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File: 48 KB, 335x285, Chickpea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7622435 No.7622435 [Reply] [Original]

What other are good chickpea recipes besides hummus?

>> No.7622452

If they don't have to be pureed, channa masala.

Otherwise, falafel are alright.

>> No.7622672

I like using them in mujudrah (sp?) recipe.

Basically it is Lebanese rice and lentils with caramelized onions. Chickpeas go well if I need to use them.

>> No.7622831

falafel are cute, you can also just use them as a substitute for mince or whatever in curries and chiles

>> No.7623025

add it to mediterranean-type salad

one time I ate a can's worth of chickpeas drizzled with oil, lemon juice, salt/pepper, and some herbs

>> No.7623203

You just at chunky hummus m8
>inb4 muh tahini

>> No.7624191


>> No.7624199

>coat with oil and spices and roast in oven
>make delicious salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, goat cheese, chick peas and pomegranat

>> No.7624207

fry on pan in oil and spice up
eat as is or serve in a salad

>> No.7624219

They're good in a pomodoro seasoned with rosemary and served with orichette pasta.

>> No.7624232

You can try them aswell with spinach and tomato sauce

>> No.7624239

>they're good in a tomato
Why would you shove chickpeas into a tomato? That just seems silly.

>> No.7624245

I think he was just using a foreign word to sound more """""""cultured""""""" than he is but wound up sounding like an idiot instead. I think he meant "tomato sauce."

>> No.7624273

Vegan detected

>> No.7624282

>He deosn't eat legumes
You have to be over 18 to post on this board kiddo

>> No.7624292

Anyone who pretends to like vegetables or legumes is a member of PETA and is just trying to look "hip" to impress the powerful social justice warriors who control this country.

>> No.7624293

No, just poor

>> No.7624369 [DELETED] 

cassoulet. otherworldly with chickpeas

>> No.7624679

a soup like any other bean soup really, smash them with breadcrumbs for bean balls in the oven, deep fried chickpeas if you want grease, all kinds of stuff to make up and shit out.

>> No.7624688

Really good with mushrooms and sausage (especially chorizo)

>> No.7624711

Spinach and chickpea curry
Chickpea and butternut squash cous cous

>> No.7624908

What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean?
- I never had a garbanzo bean on my chest.

>> No.7624942
File: 25 KB, 366x400, giada22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


chi chi beans

>> No.7624954

Usually the two are synonyms, however some people use garbanzo bean only for Kabuli chickpeas (which are the normal ones you get everywhere), whereas they don't call Desi chickpeas garbanzo beans

>> No.7624959
File: 36 KB, 416x423, dogfacedwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7626595

has she done any boy/girl scenes yet?

>> No.7627011

Don't know the recipe, but a local Indian food place uses chickpea as the breading on the fried chicken and it is delicious.

>> No.7627191

Chickpea, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies

>> No.7628421

Chickpea curry (chana masala) is pretty great.

>> No.7628436

Mash them, mix in flour and coriander. Form into patties and fry.

>> No.7628468

I've been told you can make mousse au chocolat with the unsalted cooking water. Never tried, tho.

>> No.7628584 [DELETED] 

toss them in salt and olive oil and roast them until crunchy. it's like ultra high calorie popcorn, shit is unbelievably cash

>> No.7628626

Punjabi people aren't the only ones that make chickpea curry. Would you like a recipe for the Sri Lankan way? It's pretty good, IMO, but can be a little involved. There are two ways: one that breaks coconut cream to use it as the cooking fat and the other that cooks the chickpeas in water, then adds thin coconut milk, lets it reduce and stirs in infused oil at the end.
>dat satisfying hiss of the hot oil hitting the curry

Both are good. Method two is easier but uses two pans. The flavour is about the same no matter which method you choose, though.

>> No.7628630

Make a soup with cabbage and chickpeas, it's tasty as fug.

>> No.7628681
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, farinata-new-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farinata/socca is a game changer. Like fries but even superior.

>> No.7628699

You can, I've also had luck making vegan meringues/nougat from it. The broth is called "aquafaba"


One of the advantages is that foams made from this stuff are much more stable over time than egg white foams.

>> No.7628837

Wow, thanks for the reading. I have things to try with the aquafaba from chickpeas I allow to ferment.

>> No.7628868


>> No.7628873

>cooks the chickpeas in water, then adds thin coconut milk, lets it reduce and stirs in infused oil at the end.
>>dat satisfying hiss of the hot oil hitting the curry
This sounds a lot like tadka dal, same basic method?

>> No.7630984

I lived 10 years in the Ligury/Tuscany area and the farinata was heavenly, shame it's nearly impossible to ricreate without a wood fire... Also I find it funny how in Italy you can move 5 km and the name of that thing changes completely

>> No.7630988
File: 75 KB, 640x480, espinacas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in Spain I had a dish called espinacas con garbanzos, which is basically a stew of spinach, chickpeas, fuckloads of garlic, cumin, and I think some other spices. Really simple but delicious.

Also in Spain I had a potaje de garbanzos with blood sausage and tripe that was dank as hell

>> No.7631008

It's because we were only unified as a country a short while ago, with the standardised language modeled after the 12th century dialect of Tuscany.
In my area, as with many areas of the country, it's not uncommon to find elderly people who still don't speak or understand standard Italian that well, though I suspect they'll all die off in the next 10-20 years.

>> No.7631421

They make a surprisingly good topping on pizza

>> No.7631452

My mother uses this stuff in her Christmas day pozole

>> No.7631458

baked rigatoni and ceci

>> No.7631556

> punjabi
> chana
also do sri lankans really use chana, not kadala?

the method itself of preparing seasoned oil with spices separately is called 'tadka', its common to majority of south asian dishes.

>> No.7631663

Yeah fellow italianon I'm well aware of that, I was referring to Tuscany's specific case.. Like I lived in Carrara and it was calda calda, but if you go to massa it's farinata, then move down to Livorno and suddenly it's torta or cinque e cinque... I don't know any other food with so many confusing names

>> No.7631717

I'd like to learn to make a nice curry with them.

>> No.7633536

they can go with nearly anything.

Mash them with avocado and your favorite seasonings (salt, pepper, paprika, cumin is great, but you could go in a different direction), and grill the mixture on a sandwich.

>> No.7633948

The other day I made seasoned friend chicken (bit of cumin and friendly things) served with falafel, that got dipped in hummus and a chickpea coriander salad.

My rectum fell inside out the next day.

>> No.7635064


Boiled, cooled down, and added to a fresh tomato/onion/green pepper salad with enough garlic and salt.

>> No.7635414

damn son. I read your post, got up and started cooking, that's how good it sounded.

I added some spinach and served tomatoes and toasted bread on the side (though a crusty bun would have been nice). Thanks, totally going into my recipe repertoire.

>> No.7635429

I use them as a normal side dish. I circulate brown rice/chickpea/beans/lentils, and I look forward to chickpea the most.