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7637604 No.7637604 [Reply] [Original]

Vegan couple sentenced to life over baby's death


> ATLANTA — A vegan couple were sentenced Wednesday to life in prison for the death of their malnourished 6-week-old baby boy, who was fed a diet largely consisting of soy milk and apple juice.

>Superior Court Judge L.A. McConnell imposed the mandatory sentences on Jade Sanders, 27, and Lamont Thomas, 31. Their son, Crown Shakur, weighed just 3 1/2 pounds when he died of starvation on April 25, 2004.

>The couple were found guilty May 2 of malice murder, felony murder, involuntary manslaughter and cruelty to children. A jury deliberated about seven hours before returning the guilty verdicts.

>Defense lawyers said the first-time parents did the best they could while adhering to the lifestyle of vegans, who typically use no animal products. They said Sanders and Thomas did not realize the baby, who was born at home, was in danger until minutes before he died.

>But prosecutors said the couple intentionally neglected their child and refused to take him to the doctor even as the baby’s body wasted away.

If your homo lifestyle can't keep a baby alive, then it isn't healthy.

>> No.7637632

A vegan diet could keep a baby alive, but you'd have to give it supplements and shit.

>> No.7637638

Wut? Why didn't she breastfeed the baby?

>> No.7637667

There is no causal relationship here between veganism and the baby's death. The baby still would have died had they given it a single drop of cow milk a day. According to the vegan religion, it would then no longer be vegan. So therefore, any mentioning of veganism is poor journalism, and this thread is a shitpost.

>> No.7637670


>> No.7637678

I have in fact been diagnosed with autism, although this does not render my analysis invalid.

>> No.7637683


Nigga pls.

>> No.7637685

Do vegans see breastfeeding as use of an animal product or some shit? Why would you give a baby soy milk??

>> No.7637686

don't ever think you're opinion matters

we can see your autism in the way you people talk and write, we just disregard everything you say

>> No.7637687

Why would a baby need supplements?

>> No.7637696

Except the verdict ruled that the parents were at fault, not their diet. The problem was that they were retarded vegans, not that they were vegans.

>> No.7637721

Nigga stop

>> No.7637729

this. i love how people are still cherrypicking stories

>> No.7637811

It's crazy how two people could have a child and watch it become lethargic without taking it to a hospital to find answers. No baby just lays there.

>> No.7637820

I'm genuinely interested in knowing the answer to this.

>They said Sanders and Thomas did not realize the baby, who was born at home, was in danger until minutes before he died.

sounds legits

>> No.7637821

It's entirely possible that the mother's own poor diet meant that she didn't produce enough milk. You'll also see that in E.g. anorexics.

>> No.7637825

>The problem was that they were retarded vegans

There's no need to be redundant.

>> No.7637826


You sure do have selective reading comprehension.

Look at the first sentence, faggitron. If the point of the article wasn't to point to their veganism as an underlying cause of their crime, why would they specifically point out multiple times that the parents were vegan?

>> No.7637834


Well, I hope they enjoy their Nutraloaf.

>> No.7637851

Vegetarian diet + fish lowered my blood pressure to optimum levels, decreased my heart rate to healthy resting levels, and regulated my bowel movements. It's not ALL fraud

>> No.7637856

Is no one going to mention the name of the baby

>> No.7637858

His name is Robert Paulson

>> No.7637860

Baby needs a lot more than 1 drop.

>> No.7637861

Can't name children when there's a crime involved.

>> No.7638164

>Crown Shakur


Good for that kid, smart enough to commit suicide and spare himself a nigger name and vegan whacko parents.


Do supplements grow on trees? Can I grow them in a garden? Do they come from the land?

You can take a man's heart out and keep him alive with a pumping machine, but that ain't healthy neither. Just because you could survive like that with modern medicine doesn't make it healthy.

>> No.7638169

some of them come from the land (or all of them do, because that's where everything comes from)

why would that matter, though? please don't tell me you've bought into that idiotic fallacy

>> No.7638189

read the fuckin article the name is right there

>> No.7638194

bitch didn't even read the article you must also be named
>crown shakur

>> No.7638198

She didn't want to train the child to exploit other animals for its own nourishment.

>> No.7638232

And look how that turned out

>> No.7638310
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The irony here is that this post is used as propaganda against vegans. Something non-vegans often accuse vegans of taking part in.

Just stop and think for a second. Was this the fault of inept parents? Or was it the fault of a vegan lifestyle?
If the latter, then would you be able to state what magical property found in flesh, dairy, and eggs that would have prevented this babies ill health?
Because as far as I know everything can be obtained without those things and live a vibrant, healthy long life.

Also yes, breast milk is vegan between the mother and her child, and very vital for a babies health.

>> No.7638319

>Was this the fault of inept parents? Or was it the fault of a vegan lifestyle?

I'm not sure there is a distinction here. The problem was fundamentally that the child was fed an inappropriate diet. Were the parents not vegan they likely would not have fed the child such a poor diet.

A growing child's body is not the place to play around with diets that arbitrarily exclude so many foods, and IMHO it's irresponsible at best and murder at worst to feed a child that bad of a diet. Let the child decide for him/herself if they want to go vegan or not when he/she is old enough to understand the implications of that choice.

>> No.7638320

>the vegan diet works the baby couldnt handle it.

>> No.7638331

>muh no true Scotsman
You proven you are a fatso that probably ate high sodium and fried foods or with a lot of meat.
You also probably gad a lot of other factors also.
If you balance your diet you'll be healthier. Duh

>> No.7638335

According to your post it was inept parents. And also by your post you can say the same thing about diets that include animal products. Let the child decide when they are older if they truly want to include them.

All of the information is out there on how to live a very healthy life eating fruits, vegetables, tubers, whole grains, nuts and seeds. The fault here is that the parents were falling into the orthorexic/purity mindset, which is the fault of the parents themselves, not a vegan/plant based diet.

>> No.7638344

>Jade Sanders, 27, and Lamont Thomas, 31.
>Crown Shakur, weighed just 3 1/2 pounds when he died of starvation on April 25, 2004.
>April 25, 2004

What so this happened 12 years ago? So was the woman 15 at the time or what?

>> No.7638353
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>homo lifestyle
>Married heterosexual couple
Absolute retard.
Also this story is over 12 years old.
OP confirmed for double shitcunt.

>> No.7638387


My diet is perfectly healthy, said the vegan. Just because my spawn and I would die in nature unless we drink soylent proton supplement every day and we're entirely dependent on powdered vegan proton supps doesn't mean we're unhealthy. everyone should go vegan, even though cats and small children can die from it and you need to live within 10 miles of a whole foods or you'll die of protein deficiency without your supps.

Naturalism may be a fallacy, but creating a dependency on a certain type of supplement just to enable you to survive your chosen diet DOES mean you have a shit diet. It's no different than fatties eating a diet of cake and lard and then needing insulin injections. "Are you saying injected insulin dependency is bad because it's unnatural, anon, you know that's a fallacy right? hue hue hue I'm so smart."

>> No.7638400


According to their post, it was both. You fucking idiot.

Malnutrition from a vegan diet killed the kid. The parents put him on the diet.

>> No.7638408

>posting 9-year-old news stories

>> No.7638418

It seems the issue here is less about veganism and more about general idiocy. A baby should be consuming nothing but breastmilk or formula for the first 4 months.

>> No.7638421

Nigga are you serious?

>> No.7638435

Wow, where to begin. I guess I'm taking this bait.

For starters no one, including vegans, needs processed soy products to live a healthy and fit life. This includes soylent, soy milk, tofu, etc.

No one needs protein powders of any kind as well to live a healthy and fit life. This ties into the "protein deficiency" myth. Not only by eating WHOLE plant foods do you get adequate protein amounts to have proper muscle and body function, but also plenty for building new muscle and gaining strength. Do you even know what protein deficiency is? It isn't "hurr durr you are skinny."
You also don't need to live near a Whole Foods, Sprouts, Henry's, AJ's or any other health food store. You can get a plethora of healthy, complete foods from Wal-Mart if you so choose.

What do cats have to do with veganism? Small children (humans) have lived healthy lives on a vegan/plant based diet for centuries. You can also die from all sorts of other diets which are not vegan, so they must be deadly as well?

Ignorance and arrogance is an awful combination. I suggest you get to reading up on health and nutrition.

>> No.7638442

You are under the assumption that vegan=/=malnutrition. Which is absolutely wrong. The child could be malnourished on a diet including animal products as well. Surely you see the flawed implications here.

>> No.7638466
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> forcing a baby to eat fucking artificial supplements to stay alive

this is no "moral" lifestyle.
this is plain torture.

>> No.7638487
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>But meat iz da healthy! The peepul on da teevee sed so!

You want to cherry pick?

>> No.7638501

>muh cherry picking is better than your cherry picking
Shit posting.

>> No.7638508

Except it's not, the point here is that it's a matter of inept parents, not a vegan diet.

>> No.7638514


>> No.7638567

Why are the parebts forcing a vegan diet on a babay?
>It's a strawman for calling out cherry picking.

>> No.7638586

In what manner is a baby eating a perfectly palatable diet "forcing"? Part of being a parent is deciding for your child what they consume. Whether the baby eats vegan or animal products neither is more forced than the other.

>> No.7638615

how the hell did this baby die?
not the guy you're responding to.

As far as centuries go, pretty much no one has done that shit ever. tons of "Vegan" life style cultures eat animal protien from insects in their rice. this isn't comparable to cows and shit, but it obviously helps to have smaller sources of animal protien.

>> No.7638651

Anyone would be malnourished on soy milk and applejuice.

Missing crucial fiber, trace fats and minerals that they would otherwise get consuming whole plant foods and mothers milk.
Protein worries are nonexistent if consuming adequate calories from whole plant foods, and in this case mothers milk. The notion that the inclusion of animal products is required and necessary to meet protein needs is a myth and misinformation.

>> No.7638674

A 6-week-old shouldn't be consuming any plants either. Mother's milk or formula only.

>> No.7638741


Infants cannot live on a vegan diet. Babies require milk or formula. All other arguments involving an older child or adult's nutritional requirements are irrelevant. This is not uncommon knowledge. For whatever reasons, intents, or lack thereof, the parents were criminally negligent towards their child and were responsible for its death, so deemed by the jury. There is no excuse for not taking a severely underweight baby to a doctor. Ever. This thread is stupid.