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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 236x236, 8e1864292ad4e908be0e85d9d754badd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7636840 No.7636840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is discussing e-juice /ck/?

I mean obviously discussion of e-cig tech is more suitable for /g:/....but good they're tiresome.

An e-juices merit is judged by flavor..... So can it be /ck/?

>" food and cooking"

But booze isn't food or cooking....and we have booze threads

>> No.7636842

I think /ck/ should allow it, I enjoy the occasional cigar and whisky thread.

>> No.7636847
File: 49 KB, 480x363, Competitive+vaping+this+shit+can+t+be+realright_c74145_5906780[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope not, vaping is the tobacco fedora

>> No.7636852

Every time I talk about tobacco i get told to go to >>>/b/...because it's a "random" board for discussion of topics that don't fit onto other boards.

>> No.7636854

Booze falls into the cooking category because everyone pairs wines/spirits with delicious meals. Vamping has nothing to do with cooking or eating or drinking

Also you are a faggot for vaping.

>> No.7636858

I have genuinely seen people pairing particular juice with drinks.

Also the vast majority of booze threads have absolutely nothing to do with food pairing.
"Which cheap vodka gets me fucked up best"

>> No.7636876

Drinks = food/cooking

Faggotjuice = fedora hobby

>> No.7636891

This doesn't belong on /ck/ for the same reason hookah doesn't.

>> No.7636892


>saves lives
>calling it fedora tier

Only thing "fedora" about vaping are the faggots who turn it into as much. It otherwise saves lives, mine included.

>> No.7636893

Meh, smoking is already a huge ass fedora.

>> No.7636900

>I eat drinks

>> No.7636902
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>> No.7636905

>saves lives


>> No.7636911

VΛ is not /ck/

>> No.7636915

Is the "fedora" thing an American thing?

Most places I've been it's seen as a valid alternative to cigs as a method of nicotine delivery..... but then again you don't get many people trying to outdo each other in exhaling massive obnoxious clouds.

Whenever I hear the phrase "cloudchaser" it reminds me of "bugchaser"

>> No.7636919

I'm pretty sure it's something the tobacco shills are pushing. However, every vape shop I've been in has been staffed by idiots.

>> No.7636922

safer alternative to smoking

>> No.7636930

People have deluded themselves into thinking its safe. Its cheaper and there are no restrictions on where they can bother non smokers with them.

Its a win-win for them, especially for the next decade or so before we start seeing the really awful long term problems that are going to arise from its use.

>> No.7636933

Why do you need an alternative to smoking?

>> No.7636934

vaping some of that bubble bubble juice ya feel me

>> No.7636936


Only health concerns which may arise would be from the flavoring itself. PG is safe as can be. Nicotine is just that, and we have decades of study on it already--if you can read through the shit stack of sensationalism and get to the truth of the matter.

>> No.7636939

How do I achieve -BIG- clouds like the pros?

>> No.7636949

>PG is safe as can be

We have no clue what long term heavy usage of PG is. Its safe to be used as an occasional delivery system for steroids for people who already have serious respiratory problems.

A vaper uses more PG in a day than a typical asthmatic person would use in a whole year.

> Nicotine is just that, and we have decades of study on it already

Yes, which is why we know that chewing tobacco and snus is not a safe alternative to smoking, even the organic preservative free ones.

Using random flavorings only complicates the problems.

>> No.7636953

>Yes, which is why we know that chewing tobacco and snus is not a safe alternative to smoking, even the organic preservative free ones.

You're not seriously saying nicotine is the culprit of damage caused by the tobacco use in those products when there are literally hundreds of others which are known to be hundreds of times worse. You're picking and choosing to complete your argument, and that don't fly McFly.

>> No.7636954

Because I smoked cigarettes since 1999 and found it difficult to stop.
I like nicotine delivery via my lung and dislike nicotine withdrawal.

>> No.7636962

Vaping is gay as fuck

>> No.7636974

That argument flies with cigarettes, when you burn the additives and preservatives they can be as bad or worse than the nicotine.

Doesnt "fly" when you have additive and preservative fee chewing tobacco still causing mouth and throat cancers, and the biggest problem causing heart issues.

You said it yourself. Look at the nicotine studies. It IS the chemical you become physically dependent on, and it IS the chemical that causes heart problems.

Shit nigga, you mis calculate your home made Ejuice and put too much nicotine in, you can literally cause cardiac arrest on yourself. Have you not heard the stories of the retards spilling their ejuice on themselves and getting nicotine poisoning because it absorbed through their skin?

Also you should look up fluid build up in your lungs from PG. Its a relatively new thing because its being misused in vapes.

Safer doesnt mean safe, it just means you are still chained to your nicotine addiction

>> No.7637063

as bad as vaping is, all the bad chemicals in it, they are present in cigarettes much more

>> No.7637082

Nicotine has been found to be essentially harmless in small doses in it's singular state.

Chewing tobacco still contains all of the chemicals present in the tobacco plant, and it's these chemicals that have been identified as cancer causing, not the nicotine itself.

Educate yourself before you wreck yourself.

>> No.7637090

Nobody said it wasnt marginally safer, its just this rhetoric going around that is indeed actually "safe" when we know its not, and we have no clue how safe it is long term.

How much safer is it now that these people who smoked a few cigarettes a day now sit and huff on this shit for hours at a time? Doing it at work, in the house, in restaurants, in the store. Places you wouldnt have before because of the smell
There are people more dependent on nicotine now than you were when you smoked.

It makes me laugh when I hear people say its an aid to quit smoking, because it simply isnt. Its just a new vice

>> No.7637093

>Nicotine has been found to be essentially harmless in small doses in it's singular state.

Yes of course
Just like the small doses of arsenic in your apple juice.
Too bad those doses are much lower than it takes for you to get a buzz.

>> No.7637103

we're all dying anyways

switching from cigarettes to vape would probably add a few years to your life

>> No.7637104

Virtually every substance known to man, from water to oxygen is deadly in large amounts.

We have known for decades about the thousands of chemicals in cigarette smoke and what they do to the human body. We also know of the five or six in vape juice, and they too have been studied extensively.

Your argument is false on it's premise.

>> No.7637107

Kept telling my vaping old-highschool-friend not to do it in his apartment.
He kept telling me it's not smoking, they can't do anything about it.
I also kept telling him to earn a degree, stop picking up women at bars, get a real job, save some money for emergencies, and stop swiping cash from the register.
Last month he got fired for steling cash from [shitty fastfood] job. Found a cheaper apartment and "gonna use deposit money to get into the new place"... security and cleaning deposits were held due to the vape residue, and staying a few days into the month with paying.
My wife turned inside out when he came to our door looking for a place to sleep, blowing vape all over, and with a strange girl I had not met yet (probably had just picked her up). Not to mention we have a kid.
Haven't seen him in a couple weeks, probably vaping under a bridge somewhere.

>> No.7637112
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>> No.7637113

Take this disgusting shit to /g/ homie

>> No.7637114

Bacon has more known carcinogens than e-juice.

The arguments against vaping itt are simply ridiculous.

>> No.7637115

OK stupid fucks how about some actual science instead of pretending you know what you are talking about.

Other anon was right about how nicotine itself is essentially harmless. It is comparable to caffeine kinda like
>>7637082 said

The flavoring agents in ejuice is the wild card. Known toxins such as diacetyl and acetyl propionyl are commonly used in flavorings. BUT these are also toxins found in cigarettes at much higher concentrations. There are companies that make ejuice that actually publish what chemicals they use and they actively avoid using ones that are known to be toxic.

Of course you are still inhaling things, it is a safer alternative, but not harmless


>> No.7637119

This doesnt change the fact that
>Nicotine has been found to be essentially harmless in small doses in it's singular state.
literally doesnt apply to vapers.

It doesnt make it healthy, regardless of the mental gymnastics you have to go through.

>> No.7637120


Its like back when more doctors chose camels than any other brand cigarettes!

>> No.7637129

OK I'm sorry for linking a summary

Since I know you won't care to actually click on it or read anything how biased does the title sound in favor on vaping with "Evaluation of electronic cigarette liquids and aerosol for the presence of selected inhalation toxins

>> No.7637130

>It doesnt make it healthy,

There you go, changing the argument to fit your narrative.

No one is suggesting that it's "healthy".

Learn a better argument before you commit to looking like an ass.

>> No.7637136

Im literally not going to click on any of them

I have seen studies that have shown cures for AIDS and HIV.
The scientific method exists to oust bad sciences

We havent had the time for any real meaningful studies to be done, the shit hasnt existed for long enough
It will only be a matter of time when another journal comes out completely contradicting it. It happens with everything, you can only come to a conclusion after a large enough pool of data exists.

>> No.7637142

>more deflection

YOU are the one implying that its healthy by posting vague shit like PG is safe, (even though we have no idea how safe heavy use is) and that nicotine in small doses is safe (even though you are going higher than those doses)

Its literally advertised as a safe alternative to smoking, and they can only get away with it because we havent had the time to study it.

>> No.7637149

>I'm too smart to read something that got published in the Oxford journal because my feelings trump modern day science

>> No.7637152

>not understanding how modern day science works
>if its published its accurate


>> No.7637159

>getting published on buzzfeed and scientific journals are the same thing


>> No.7637161

Constantly coating your lungs with burnt sugar is definitely not healthy by any stretch.

Nicotine is/was used for animal euthanasia. The ld50 is pretty damn close to arsenic. Fuck that shit.

>> No.7637165

>being by a scientific journal and hasnt been peer reviewed
>bringing up buzzfeed

You are even smarter than I thought

>> No.7637166

Also, those buzzfeed articles ARE published by scientific journals retard. They just havent had time to be thrown out by the scientific method of peer reviewing.

Being published means jack shit

>> No.7637175

Nice meme my friend. I'm happy you consider pseudoscience "life hacks" without so much as a citation to a website outside of the buzzfeed media group legitimate.

Also the case where you bring up Marge data sets. How much data do you need to quench your autism on the fact that known toxins in ejuice come up a far lesser concentration than in cigarettes (what they are intended to replace)

Since I know your disabled let me recap on ---> KNOWN TOXINS <--- and the very hard to grasp notion of "intended use"

>> No.7637189

>known toxins
>in a new delivery system used with a chemical that is designed to make the lungs more permeable the chemicals

But hey, Buzzfeed right?

>> No.7637193
File: 696 KB, 480x270, fedora-giveaway.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was 11:30pm. Late enough that the dual sheperds of television and alcohol had laid to sleep their flock of sheeple, and thus, I was psychically free. I had been adding additional Dawkinsian citations to my dissertical treatise on Atheism when I felt two itches: The first, like a burst of lucidity in a world run by fundies was a stricken message from my forehead. I removed my black velvet brimmed hat and upon the silver silk lining lay a darkened ring of sweat. Thoughtfully scratching my third eye, I considered the effort it would take to remove from these plebian minds their destructive beliefs. And my thoughts darkened with the knowledge of what the road ahead bade.

The second itch, it spoke from my lungs and I understood it's language only too well. It's Kanji, inpenetrable to most, was the unmistakable urge. With an unnatural fluentcy I grabbed my piece and placed it to my lips like some modern seppuku practitioner. As I inhaled the the bitter-sweet essence of mangosteen, the voice subbsided, my eyes focused on the reflected, stubbly chin the through Calligra Words glare and I realised, with clarity, that they were afraid. The blue LED on my piece waned as I exhaled; as if aware of mortality and the absence of an afterlife. I smiled and Richard's visage from the dust jacket stared knowingly at me. I placed my hands upon the visceral CherryMx keys, knowing that rest was not on the path to reforming this planet. And the morning offered new insights into genius.

>> No.7637194

It's the lesser of two evils you stupid fuck. If you try to argue otherwise you're too mentally crippled to accept how bad smoking is for you

>> No.7637196

>It's the lesser of two evils you stupid fuck

Where does "quitting smoking instead of picking up a new vice" fit in there?

>> No.7637207

Where does missing the entire "intended purpose" of why these were created

>it is the corporate Jew to get at those bitter at traditional tobacco

Anyway, it might be comforting to you to know that I own one. I thought it'd be great to puff on while browsing the chan of course. It only took 2 days to immediately give it up as my taking deep breathes felt restrictive after only 3 shallow mouth (little to lungs of course) hits. Now I wait, hoping for it to sell on Craigslist for around half of what I paid for it since the store doesn't accept returns

>> No.7637229

He thinks that a lack of literature means that inhaling so much superheated cherry cola bubblegum pop flavour that he looks like a cloud with legs means its safe, rather than simply being because of the short amount of time that vaping has been a phenomena.

>> No.7637248

Incorrect use of the plural there, genius.

>> No.7637255


The active ingredients in vaping liquids, PG and VG, have been studied extensively for decades and the FDA has come to the conclusion that they are safe for human consumption.

That is a simple god damned fact you fucking moron.

>> No.7637263

how is this /ck/ related at all
it isn't food and there is no cooking involved
why is this thread still up

>> No.7637273

>le additive preservative meme

Friend, they don't actually add rat poison to cigarettes... the complication is in the combustion. Burning causes hundreds of harmful molecules to form. This is why vaping is so much different and seems to be at least 90% safer.

"It sure looks like a lot of smoke though!" is not how science works, and so understanding the huge difference between atomizing a liquid and burning a plant should explain why vaping is a far safer alternative to smoking.

>> No.7637280

>Nobody said it wasnt marginally safer, its just this rhetoric going around that is indeed actually "safe" when we know its not, and we have no clue how safe it is long term.

Fucking nobody calls it "safe," you dumb cunt, and they also don't give a shit if it's a bit harmful. You rail against people vaping because it's not 100% safe? We drive cars, we drink alcohol, we eat like shit at times. None of these are good for your health, but where is your sermon on these? That's what I thought. Examine yourself.

>> No.7637283

>Where does "quitting smoking instead of picking up a new vice" fit in there?

Former pack a day smoker here. in 2012 I switched to vaping and haven't had a real cigarette since. When I started I needed 25mg of nicotine to replicate what I felt with cigarettes. I gradually weaned myself down to 3mg, which is what I vape today. I do not do it in my how, in my car, at my work, or anywhere else I wouldn't smoke an actual cigarette. My blood pressure has returned to normal, and my last chest xray was perfectly normal.

Anecdotal? Maybe. But, I'm convinced that I saved my own life by switching to vaping. And you can kiss my ass.

>> No.7637286

They don't realize (or maybe they do) that these arguments are the ones made by tobacco lobbyists (or "shills"). Their campaigns are based around making it seem "uncool" and similar to cigarettes. They also do that pathetic "save the children!" pandering.

I vape, and my quality of life is significantly higher than when I smoked like a chimney. "Should" I quit all forms of nicotine? Absolutely. But I don't fucking care to, and I think people need to learn to call bullshit when they see it instead of this attempted contrarian thing. The only people who should be against vaping are women, children, and baby-men for whom emotional panic trumps logic.

>> No.7637287

>why is this thread still up

Nicotine Junkies just dont stop, thats why

>> No.7637289

Why do contrarian posters always suck so fucking much at rhetoric? Go read a book or kill yourself.

>> No.7637292

OR rather
>I'm not clever enough to read a study and determine whether it's scientifically rigorous

>> No.7637293

Jesus fucking christ this thread


Why dont you have a pull of your mouth fedora and calm down?

>> No.7637297

>mouth fedora
>I referenced the undesirable hat, so I've won the argument

If you can't bring bants, just back down son, you don't need to get so triggered

>> No.7637300

Lol you literally sound like a fucking tumblr sjw

>> No.7637303

I come into this thread and there are a bunch of vapefags shooting off mad posts one after another

I wouldnt say im the triggered one

>> No.7637306

>Oh my God how could you present an informative counterargument on the internet like that, you must be so ANGRY!

>> No.7637308
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>an informative counterargument

I guess if that what you want to call it.
Claiming shills, posting anecdotal evidence, and then just mad personal insults.
Cool it

>> No.7637311
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>> No.7637314

Not to start an argument, but you really arent supposed to take these studies as fact. They are presented to be dissected and shit upon by other scientists to try and get to the scientific truth.

>> No.7637321
File: 950 KB, 320x170, dystl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not vaping

What else are you supposed to do in the bathroom at school?

>> No.7637323

Nice one, retard.

>> No.7637326


Warhammer 40K? A finer quality of over-priced chunk of ugly metal that will also prohibit you from getting laid.

>> No.7637330


that's all you've got? Enjoy having your exif metadata mined.

>> No.7637332
File: 132 KB, 700x343, Vaper-Girl-Vaper-Guy-Electric-logos-divider-bar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you cant find vaper girls

Then you can wear these matching shirts to let everyone know how hella cool you are

>> No.7637333

4Chan removes exif data from the images you post.
You would know this if you weren't a newfag and a general, all round cunt of a human being.
Stay mad.

>> No.7637335

So if it isnt the exif, are you against gamma correction and transparency?

>> No.7637336

That's why I said "determine whether it's scientifically rigorous."

I don't give enough of a shit at the moment to analyze this particular study in the first place, and I didn't even read the abstract, but the general medical concensus is that this shit is safer by probably an order of magnitude. And more importantly, the findings that suggest it is an excellent method of harm-reduction are generally based on logical principles.

Could we find out in the future that vaping is potentially more harmful or nearly as harmful as tobacco use? Certainly, but it is very, very unlikely, and to shun the technology completely for that reason seems like a triumph of the big tobacco status quo over consumer freedom, small business, and the efficacy of public health systems.

I dabble in science, but politics are far more interesting to me, and it's worth noting that the biggest shills for big tobacco in the current debate are the American Lung Assocation. One would think they'd support the harm-reduction principle, but in considering it a bit more deeply, it seems to make sense that they'd enjoy the millions they receive from tobacco taxes.

>> No.7637338
File: 90 KB, 1500x1500, Personal-Vaporizer-Digger-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my new mod

>> No.7637342


yeahhhhhh, they strip the exif data... and it just disappears.... fucking hell you're a tad naive aren't you dear? unlikely that a social media website is likely to sell on any information that collect would they? noooooooooo.

>> No.7637354

you sound mentally ill

>> No.7637360


and you don't have an argument. And to think you got this worked up over a picture of a fedora. Most telling gentlesir, enjoy your soon to die vaping general, I guess.

>> No.7637362

>reddit spacing
also I'm not the anon you replied to
don't skip your meds ;^)

>> No.7637365

Cant wait till we can vape all of our meds

>> No.7637366

booze is food
fuck off

>> No.7637371

>implying tooti frooti bubblegum juice isnt food

>> No.7637373

you vaporize and inhale that, booze is just a drink

if you were talking weed brownies or other edibles like that, you would have a point

>> No.7637379
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>not vaping like a gentlesir through a pipe vape

>> No.7637393

Doesn't /g/ have vape threads?

Please leave.

>> No.7637397

Fuck You.

>> No.7637399

Alcohol is food. It's fermented food just like bread, cheese, many hot sauces and lots of other stuff. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.7637452


>> No.7637461 [DELETED] 

They're just doing their job guys, if someone payed you for this shit most of you would be right on it, cushy as fuck job.

>> No.7637463
File: 292 KB, 460x516, 1461445274362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> started this thread
> saw it going sour
> went to bed
> got up the following morning
>total shitfest

Jesus. I know this is 4chin, but I thought we could have a semi-civil discussion about this. Maybe we could've determined boundaries of what would be appropriate to discuss (flavor of juice whereas tech discussion would be /g/ territory).

Thanks to my fellow vapers for letting the team down.

Never change /ck/

>> No.7637464

Booze is food, damnit!

>> No.7637467
File: 84 KB, 425x750, IMG_2700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in stem cell research; So I am really getting a kick out of most of these replies. Some of you guys are very good at making it sound like you know what you are talking about. But trust me.... You don't. I think you just want to make yourself sound smart, when in reality you don't know what you are talking about. This is how bad info gets passed around. If you dont know about the topic....Dont make yourself sound like you do. Cos some 4channers believe anything they hear.

>> No.7637469

Why don't we have cigarette threads then? I've seen people pairing certain drinks with certain cigarettes.

>> No.7637470


>> No.7637473

Oh yeah well I have 14 doctorates in fucking ur mum

>> No.7637474

I tried having tobacco threads (cigs, pipes, cigars) intermittently over the years. see >>7636852

>> No.7637475

Yes, but how often does one way bacon as compared to Vaping?

>> No.7637479

I just did and you replied to me.

>> No.7637483
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>studied biology

>> No.7637493

Only good flavors are pink lemonade and honeydew, the rest taste like berries or some kind of spice

>> No.7637499

There are. literally, thousands of flavors available.

But, you've decided that only two are acceptable?

I'm guessing you're a picky eater too...