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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7620243 No.7620243 [Reply] [Original]

>burgers are """""sandwiches"""""

can we stop this meme?
they're completely separate
a "fast food sandwich" is something like a mcchicken or filet o fish
burgers have been too ingrained as a separate thing with a separate term to be considered sandwiches anymore

>> No.7620467

It's food that isn't bread and would be messy on your hands between two pieces of bread.
That it is a very specific category of sandwitch doesn't make it no a sandwitch.
It's like saying beer isn't alcohol.

>> No.7620477

What is a "meme"?

>> No.7620481

>Hot Hamburg Sandwich
The clue's in the name, fuckwit.

>> No.7620487

You know that thing when anons will use "it's a meme" or variations of such phases pejoratively to end conversation upon a subject?
That is a meme. Parroted behavior based on common reognised implications. What they call a meme is often something popular they think is overrated because they see it a lots on their facebook feed.

>> No.7620488

they're sandwiched. how convinced you are that this makes them a sandwich is commensurate with your position on the autism spectrum

>> No.7620490

burgers are sandwiches is a meme then?

>> No.7620507

Burgers being memes is maybe a meme.
You saying that sentence is a meme.
Burgers are by definition sandwitches regardless of meme status.

>> No.7620510

Haven't you guys got better things to be doing on a Friday?

>> No.7620512

If memes aren't real how can burgers be real?

>> No.7620520
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The original sandwich was in fact a burger.

>> No.7620527
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Ask a German.
They invented the things.

>> No.7620529

>Slices of roast beef
>a burger

Arby's pls

>> No.7620530
File: 22 KB, 265x300, 2irritant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burgers are not made from roasted beef

>> No.7620532

Ancient romans ate meat sandwiched in bread as street food. And hamburgers were not invented in Hamburg. They have nothing to do with Hamburg. They were named hamburgers by confused Texans in 1904.

>> No.7620535
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Is chicken roast beef?