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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 829 KB, 2720x2988, 20160514_181727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7673410 No.7673410 [Reply] [Original]

Seeing a lot of unrelated threads going on at once, and thought a general would help. What beer are you drinking today, /ck/? Having myself a variety of Belgians. Just finished a Maredsous Bruin Dubbel and a Chimay White Tripel. About to start a Moinette Blonde.

>> No.7673431

Nice choice op. I've had them al except the blond moinette. Seems good tho.

>can someone recommend some good cream ales?

I'm currently brewing one now. Gonna add fresh peach to it a "peaches and cream ale" sounds retardedly tasty. But I've only seen and had a few cream ales and wanna broaden. Had genesse (amazing ) and cali creaming by mother earth.

Also I give this thread 4 posts before it. Gets blueberried.

>> No.7673488

>peaches and cream ale
Sounds delicious actually. Might pursue something similar after I finish my maple and brown sugar stout. All grain or extract?

>> No.7673508

Honestly it's a rice extract. I wanted to start with some ting that wouldn't add to much flavor. I'm going to do it again with actual grain added to the malt for more flavor and a darker color. Nothing to heavy tho. I want a transparent beer for a change

>> No.7673536

When did you add your maple and brown sugar to the wort? During fermentation or in the boil? Caise I'm going to add peach and vanilla the last 3 days to the fermentation via muselin bag.. a friend tried brewing a honey porter, added an entire thing of honey bear to his boil. The yeast tripped the fuck out flooded his air stop with beer before blowing it off. So when adding sugar to flavor, I'm curious when you did it..

>> No.7673549

Added brown sugar near the end of the boil. Waiting until bottling to add the maple.

>> No.7673599
File: 102 KB, 1024x1024, image_zpseclrasfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as I get home from work later I'm gonna crack one of these open

>> No.7673614

Can't go wrong with Founders. Only had their porter and breakfast stout, but god damn do they know how to work those coffee flavors.

>> No.7673651

It's nearly all one incredibly butthurt false flag shitposter spamming threads. Please report.

>> No.7673657

Evan Williams and a cigar

Whiskey gets the job done faster

>> No.7673665

God damn I need to pick up a good cigar. Any recommendations that would most likely be purchase-able at a wild bills tobacco shop? That's the best selection around me

>> No.7673919

Cigars international dot com

>> No.7673934

What dis nigga >>7673919 said. Order online while you can, before the FDAs new nanny state regulations go into effect.

As for beer, I am about to crack open a Dirty Bastard.

>> No.7673953

Running out of the the last of my KBS, which is unfortunate.

Also tried Firestone's Double Jack for the first time. Pretty nice double IPA.

>inb4 IPA meme
I like just about all beers. IPA's are nice. Imperial Stouts are nice. Lambic are nice. Belgians are nice. Not liking all types of beers means you suck.

>> No.7673973

IPA's are about the only beer I don't like. Hoppy beers just taste like grass to me. To each their own though

>> No.7673974

IPAs are nothing compared to sours. what a ridiculous meme.
>oops we accidentally brewed our beer wrong and it's downright fucking foul
>wait a sec guys
>what if we sell it like it is and act like it was totally intentional

>> No.7674009

Like I said, all beers are nice. I can appreciate things from all of them. Sours are great too.

IPA's are far from my personal favorite. Stouts and maltier beers take the cake there. I just know how to appreciate everything else anyways.

I just thought Firestone did an okay job with Double Jack. You can tell a purposeful and OK IPA from a "oh fuck senpai, call it an IPA" beer.

>> No.7674015

this meme again

>> No.7674024

>Stouts and maltier beers take the cake there.
This desu

I love stouts. I love Imperial Stouts. I love Russian Imperial Stouts. Bourbon Barrel Stouts. Malty beer is just too delicious.

And say what you want about American brewing, IPA memes and all, we do good stouts and porters. I'm okay with that.

>> No.7674063
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recently I bought loads of belge beer and drink one each day.
it was (not in any order)
Chimay, Duvel, Kwak, 4 different Leffs and Hoegaarden.

all were very very good beer,
tonight I'll have a Leff ruby

>> No.7674069

Chimay is probably my favorite out of all of those.

But to be honest, I stopped buying it. A 4-pack of Chimay at my local place is like $23.

I can get Ommegang/Allagash/etc Belgian 4-packs for like $10-12.

Still, I like to get imported beers once in a while for the novelty, despite the costs.

>> No.7674093

that's horribly expensive.
I bought a 750ml bottle for 4€
a small one did cost me 1,60€,

You live in the US?

>> No.7674233
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Was really surprised by this; one of the best IPA's I've had in recent memory. Definitely would recommend any time you're in southern CA

>> No.7674244

I beg to differ. The "Curmudgeon" is god awful.

>> No.7674262
File: 92 KB, 720x960, 11012031_10153365681297752_4983455371316213928_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curmudgeon is different but I definitely don't think it's bad. I dont mind barleywine style beers but I can certainly understand why people might not like them. Pic related is similar, I actually rather enjoyed it.

>> No.7674263

I chugged 4 tallboys of Steel Reserve 211 in the past half hour and it was delicious

>> No.7674285
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My local liquor stores are definitely riding the belgian revival hype train to full effect. 750mL bottles of Chimay, Rochefort, and Orval have gone from ~7 dollars to ~12-15 in the past year or two. Pretty much impossible to get reasonably priced trappist beer around here nowadays. Luckily there's a lot of american copycats that are very similar for reasonable prices though. Even pic related is a relatively good substitute.

>> No.7674291

A buddy of mine would say that shit takes the hair off your nuts and puts it right on yo chest.

>> No.7674295
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Didn't really start liking IPAs till I tried this one. Opened up a whole new world for me.

>> No.7676093

I tried this the other day and thought it was very good. It isn't a stout like the other Founders coffee beers though so in my opinion the coffee was way stronger here than in FBS or KBS. The beer's taste is not strong enough to compete with the big coffee flavor. It's good.

>> No.7676125

french fag

it cost 1.56 € around here.

>> No.7676151
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Pic related and DUDE WEED are a great way to prepare for a hot/NEET summer

>> No.7676179
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Drinking one of these tonight

>> No.7676909
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enjoying an old favorite

>> No.7676987

Is Blue Moon a pleb beer?

>> No.7677011

Shiner Bock

>> No.7677015
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Probably, but I'll still order one if I'm at a restaurant with a limited selection and want a beer.

I'm sipping on a Founders porter after half-heatedly studying for a final I have tomorrow. First time trying it - pretty good. Earlier in the week I tried pic related, which I honestly decided on mostly because the art was similar to a book I'd just finished. I really liked it a lot. I rarely drink beer because of the calories, but it's a nice treat and a comfy buzz.

>> No.7677020

its a mom beer

>> No.7677021


its entry level but its a good beer

>> No.7677118


This. It's a once craft beer that is now mass-produced and distributed, but is still decent quality beer for the price. It's the same style as shock top but better.

>> No.7677208

Blue Moon was never a craft beer. It was created by Coors to combat craft beer from the beginning

>> No.7677253


The only people I see drinking it here (Ireland) are hipsters and girls who like it because barstaff usually add a slice of lemon to it.

>> No.7677272

>craft beer is defined by production scale and distribution
worst meme in the world

>> No.7677274

It's the most entry level wheat beer around. Try paulaner hefeweizen if you want a better and closely priced wheat. More alcohol too I think

>> No.7677278
File: 280 KB, 1155x768, zhiguli_barnoe_bot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone outside of Russia/ex-USSR tried Zhigulevskoye beer?

>> No.7677438

Its literally mom tier in America. Definitely better than like Bud Light or something though

>> No.7677450

Gross. Russia.

>> No.7677856
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My local brewery recently released a "single hop series" - essentially a box of four different beers brewed with only one variety of hop. This is the Chinook Pale Ale. 6/10

>> No.7677867
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i got one of these a couple of weeks ago, but i guess that they switched gears and are putting out the beer run ipa now. this is by far the best citrus ipa ive ever had

>> No.7678908

I'm pretty comfy having a Brooklyn East IPA and vinegar chips to go with, despite it being €2.50 a bottle here (and entry-tier). Living close to Belgium I can have a lot of good thick beers at a decent price but very few hoppy lighter ones.

Duvel and Kwak are bretty gud, but I can't have more than two Leffes, it's really too "dense" (if you see what i mean?), and their recent attempts at marketing all sorts of new beer are not to my taste (I mean honey beer, really?)

>> No.7678960

this was the best beer ever brewed when it had the red label. now it's total shit. rip
blue moon is below pleb

>> No.7678963
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NC got da DANK

>> No.7678967

Is that one of them growler can things? I've been seeing them spring up around my area

>> No.7679026
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>> No.7680600

Heist sucks go to mob or sugar creek wooden robot is good too.

>> No.7681087

>live in chicagoland
>Alpha King is everywhere
>Can't find Zombie Dust

God damnit

>> No.7681132

<life is the pure awesomeness
>deal with it, rest of the world

>> No.7682332
File: 183 KB, 250x447, lDayTripperCan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a 12 pack of this. It's good. Not too overwhelming so I had 4 of them and felt decent. Pretty hoppy for a "pale ale" though.

>> No.7682660
File: 767 KB, 1836x2380, IMG_20160517_180553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Chimay white, easily one of my favourite beers.
Really liking pic related right now. Bit hard to get in Germany and expensive as fuck tho

>> No.7682678

Paulaner Salvator...so strong

>> No.7683133


Entry level, but respectable entry level. A decent go-to when all your alternatives are bud or shock top or some shit, but you can definitely do better for a similar price point if you shop local.

>> No.7683138

>Importing IPAs because the Krauts won't make them

You have my sympathy, bro.

>> No.7683153
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What do you mean? I have had plenty of European and German IPAs. My favourites would have to be Mikkeller Green Gold and Progusta.
I also enjoy the tropical fruitiness of pic related a great deal, of which they also make a Weizen variant. Top stuff.

>> No.7683164 [DELETED] 
File: 1.86 MB, 3024x4032, 20160517_182246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this tonight, so good - was surprised to see it in Britbongland

>> No.7683170
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Had this tonight, was so good - was surprised to see it in Britbongland

>> No.7683178
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Had this a few days ago. Was OK, but nothing special - their double IPA was much nicer.

>> No.7683975
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Is this Sierra Nevada beer camp thing worth going to?

>> No.7683980

you were pretty lucky to find that. Its very pretty tough to find in the US outside Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota
Also, it is fucking amazing

>> No.7684057
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, alpha kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to post in the /BeerGenerals/ a lot last year before I started redoing my bar. I've been keeping a beer review blog for the past few weeks as a university project.

Anyone interested in giving me some feedback?

>> No.7684079
File: 59 KB, 900x550, Blue-Moon-Cappuccino-Oatmeal-Stout_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff is god tier, too bad they only sell it in a "winter sampler" case

>> No.7684108
File: 341 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_1096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this at a hotel restaurant and it was really good so I bought a six to take home with me. If you're ever in the Canadian prairies you can probably find it somewhere.

>> No.7684129

Have it with an orange slice you fucking pussy

>> No.7684147

IPAs are fucking disgusting

>> No.7684157

stop drinking shitty west coast style IPA

>> No.7684167
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Great meme opinion.

>> No.7684181

Meme opinion?
West coast IPA is ok, but its kind of outdated now that so many tastier hop strains are around. Hard to beat the midwest style stuff in the vein of Zombie Dust/PseudoSue. Tropically hops are so much better than west coast style hop

>> No.7684190


Meant to quote >>7684147

East Coast/New England/New York IPAs are fucking amazing.

>> No.7684207

oh, that makes a lot more sense

>> No.7684220

you clearly haven't been to heist in a while. they're one of the best breweries in the world now. that isn't a exaggeration either. and yeah wooden robot is fucking great

>> No.7684237
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/bg/ you need to drink dark beer more.

>> No.7684242
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Drinking this right now. Pretty good, I love coolship/spontaneous fermentation beers, and between the funky sourness, the oak, and the pears, this beer is nicely balanced, not too sour or one note. This is super local, and I like that. Too expensive though.


I'm drunk. Not quoting/posting very well right now.

>> No.7684255

Not in the summer

>> No.7684256

great beers, i find the ruby one foul tho

>> No.7684268

where is mob brewery? not seeing anything online

>> No.7684274

idk about the festivals, but the beers they made last year for beercamp were on point

>> No.7684289

I just bought one of the 12 packs the other day. Tried 3 of them so far, the Patriot one was fucking good

>> No.7684309

i didnt even know there was a 12 pack available yet. Im gonna have to check that out this weekend

>> No.7684320

I saw it at 3 or so different stores in the last week. Seemed to have a lot of it. Its fucking expensive though, I almost didn't get it

>> No.7684331

what region are you in? hopefully ill be able to find it

>> No.7684335

I think it must be an SAB Miller product because I've seen it pushed in Australia after the Foster's takeover. Never tried it though and never seen anybody with one either.

>> No.7684337


>> No.7684340

Blue Moon was created by Coors, which is now affiliated with Miller. Not bad for a macro beer I guess

>> No.7684376

Maybe in the US if it sells for domestic prices, I think it gets dressed up as a premium here, IDK. There's always better looking options, even if that's a Cooper's Sparkling stubby from the fridge.

>> No.7684394

In the US it occupies the high end shit beer tier. More expensive than the cheap beer, but less than nice beer. Favorite beer of middle aged mothers across the country, also often teenage girls' favorite beer.
I'd take one over a Coors or Bud Light, but I am almost never faced with such an awful choice

>> No.7684498



top tier, last belgian haul was chimay bleue, delirium tremens, duvel, orval, and rochefort 10, all fantastic

>> No.7684516
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i got u senpai

>> No.7684596

Just drank a bottle of maudite. There are lot of better options in Quebec, but it's a bit cheaper than the rest of the Belgian-inspired stuff you'll find. If I want an affordable buzz with a good enough taste I'll always go for a unibroue.

>> No.7684625
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>move to east coast
>finally i can try this yuengling stuff i've been hearing so much about
>its shit

goddam i'm mad. it literally tastes like regular budweiser. is yuengling the In-N-Out of the north east?

>> No.7684690

It doesn't taste like regular budweiser. Yuengling is as cheap as the big AAL's but much better so it gets a good reputation. Lots of regular people drink it in Pennsylvania just like they drink Coors/Miller/AB. I think Yuengling is the best in its price range but it's not what I'd typically drink.

>> No.7685154

i've been drinking old rasputin a lot lately and want to branch out. imperial ipa or imperial stouts are my favorite right now but i don't know many good ones.

>> No.7685176

>drinking the blonde last

Congratulations, you wont be able to fully taste that blonde.

>> No.7685181


Starting with the heavier beers is a rookie mistake.

>> No.7685250

>Old Rasputin
Not a bad choice as far as imperial stouts are concerned. If you like the style, I'd recommend Sierra Nevada's Narwhal or Firestone's Parabola.

>> No.7685266

Couldn't be more wrong. It was great. Yeasty upfront, with a strong citrus and spicy finish. Had a little pear and clove going on as well. Nice way way to finish off the beers.

Gotta hand it to the Chimay though. Definitely my favorite of the 3.

>> No.7685582
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Just got these bad boys in the mail. Which should I drink first?
I'm most hype for the Rochefort 10 and the Karmeliet.

>> No.7685584
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Fantastic thread mate. ANYWAY, open ended request for you all. I'm looking for a good beer that isn't cheap piss, but isn't overly expensive either so I can throw em back on occasion without blowing a hole in my wallet. So fucking tired of VB.

No home brew hipster garbage thanks, you know you are terrible. I mean, that is unless it took off on the open market.

>> No.7685589
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>That glass

Wuh, um... Is that a cultural thing?

>> No.7685591
File: 131 KB, 445x375, trappist-glass-collection.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Trappist beer chalice. Only proper way to drink Belgian ales m8

>> No.7685595

Oh so yeah it's a traditional Belgian thing. I was scared and confused for a moment there.

>> No.7685645

The Karmeliet is OK, nothing special. Trappistes 10 is absolutely gorgeous though, definitely worth the hype.

I'd say go with the Orval (which is really great) first and savour the Trappistes 10

>> No.7685677
File: 42 KB, 600x399, COOPERS-BREWERY-NEW-PACKAGING-8_sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drink Coopers green* like the rest of us.

* technically Coopers pale ale

>> No.7685690
File: 733 KB, 1320x2200, IMG_20160414_092709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these

>> No.7685691

Is it available in Australian stores and will it make me appear like a ponce on the weekends.?

>> No.7685714

>will it make me appear like a ponce on the weekends
Who even gives a fuck nigger
If your friends judge you by the beer you drink, it's time to get new friends.

>> No.7685719

It's fucking everywhere (at least in Vic and SA), it's about $50 a slab, and if you put it in a stubby-holder nobody will give a fuck.

Coopers have been around for more than a hundred years and sell tens of millions of litres of beer a year. They're not some tiny hipster shack run by gays with moustaches.

>> No.7685723

Sounds like you just read a review online and pasted it here. Next time start with the lighter stuff brah.

>> No.7685731

I believe him. I've appreciated and reviewed Maredsous Tripel after a load of chap wine and malt liquor. Of course it's not optimal but it's not the end of the world either. It's a great guideline and recommended but often things work out fine in practice anyways.

>> No.7685750
File: 88 KB, 628x350, sal_maxwell_wines_mead_ss_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good news. I'll give it a go.

This is what I usually drink. Now tell me, do you think I am someone who actually cares what other people think? I drink this on weekends with mates for fuck sake.

I mentioned social perception mainly because if it's good I'll probably recommend it to them.It was more of a passing statement.

>> No.7685762


Did you know before you reached the legal age to drink, craft beer was referred to exclusively as "micro-brew"?

>> No.7685763

shift brewer on the job, waiting for strike water to heat up to start the brew day. will answer questions if anyone cares.

>> No.7685766

What's the brand. Going to bed and will probably forget this thread in the morning because I have school (but am not underaged) but whatever lets get the ball rolling faggots.

>> No.7685768

/lg/ - lambic general

What's your favorite lambic?

>> No.7685769



I hate people who act like any domestic beer has worthwhile variance in flavor.

>> No.7685773

I'm obviously not going to post my place of work on a peruvian deep-sea fishing board...

>> No.7685820

Yeah I'm sure it still tasted good, just future advice mostly to get the most bang for your buck.

>> No.7685826

I will say that I work with a 15bbl brewhouse, so we're still pretty small. I brewed roughly 3000bbls last year, and am in charge of recipe formulation and special beers too (pilot batches, casks, 1-offs, etc). I've won awards for my homebrew as well as commercial stuff.

>> No.7686542
File: 1009 KB, 2160x2880, IMG_20160518_181146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second beer tonight, so delicious - really citrusy. Always like stuff from The Kernel, probably my favourite brewery - other than Magic Rock

>> No.7686543 [DELETED] 

Followed that up with this. For 2.5% this was crazy flavourful, very drinkable stout.

>> No.7686547
File: 2.01 MB, 3024x4032, 20160518_183134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Followed that up with this. For 2.5% this was crazy flavourful, very drinkable stout

>> No.7686559


>half the alcohol of a michelob ultra
>twice the calories
>four times the price

thats possibly the gayest/most pointless beer ive ever seen

>> No.7686656

That's nice honey

>> No.7686659

Not everyone is an alcoholic

>> No.7686672

why not down some rubbing alcohol while you're at it you base animal

>> No.7686675


>i drink beer with no intention of feeling the effects of alcohol

i thought only recovering alcoholics drank o'douls

>> No.7686684

It's nice to get a little buzz, but if something tastes good I'll drink it. Berliner weisse and lambics are good examples of this.

>> No.7686730


>sip on a couple 2% beers
>watch your date polish off a bottle of wine by herself and get trashed
>soberly drive her home and put it in her butt

kinda creepy but i guess that works

>> No.7686780

I've got a 22oz of that Rogue IPA that was brewed with coffee, and a sixer of the Imperial IPA from New Belgium. I bought them on a whim, and my hopes are not high.

>> No.7686801

My buddy gave me a Gose brewed with fucking sea salt. Literally the worst beer I'd ever tasted up to that point.

>> No.7686810

Not far off from the drinking nights with my gf desu

>> No.7686852

Drinking this right now.

Also excuse the black.

>> No.7686863
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Oops forgot the photo.

>> No.7686886
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>> No.7687843
File: 101 KB, 500x500, Flying_Dog_Raging_Bitch_Belgian_IPA_6PK_12OZ_BTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought this on a whim and it's actually pretty good. just the right amount of hops. flavorful, but not overpowering.

>> No.7687898

Where do you live that you had to mail-order those guys? Also, where did you get the Rochefort chalice, because I want one too.

>> No.7687920

The St. Bernie 12 is fucking delicious, and likely the closest to Westvleteren 12 I will ever drink.

>> No.7687928
File: 51 KB, 772x1024, brasserie-lefebvre-barbar-blond-33cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orval, my garage is full of Orval and Trememens pal. I even use Orval to cook.

Barbar masterace coming through.

>> No.7687934

Ok /bg/, when Stone did their odd year last year, the chai stout, I absolutely fell in love with it. I can't find more of it or anything like it; anyone know something that could satisfy my desire for spiced beer?

>> No.7687948
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I used to buy a stout beer from the 'ethnic' section of my local supermarket called Dragon Stout. I have not had it in a while but I remember it being different for a stout.

>> No.7688082
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tonight's beers

>> No.7688198
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>Brewed a session IPA a few weeks ago
>Finally carbonated
>Taste it
>Its fucking delicious

>> No.7688204


Wheat beer is the white chocolate of beer. Really nice at first, but becomes too sickly after having one or two.

>> No.7688263

Hey guys I'm going to be in northern California soon was wonder what some good beers I could check out would be that I wouldn't be able to get my hands on in Colorado.

>> No.7688759

I live in a shitty town in Bumfuck Nowhere, Germany, so ordering online is pretty much the only way to get Belgian ales like that. I once actually found some Chimay white at the local supermarket but it was gone almost immediately.
Got the chalice online too, ebay and amazon are bound to have them.

>> No.7688857
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didn't remember to take pictures so internet pictures have to do

Never had an Ayinger before and I feel like I should've started with the big one, the celebrator but oh well. The Jahrhundertbier was decent, a bit simple maybe. wouldn't go for it again as there's better cheaper alternatives everywhere.

The Schwarzer Abt on the other hand... holy shit, who the fuck buys this? 14 year old girls? Grannies that ran out of egg nog to get drunk on? It's so disgustingly sweet, liquefying a cake and pouring that in a bottle would yield a more savoury drink. Horrendous.

Gonna go back to some old favourites this weekend, just picking blindly didn't work out very well this time.

>> No.7689204

Congrats on the brew anon!

>> No.7690661

Tripel Karmeliet is good stuff.

>> No.7690689

Southern Tier's Warlock should do the trick. Though it's a tad sweeter.

>> No.7690694

Reccently went to Weird Beard Tap Takeover met Bryan the brew nice guy

Their 5 O'Clock shadow is insane doesn't drink like a 7.5% at all

>> No.7690719


What's the final ABV?

>> No.7690786
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I loved it too. I have 2 bottles saved from last year but now it's hard to open them and I want to hoard them even more. I hope Stone will brew it again relatively soon because I'd crack one of these to remind myself and probably buy a case at least.

>> No.7690816
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>don't know shit about beer
>only ever had industrial brazilian piss
>have some money laying around
>today I will try some "exotic" beer
>buy wheat beer from a microbrewery (it says it's from a microbrew so I'll believe them)
>actually really tasty
>could definitely see myself drinking that unironically
>expensive as fuck compared to normal beer though

is wheat beer babby's first beer?

pic related is what it looks like

>> No.7690846

It was really nice. Way too bubbly though.

>> No.7690855
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Just opened up this

Imperial Russian Porter by Celt Experience

A nice sessionable 10.5%

>> No.7690868

>is wheat beer babby's first beer?
Not neccasarily but it is not off-putting to some people the way an IPA can be. I usually think wheat beers have cool fruity tastes and that one is really nice looking.

>> No.7690899

this was the first beer I ever had. My dad gave me a sip of it when I was really young.

>> No.7690987
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I got an 18 pack for 9 bucks at walgreens.

>> No.7691030

You got fucked. 24 pack for $10 here

>> No.7691718
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Having some chicken fajitas for dinner with a Big Barrel IIPA. Might work on a Boont Amber Ale later.

>> No.7691735

Really want to try this one. Gonna search for it at my local Total Wine. Doubt they'll have it on import though.

>> No.7691753

Not entirely sure if they retail in Colorado, but definitely check out stuff from Cellarmaker and Anchor. Based out of SF.

>> No.7691760

I like Yuengling

>> No.7691786
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As someone that has had a lot of quads, i would say that rochefort 10 is alot closer to the westvleteren 12 than the st bernadus is.

>> No.7691814
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I have that same stein

czech beers are delicious. That's been my beer of choice for years now.

>> No.7691871

>importing IPAs because the krauts know better

>> No.7691904

>Limited to only water, barely, and hops in our beer.
Thank the Reinheitsgebot for our purity, which in no way whatsoever gets boring.

>> No.7692083

When I went to Germany I expected the beer to be amazing, but the Czechs, Slavs, and Pollacks did a great job with brewing excellent beer.

>> No.7692153

It's an old beer, but they got it so right. I love oatmeal stouts, but none compare to this classic.

>> No.7692211

peach sour ale by Rhinegeist. was too sour. if you'd blindfolded me and asked what it was I'd have figured kombucha instead of beer. Their stout is good though.

>> No.7692500

Chicken bacon ranch?

>> No.7692534
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What's /ck/'s opinion on this stuff?

>> No.7692609

Pretty good stuff imo. First tried it on tap at Yard House. I'll pick up a six pack from time to time now.

>> No.7692677

Good readily available brown.

>> No.7692880

Water should be free my friend

>> No.7692887
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Last night's beers with friends

>> No.7692939

Craft Beer Rising

>> No.7692964

I like chicken bacon ranch better

>> No.7693565

>from the fridge

>> No.7695135


It was around 12 degrees celcius, looks way colder though.

>> No.7695848

Somebody PLESE give me some rational insight.

So I don't have a lot of money. But tonight at my local beer provider I saw they carry 12 packs of Sculpin for 30 bucks. Now I usually by 12 packs for around 20, but I know Sculpin can be kinda expensive and this seems like a good deal.

Was it a good deal, or was I ripped off? I don't have a lot of money so I can't spend it very frivolously. If I didn't indulge every now and then though, I would go mad. So was this a good deal or did I totally blow my money?

>> No.7695942

12 pack of sculpin for 30 is not a good deal

>> No.7695964

Enjoying a nice cold homebrew Queensland lager this arvo

>> No.7695993
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I have a box with 12 of these coming in the mail, has anyone tried it?

>> No.7696043


>> No.7696057

I'm not really into beer, I've only tried the most standard Corona and Miller, but since I really like fernet I feel an urge to try a stout just because it's black, is there any way you guys could describe the taste to me?

>> No.7696072

Normal price for sculpin.Which is pretty fucking high. Its a good beer though

>> No.7696084
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Delicious, anon. Some are bitter, some are mellow. All pretty much have rich roasted coffee and chocolate notes that add great flavor. There are several different styles that while similar at a basic level, deferentiate pretty substantially. If you like your coffee black, you'd most likely enjoy a good porter/stout.

>> No.7696097

Cool man thanks a lot, definitely going to try it now

>> No.7696119

Recommend you start with an oatmeal stout. The oatmeal used in the mash gives off a ton of proteins and lipids that makes the beer really smooth on the palate. Gives it a slightly better taste as well imo.