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7636000 No.7636000 [Reply] [Original]

Alright faggots how do I make the greatest alfredo sauce. I have real parmesan, heavy cream, butter, garlic, parsley, and dried Italian seasonings. What do?

>> No.7636005

google a recipe

>> No.7636065
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The ratios are different in all of them. I just don't know anymore. Pls anons halpppp

>> No.7636138

bumping for interest because last time I tried to do this it turned into a transparent sludge in minutes.

>> No.7636164

Do you have white wine? Last time I made Alfredo I added some with the garlic while I sauted it and cut the parm in half. Shit was choice.

>> No.7636173
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Op here, I just made it good. First I grated most of a wedge of parm, make sure it's good because this is where most flavor comes from. Melt a whole stick of salted butter and mix one cup heavy cream with it until its steaming but not too hot. Add some crushed black pepper to taste. Now you SLOWLY mix in your shitload of parm. I used at least 2-3 cups. Add a little, stir, add a little, stir, repeat. If your sauce gets too thick add more cream or pasta water. If it's watery and translucent add more cheese.

Wa la.

>> No.7636175

Forgot to mention I mixed a teaspoon or so of minced garlic in during the cheese mixing phase.