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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 296 KB, 1024x1024, Hamburger-Helper-Quick-and-Easy-Cheesy-Dinners-yoursassyself.com_-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7618695 No.7618695 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think think about Hamburger Helper? I recently discovered it and it is magical.

What are you favorite Hamburger Helpers and how do you make them better?

>> No.7618705

>What does /ck/ think think about Hamburger Helper?

It sucks. It doesn't taste very good and it costs more than simply doing something similar from scratch.

>>how to make them better
Throw them away. Cook using fresh ingredients instead.

>> No.7618719

I enjoy it. But the price of ground beef is retarded right now so I'd rather use some nice fatty pork instead.

>> No.7618722



>> No.7618723
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Never tried hamburger helper, but I do buy these little pasta kits sometimes for an easy side dish. They're alright.

>> No.7618752


>> No.7618754

Hamburger... Hinderer....?

>> No.7618764
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Perfect meal for single, virgin, NEETs like myself

>> No.7618792


>costs more

they're like 3 bucks. Similar to a bunch of spices that flyovers won't even end up finishing.

Hamburger helper is probably Bachelor food #1. Sure beats ramen and fried eggs and toast all day.

Of course if you're over the age of 30 and serving that shit to your kids everynight then you might be accused of wandering into white-trash zone, but that's honestly a very shallow disposition.

Hamburger helper is the kind of shit you make on a Wednesday night and eat it for 3 consecutive lunches in tupperware with a healthy spattering of the hot sauce of your choice.

It's simple, convenient, no-fuss food that hipsters and nu-foodies won't be able to appreciate because it reminds them of the flickering of TV sets at tense weeknights growing up at their parent's home

also, this captcha literally took 3 minutes of clicking rivers and street signs until "there are no more left" and I think I got a brain aneurysm, thanks hiro/moot you cocksucking piece of shit

>> No.7618811

it's like 5 servings. How is that a meal for one person????

>> No.7618812

I used to make a lot of Hamburger Helper when I first moved out of my parents' house because I knew nothing about cooking. I guess it's a decent stepping stone to start cooking, but you'll hopefully eventually realize that you can make much better food from scratch with not much more effort and at the same or lower cost.

>> No.7618814
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>3 bucks

What the hell? I always have them at most $1.50 at my local supermarket. The ground beef is expensive though, at $4-5 a pound.


I eat half and refrigerate the other half for later.

>> No.7618823
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>What does /ck/ think think about Hamburger Helper?



>> No.7618830

I can get it for 99 cents a box. A pound of beef is like $4 so we're up to $5. Add in the splash of milk and free water since I'm on a well and you have a 4 person meal for like $4.50. We have milk anyways so it's not like I have to go buy some just to make this meal. It's by far better than ramen noodles like >>7618792
said and the left overs are easy reheat able. You can sprinkle some parm and cheddar that you shredded on top and make it even better than the original box. Yes it isn't a home cooked meal or anything fancy but with a side or two and you are a single Dad with two daughters 6 and 9 who won't eat shit hardly and working 80 hours a week this shit comes into play.

>> No.7618845

I don't live in a country where you can get it, however i am genuinely curious about it.
How would you go about recreating it from scratch with fresh ingredients?

>> No.7618854

Obviously cook pasta. Whatever you like. Brown some ground beef/hamburger meat. Make a cheese sauce with a roux or whatever way you like. Mix it all together and add some seasoning and let the pasta absorb the flavor and serve once it's all reduced. Don't let it get too hot.

>> No.7618863

The box just comes with the seasoning and the pasta/rice. So I assume if you know how to recreate the seasoning and have your own pasta then you're all set. The boxes usually suggest you add other ingredients like tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, etc.

>> No.7618874

Don't ever use the velveeta branded one. It is awful

>> No.7618883

something in hamburger helper fucks up my stomach bad. which is notable since i ordinarily tolerate poorfag food quite well

>> No.7619633


it's great

>> No.7619646

I'll always have a soft spot for beef pasta and beef stroganoff. Don't much care for all the rest of the flavors.

>> No.7619663

Flyover as fuck.

>> No.7619673
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>> No.7619683
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>Buying your ground beef at the supermarket

>> No.7621579

Not all of us live by a butcher.

>> No.7621606

All about the stroganoff

>> No.7622728

Poorfag here, me and my gf buy hamburger helper and boil the noodles with some vegetables, then mix in the seasoning with extra offbrand noodles and make like 8 servings of mac n'cheese. Pretty nice on its own when you're too poor to afford red meat.

>> No.7622846
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step aside plebs

>> No.7623047

I've had hamburger helper a couple times and both times I've been surprised at just how flavorless it is. Coming from someone who likes processed junk, I don't feel the need to ever buy it again.

>> No.7624063

those velveeta ones taste like shit and suck compared to the real deal and are also more expensive.

>> No.7624153

they released a fire mixtape

>> No.7624161

Wat is that¿?

>> No.7624221
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Agreed 100%. You can use ground turkey too, and add some frozen veggies, cheese, etc. It ain't Michelin 5 star cuisine, but it has it's place.

>> No.7624248

Don't like most of them, my family had Cheeseburger one growing up and I didn't know there was other ones. When I'd go to a friends house and we had dinner, they'd pull out these weird flavors and I didn't want to seem picky so I ate it and vomited later.

>> No.7624264
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I make the cheesebuger one every couple of months. I like it, although half of that enjoyment probably comes from nostalgia.

I always have frozen ground beef from when it goes on sale, but this shit needs milk too but I never have it on hand. So I bought this stuff on Amazon and it works great when I need to use milk in a recipe.

>> No.7624281

Personally I love HH. But this thread inspired me to search for homemade varieties and they look pretty good.

>> No.7624341

because boiling pasta and shredding cheese is hard

>> No.7624421

I fucking love it. They're cheap as hell too. The Beef Stroganoff one is top notch. Three boxes (for the noodles) and just one pound of g.beef feeds my whole family of seven.

>> No.7624435

Saw some people saying it's flavorless: it is, always add salt and pepper

>> No.7624496

I grew up white trash, i feel nostalgic sometimes and buy a box. Reminds me of when i was a kid and my mom made a meal after 14 hours of work and she was exhausted.