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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 514x386, 20120615_CocaColawithPeanuts_Entry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7631793 No.7631793 [Reply] [Original]

>dfw allergic to peanuts
>will never have godly Coke and peanuts

Why live

>> No.7631800


>> No.7631813

but u like cok and peenus

>> No.7631844
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>> No.7631867

Search "naet food allergy treatment"

You don't need to suffer from allergy fears or be on Rx the rest of your life.

Nephew went from anaphylaxis level peanut allergy to gobbling all his Halloween candy without a careally in the world.

>> No.7631868

>Coke and peanuts
do americans really eat this?

>> No.7631888

Just choking hazard my shit up senpai

>> No.7631895

It's a southern thing, apparently. I'm from the north-east part of the country. Never had it before. Would try, but I'm not a fan of Coke really.

>> No.7631897

It's not really common. I've rarely heard of someone mention it outside of some people from a circle of friends in high school. Seems like most of the people I know that really like it are into baseball, but, that could be coincidence.

>> No.7631904

gonna buy a cane sugar cola and put some salted peanuts in it next time this looks pretty nice

>> No.7631908


>> No.7631987

kill yourself frogposter

>> No.7632011

In Canada it's Pepsi and peanuts and it is god tier.

>> No.7632012

I have the same shit, allergic to all nuts. The real thing I miss out on is being unable to eat out. It's hell.

I tried this, and it did absolutely nothing for me. I was wary of it to begin with but when I went in and was basically told to sit around and "breathe calmly" for a few hours I knew it was a crock of shit. Still broke out in hives after I went back and they tried to get me to eat a peanut.
Chances are your nephew outgrew his allergy. I'd bet he was tested as a younger child after a reaction, then never again, and it just went away on it's own.

Coke and peanuts sounds disgusting anyway, now dr pepper and sour punch straws, that's some good shit.

>> No.7632041

the only time I put peanuts in a drink is for peanut races

this sounds gross

>> No.7633003

Coke has gone all SJW (sjw don't think religious people deserve any liberties, right?) and threatened to pull out of GA over religious liberties, so fuck 'em.