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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7622940 No.7622940 [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking tonight, anons?

if you're not drinking, what is your snack of choice tonight?

>> No.7623007
File: 139 KB, 1000x1000, elysian-spacedust-1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a six pack of pic related on my way home from work. one of my favorite IPAs. three down so far.

>> No.7623061
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A six-pack of dry apple cider, half of a 0.5l bottle of vodka and a 0.7l bottle of some lemon-ginger liquor waiting to be consumed later today. Have a great Walpurgis' night everyone.

>> No.7623069

6 pack of colt 45 (8%) for the 6th night in a row , after being able to go from the start of the year till last week completely sober. SEND HELP

>> No.7623124

>loser wageslaves wasting money on overpriced alcohol to drink on weekends so they can overlook how pathetic their lives are during

>> No.7623128

pretty much this

>> No.7623136
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Drinking Segram's Gin with club soda since I just got off work. I tried to make a thread about drinking on /r9k/ since I'm a faggot but no one replied.

>> No.7623140

not going to deny this. better than worrying about money though.

>> No.7623144

dont waste it on retarded alcohol and you wont need to work full time, you stupid cuck slave.

>> No.7623152

>wife and i make a combined $250k/year. i can afford a $10 six pack. don't worry about me.

>> No.7623167

if you're so "successful" by jewish standarts then why do you need to numb your brain with alocohol??? ah?
nice try you bullshitting loser.

>> No.7623175

been sneaking 6 tall boys of old mill every single night for 2 months. drink in the mornings and at lunch at work too, wife has no idea yet. wtf do i do anon?

>> No.7623176

you need to go back to /pol/

>> No.7623181

brush your teeth and chew some gum, someone's going to smell it on you eventually m8.

>> No.7623183
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been guzzlin' generic brand ny-quil

i've been buzzing off it for two straight days. my wife thinks my temperament improved noticeably

>> No.7623184

>he totally just annihilated me and i have no valid argument
like i said, a bullshitting sad very sad loser drunkard.

>> No.7623188


SHIT i forgot to take off the tripcode. it's the DXM guys

>> No.7623189

what a sad slave and good obedient cattle

>> No.7623196

I'm not even the same anon you just need to go back

>> No.7623234
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vodka tonic with pretzels lad

>> No.7623239

deniers gonna deny

>> No.7623250
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Working on the second half of this wild turkey American honey, I miss having my computer to play csgo. Feelsbadman.

>> No.7623253

what a loser, what an idiot.

>> No.7623265
File: 33 KB, 307x409, sad_keanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please no bully

>> No.7623268

Alcohol is depressing, how do you people stand it'

Dude, weed, lmao

t. Canada

>> No.7623276

you have no one but yourself to blame for drinking alcohol, repent of your sins, comrade, forsake normie ways.
Only fools waste money and suffer from hangover. And for what? Because other fools do it? cuz its fun? dumb dumb idiot losers.

>> No.7623277

>he doesn't drink beer while smoking weed

Canadian here too and lol I bet you sit when you pee

>> No.7623281

Alcohol is ok tbqh nothing great but it's nice to go out drinking with friends but I fucking can't stand weed it smells bad and it makes me even more relaxed than I already am. Don't get me wrong I'll smoke if a friend offers I just don't go out of my way to do it.

Fucking love Adderall though

>> No.7623288
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/ck/ told me that pic related had "crack" in it

so I had to try it out of course.

They're so coated with delicious vinegary flavoring it's insane. Crunchy too. Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.7623391

Have fun with your liver shutting down