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7631732 No.7631732 [Reply] [Original]

What are the negative effects of drinking coffee every day?

>> No.7631745

You either drink coffee every day or you don't drink coffee at all, there's no inbetween

>> No.7631759

It makes you die slower

>> No.7631775
File: 357 KB, 416x613, Messages Image(1898570126).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no inbetween

This man gets it. Here:

>> No.7631778

Depends on how much you're drinking. A cup a day can be "healthy".

>> No.7631784


>you either smoke pot/snort coke/do meth/pop opiates every day or you don't at all, there's no inbetween

Of course there is, dumbshit.

>> No.7631789
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>you either smoke pot/snort coke/do meth/pop opiates every day or you don't at all, there's no inbetween
>compares coffee to something completely different
>thinks his point is valid

How fucking stupid can you be?

>> No.7631804


>something completely different

I mentioned 4 things that are all completely different from one another. The point is entirely valid.

Throw in cigarettes too if you want. They're all different, but you can make the same point about how people use any of them as you can with coffee.

>> No.7631809

You lose the potency of a caffeine rush, but that's just about it so if you have a reasonable sleep cycle then fuck it

>> No.7631810

>something completely different


They're all fucking drugs, you degenerate junkie faggot

>> No.7631818


Not sure what point you're trying to make.

They're all drugs, but they're all different, and people use each one in different ways. Some people only smoke when they drink, some people only have coffee after a nice dinner, or if they have to get up extra early.

>> No.7631826

Your comparison is invalid and you should consider suicide.

>> No.7631832

stained teeth. kinda unattractive

>> No.7631838

Only a Sith speaks in absolutes

>> No.7631846

Had to do a report on this in college. I drink like 5 cups a day though. Accelerated aging, irritability, darkens teeth, damages your heart, etc. Also it's highly addictive (obviously).

>> No.7631914

You will die

>> No.7631924

you get addicted to coffee and become unable to function normally without it
drinking more and more coffee because you eventually get over the effects of drinking the same amount of coffee you once did
drinking a lot of coffee tears up your digestive system and the other side effects of drinking a lot of coffee slowly creep up on your health


>> No.7631984


Your argument has made me see the error of my ways.

>> No.7632274

You come to rely on it for normal operation and lose the ability to use it as an occasional pick-me-up.

>> No.7632278

You either don't drink it
Drink a pot in the morning
Or have a severe addiction to it like me

>> No.7632326


>drinking a lot of coffee tears up your digestive system

gonna need a source on that

>> No.7632334

there was a recent article in the times about all of the positive effects of coffee. essentially, the only negative is the caffeine addiction, and the taste if you have bad taste

i'm an inbetween

>> No.7632336

I'm intrigued by ameritards not letting their children drink coffee until they're 21, yet they're perfectly happy for them to chug down litres of sugar laced pop. Why is that?

>> No.7632353

Where in the fuck did you get the idea that parents don't let their kids drink coffee until they're 21?

Some yuropeon book of made up facts from fantasy land?

>> No.7632364

You die whether or not you drink coffee

>> No.7632383


I wouldn't say it tears up your digestive track, it's just the acids in coffee can have an adverse affect on those with acid reflux and sensitive stomachs. But there's low acid coffees out there, so that poster is dumb.

>> No.7632386

the acids are also bad for your teeth by wearing away enamel

>> No.7632387


>I'm intrigued by ameritards not letting their children drink coffee until they're 21

What are you talking about? You see 11 year old girls walking around with venti iced coffees at the mall. I didn't like coffee as a child but my only exposure was cheap black coffee from an old drip machine that was never cleaned.

>> No.7632389


Brush your teeth twice daily, not really a huge problem considering the acids in tea and fruit do the same amount of damage, moreso if you consider the sugar intake. I drink my coffee black, smoking cigarettes is far more damaging for your oral health.

>> No.7632394

You will die

>> No.7632407


You're obviously just bullshitting, but on a somewhat related note. I taught middle school aged students English in France a couple times a week for close to a year and every day almost half the class would bring in one or two large (Monster) sized energy drinks and finish them over the course of the hour.

>> No.7632411


>> No.7632417
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coffee is good for the soul

>> No.7632420
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One cup a day (10 fl oz/295.74 ml): none.

You'll just get higher tolerance.

Beyond that amount, most likely addiction.

It might not be so bad if you're addicted to drinking the good shit and drinking it black.

Drinking the cheap shit with gallons of creamer in it will get expensive though. More expensive than if you drank the good shit black.

>> No.7632432

You will become a meme.

>> No.7632438

>go outside with coffee drinker
>they have to pee every 10 minutes

Jesus christ

>> No.7632517

Wow. You must be like, a scientist and stuff

>> No.7632661

Why in the fucking name of fuck do you fuckers fuck around with that fucking shit? Want cream? Drink it with cream. Or soy milk, or almond milk or whatever fucking cream substitute you want - but not that fucking smegma powder.

It's literally trans fats, sugar/HFCS and water, mixed up with lovely stuff like sodium aluminosilicate, sodium stearoyl lactylate and dipotassium phosphate to hold the slurry together and make it superficially behave like something dairyesque.

>> No.7632694

>until they're 21
I know someone who would get ice coffees for their three year old, Americans are stupid but not that kind of stupid.

>> No.7632699
File: 10 KB, 308x231, 77EBF7F224DC1B65E251FCF157E8_h231_w308_m5_cCRLZeiSe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's literally

Turning a cup of coffee into hot caffeinated liquid candy, which is what they want and why the morans who do this are so fat.

Fucken 300 calorie cup of coffee + 300 calorie doughnut, and that's not even their breakfast.

>> No.7632805

I'm going to need some sources on these claims that coffee reks cardiovascular health

>> No.7632886

Besides common sense,

>> No.7632894

> Increasing levels of consumption of caffeinated coffee were not associated with higher risks of cardiovascular disease.
>These findings do not support the hypothesis that coffee or caffeine consumption increases the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke. \

>> No.7633161

So coffee is fine for cardiovascular health and all claims to the contrary are broscience?

>> No.7633239

The 1990 article cited was a single study following 45,000 individuals with no prior signs of heart disease for two years. It was a good study, but relatively limited, because few people without signs of heart disease have heart attacks in that time frame, whether they consume coffee or not. It was one small blip.

However, meta-analysis of several different types of studies yielded similar results: not only does coffee not increase risks, it reduces it. (The 1990 study did find that people who drank decaf coffee suffered increased risks).

Wikipedia has a short paragraph on the topic ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee#Cardiovascular_disease ), citing two different meta-analyses published in reputable medical journals, as well as two single preliminary studies (take those with a grain of salt):

"Coffee is no longer thought to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease.[144] A 2012 meta-analysis concluded that people who drank moderate amounts of coffee had a lower rate of heart failure, with the biggest effect found for those who drank more than four cups a day.[145] Moreover, in one preliminary study, habitual coffee consumption was associated with improved vascular function.[146][147]"

>> No.7633303

>Had to do a report on this in college. I drink like 5 cups a day though. Accelerated aging, irritability, darkens teeth, damages your heart, etc. Also it's highly addictive (obviously).

Tooth stains and relatively weak addiction are readily apparent risks. Digestive sensitivity in some people is also indisputable – caffeine is acidic, and sensitivity to acidic foods increases for many people as they age.

"Accelerated aging" sounds dubious, but without a more specific claim, there is probably no modern, reputable scientific research on such a correlation. A quick googling shows plenty of pop media and profit-motivated publications making the claim, but no medical journals.

"Damages your heart" is a decades-old theory and recent medical research finds the opposite is true.

>> No.7633308

>CONCLUSIONS: These findings do not support the hypothesis that coffee or caffeine consumption increases the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke.

you gotta brush up on those reading comp skills bruh

>> No.7633519

How much coffee do you need to drink to get addicted? During the school term I drank almost 1L coffee (black, dark roast) per day but I don't need it to really function. when I don't have class I drink no coffee and just have tea or water throughout the day. desu it didn't really help "pick me up" either, I'd still be tired but sipping on it gave me something to do in the morning classes so I didn't fall asleep.

I'm a pretty lethargic person in general though, not sure what it is but I get tired very easily.