as shit on Friday I decided I need to cut back on booze for a while.

My wife came home on Saturday with 120oz of different gins that I haven't seen before that she brought from out of state.

At least I'm not an alcoholic.

>> No.7677398

without a doubt it is only you. no one else ever, likely.

>> No.7677409

cheap bitch beer tier alcohol
also which boxed wine is the least ass tasting

>> No.7677410

I can't imagine wanting to go running after even a couple drinks. I used to like to run after smoking a little weed though. I'm not even motivated enough to play most video games when I drink.

>> No.7677414


lol do you always decide to run when drunk? you'll probably hurt yourself if you keep at it.

I used to bike home drunk all the time until I smashed my head and fucked up my fav jeans. luckily my head was only bleeding and I didn't really mess anything up. I'd say running is lower risk, but still, even a sprained ankle is a bitch to deal with. quit with the drunk running mayn.

>> No.7677417

My idea was something like "I am definitely not going to want to run later with a hangover, and if I run now the alcohol will numb the pain."

It kind of worked the first time because I wasn't on the brink of vomiting, so I actually got a good workout.

As soon as I got back and sat down the alcohol hit me super hard and I almost blacked out.

>> No.7677506

So do your coworkers treat you like garbage?

I've shown up to work hungover as Fuck a few times, months ago. Probably smelled like booze. They make passive agressive comments about drinking on the job to me on a daily basis and I'm ready to lose my shit on these assholes.

>> No.7677766

>not just smoking weed every now and then


>> No.7677776

>not smoking weed all the time because you grow more than you can smoke

>> No.7678130

I'm just tired of drinking alone

>> No.7678153

No I never really got any shit. Mostly because I worked nights and everyone was just too busy to get the fuck out of the restaraunt. My boss did pull me aside a few times though. Just stay cool they dont know you or your struggle. And you cant really expect them to unless they want to really open up and talk about it.

>> No.7678193

After drinking two bottles of wine I fell asleep then woke up to my heart beating really fast like I've just ran a mile. I quit drinking because I'm worried I could die.
Not bad at all, I really like the sound as if it was produced in a garage. Black metal was originally supposed to sound like that. Rebelling against mainstream metal was the way to go.

>> No.7678222
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I don't understand why people like to be smashed drunk.
I mean I enjoy alcohol and often drink like 2 liters of beer (not wifebeater beer) in the evening which gets me drunk but not like depressed drunk or something like that, although I like that bluesy feeling it gives.

Why do you guys do it if you end up so miserable ?

>> No.7678249


>responsible drinking is wasteful drinking

Everyone started like you, not a single alcoholic just decided that he is going to become one. You just wake up one day and realize that you're an alcoholic and you always will be, even if you successfully stop and don't drink for years just one drink can send you right back in the vicious cycle.

>> No.7678267


I went through a phase of chatting to my friends on social media when absolutely hammered, managed to hold coherent conversation for the most part but the more I did it the bolder I would get and I did say some very strange things to them.

Don't go on social media at all now when I am drunk.

>> No.7678316

>Black metal was originally supposed to sound like that
sounds like varg heh
I do love me some first wave black but all metal is fun metal

well im the drunk one this time
Ive always loved this album
Murmuüre, Murmuüre

then the always fun

followed by the classic
>that cymbal crash

My bender is almost a month long now, its gotta end soon. Id really like to graduate

>> No.7678395

Always been a heavy drinker. Now I've managed to fall in love with a girl I can't have and I feel like it's pushing me over the edge.

>> No.7678572

How the fuck do you get rid of the anxiety after a bender I want to kill myself fuck the racing thoughts never end

>> No.7679512

If you are prescribed Bezos or have access to them, they help.
Other than that, I find doing some kind of physical activity, like running or cycling, helps

>> No.7679526

>getting drunk off 4 cans

>> No.7679580

wew I remember when I would have 3 Coors Lights, step outside for a Djarum Black with a 4th Coors and be ready to pass out by then. Now I drink nearly a 12 pack of the stuff on a light night and about half a pack of Camel Blues.

On the subject of light beer, Coors Light is the king.

>> No.7679603


>> No.7679612

anyone build up an extreme tolerance to liquor?

i can't get drunk anymore. no matter how much vodka i down, there's no buzz. i just feel sick. but my head stays clear.

>> No.7679615

Well, if faced with the post drinking anxiety I usually just start drinking again. But I drink everyday anyway.

>> No.7679624

Actually if you keep drinking really hard you will lose that and start feeling drunker on less. But that's just the usual, I don't know if you'd be different for whatever reason. You're not at a point where it's really bad in my opinion though, and you could use this as an opportunity to NOT explore how much worse it can get.

>> No.7679630

take b vitamins, drink gatorade. you can get rid of it fast.

>> No.7679632

>falling into extreme substance abuse over a woman
It's a bad idea mate, I must say.

>> No.7679666

This is very true. I literally don't know how I can cope at night without drinking and steering my thoughts directly away from her.

>> No.7679672

I understand how you feel, but honestly it's specifically this kind of drinking for this reason that can legitimately turn into life ruining material. I don't know what to recommend, but at least just keep it in mind this could seriously fuck your life up if you keep doing it for this kind of a reason.

>> No.7679679

I wholeheartedly agree. I've been drinking for a little over a year, haven't talked to her since before she got married about 2 years ago. Genuinely lost all aspirations and hope for life.

Luckily, I have a steady, easy job at $15 an hour that accommodates my declining health.

I'll also so, I never liked weed, but it definitely helps on weeks where I want to cut back and let my body regenerate a little.

>> No.7679709

Oh dude I mean you're definitely in shape to survive then. You have to just keep living and I promise you your feelings will change in time, at least somewhat, and it is possible things can actually change.
Drinking because you like to is fine. And you can even have a few drinks every day and not be an alcoholic. But I would like to impress upon you that in my personal experience, drinking to surppress or mitigate emotions has the potential to lead to years and years of personal trouble for you.
Also I would suggest you don't think of yourself in declining health after only doing this for a year, unless you really hit bottles of liquor like a maniac everyday or something.

>> No.7679758

Main thing is I think my pancreas is a little swollen, something is definitely wrong with my stomach lining and I may have an infection in my upper intestine towards the left side of my body.

Bloody toilet paper if I binge especially hard. I'm trying to quit smoking though. I appreciate some of the alcoholic advice.

>> No.7679782

It is genuinely horrible to be alive. I don't wonder why we drink. I wonder why we can't recognize it's terrible to make more people

>> No.7679831

The people that make those comments are usually trying to cope with their own addictions.

>> No.7679913

>missing the point of the post

>> No.7679921

Evening gents, told myself I wouldn't drink tonight. Ended up having a beer to throw the hangover at 3pm, been drinking since so business as usual.

Worst part is, I don't feel bad. Good beer, good music, and peace and quiet. I don't really care about the long game.

>> No.7679952

Dude this guy going cavalier on the full anti natalism route.
My nigger. I wish I didn't have a tendency to agree with you. Maybe there is a reason to keep everything going, but at this point in my life, I just wouldn't want to give life to a human being who was predisposed to inherit my problems from the second of conception.
Who knows how it will all turn out though. I still have hope in spite of how horrendous so much of everything is.

>> No.7679965
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>open /ck/
>first thread: alcohol thread
I hate you all and I'm going to go drink heavily now to spite you
>made some dank weed tincture with black velvet
>shit's too powerful for you insecure self-centered faggots who can't drink right

>> No.7679973


>> No.7679997

Holy shit I'm not agreeing with that guy or anything, but how can you get this salty? Just don't even reply to these threads then.

>> No.7680200

I wish I knew what I was getting myself into when I started to drink 40's as a teen it was so fun waking up and having my gf go get me beer at 17 in the morning and just having a blast alone in my room now she's gone and I'm drinking fucking 7dollar 5ths of whiskey everyday to escape. I'm pretty happy when drunk so that's okay I'm sorry for the blog I rarely sad post keep on keepin on guys

>> No.7680237

>Not thirsty anymore either

>> No.7680306


learn how to use commas and periods

>> No.7680323

>what is alcohol tolerance

>> No.7680328

no, fuck you faggot. This is a imageboard


>> No.7680336


>getting blackout drunk alone regularly while still living with parents

Son, you need therapy. Soon.

>> No.7680341
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disgusting pleb since Maya age

>> No.7680816

On one hand I've not had a drink since the end of January when I left the hospital from a GI bleed, but on the other I've been taking oxycodone and morphine on a daily basis.

>> No.7680833

Gastro Intestinal ?

>> No.7680898

>ever working
Just go to a psychiatrist and spill all your shit out on the fucking table and attempt to get corrected.
Talking to a therapist is literally no more useful than talking to one of your friends off the cuff and in some cases worse.

>> No.7680937

I keep gaining weight and i think its because of the drinking, but i read somthing that empty calories means nothing so you can drink all you want and not fain a pound.

>> No.7680952
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god damn this shit is sour
I still kinda like it
Maybe lowkey love it

>> No.7680954

>drink all you want and not gain a pound
Well nah, I wouldn't say that really. I've never been on a steady workout regiment a day in my life, and I have definitely gained a bit of weight from drinking. I'm like 5'11' 155lbs right now and I drink almost like a half a fifth of vodka everyday. I swear it's like I should be fatter. I've never had a habit of overeating though and from the impression I get from other people I don't even eat that much despite doing the normal 2-3 meals a day shit.
Sorry for the drunken spontaneous blog post but my point was that I'm pretty sure alcohol is going to make pretty much anyone gain some weight.

>> No.7681091

Getting smashed is great if you do it in a pleasant social setting and you're taking care of yourself physically in other respects. Not that that excuses 90% of the people in this thread, but it's worth remembering.

>> No.7681121

Oh, horseshit. I grew up with a number of people who have had issues with addiction. They were clearly different from the early teenage Smirnoff Ice days. Addiction doesn't imperceptibly creep up on random social drinkers.

>> No.7681140

Two days sober, it isn't too bad.

>> No.7681149

Yeah, had an esophageal varasci (sp?) rupture from years of drinking and lost quite a bit of blood

>> No.7681155

getting smashed in pleasant social settings is an oxymoron.


>> No.7681171

depends on country. Speaking from my personal experience. Generally homebrew is the way to go unless you live in the US.

>> No.7681175

Correction: you're wrong.

>> No.7681217

>down to only two boxes of wine a week
>one for the work week
>one for the weekend

I am I going to make it? It's only 10L of wine a week.

>> No.7681241
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what's the most shameful experience you've had while drunk, al/ck/?

>> No.7681252

Getting my ass beat by a bouncer, pissing on gf, vomiting on self/others, calling ex gf and crying like a little bitch, punching friends in their faces, harassing homeless people, im sure there's more

>> No.7681263


Jesus, so many...aside from driving shithoused and terrible hook-ups...

>be at bar across from my apartment
>bar is next door to starbucks that my gf just started working at
>its the bartenders birthday
>everyone proceeds to get obliterated
>locks the doors after last call, we start smoking and drinking even more inside the bar
>dont remember getting home at all, wake up naked in shower, dying of hangover
>gf calls me from work crying, someone made a huge mess on starbucks patio, they made her clean it
>bartender friend texts me that the bar has me on security footage puking all over the starbucks patio, then passing out with my pants around my ankles and shitting everywhere
>he thinks it hilarious and deletes it immediately in case authorities or something start asking
>gf is still hysterical that she had to clean up that mess, i have to and comfort her, knowing i birthed that mess

>> No.7681383

lmao damn bro. waking up naked not remembering how you got there is one of the worst sensations ever

>> No.7681455

Not that anon, but do you mean "home brewing" liquor or beer?

>> No.7681650

Woke up naked in my garage. I lived in an apartment complex at the time so I would have had to go down two flights of stairs and through a communal courtyard to get there. The clothes I'd been wearing that night were still upstairs. Luckily my laundry was in my garage.

That or the time I woke up to find that I'd been trying to buy a furry-suit. Luckily I couldn't get my payment details right, thank god for that.

>> No.7681651

does it even matter?

>> No.7681669

it's the worst
I have to do a pint of vodka straight on an empty stomach and chase it with a bottle of wine to feel good enough. If I eat dinner or anything past about 3 I know there is no point in even trying to get drunk

>> No.7681836

do you watch incest porn?

>> No.7681841

I've never seen the most obvious made up life ever.

You're a kid with no job and you never drink. Stop lying on a Japanese cooking forum.

>> No.7681849

you are pathetic

I bet your THAT friend who bails and goes home during the first bar

>> No.7681855
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>> No.7681963

I chugged a fifth of Buffalo Trace Bourbon, snorted a 60 of course cut cocaine, then spent 4 hours talking to myself. I finished off my drunk by masturbating in my backroom, naked, jerking my dick off with canola oil and spit. My legs are still shaky and hurt. Im not going to stop, am I?

>> No.7681970

I think I need help. Ill probably die alone and scared on my dirty carpeted floor. Im really rich too. I have soundtrack to the 1st Ninja Turtle movie on cassette tape.

>> No.7681973

I should be killed by firing squad

>> No.7682009


Went to a birthday party with my gf. Drank a bathtub of cheap bourbon then took my gf on the roof. Last thing I remember I couldn't get it up and woke up naked on the roof. People were having a BBQ outside so they started throwing leftover vegetables to wake me up.

>> No.7682012

How is alcohol an excuse for anything?

>> No.7682023



>> No.7682219

I agree. Alcohol, like any other addiction is only a trigger for some underlying psychological problem. Addiction itself is an answer to daily stress, but daily stress doesnt always lead to addiction so alcohol addiction cannot be an excuse for anything.
Yeah, sometimes you cant control yourself while drunk, but if that means shitting and pissing the bed you're probably a lot further from simply coping with day to day stress

>> No.7682226

How do you guys manage to keep drinking when you're hungover? Or do you reach a point where you don't get hungover anymore?

>> No.7682243


There is a certain point when it starts to taste like water. If you reach beyond that point you're risking severe stomach pains in my case so I don't tend to do that. And yeah, you kind of reach a point when you're not hungover anymore but that basically extends your alcohol poisoning for another day or so. Basically your hangover won't be that bad but it will take a lot more to feel not tired and able to be productive.

>> No.7682276

It becomes less of a hangover and more of a withdrawal. You literally cannot function without it

>> No.7682299
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I just drink at work to keep the buzz going, and hydrate with flavorice

>> No.7682325

Last drink was on the 27th of April.

..... /me cracks a beer.

>> No.7682348

Wait till next time, you'll have another can and feel even better.

>> No.7682458

Anon nooooo

>> No.7682470

5 beers deep. 1 left. Ill quit again tomorrow!

>> No.7682511

Than you either have (A) friends with giant sticks up their asses, or (B), friends with no self-control that just get way fucking worse when intoxicated.

Personally, when me and my friends get wasted we just sit around a table and talk about shit most of the time, it's super chill.

>> No.7682521

How old are you?

>> No.7682534

>I'm so young I legitimately think alcoholism is some kind of meme people use to pretend to be adult
Jesus Christ.

>> No.7682536


>> No.7682538

>alcohol without cocaine
seems pointless to me

that's why i don't really do either any more, since i quit coke

>> No.7682782

its my birthday today and nobody wished me.

pick a cocktail for me to get fucking smashed on

>> No.7682785

Posting about your cool dark alcoholism on an online food & cooking msg board is immature and pathetic.

>> No.7682797
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happy birthday my boi. how about a white russian? i haven't had one of those in 2 years. i miss them

>> No.7682800

>its my birthday today and nobody wished me.
What are you, 12?

>> No.7682804

coincidence, i already had 3 of those, they are my fav drink. but the cream gets heavy after a while, and ive already diluted it with milk.

i can switch to black russians though.

>> No.7682805


i expected at least my parents to wish me

>> No.7682811

Are you close with them?

As I got older, I realized that people just have a lot of shit going on and are usually really preoccupied with their own lives. Especially when life gets busier and you don't see friends/family as much.

It's not selfishness or anything negative usually, it's just what happens when you get older.

Also: Happy Birthday Bro.

>> No.7682817

execute all alcoholics

>> No.7682820

literally me. So i can drink alone at home in peace

>> No.7682856

Happy birthday my friend.

>> No.7682871

>back from college, living with parents
>they had mini intervention with me after they noticed I was drunk often during the day
>have had to secretly do it at night since then
>they go on vacation for a week
>I was hammered pretty much 6 nights straight
>quit they day before they're back and throw away all the evidence
>going through withdrawals when they get back
>they want to go to the bar and get a beer when they get home to catch up with me
>I'm so noticeably shaky that I'm only able to bring beer glass to mouth when holding it with both hands
>mom notices and asks how much I drank when they were gone
>Lie and said I only had a 6 pack spread out the entire week
>they don't push the issue further but obviously know

Who else here constantly disappoints their family? I wish I could go back to the days when drinking was fun, now it's basically just to feel normal anymore

>> No.7682897

I was day drinking alone before my favorite football team's playoff game thinking I was going to watch it alone when my family called and said we're all meeting up at the bar to watch the game with a bunch of family friends. So I went, already prett buzzed (a friend drove me btw), but had about 4 strong beers throughout the game which pushed me over the edge and I was obviously hammered. I was stumbling around, slurring my words and repeating myself constantly. It was way more drunk than you'd ever get from 4 beers, and it was obvious everyone there knew I was shitfaced off hard liquor. It's one thing to be a shit show in front of your friends, but when your parents and the parents of your friends who you grew up with were all giving me concerned/sad looks, man I'm still embarrassed about it a year later

>> No.7682919


I don't get hangovers in the sense that I have a headache, nausea, etc. What I get is intense anxiety, jumpiness, and tremors until I have a drink so I can feel normal again

>> No.7682926

christ, where do you work that they wouldn't notice a drawer full of empty booze bottles. Also judging by the vodka, coworkers can most likely smell it on you, even if they don't say anything, they know

>> No.7682928

Straight shots of LDT chased with water

>> No.7682933

Do you get that thing where thoughts rush throiugh your head as your coming down or get a tune stuck in your mind that won't go away?

>> No.7682951

fuck that's exactly me. When I'm trying to go to sleep especially my mind races like crazy. And the music thing is spot on, usually its a song I listened to when I'm wasted and I can't get it out of my head for days until I hate the song

>> No.7682961

yep, i'm in no way an alcoholic but after a heavy night of booze i have no physical symptoms whatsoever, i just feel depressed as fuck, slightly anxious and my thought processes and my feelings about everything are just so different to how they are normally

every high has a low i guess

not him but yeah, my brain seems to work way too fast and i feel 'spooked'

>> No.7682962

Why did you get beaten by a bouncer?
Also I found out the other day bouncers can beat the living shit out of you if they tell the cops you got combative cause you where drunk and they needed to use reasonable force to protect themselves

>> No.7682980

this guy knows. but try chasing them with beer.
i like to chase my shots with freezing-threshold corona. there is almost no burn or discomfort at all, and you get extra fucked up.

Does anyone know if cognac stops tasting like shit after a while? Is it just for sipping? i don't think i like this

>> No.7682989

I have a strong feeling that everyone who is an alcoholic has some kinda mental issue and just uses alcohol to cope and blame issued on

Like if you have fast racing impulsive thoughts or songs stuck in your head that you can get out you probably have obsessive compulsive thoughts

Or if your mad anxious when not drunk it's probably because you have generalized anxiety

In both cases you probably had these things prior to becoming an alcoholic but you've just forgot also using alcohol to cope usually goes hand and hand with not seeking help for you problems which causes them to become worse over time

>> No.7682992

speaking of corona, I sometimes enjoy drinking about the first 1/3 of one, then filling it back up with tequila and a lime. Gets me straight fucked pretty quick

>> No.7682993

Nice usually when I chase with beer I'll go for some black velvet chased with Busch

>> No.7683001

what we've been saying is we get racing thoughts, songs stuck in our head, anxiety, etc when going through alcohol withdrawal after drinking for many days straight. When withdrawals go away after a few days I don't have any of those things. It's just side effects of your body re adjusting to functioning without alcohol

>> No.7683009

mmm that sounds neat. i'll do that tonight

>> No.7683018
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>> No.7683020

Classic alcohol induced anxiety.
You need to be careful when you're at the point you get these symptoms. Generally what happens next you start to dread the tiniest, most insignificant tasks e.g. putting in some washing, picking up some take-out etc. This is where the procrastination kicks in.

>> No.7683026
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Shit under a bridge at 3 in the morning, wiped my ass with large handfuls of grass.

>> No.7683049

When I was a freshman in college I woke up to see I pissed my bed, I had the thought that it would be a good idea to take my comforter into the dorm showers to wash it off, except I ended up in the girls bathroom. I passed out naked in the public showers wrapped in my comforter until a couple girls found me the next morning. I still can't believe they didn't kick me out of the dorms, I had a cool RA luckily. 2 girls on my floor both passed out on their knees after puking while holding hands under the bathroom stalls, and had diarrhea everywhere

>> No.7683102

Big bottle of whisky man

>> No.7683176
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>> No.7683184

Louis Theroux: Drinking to Oblivion (2016)

A must see

>> No.7683206

Anyone see that documentary on youtube about the guy with the gimpy hip who's a massive alcoholic, and his grandpa gives him money every day for his vodka rations, and he goes to the hospital to see how much it's affected him. I usually tell myself to watch documentaries like that to deter me from drinking, but they usually end up making me go "see at least I'm not that bad!"

>> No.7683263

Saw that a number of years ago. Most savage I've seen to date. Shame that anyone let it get that extreme.

>> No.7683268

Oh and I just saw the Louis one too, it's honestly comfy in comparison.

>> No.7683272

my parents dont know luckily. i get a lot of money from them, and theyve asked me what i spend it on etc.

i lied and said i bought clothes and stuff, but in reality i have a massive alcohol selection of premium bottles at least worth 20 euros per bottle, and at least 40 bottles. if they knew they would kill me.

ive been drunk everyday for the last 5 days

>> No.7683293

link pls

>> No.7683294

Get out while you still can lad.

>> No.7683302


>> No.7683305

No one even noticed when i changed cities... get used to people not caring.

>> No.7683374

watching it now, damn that dread girl's boyfriend is fuckin savage.
>Louis "I think you've just hurt her feelings
>"lol fuck her"

>> No.7683446

one can clearly see in this docu the difference between a nice guy and drunken shitfaced nice guy.

>> No.7683470

Once at a festival i got blackout drunk and in the morning my friends were saying i was talking to myself lol. i dont remember any of it.

>> No.7683488

I worked at a liquor store several years ago and saw so many guys come in at opening time acting like this. Sorry ass motherfuckers man felt sorry for them

>> No.7683506

At the store I worked at we had this guy who probably looked in his 70s (he was probably a lot younger though), but he'd come in every day, walking all shaky, and would purchase 2 liters of kessler. His hands/arms shook so much he could hardly hand you the money, it was so sad. Eventually my manager just started refusing to serve him. She knew he'd probably just go somewhere else but couldn't keep seeing her store slowly kill him

>> No.7683520

>anyone else do weird shit when they black out?
jesus christ yes. wayyy to much to list. feelsbadafman.

>> No.7683521

heh thats in my town

>> No.7683548

Please god tell me I'll never get to this point. And that dudes only in his 20s holy shit

>> No.7683550


>drinking is going to kill you
>you need to go to rehab
>goes to some faggot cold turkey and jesus rehab

>> No.7683555
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>Please god tell me I'll never get to this point.
fingers crossed for you man. and everyone else itt for that matter.
me? i'm fucked. finally managed to kick crack and heroin but i do 2-3 70cl bottles of smirnoff daily. if i don't drink, i have seizures.

>> No.7683570

go get treated medically

oh wait you probs have to pay for that shit

>> No.7683573
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been in treatment for years cbruh. off the hard drugs but still can't kick the booze. heroin addiction has nothing on how badly i'm addicted to drinking.

>> No.7683575

Good god that's a lot of vodka. I was drinking a 375 ml bottle/night for a couple of months last year (close friend died, went through depression) and my organs were in pain after a while. Can't imagine getting up to your level good luck bro

>> No.7683576


This stopped me from drinking today. Thank you for posting this.


Please seek medical attention.

>> No.7683582
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thanks man. and yeah, first thing i do every morning is down a pint of vodka. barely gets me tipsy.

>> No.7683583


Thank God I quit 2 months ago.

I was definitely going down that road.

>> No.7683588


jesus christ

>> No.7683590

How old are you?

When you say you down a pint in the morning do you mix it with anything or just drink it straight?

>> No.7683592

How many days worth of booze is that, anon?

>> No.7683596


His speech is very lucid and quite intelligent when he's drunk/normal. It's kinda sad, you can tell he was a cut above his peers before all this shit started.

>> No.7683598
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37. been wasted for 22 years. and nah i just down a straight pint of smirnoff. first thing i do every morning as soon as i wake.
dunno. i did once drink 5 bottles in one day, but a bit of a cheat because i threw up a few times that day. today i've had 1.4 litres and i'm starting to sober up.
at least i'm off pic related. over a month with no heroin or crack.

>> No.7683604

Do you eat at all? Any excercise? Any hobbies other than booze?

>> No.7683607

Congrats, I guess.

Although I'd say the alcohol in that quantity is more physically damaging than crack or heroin.

>> No.7683637

How do you afford that much booze? Are you able to hold a job drinking that much?

>> No.7683639

Mind posting some of this with a timestamp? I've seen the shades guy pic posted here before.

>> No.7683643

>Do you eat at all?
yes. absolutely. i force myself to eat at least one healthy meal every day. i never eat junk food, i take probiotic, a-z vitamins, b vits, thiamine, niacin, silocol and... well, a lot of things, in a desperate attempt to stay alive.
>Any exercise?
i do exercise too, yeah. fucking nightmare, but i lift weights, do basic, generic exercises, and walk everywhere i need to go. my car is like 17 months old and only has about 2.5k miles on the clock.
>Any hobbies other than booze?
meh, not really. i daytrade, i enjoy cryptocurrencies, i love drunkenly chatting up girls and getting them to come home with me and get rekt... but in truth i'm still inescapably a retarded fuckup who's drinking himself to death.
crack if you use it often, will absolutely motherfucking annihilate you. i used 10-15 bags a day for 6 weeks in feb-march. amazed i survived. alcohol is healthier than that nightmare.
i own porn sites. built them in the 90's when it was still a goldmine.
ok hang on.

>> No.7683653

Happy birthday, man. Go vodka and lime

>> No.7683654


>i own porn sites

I assume you don't actually generate original content. It might be a stupid question, but how do you get away with regurgitating content from everywhere on the internet?

Is it just something like motherless that's just homemade videos and images?

>> No.7683657

How much money do you bring in a month?

>> No.7683658

this is starting to sound semi fabricated

>> No.7683670
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sorry, i know this is a really sucky timestamp. if you'll compare the desk/keyboard etc you'll see it's legit me though. hard to hold a bottle, a camera and focus all at the same time when i've been drinking since 5am.
>I assume you don't actually generate original content.
nope, just steal other peoples' shit and make money through affiliate ads.
less than i'd like to. enough that i don't have to eat crappy food or drink crappy booze.
ask away, s'all true yo.

>> No.7683702

>how do you get away with regurgitating content from everywhere on the internet?
>Is it just something like motherless that's just homemade videos and images?
oh and... desu? i do not fucking know. i just... get away with it. have a look at orsm.net i do basically the same thing. neither of us has ever been sued. a few threats, but no significant consequences, and his site has been up since 2000, mine since 1999.

>> No.7683772

happy birthday bro. drink anything with gin in it

>> No.7683822


I don't suppose you can recall the last day you didn't drink, can you?

>> No.7683880

> collection
This is a thread for alcohols we don't tend to collect much lol

>> No.7683905

> stop doing that dumb thing when you're drunk
I've ignored this advice so often

>> No.7683918

Haha I've been here a couple of times. It usually wears off after 10 years but in the meantime it is hell

>> No.7683929

>trying to buy a furry-suit
I'm a bit disappointed you didn't. Even better if you hadn't known about it until it arrived.

Just picture that "what the fuck have I done" moment when you opened the package.

>> No.7683937

i had 7 months clean in 2005, 36 days in 2010 and 28 days in 2014. every day but for those, i've been wasted on... anything, and normally multiple things. from booze to butane, crack, meth, heroin, mdma, psilocybin, lsd, dimethyltryptamine, benzos, nbear-enough all opiates, amphet, 99% purity shatter smoked through a huge oil rig... yeah.my memory is utterly horrific. i even have brain lesions, alcoholic neuropathy and i'm partially sighted thanks to booze. i only remember like 4-5 hours of the day, every day. i black out after my first few pints of vodka, which i drink with as many benzos as i can source.
this has taken me like 20 mins to type.

>> No.7683956



>> No.7683976
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butane gives a quite staggeringly pleasurable high. easy to die though unfortunately.

>> No.7683989

last week I woke up after drinking with a $500 charge on my debit card and had no idea what happened the night before. That was more money than I had in my account so I got slammed with overdraft fees too. After retracing my steps with friends I guess I was shitfaced and went by myself to get tacos. I was feeling nice and tried to leave a $5.00 tip but apparently forgot the decimal so he thought I was tipping $500(or who fuckin knows, maybe I said fuck it these tacos rock, here's $500). Luckily I got the charge overturned, but the guy told me never to come back since he was pissed he couldn't keep a $500 tip. I'm mad, those were good tacos. And really, telling me not to come back because you thought I was tipping $500 on like a $12 order? What a douche

>> No.7684003
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This one is my favorite

>brb just gonna light up in a sig while we're hotboxing this car with butane

>> No.7684008

>shitfaced guy makes trouble at my restaurant, so I have to ban him
>I'm the bad guy

no anons, you are the douche

>> No.7684023

I went there at about 2am on a saturday to get take out, it's known as the go-to drunk spot near me. He didn't say anything about me behaving badly, causing trouble, or anything. Just that I was trying to screw him out of the $500 I had given him

>> No.7684047

>or who fuckin knows, maybe I said fuck it these tacos rock, here's $500

Yeah, tell me how you suddenly remember exactly how it went down. Or better yet, fuck off douche.

>> No.7684092

Man, I wish I could be with you and I'd tap you gently in the back.
If you're in Canada you can get help for free. At least I know in Quebec you'd be taken care of the first second you'd go to an hospital.

>> No.7684106

expensive as fuck where i live. not worth it.

>> No.7684110
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>Eagle Rare is out of stock for my entire state

Ended up with a bottle of Bulleit 10yr. Bretty good.

store owner told me that there is a supply issue with Eagle Rare and that they didn't make enough back in the day so it's on short supply. they age it 10 years before bottling so I probably won't see it for 5 or 6 years unless I order online.

>> No.7684123

I have a great one. I was drinking happily with my friends, when someone suddenly rolls a blunt. At that point, i was pretty smashed, but i still took a hit of it. Last thing i remember was that i lost control of my legs, but had enough strenght in my arms to crawl to the bathroom. i awoke at 4 a.m, and everbody already left, except for the owner of the house. Last time i convined drugs of any kind.

>> No.7684133

>getting angry over an anonymous post in a thread full of drunks

>> No.7684137

Bulleit is good stuff, and the bottle is pretty cool to save

>> No.7684145
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>> No.7684164


alright this guy wins. no one has came close to being this much of an alcoholic on all of 4chan.

how are you even alive?

>> No.7684216

I don't encourage alcoholism, but during my stint with it, I had gotten where I'd drink a fifth of vodka every day. Just shitty, cheap, bottom shelf stuff. It's the easiest to mix in with whatever, and it doesn't have quite as distinct a smell as things like tequila or whiskey.

Make sure you still eat, and drink water/gatorade, btw. I got so fucked I was at the point where I couldn't even eat anything anymore.

>> No.7684225

he doesn't remember shit, he went back to the place to dispute the $500 tip and the guy thought that he
>was trying to screw him out of the $500
and at no point did he mention him making trouble or behaving badly. Only pissed about the $500

what about that is hard to grasp?

>> No.7684239

i put my health down to my diet.
in countries where people eat a lot of starches and complex carbs, like rice or potatoes for example, alcohol related diseases are massively more common. well, i eat no complex carbs. not a single bite for 16 years. google GAPS diet. a doc recommended it to treat psychosis among other things. it worked so well i haven't deviated from it in a decade and a half. my liver function test like 5 months ago came back "normal".

>> No.7684246


anything that's low on sugar. as other mentioned cheap vodka.

>> No.7684257
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I drink tons of beer, pass out and then go logging in the morning.

I don't like it. I just want some relief after work because it's muscle shredding as hell. I just want something that relaxes my muscles and I don't want pure poison.

I wish I was logging in Colorado instead.

>> No.7684264


>Right before I died, my liver disintegrated inside my body. You could see pieces of it breaking off in my guts with a special type of x-ray picture taken called a sonogram. When I died my liver was the size of a dime. My pancreas and kidneys were also affected by my drinking. Because I destroyed my liver with alcohol, my wastes had no way to leave my body and as a result my testicles swelled up to the size of a basketball. You can't even imagine how painful they were. It was like someone took a sledge hammer and hit them about 1000 times and wouldn't stop. My chest, stomach and legs swelled up so huge I was the size of a summa wrestler. I could hardly move. My eyes turned yellow and my skin was discolored from the toxic wastes in my body.

>> No.7684281

My uncle died from drinking a couple years ago. It was awful to see and is a bad/stupid way to go. There is nothing heroic or romantic about it, it's brutal.

>> No.7684305

there's nothing romantic or glamorous at all about alcoholism. that's heroin's realm. it makes you cool af. immediately impossible to care abut anything. you come across as being supremely confident.
then die.
do not recommend. heroin is pretty fucking hardcore. cosy but lethal.

>> No.7684318

Get help. Please. It's not worth it to continue with the drinking anymore

>> No.7684411

Does alcohol make anyone else's hearing numb? I usually listen to music at about 70% volume but after just a couple of drinks 100% isn't enough.

>> No.7684423

Ugh, I know the feeling. I went through a pretty deep alcoholic period. Went to the hospital, made huge improvements in all aspects of life after that whole mess.

Anyway, I do still do some drinking, albeit nothing even close to what I used to do...but on the occasion that I do get drunk enough to have a hangover, it's almost completely anxiety-based. Mind starts going a million different places, I feel an enormous amount of dread and guilt. Hate it so much.

>> No.7684429

If you agree to drink with someone you agree to tolerate them while they're drunk.

Obviously it's a weak excuse and can't excuse more extreme behaviours like assault or manslaughter.

>> No.7684430

>There is nothing heroic or romantic about it
Who the fuck said any of this? Do you actually think the majority of alcoholics enjoy it?

Protip: We fucking don't.

>> No.7684458

I kind of do enjoy it. I think a lot of others do. Not because it's heroic or romantic, but because it satisfies an innate sense of self-loathing. Pathetic egotism for the shattered ego.

>> No.7684466


>we hate it so much
>lets start a fan club where we brag about who hates themselves the most

just a bunch of faggots

>> No.7684471


thanks man and then you could gently nudge my cock aroudn with your tonsils

>> No.7684474

Why are you so jealous of alcos? You're a mess, man.

>> No.7684477

ultimately we're in hell 99% of the time, i agree... but i do sometimes have fucking awesome nights to. ask anyone at an AA meet which were the best days of his life, he'll tell you it wasn't his recovery, but the nights he snorted coke off a hooker's tits then woke up in a hedge.
i mean just look how much this tweaker is enjoying herself

>> No.7684484

>awesome nights to.
sorry but that really irritates me. imma OCD all night unless i correct myself now.

>> No.7684490


im not. i used to be one (i guess you always are, i just don't drink like that as much/often anymore).

its simple as fuck. just don't buy any more booze/don't keep any more booze in your house and don't hang out with your fuckup "friends" that do nothing but get blackout every day.

i used to drink ~fifth a day and i got my shit together real fast when health problems became an issue. cold turkey and willpower faggots. find something else to do other than trying to impress highschoolers on 4chins every night and crying about how terrible your life is.


>> No.7684499

You can delete your posts.

>> No.7684501

>its simple as fuck.
stopped reading there. we in our millions every year, choose death than this supposedly simple option. ignorant post, anon.

>> No.7684503

My doctor told me it's far too dangerous to stop cold turkey, I have to have medical assistance.

>> No.7684522


Benzodiazepines and water faggots. Find something worth living for or just give up and make it worse/harder to quit until you do damage you can't reverse.

>but its hardddd


>> No.7684529


>> No.7684536

I am astonished by how completely heterosexual you are.

>> No.7684540

>venting completely anonymously about a serious issues in our lives
Sure thing, champ.

>> No.7684542

>tfw you puke that yellow stuff

>> No.7684545

>implying I know where to get benzos if I tried

and don't say go to a doctor, I don't want that shit on my records

>> No.7684547

Used to do construction work, but they switched me to paper pushing desk jockey after an opening. Kept the beer drinking, but sedentary lifestyle and not having constant exercise/sweating it out means that I can feel the toll it's taking.

If you're looking for alternatives, you could do tea, hot epsom salt baths, and maybe just buy a single tallboy at the end of a day.

>> No.7684552

It's bile.

>> No.7684555


god forbid you had a "record" of medical treatment instead of slowly killing yourself and destroying your life while acting like a total retard/embarrassing yourself everyday as a drunk

>> No.7684559

>that taste though
benzos while sheer cosy luxury if taken with booze, have a tendency to make you stop breathing if you mix them with alcohol, plus they're motherfucking insanely addictive. i've been on them for a decade and a half, and once went cold turkey.
after a YEAR, the withdrawal symptoms were still getting worse, so i bought some more.

i once bought an ounce of valium.
addicted as fuck, i'll ever escape now, i'm stuck for life. kicking fentanyl was a piece of cake compared with benzo CT.

>> No.7684568

Buy grey area benzo analogues online. Or just taper with alcohol.

The key is willpower.

>> No.7684575

Don't be fucking stupid. Keep that shit off your medical record, doctors aren't some magical voodoo priest. They'll throw benzos at you and tell you to taper. That's it. You don't need to rack up a bill and medical record to know this.

Find benzos illegally, go grey market, or have some willpower to taper using alcohol itself, which has been a method for centuries.

>> No.7684578

how can I tolerate the taste of liquors/spirits better
they always taste really sweet to me

>> No.7684582



find something to keep you busy and most importantly stay the fuck away from other drunks.

>> No.7684587

try lagavulin. sweet it is NOT. it's like drinking a bonfire,

>> No.7684593

Yeah operating a harvester is tough work lol

>> No.7684604

You losers who spam /ck/ with your wannabe sadsack alcoholic threads are attention-seeking losers.

We get it, you have four Kerouac books, a wine skin, and just love finding the opportunity to allude to your drinking problem whenever possible. Fuck off already, manchild.

>> No.7684612

>acting like a total retard/embarrassing yourself everyday as a drunk

generalize much? Also, having that on your medical record can increase your insurance costs. Plus, I'm not an alcoholic to the point where I'd be facing DT's or anything

>> No.7684613

The hardest part about quitting drinking are the withdrawals and a lack of a purpose without it. You just have to find a reason not to drink that is more important than drinking. If you don't have one, then there is no hope, just keep drinking.

>> No.7684615
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I tapered and didn't use benzos/doctor. Instead of buying the handle buy the fifth. Instead of buying the fifth buy the pint. Instead of the pint buy a 6 pack of beer.

Only buy what you are going to ration yourself for the day and don't get drunk and cave in and buy more. Don't go to bars. Don't hang out with other drunks. Don't let other people bring you more booze.

As long as I didn't have it immediately around me I could stop myself from going to buy more. If anything was in the house I was going to drink it regardless of my willpower.

I don't have the urge to drink all the time now but if I start drinking I will still binge so I usually avoid it/limit it to 1-2 times a month/don't keep booze in the house/when I buy booze i never buy more than a fifth.

>> No.7684623

i like to get drunk and wear ladies clothes, is there something wrong with me?

>> No.7684630

Nope, you sound like a perfectly reasonable lumberjack to me.

>> No.7684636

That's rough. I don't think I was quite as bad as him when I was at my worst....but I was pretty bad. Ended up in the hospital a couple times, luckily did not have any bad organ damage. But the fear of developing any is one of the reasons I've made the improvements I have. It's scary as fuck, and watching that only reinforced the fears in my mind. Just more reason to stay away.

>> No.7684639

Straight gin... stick it in the freezer and chase with anything.

>> No.7684643

No you won't

Later space cowboy

>> No.7684646

Oh shut up already. No one cares.

>> No.7684654

>blacking out
Being the son of a renowned drunk has its perks I guess...

>> No.7684662

Thanks for the hot take 15 year old with no experience in the matter

>> No.7684663


>muh daddy was a drunk and didn't love me so i i'm gonna be a drunk too
>seemed to work out really well for him think ill do the same dumb shit

>> No.7684716

:( This just gave me the willpower to dump all my bottles down the drain. 4 days sober but I was going to drink tonight. This thread talked me out of it, I am going to come to these threads when I want to drink, hopefully it will help. Thank you bros, I don't want to do it anymore. Those medical facts in the video scare the shit out of me, I'll probably drink tomorrow though

>> No.7684731

so i drank this wonderful thing at a restaurant a long while ago and cant remember what it was, maybe someone here can help
i thought it was vermouth but i guess it wasnt, it was much less sweet and much fresher tasting. also iirc it was clear/colorless

>> No.7684739

triple sec maybe?

>> No.7684743

How about you resolve yourself to just, not?

No booze in the house. You'll slip up when you go out, but it's better than the alternative.

>you can have control, and no fun. Or, you can have fun, and no control.

>> No.7684752

Ya all the shit about his organs just shutting down and dying scared the shit out of me. Also, watch the Louis Theroux one here >>7683184
if you haven't. There's a guy in there with liver failure and he has this massive gut that's just subcutaneous water. He has to go into the doctor constantly to get it drained. Shit like that really scares me sober

>> No.7684756

trying too hard man. the only way to stop drinking, is to not try not to drink. to simply do it without a second thought.
this video massively better explains the point i'm trying to make.
bit of a long vid and i've posted this link multiple times in alchie threads here, but i hope a few really listen to him, vid may not seem relevant until you've given it some thought. alan watts was a GOD, and this video has helped me more than anything when it comes to staying sober,

,,,oh and uh, he died young due to his alcoholism. as will i.
we're all doomed.

>> No.7684770

I'm the guy you replied to. Didn't watch your video yet, but that sounds exactly like how I quit smoking. I didn't give it a second thought, I always knew I could quit with 100% confidence and just did it cold turkey when I didn't want to smoke anymore. Never went back, easiest thing in the world.

Alcohol invades my every waking thought when I don't have it. Everything in life is boring and pointless when I'm not drinking. I understand your points and I can do it with other things but not this. The confidence you need to exercise that practice is dead in me for alcohol. I could try to fake it but its not the same unless you genuinely believe in your ability to change.

>> No.7684775

>no booze in the house

Why do non-alcoholics try to give us advice? That has never once stopped an alcoholic man, I have no alcohol in the house right now but do you know how fucking easy it is to pick up literally any time you go anywhere?

>you can have control, and no fun. Or, you can have fun, and no control.

Sounds like a catch 22, live a boring, miserable life, or die while having fun.

>> No.7684780

I am an alcohol. The "no booze in the house" is for people with willpower and resolve to quit, because they can deny their impulse decisions a lot more easily.

Second quote was in context to doing any drug of choice in relation to addiction, not living your life. Context is important.

Contrarian prick.

>> No.7684786


smoke weed

when i am high my motivation to drink is nearly non existent. ill just sit there and hold the same beer for an hour.

>> No.7684805

can't get any but this would help immensely. I actually started abusing alcohol when I couldn't get weed anymore

>> No.7684816

Of course the quote is talking about in relation to the addiction, its not a complicated quote. I was just saying what it boils down to.

>The "no booze in the house" is for people with willpower and resolve to quit, because they can deny their impulse decisions a lot more easily.

And thanks for trying to help but if most of us had resolve and willpower to quit we wouldn't be here.

One day I can pour out my alcohol and go a couple weeks without anything through willpower, then I slip with some dumb rationalization.

>> No.7684825

Same here, when I used to know a dealer I barely ever drank. When he left town and I dont have a source I started drinking heavily again

>> No.7684835

...okay, it doesn't invalidate anything I've said or excuse addiction behavior.

If you resolve to quit, you will. Disclaimer that you have to be a functional human being capable of rational thought. If you decide to keep going, you will. If you're a broken person, then you can't make your own decisions.

t. employed alcoholic

>> No.7684844

I'm an employed alcoholic too. I can usually manage to not let it affect other parts of my life. Just almost every night I down a fifth alone. Do you still drink? I understand that if I could muster the willpower I could quit but where am I supposed to just pull that from? I can resolve to quit just fine, the problem comes week down the line when I think I can drink one night and get back on track after that one night.

>> No.7684850

Still drink, haven't found a reason to really quit, although I've gone without for bouts. Stick to beer to force regulation of when I start at 5:30 or so after work until I go to sleep around midnight.

With all the other drugs mixed in there, it seems like a 6 pack a night would be more healthy than my current route, but boredom gets the best of me.

>> No.7684860

>can't get any
go to your nearest red light district. pay a girl 20 quid to suck you off, that way she won't think you're a cop. as soon as you've finished having your dick sucked, she's going straight to her dealer's place to buy smack/crack. offer her a fiver to get you some. you now have access to every recreational drug on earth.

>> No.7684889

Sounds like we're not in dissimilar boats then, I have it under control but it will get worse if I keep going. All that self motivation stuff sounds good but you're not doing any better with it than I am. I'm not one of those drunk zombie people like in the videos if that's how I made it sound, I am living a normal enough life but just get fucked up at night. I just don't want to get there if I keep going.


That is not remotely any kind of thing I would be comfortable with doing and I will never do any of that.

>> No.7684894

>almost 300 replies

Like all drunks, this thread will soon die.

>> No.7684909

>That is not remotely any kind of thing I would be comfortable with doing and I will never do any of that.
>i hate blowjobs and drugs
0% chance that you're male.
i'm right.

>> No.7684916

You guys should try kratom, after taking it I only need about 2-3 beers to feel really good. It also helps with withdrawal symptoms

>> No.7684922


You have to watch out though. Losing control will creep up on you. Alcoholism is progressive. The earlier you gain control and limit drinking to a once a month or less thing the easier things will be long term.

Gain control anon before it controls you.

>> No.7684925

are you quite certain that you're not memeing at me right now? i know a lot of people (mainly on places like /b/) claim that it's a big help, but as a heroin addict who knows loads of other addicts, i've never felt it to be helpful nor met anyone who does.

>> No.7684928

nah it was like a wine type thing I think

>> No.7684932

I'm not letting some crack whore suck me off in an alley, and as a skinny white non imposing guy, I'm not going to some hooker's drug dealer. Why would he sell to me when he could just rob me? Seems like a risky game to play for some fucking weed, if I knew more young people I could get some from some dumbass teenager.

>> No.7684945

>The earlier you gain control and limit drinking to a once a month or less thing the easier things will be long term

I can't. Whenever I have successful attempts at not drinking for a couple weeks or so this is the goal, then I get to my cheat day and it spirals out of control until I can muster up enough willpower to try again in a couple months. I have to go cold turkey but its so fucking boring and every second of every day my brain is telling me all the excuses and rationalizations it can to let loose just for one night (not that it would just be one night in reality).

>> No.7684956

its obviously not going to compare to a true opiate, but it gives me a decent buzz and like I said it potentiates alcohol's effects quite a bit for me

>> No.7684960
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you sound anxious and on edge. surely after a few drinks no fucks given?
btw, whore yes, on crack yes, unattractive? fuck no, some whores are hot af.

>> No.7684964
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where do you buy it? i hear there are several different strains/phenotypes. which have you found to be most effective?

>> No.7684988

I'm 4 days sober, I'm not drinking to find some hooker. I don't even know where the red light district is in my city, and I'm sure as fuck not driving downtown around cops while I'm drunk

And I never said crack whores can't be attractive, but they are all still crack whores

>> No.7685022

I buy it online from herbal-salvation but theres plenty of other places that sell it. And that's the nice thing about kratom, all of the strains can have pretty different effects and be used in different situations, but it seems like they all affect people differently. I've found that red veined strains have a euphoric and calming effect, I like it before bed to relax or also to ward off some alcohol withdrawal symptoms. White veined ones are more like a coffee buzz for me, good in the morning and gives me energy. Green vein is my favorite, kind of in between and gives me the sociability and urge to converse with people that alcohol gives, but with a much clearer mind so I don't say stupid shit. Most companies that sell kratom offer a sample pack with 5 or 6 different strains so that's what I usually get so I have a bit of everything

>> No.7685811

And this is why I never drink more than 2 nights in a row.

The most I drink is only about 1/4 of what he drunk daily.

>> No.7685829

Don't know what you mean by least painful but the most cost effective method is cheap boxed wine. I actually did the math on it

>> No.7685844

>And this is why I never drink more than 2 nights in a row.
i get drunk to the point of passing out, twice every day. if i stop i simply never sleep, which eventually become unbearable.

>> No.7685885

You should probably stop if you plan to live more than a year or two.

>> No.7686031
File: 54 KB, 960x960, Frosty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about the US but in the UK strong white cider like pic is your best strength versus cost drink.

>> No.7686032

literally how? I sometimes drink until I keep forgetting to breathe every few minutes and at best I can't follow a movie plot and don't remember some parts of it when I wake up

>> No.7686064

no one who's bigger than a 100lbs woman is gonna feel anything after 2 drinks, you idiot

>> No.7686158

yeah. lost my car, took hours to find it and i'd crashed it at least twice. apparently. i've also apparently arranged to meet some quite heavy dealers to buy a fairly substantial amount, then forgotten about it completely and got angry phonecalls from them asking me where i was. i've smashed so much glass in every room i have to wear shoes. i've also pissed the bed twice this year, which i haven't done since i was like 2yo, so thats nice. even after 3 days drying next to a radiator, my mattress is saturated. a couple of times i've apparently gone out and bought some heroin, while totally blacked out on booze, and as the booze wore off, without having slept, suddenly i'll 'come to', and realise i'm sat in bed smoking heroin and appear to have been for hours, but have no memory of it, i just suddenly pop back into consciousness and here i am, high as fuck on dope.
it gets really bad when i mix valium with booze. so, every night.
i need an epiphany. i can't even remember what it's like to be sober, truly i can't, but this life is fucking agony, i have to somehow stop.

>> No.7686272

>previous dizepam OD
>previous MDMA OD
you didn't waste any time I see

>> No.7686310
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>> No.7686361

fuck alcohol.

>> No.7686399

This is kind of crazy to me. I drank what he did basically every day for 5-6 years and I got no where near even CLOSE to being that bad. In fact I'm pretty healthy for the most part, just got blood work done a couple months ago and have been cutting my drinking down to next to nothing.

Makes me glad I was fortunate enough to get out of it with not too much scarring unlike him. I guess genes really do play a big part in this shit for us all, doesn't it? I can safely say this makes me never want to go back on that shit though.

>> No.7686628
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Tried nearly all the tramp ciders
>frosty jacks
>white ace
>white lightning
>ice dragon
>white star
>diamond white

Frosty Jacks and omega are the nicest of them but they all taste like absolute shit. Also pulse tastes a weird bit like tonic water as I remember making gutter g&t's with it and basics gin.

Looking back I was a fucking idiot

>> No.7686740

>typing the url in the fucking search bar

>> No.7687143

Are u like 17? Come into my world and see if two beers are enough

>> No.7687192

How are u still alive? Like there's no way

>> No.7687259

you drank almost 1.5L of vodka a day for 5-6 years? Hard to believe you're fully healthy. A big part of it also though was he was hardly eating anything, which obviously made his health problems worse