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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7637573 No.7637573 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>shopping at the local market, three hours ago
>needed to pick up some cranberry juice and breath mints
>grab a handheld basket and stop midway through the trip to use the bathroom. Set the basket down outside the bathroom hallway so nobody thinks I'm stealing anything.
>come back two mins later and it's 100% gone. Look around for awhile, it's nowhere
>no store employees around to help me find it
>call police, tell them the store I'm at and I've been robbed
>police show up 15 mins later and I meet them immediately at the front. Store manager is there too, now that the cops are there
>explain the theft and they all laugh at me. One cop hands me a 150 dollar citation for disrupting police business.

Fuck! Do I have to get a lawyer now? What do?

>> No.7637585

wait, u had to use the bathroom, not yet bought anything or u re-entered to get another item after u have bought groceries?

all can be solved with the receipt

>> No.7637590

> be you
> suck dick

>> No.7637605

>mods kill jack and joey threads
>this will likely hit bump limit

>> No.7637618
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>mods kill McDonalds shill
>this will have at least two threads dedicated to continuing discussion

>> No.7637620

i don't understand how you were robbed

>> No.7637621
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covert ja/ck/ thread?

>> No.7637623

i seriously dont understand this jihad on jack and joey. i think they are terrible fat fucks too but they are FOOD and COOKING related. this isn't even close. "i went into a supermarket." thats it. everything else is nonsense. this board sucks so much dick i seriously wish the whole thing would be taken down

>> No.7637626
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>> No.7637629

>Bathroom in supermarket
I guess it's no weirder than a bathroom in a café but I've never seen one.

>> No.7637631

they're at the back usually

>> No.7637633


By rule of law, the items I selected and put in my basket were mine to purchase or put back. They were taken from me with no notice. Hence, robbery.

>> No.7637635

Joey is not relevant to /ck/.
Jack is shilling his business.
Neither are welcome on my /ck/.

>> No.7637636


you could argue a literal shit thread is food and cooking related, but that doesn't matter. Jack threads are always about his fat wife strangling their son and Jack's anti-Palestine views.

This thread is going to be about food robbery. Is it more on topic than Joey/Jack? No, not really, but it doesn't have a neon sign blarring that it's going to degrade into a frothing off topic circle jerk either.

>> No.7637639

joey is relevant to /ck/ same as reviewbrah. they review foods.

jack does not even know about this board. his cooking is cringe tier but it IS cooking. i dont mind a general cooking cringe thread. its one thread and you can hide it.

>my /ck/
your /ck/ is wrong

>> No.7637640

its not about the discussion within the thread. if it gets derailed it gets derailed. but the OP should be relevant and as far as im concerned jack and joey are 100% /ck/ relevant.

>> No.7637652

I agree with you that they are relevant.

Threads getting deleted does pertain to their contained content, however. Do Joey threads get derailed? Not that I've seen but then again I haven't really seen too many.
Do Jack threads get "derailed"? Pretty much every one I've ever been in quickly becomes ad hominem out of the gate. Does it have to? No, there's plenty of cringe and head shaking to be had related to his cooking and shilling, but in practice they always turn. Should they get deleted because of this? I don't think so, but you certainty should be able to understand janitors nuking them on principle.

>> No.7637671

sure they can nix them thats fine. but at least maintain consistency and tear this fucking thread down too.

>> No.7637674
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>your /ck/ is wrong
You're not having any Jack or Joey threads, end of.

>> No.7637681

Ahh, yeah, fair enough. You could report it and see if it gets taken down, have a feeling a fair amount of Ja/ck/ threads get ruined by butthurt dudes that want more McDonald's/Olive garden menu choice threads.

>> No.7637714
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Nobody has answered OP's question. Should he retain a lawyer? Just shut up and pay the fine?

>> No.7637720

What does ops question have to do with food or cooking?

>> No.7637726
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Is this a troll thread?

>> No.7637756

his picture is cranberry juice... ok, that's food ish
his story is about having his groceries stolen, preventing him from being able to cook and eat them... yeah ok, food and cooking there
and he wants advice on how to proceed with LE officers pertaining to his public spaghetti behavior.... definitely /ck/ related

Honestly, is it of any value to ask how things are food and related cooking? Backseat moderating is not relevant to any board's discussion

>> No.7637763

>not relevant to any board discussion
there's a very special /b/oard for this kind of thing

>> No.7637766

>needed to pick up some cranberry juice and breath mints
>stop midway through the trip

So, they stole "your" mint breaths?

>> No.7637770
File: 12 KB, 250x229, sadpuppyissad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread makes me has a sad

>> No.7637781

As long as you haven't paid for that stuff no one will seriously consider that "robbery". Jesus Christ I hope you are only pretending to be this autistic.

>> No.7637787
File: 151 KB, 465x653, toshio9klamkfslmkals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quality thread op

>> No.7637790

Seriously, I mean it was probably just some stupid prank, or some dumbass staffer thought a shopper had changed his mind and abandoned the basket. Any normal person would have just rolled their eyes and just got the stuff again.

>> No.7637795
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sorry someone... Jacked... your shit, OP

*leans in and tenderly gives this thread the kiss of death*

>> No.7637984
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Why is /ck/ so easy to troll?

It has to be the autists that take 4chan more seriously than anything!


Just hid the thread you fucking autists.

>> No.7637993


Anon, you may be the whitest person alive.

>> No.7638030

From what I can gather you did not check thoses items therefore this is not robbery and you indeed watsed everyone's time and misused the police line.
Now here's the deal even if you did chek them out, you left them unattended in a public space.
And even if this wasn't enough to show you are retarded WHO THE FUCK CALLS THE POLIC FOR A BOTTLE OF JUICE AND A PACK OF MINTS?

>> No.7638068

in the event you're not trolling:

hold the L and pay the fine. don't get a lawyer. a legal consultation would just amount to them telling you, "lol no you do not have a case but if you reaaally want me to i'll see if i can convince a judge that you're so ridiculous that you're not worth taking seriously so that he drops the charges."

merchandise belongs to the store til money changes hands. if an employee thought that some jerk abandoned items he no longer wanted and left, then he did his job by cleaning up.