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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7668056 No.7668056 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the better cook, you or your gf/bf?

In our case it's me, at least in everything besides baking. She has zero confidence cooking any sort of meat protein and her flavor combos are limited. My knife/prep work is better/faster too

>> No.7668088

Me obviously, because forever alone.

>> No.7668094

Girlfriends don't exist.

It's just some bullshit made up by the media to make things more profitable.

>> No.7668099
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>> No.7668105

My girlfriend by a long shot. She's better than me at most things, actually. She suddenly becomes retarded when technology/electronics are involved, though, so I suspect she keeps me around to do that shit.

>> No.7668107

My bf can't cook anything beyond boxed macaroni and cheese so i'd say me

>> No.7668116

Me, girlfriend doesn't cook too much.

>> No.7668133

When I had a partner, she was a terrible cook, and a picky eater. Since we've been single, she's picked up cooking as a hobby, and she's become very good at it. She's able to cook a lot more and nicer quality stuff, because she's really financially well-off. I'm poor and so I just make soup a lot lol

>> No.7668135

>referring to yourself in the first person plural
Codependent piece of human garbage detected, I promise no one can stand to be around either of you

>> No.7668151

Probably me overall. She has a knack for making things right the first time from recipes which I lack though.

>> No.7668206

I don't understand what you're frustrated at.

>> No.7668220


B-but I'm in a competition with m-myself
>it kills me every time when I make a great meal and there's no one to share it with

>> No.7668222

Me for sure. My wife has to follow recipes to the letter, she has no improvisational skills and doesn't understand when dishes she makes turn out because "I followed the instructions exactly"

>> No.7668231

I said "our" so he thinks that I was demonstrating codependency instead of just speaking normal english. It's projection because he's lonely

>> No.7668244

In most of my relationships I've been the more curious and able cook. At the least I've had a broader range and been more interested in trying new techniques. Much of that has to do with my greater experience in the industry; I've worked in three bakeries as well as a middle eastern restaurant and a quick casual cafe where I currently manage.

That doesn't mean that I haven't learned from past partners or my current partner. I learned a lot about Mediterranean cuisines girls I dated from Marseille and Athens. I learned about Tex-Mex from an Austinite who also supported me when I decided to learn how to bbq because she wanted that moist smokey brisket.

On the other hand, I've had a couple of gfs who were useless in the kitchen. One of them could barely boil water and another had a 'specialty' that amounted to caned mushroom soup, some water, rice, frozen broccoli and velveeta tossed in a slow cooker.

>> No.7668251

I'm a far better cook, she's a far better baker.
It's kinda disappointing desu, since she's a pooinloo and I love food from that part of the world. Also, she can't handle spice. Luckily, she's taken my advice and has started to learn some recipes from her mother.

>> No.7668262

my BF is an engineer, so naturally he just cooks sustenance and gets back to his work, I cook all the time and come up with some good stuff for us to eat, but he's not picky, so it's fine (i'm more manly anyway, despite being the cook)

>> No.7668273

Oh boy here we go

Next say I must be a virgin and I'm mad because I can't take my crotchspawn to the bar to show off how bad I am at contraceptives

>> No.7668336

>tfw never known a woman including the ones in my family who could cook

>> No.7668560

> tfw no gf

I still remember how bad my ex was at cooking, though. I asked her to thaw out and brown some ground beef with salt pepper once, and when I came home, she had the frozen ground beef in the skillet in simmering water, and said "this way it thaws out and cooks in one step!" Apparently that's how her mom did it growing up. Then she didn't drain the grease. Ugh.

I asked her to brown some un-frozen ground beef once too, and she also filled the pan up with water and essentially boiled it. I was so disgusted but I cooked with the boiled beef anyways.

She would also refer to any recipe where you had to cut up any actual vegetables as "too much work" and insisted that I just cook hamburger helper or "something that's not so fancy"

>> No.7668569

I'll also never forget the time I sent her to the supermarket with a list before i grilled on July 4th, and had two Filet Mignons on the list. She left the butcher's and texted me "I picked up some ribeyes because they looked a lot bigger than the filets and they're cheaper too"

She arrived with T-bones that were about as thick as my pinky.

She complained that the steaks were too tough when we ate them, too.

>> No.7668571


I am good but my BF is excellent, could have been a pro chef. Once of the benefits of being a fag is that you do not have to out up with modern female cooking.

>> No.7668654

Dude what the actual fuck is your problem? I'm not OP, but this is just basic grammar.

>> No.7668668

Reposted from another thread because fuck it:

My ex told me she's not a very good cook, so I offered to do all the cooking.

Then I realized she's not a good cook because she's kind of a picky eater. She'll TRY anything, and won't complain. But she really only likes pasta without sauce, basic meats without adornment, and vegetables that won't give her gas (bascially, she wouldn't eat anything green). It frustrated the hell out of me because she'd eat anything I prepared and wouldn't say anything about it but I could tell she didn't like anything. Bitch, I want to fix something for you that's delicious AND that you actually like. I can cook the stuff I like for myself.

Before you complain about how she was trying to be considerate of me, just imagine what living with someone like that would be like.

>> No.7668684

the fuck is in that pot?

looks like raw ground meat on the bottom, canned peas, raisins, onions, paprika and mustard?

>> No.7668717

My girlfriend couldnt cook a poptart with instructions if her life depended on it.

One time I got back after a weekend of being gone and she had taken my individual burner and cooked raw chicken directly on top of it no pan. Just burnt shit everywhere.

>> No.7668728


It's empanada mix for salteñas. beef onion raisins peas potato paprika bouillon pepper

>> No.7668806

I'd say we are about equal but he enjoys cooking more than I do

>> No.7668823
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I'm a better cook than my BF :--)

>> No.7668870


By default.

>> No.7668887

please tell that the white thing on it is cocaine.

>> No.7668940
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Here's an example of how my gf's typical cooking goes, most recent dish she made:
>Bacon wrapped cream-cheese stuffed chicken

>Doesn't season chicken, not even salt and pepper
>cooks whole thing in oven without searing bacon first - bacon comes out with almost raw texture
>somehow incorporates two sticks of butter into the recipe so it comes out a greasy mess
>cream cheese coming out all over the place
>have to pretend to like it because she and I both know she's not good at cooking
>try to help in kitchen but always come off like a condescending dick
>mfw tasting it

Ah well, I do a majority of the cooking anyways so I just gotta keep my mouth shut once or twice a month.

>> No.7668941

Why don't you give her confidence then? Is cooking meat the only thing you are skilled at?

>> No.7668953

Christ, are you me?

Both my wife and I work in food, so I'm no slouch in the kitchen by any means but she definitely has me beat. I usually act as her 'sous' (for as much as that means for home cooking) when we're making dinner together.

Can't into computers, though.

>> No.7668955

Powdered sugar, silly

>> No.7668975

Being realistic men generally cook better, they are less afraid to deviate from the norm and adopt new ideas.

Have you ever wondered why the worlds best Chefs are men.

Gays don't cook as well as straight men either (maybe the exceptions being for pastries)

But generally, Men DO cook better than women.

>> No.7669135

Lotta chicks now suck at cooking. I had to eat so many flavorless meals and grin before current gf asked me to cook more often.

>omg how did you make this gumbo from scratch

Literally follow the directions. Closely.

I don't get why "millenials" think it's fucking alchemy.

>> No.7669155

Me. bf can't cook really beyond average bachelor food like canned chili into fritos or a 'potato chip pie'

I like having someone to cook for. Even when my depression spikes I can still muster the energy to give a fuck about what I'm feeding him

>> No.7669177

this right here folks you heard it from this guy


>> No.7669211

out of my 3 best friends, the worst one is the girl. I love her, but she's fucking awful in the kitchen, hilariously her father is a chef.

The dudes are fucking amazing one just likes fucking around and has the same tastes as me, and the other one has worked in a kitchen a bunch of times

>> No.7669350

I cook, she bakes. We're both pretty good when we stick to those roles. I can't bake for shit. She's an OK cook, but she's slow and disorganized when it comes to cooking, so for her it's a great deal of effort for just an OK result. Her baking is truly badass, though.

>> No.7669375

>basic grammar
Being grammatically correct isn't the same as being the only, let alone the optimal way to express a set of circumstances grammatically correctly. Just kill yourself, invertebrate.

>> No.7669430

My grill fiend has her pros and cons.
>good at baking
>okay cook
>always helps with cutting vegetables etc.
>not strictly vegan
>good taste in beer
>strictly vegetarian and mostly vegan
>throws garlic in the pan at the same time as onions, every time
>doesn't experiment
>doesn't try new stuff often
>always undersalting stuff
>thinks lentils are starch only and won't eat them with rice

>> No.7669442

>can't spice

Your girlfriend must bring much shame to her family

>> No.7669445

My wife hates cooking and makes pretty much no effort to get good at it. She has a repertoire of about three dishes which are all bland. For meats she only eats chicken breast and she's picky about many other foods.
I love cooking and cook all kinds of Asian and western food. I'm much better at cooking. And yes I wish I was single

>> No.7669474

>And yes I wish I was single
Why don't you break up with her then?

>> No.7669501

That was poor grammar. Tighten it up. Brevity is key.

>> No.7669516
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Offer her a glass of home-made elderberry wine laced with arsenic, strychnine, and just a pinch of cyanide.

>> No.7669542

I think I'm a better cook, but he's the one doing all the cooking, he likes it and so do I.

>> No.7669558

We're separated but live together because of money and kids

>> No.7669565

This shit happens. Part of dating a chick is going out to eat with her. At that point you're seeing how well you two do eating together because if the thing gets serious you're going to end up eating together a lot. It's on you to find out whether she's a pain in the ass about food.

When I started dating my wife she thought she didn't like Mexican food, Indian food, okra, fava beans and a bunch of other shit. I told her those were character flaws she'd have to work on if we were going to stay together. Over a decade later Mexican and Indian are two of her fave cuisines.

You just can't let them get away with that shit. Some girls were really babied as children, and they assume whatever man they end up with will indulge their crappy ideas of what they think they don't like. If you don't break them of that shit at the start of the relationship you may end up having to live with it.

>> No.7669608


Me. It's not her fault, though, and under my tutelage she's getting better.

Nobody in my gf's family can fucking cook. To them, "taco" means "unseasoned ground beef in a cold taco shell from a box." We're talking cabbage-water soup and boiled chicken breasts as staples. They don't use salt or pepper in ANYTHING, and they won't eat what I cook because they think spices are fucking witchcraft or something.

And it's not like they eat like that because they're the fucking Bucket family from Willy Wonka, they're fucking loaded. They're all just cheap and bland.

>> No.7669610

Otherwise "we" might get mad?

>> No.7669647

>Who's the better cook, you or your gf/bf?
That depends. She knows a lot of recipes and can execute them perfectly, but can't really improvise worth a damn; I know far fewer recipes but can bullshit things together far better.

>> No.7669686

I cook for her and she loves it
I'm more of a housewife kind of man and she's the one doing the manual work
She also makes me wear frilly aprons

>> No.7669699
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>boiled chicken breasts

>> No.7669713

Me. My girlfriend can't cook anything more complicated than a quesadilla, and has no intention to ever learn. I don't know what's going to happen if we have kids :(

>> No.7669721

>I don't know what's going to happen if we have kids :(
She learns or you do the cooking.

>> No.7669780


these have been other people ripping on you, not me. That said, you gotta turn down the autism a bit. You're as bad as sjw tumblr cunts with your "pronouns"

>> No.7669781

I love cooking, but I work longer hours than her, and I'm the one who makes more money. By a lot. If one of us is gonna stay home with the kids, it's not gonna be me, however much I'd love that.

I really don't think I can work 10 hours a day and cook for a family every night. Why don't young women give a shit about learning life skills?

>> No.7669839
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How fucked would the average /ck/ browser be if they were transported on the set of Chopped??

>> No.7669888

>young women
It's young people

>> No.7670005

> meme bread with more fruit than meme bread

You can't outmeme this guy

>> No.7670026


>> No.7670030

I'm not a professional chef, they are. So yeah, I'd be destroyed. However take any 3 random people roughly my age and I think I could take them down.

>> No.7670042
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>One time I got back after a weekend of being gone and she had taken my individual burner and cooked raw chicken directly on top of it no pan. Just burnt shit everywhere.

>> No.7670060

My gf is a shit cook. Sometimes I think she acts the cluts on purpose and burns herself a little to get out of it

>> No.7670113

My bigger problem would be lack of familiarity with some ingredients and the time limit. I'm a slow cook

>> No.7670149

what is it with you faggots and always having to add some shitty misogynistic comment with every statement you make?

>> No.7670195

Faggots are almost uniformly misogynists. This is news?

>> No.7670196

>shitty misogynistic comment

I want you to die.

>> No.7670480

What specifically is wrong about the onions and garlic at the same time? I see it all the time in recipes but I never really understood why

>> No.7670656
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I am. She is terrified of undercooking meat, cannot improvise and sadly cant even bake beyond betty crocker cakes and other processed crap.

I've rubbed off on her (giggity) a bit and she can now cook a somewhat decent (usually over salted) stir fry.

The next step would be her knife skills I suppose.

>> No.7670764

When you're making a tomato sauce, for example. you fry the onions in olive oil first. Then, when they're almost done, you put in the garlic for a minute before adding the tomato/liquid.
Usually, you just want to cook it through without browning it. Browning garlic brings out some intense roasty and bitter flavors, which can be a great thing sometimes. But you don't want it in a tomato sauce.

>> No.7671040

Go ask your friends at tumblr

>> No.7671168

thats why you take a pic and post it on /ck/ or show off in your familys whatsapp group

>> No.7671178

My skills involve more technical stuff while hers rely on improvisation( with good results). Regarding baking, whereas I suck at it, she is a great baker.

Normally when she is cooking or I am, the counterpart stays quiet so we avoid arguing at cooking stuff.

>> No.7671181


Accept it, OP, you're in the wrong here. Learn from your mistake and move on.

>> No.7671198

this desu
Go on /gaygen/ and there's so much women hate. I wouldn't mind -- quite as much, anyway -- if it was actually the topic of discussion, but they just shove it into every other sentence: "haha sure is fun being gay, no women bitchin at u lol," "only gay cuz women are bitches desu," etc.

>> No.7671505

I accept nothing. It's not my fault some aspy faggot virgin gets triggered by the fact that other people are happy in relationships and know proper grammar. I'd say kill yourself but you'll be bred out of the gene pool eventually anyway

>> No.7671554

my wife is a much better cook than I am. I can follow recipes and improvise with some things, but she seems to have a natural talent for cooking, mixing flavors and is always trying to make new things.

>> No.7671576

I can't believe how many pathetic losers there are posting in this thread.

Imagine having a partner and continuing to visit 4chan. Inexcusable.

>> No.7671633

>Imagine having a partner and continuing to visit 4chan
To be fair, I did so less frequently, but I still did.

>> No.7671642

Honestly have yet to meet a woman that can cook more than 3 dishes, which are all pretty average to mediocre

>> No.7671726

Me, we both love cooking but I am autistic when it comes to improving and improvising
She can draw though, and isn't manically depressed so I think she wins

>> No.7671893

I'm the better cook. He made sandwiches for dinner every night and frozen pizzas. I sort of blame his mother for spoiling him by making food for him constantly. He has made 2 meals for me in the last 6 months we have been living together and that included dry over cooked eggs for breakfast and a "penne ala vodka" which was over seasoned to the max. I come home after work and make dinner every night. I don't trust him in the kitchen..

>> No.7672128

>thinks you have to change your habits and behavior when you enter a relationship

you're the pathetic one if you think you have to change to be deemed a worthwhile partner. grow a spine and love yourself

>> No.7672189

>taste and adjust as i cook
>use thermometer
>homemade stocks, sauces, etc
>like everything
>more experience
>often follows recipe exactly; ignores real-time variables
>stock cubes, sauces, etc
>picky eater

who is better?

>> No.7672204
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tfw no bf
>ywn fuck up a delicious potroast just as he gets back from a stressful day at work, cause him to punch you, and later in the evening feel bad and snuggle it all better even thought you are still traumatised and uncomfortable in his embrace but the need for comfort outweighs the fear

>> No.7672216


>> No.7672227

Me by 1,000 times.

She thinks she is a good cook, but she doesn't listen to any advice. She gets super offended when I try to correct her on something and storms off saying "just make it yourself than".

For instance, when she cuts an onion, she just hacks away at it. I tried to teach her how to mince an onion so that all the pieces are the same size and cook evenly, and she gets pissy.

Last week I was going to make us sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast. Pretty simple recipe, brown the sausage, add two tablespoons of flour, two cups of milk, and let it thicken. I've made it dozens of times. She said she would make it.

She browns the sausage. Adds 1 cup of flour. 1/2 cup of milk. Decides its too thick. Adds a bit more milk. At this point its not a gravy, its batter with sausage in it. I couldn't contain myself and told her she was doing it wrong, and again she snapped. I sucked it up and ate it, but it tasted like a thick mush of raw flour with some sausage in it.

>> No.7672259

your girlfriend sounds way too touchy, maybe I could be your gf instead.

>> No.7672279
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>TFW no gft
Me because I'm single

>> No.7672390
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Well my gf and I have our own respective recipes. (We just sort our shortcomings by who makes the most mistakes.)
She cooks a sort of Americanized Irish dishes and mainstream shit like pasta.
I cook a handful of casual Mexican rice dishes and mainstream pasta.
I have better "chopped" results. She'll be like "baaaaaabe, i undercooked the edge." and i be like "...Lets buy burritos."

>> No.7672399

>Takes a lick at losers. Complains among the only crowd available to hear his or her say.

>> No.7672411

Me, my girlfriend can't do anything right and even if she existed she probably still couldn't do anything right..

>> No.7672412
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>maybe I could be your gf instead.

be careful what you wish...plus the guy sounds like a douche - how else would he know how his gf made the food? - douche hovered around her like a well, like a douche

>> No.7672643

why careful?
Also standing in the same kitchen as a couple isn't that weird.

>> No.7672669

Last time I had one I was a much better cook than my gf.

>> No.7672758

Are you patrician?

>> No.7673018

>thinks lentils are starch only and won't eat them with rice

holy fuck she has been missing out on the holy grail that is mjadra

>> No.7673032

want to know how I know you are a transsexual?

>> No.7673052


>> No.7673328

My technique is better overall and I improvise more than her. On the other hand, her baked dishes and pastries are superior; I just can't get the hang of working with dough.

So it'd be like comparing apples to pears.

>> No.7673575
File: 35 KB, 472x310, leek and potato soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is a shit cook. I love her dearly but she can keep away from the kitchen.

I do all the cooking in my house. I've tried to help her, but she just doesn't have that instinctive 'feel' for the ingredients and timing. She's Scottish and makes good soup, but anything else gets ruined. Scottish women always have a pot of soup on the hob. It's the same with her mam who is an excellent cook.

My favourite soups that she makes are lentil, and leek and potato. Our daughter is vegan which I don't approve of, but she's seventeen and can make her own choices. I am perplexed when I go shopping so I give her £20 each week to get what she wants. Market day is Wednesday and I always go with her for the freshest fruit and vegetables.

>> No.7673615
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The ladyfolk are the only ones to be trusted in the kitchen in this house. Last "man-made" meal was pasta with vegetable oil and straight tomato paste.

>> No.7673969
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In this case it's me, my gf doesnt even boil water, she's a total retard in the kitchen

>> No.7674242

Ha. Love it

>> No.7674266

I'm fucking worthless when it comes to cooking but I can bake like a champ
My "partner" is my mom. She has my outstripped by a mile on cooking but her baking is... alright

>> No.7674647

Out, SJW.

>> No.7674674

No bf/gf but none of my roommates know how to cook. It's always either them ordering takeout or asking me to cook them something. I normally don't mind, but two of them tease me all the time and say I'd make a good housewife one day (I'm male) and do nothing to help with prepping or cleaning up. It gets frustrating, but on the same token, I end up paying less rent because I'm stuck with the chores and cooking and I make them give me a good share of money for grocery shopping.

I completely forbid my one roommate from cooking when he tried to make one of those shitty recipes that people share around on fb and covered my baking sheet in burnt cheese and just left it in the sink for a whole day.

>> No.7676621

And you somehow failed to notice this before getting married?
You deserve everything you get.

>> No.7676783
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Historical girlfriend cooking skill list:

Ex 1 - bad, half due to her shitty family being incapable of anything other than the worst in oily Mexican food, and the other half due to her sister, who was just as bad, but due to their symbiotic-idolization of each other, they shared their techniques. Her specialty was slicing potatoes, throwing them in a cast-iron skillet, drenching them in olive oil, and throwing them in the oven for a while. It was like every bad oven fry story made manifest into a single tater entity - Tatentity

Ex 2 - was adventurous, but still bad, mostly because she'd look for any random recipe online that looked good, tell her grandparents to buy her the shit to make it, and then poorly-prepare it because she thought she could make enhancements to the recipes. The last thing I ate was some foil-baked orange roughy thing that was drenched in rosemary (like, she chopped the entire contents of a "living herb" pack sans the roots and covered the fucking thing in it), I felt ill trying to eat it, it was so goddamn bitter, and made me feel as if this roughy died for absolutely fucking nothing

Ex 3 - didn't date long enough to see if she could cook anything beyond bog-standard Mexican food. It wasn't BAD, but her (hot) mom made the better enchiladas, where her's were just baked without any frying step, and were soggy and runny, sauce was good though, and not canned, but it was her mom's meat in them

Ex 4 - probably the best cook I knew in terms of skills/knowledge/trivia, and where I picked up a lot of shit to where I would start exploring beyond a Betty Crocker cookbook, and also how I started realizing how bad most people I know are in the kitchen. Kinda sounded like going to school augmented what she already knew how to do, and was popular at parties because of this

Ex 5 - in the single week we were dating, I witnessed her add Kraft singles and Vienna Sausages to Velveeta mac and cheese in order to "make it better", i.e. the Dollar Tree gourmet

>> No.7677028

>5 girl friends

normie as fuck

>> No.7677271

I just woke up and I was married.

>mfw now I got to figure out how this sex stuff works

>> No.7677302

Ultimately, my wife is the better cook. And I am absolutely fatter because of it.

totally worth it

>> No.7677360

We are pretty much even IMO.

I only prefer my own cooking because I cook to my taste preferences.

>> No.7677391
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>I told her those were character flaws she'd have to work on if we were going to stay together


>> No.7677549

It worked.

>> No.7677604

i imagine beating her would've worked too, thats not the point

>> No.7677636

mine can't cook for shit
I wouldn't mind, but she's above doing dishes as well

>> No.7677724

this sounds fun

>> No.7677732

the average /ck/ browser unironically eats fast food and TV dinners
what the fuck kinda question is this

>> No.7677740

You know you could replace all of that with "he" and "guy/man"? Or do you think affluenza is solely a problem with women?

>> No.7677755

Literally this. I'm better at baking though which is odd since all you have to do is follow the recipe

>> No.7678835

Eh that was the good thing about my ex is she knew and wouldn't even attempt anything in the kitchen. I don't get it though, her mother was an amazing cook but none of that stuck.

She was also very limited, I ended up making the same 3-5 dishes for about a year and a half. I enjoyed them but holy shit did I get bored eating with her.

>> No.7678837

are you ever going to tell me?

>> No.7678841

>I told her those were character flaws she'd have to work on if we were going to stay together.

sociopath detected

>> No.7678873

I've experienced this as well, but I think it's the procedural nature of it that appeals to how men think. Working in a kitchen is kinda scientific, I know that's what appeals to me. I've also known women that are great cooks, but statistically it seems like more men than women have the skill. Then again it seems like half the population doesn't go beyond mix this seasoning packet with a can of this soup with some meat and veg in a slow cooker level of cooking, it seems like a lost skill in general nowadays.

>> No.7678877

I'm kinda a chef so.. I'd say I'm better, she occasionally bakes, and we sometimes cook together but other than that I cook most nights/of the time/everyminuteofmylife

>> No.7678893

Get the hell out of that as soon as possible, everyone including the kids are probably fucking miserable

>> No.7678901

I am, but I've also been cooking for myself since I was about 15 and never settled for easy way out like fast food and shit. When I met her during college she was living on take-out. She picked up some shit along the way from me, but it's still very basic like pasta al aglio and such which you cannot really fuck up.

>> No.7678910

>For instance, when she cuts an onion, she just hacks away at it. I tried to teach her how to mince an onion so that all the pieces are the same size and cook evenly, and she gets pissy.

That sounds familiar.

>> No.7678978

My point was that if you enjoy food you want your SO to be a decent dining companion. A battered woman does not make a good dining companion, but neither does one with an arbitrary set of dislikes based on limited experience. That latter case is completely understandable though. I thought I disliked eggplant when I was younger, untiol I realized that eggplant is not easy to cook well, and my first few experiences with it had been bad examples. The same thing had happened with my girl when it came to Mexican and Indian food - she'd only tried shitty examples before deciding she didn't like those cuisines. Once I got her to try good examples she realized she loved these cuisines, just not the shitty examples of them. I just had to establish from the start that she was open to trying the good stuff regardless of whatever prejudices trying shitty examples had left her with.

Like I said, it worked.

I think pickiness is different between men and women. Men sometimes have antique ideas about vegetable dishes being unmanly. But women are more likely to be taken in with ideas that specific foods (fats, carbs, whatever) ought to be avoided because they're "unhealthy". Single women in particular feel more pressure to at least try to keep trim, so usually when they use the word "healthy" it's code for "I hope this won't make me fat". The way some guys shy away from vegetables many women shy away from foods they think are fattening (although mysteriously desserts don't count).

Equally intolerable shit, but expressed differently between the sexes. Except for the pickiest eaters, who are best avoided as a matter of principle.

>> No.7679009

My girlfriend actually can cook very well. But she does not like to cook.
So we came to the following agreement: I do the grocery shopping and cooking, she does every other task (cleaning, laundry, whatever).

I wouldn't say I cook better than her, but I like cooking, so I'm pretty happy with the deal.

>> No.7679020

>what is it with you faggots and always having to add some shitty misogynistic comment with every statement you make?
gays deep down know its wrong, thats why are super interested in getting everyones approval at all times, and constantly tell you they are gay or act overly feminine

>> No.7679029

lolno. Think about it like this: you only get the chance to set up the parameters of a relationship at the beginning of it. If you show a firm hand from the start she knows she's met her match in you. If you rollover on your back and piss yourself in front of her like a submissive dog you're telling her she can get away with anything. When I hear married guys bitching about their wives not eating this or that, not blowing them for years or just sitting around the house doing nothing all day all I can think of is they're the ones who let that happen. They're the ones who said, "Baby, whatever you want to do is OK by me," which is a ridiculous thing to say to anyone, but especially to the person you're planning on living with for the rest of your life.

Don't you think it's better at the start of the relationship to say, "This is what I'd expect from a partner, can you live up to that?" My experience has been most heterosexual women find a man with that level of confidence at the start of a relationship a turn on. Any reasonably attractive woman can find a guy to be deferential to her and fawn on her. And while she may enjoy that kind of attention she won't really respect that guy. But the guy who is a little bit of a challenge - the guy she sometimes feels she has to work to please? She'll respect that guy.

I know guys who are married to women who do not respect them. They're miserable. You don't want to be one of them. And this is something you have control over, but only at the start of the relationship. That's when you have to be at your strongest.

>> No.7679057

fuck you xir

>> No.7679537

>Picky eater


>> No.7679557

>sex is a real thing that exists outside media
Fuck off, shill.

>> No.7679562

This. Girlfriends are a meme.

>> No.7680519

sorry forgot about thread:
>anime gif
>fetishizes the suffering of actual women
>attachment issues/mental issues

>> No.7680670

My boyfriend and I are terrible cooks, but luckily my Hubby is an awesome chef and regularly cooks for our date nights!

>> No.7680705

My gf can barely muster a good grilled cheese sandwich.
>me, by miles.

>> No.7680734
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>> No.7681520

sociopath detected

>> No.7681578

I know this a troll. But I would gut you bitch.

>> No.7681592

I let me current gf cook me scrambled eggs once at the beginning of our relationship and wouldn't let her cook anything after that because it was so disgusting. So now it's been 4 years since anyone but myself has cooked for me.

>tfw the one thing women are supposed to be good at are terrible at now because of feminism.


>> No.7681614

>>the one thing women are supposed to be good at
That's a meme. Women were never good at cooking. They were just forced into the role.

>> No.7681623

Are woman genuinely only good for making babies? Can't wait for artificial wombs desu. Then woman can all become common whores. Can't. Fucking. Wait.

>> No.7681632

We have a totally different repertoire so I couldn't say. While she beats me in SE and East asian cuisine I'm better at almost everything else.

>> No.7681633

Are you mental? Everything he says is true and the nice guy tfw no gf posters should take a page out of his book.

>> No.7682550

Me. Girlfriend is a professional baker, but I'm better at anything that isnt cakes or brownies. Shes super creative when it comes to baking, but is really limited cooking.

>> No.7682569

It would be nice if women didn't have to carry children and so were free from the strange idealized captivity. Many women would prefer to be fathers than mothers.

>> No.7682606

My wife is a horrible cook. Her go to meal is chicken parm. She starts with one of those hormone injected super sized chicken breasts and doesnt butterfly it because "there is no need."

She uses generic store brand bread crumbs because god forbid we splurge and spend an extra $0.15 on a good italian bread crumb.

She scorches the garlic, which ruins the flavor of the generic olive oil that is bought on sale and kept out on the counter where the sunlight gradually makes even worse.

She uses whatever canned spaghetti sauce she has a coupon for that week. She then boils her pasta to the point of mush.

She then takes puts it all together on a plate, covers it in packaged shredded plasticy motzarella cheese, and throws it in the microwave.

Dat pussy game doe

>> No.7682643
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>>try to help in kitchen but always come off like a condescending dick

>Ah well, I do a majority of the cooking anyways so I just gotta keep my mouth shut once or twice a month.

Ah I know this too well. She gets offended at the lightest comment, even if it was something she just said 10 minutes ago and I confirm it. She'll storm off and say I'm always telling her what to do when I see her using a fork on a nonstick or using a chef knife on a ceramic plate instead of cutting board

>> No.7682656


Sounds like you're not dicking her hard enough.

>> No.7682683

I never understood the supposed dichotomy between nice guy and sociopath asshole. You can be respectful and honorable and still demand a set of standards in your life. You have to pass judgment. Do you know why we're not all eating chicken Alfredo pasta at the fucking Olive Garden? We have the ability to say, "Nope, I'm not gonna settle for that because I know I have much better options available." That's not being an asshole, that's just not settling for bullshit. Why would you apply a lesser standard to your expectations of the person you choose to live with? That sounds stupid to me. When you're just dating there's no reason not to be firm about your expectations, because if they don't line up with your date's you can just date someone else - no harm, no foul. But fail to make your expectations clear at the beginning and you can end up mired in a relationship where you're not getting what you want, and that's just misery and resentment. May as well eat at the Olive Garden.

>> No.7682686

Post your wife

>> No.7682688

May be true for undesirable beta females. Try being charismatic and attractive, you'll have your choice of quality women that don't need to be changed to be desirable.

Why would you even be in a relationship with someone you feel the need to change? Just break up and find someone you actually like.

>> No.7682751

It's not about changing people, it's simply demanding they act like adults. Plenty of folks develop prejudices in childhood when they have practically no experience of the world, then carry them into adulthood without even thinking about it. Mom couldn't cook eggplant well so at 4 years old they decided it was yucky. Twenty years go by and you have an adult who has never ever had eggplant cooked well, but they know they hate it. That's bullshit. It's like the chick whose first bf had lousy hygiene and took forever to cum, so she decided she didn't like sucking cock. Sorry, girl, but that's not an option. You're not a child anymore, so act like a fucking adult. It's not that hard. Just grow the fuck up.

That's not very much to ask from anyone over the age of 20.

>> No.7682794


But here's my opinion. If you can't get a girl to try food/suck dick just by asking her, then don't be with her- keep looking and find someone you like who does these things, or is at least willing to try without enforcement. The way you speak of "laying down the law" sounds so unappealing to me. I'm not entering a relationship to be an instructor, there shouldn't be any great effort on my part before I find my partner suitable. I'm there to purely to give and receive happiness with someone I can have sex with. Good relationships should be easy and collaborative, otherwise one of you is putting in more effort than the other and it leads to resentment and is not worth it.

Try this: Next time you are single and looking for a girlfriend, go on a lot of first dates and be stringent to your requirements. Pick the girl who has no immediate qualities that bother you and take her on a trial run. If you can make it through X weeks and X dates without encountering any red flags/deal-breakers, then stick with her. If you do find that she is less than optimal and would require modification to better suit your requirements, break up with her and keep dating.

>> No.7682874

>The way you speak of "laying down the law" sounds so unappealing to me.
I understand that, and can see how there's a stripe of guy who carries that too far into becoming an abusive, controlling asshole. That kind of man is despicable, and this is not at all what I'm advocating.

I'm simply saying that laying down your expectations at the start of a relationships saves a lot of trouble further down the road. There is a tendency people have to misrepresent themselves when dating. They act more easygoing and amenable than they actually are because new love is so exciting. Then when they're comfortable in a relationship the bait and switch comes to light. Sometimes it isn't even intentional. But a man falling in love and saying, "Whatever you want, baby," can open the door for the flip side of the despicable controlling man: the indulgent child in a woman's body. Given the option plenty of women will revert to fussy entitled children, and guys fail to realize THEIR behavior is what empowers this. They end up miserable.

I took a firm stance about what I wanted out of her and what I was willing to provide from the start. And that start was rocky as she pushed back against me. Ten years later we're happy as fuck, still pushing against each other. Friends who took a different approach ended up divorced or in sexless marriages, supporting landwhales who refuse to work.

A man has to be firm, and a woman should have the strength to handle that.

>> No.7683316

Me, my gf can only cook like 3 types of cakes without using a recipe guide.

I cook all of my stuff off by heart, mainly meats and homemade pasta sauces.

>> No.7683326

I'm better all around, especially at baking but she completely crushes me on her family's ethnic food, no recipes, no skills, but for a select set of dishes, I can't even compete

>> No.7683336

>fetishizes the suffering of actual women
As if it's a women's only thing.
I just have daddy issues breh

>> No.7683343


Christ fuck that

>> No.7683415

As opposed to ironically eating fast food?
Do you have even a vague idea of what the word ironic means?

>> No.7683429


Literally your first day on 4chan

>> No.7683459

Besides one, my girlfriends have never really been into cooking.

My first girlfriend was a skinnyfat tall girl who had disgusting eating habits. Everything was processed and cheesy. Tendies, cheese pizza, macaroni and cheese, nachos. Her eating habits disgusted me, it was one of the reasons we broke up.

My second gf was really into cooking and experimenting with me, but that was long ago.

My current girlfriend mostly just makes pasta and heats up jarred sauce or a very basic asianish-noodle soup that she throws a bunch of shit into. The one thing she can make that I can is an omelette, but I also haven't tried in like 4 years.

>> No.7683472







>> No.7683482


I should also mention that my current girl is way better at sweet treats than me. She's made mochi, flan, and a couple of other things I can't recall. Also makes some pretty good pancakes, and I fucking love pancakes.

>> No.7683491


that I can't*

>> No.7683539

Woah, Gavin. Chill breh

>> No.7683552

Are those rocks, peas, and raisins with a bit of beef here and there?

>> No.7683647
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Feel ya, bro. Wifey can't cook unless she follows some recipe off her 'Pinterest' page. I doubt she could make ice cubes without following a recipe.

>> No.7683660
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all engineers I know (self included) love to cook and do a good job of it. your BF is probably just autistic

>> No.7683805


most of my friends are engineers and they're absolute shit in the kitchen

but there are so many engineers, some of them have to be non-autistic normal people who can cook, but all the ones I know lack common sense skills

>> No.7683807


this is a thing, maybe he will appreciate it?

cookingforengineers com/