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7615662 No.7615662 [Reply] [Original]


Plants form memories, are you still ok eating plants vegetarian/vegan anons?

>> No.7615690

We've known this awhile, vegans and the like just don't care because plants are so far from us genetically. They don't see, move, taste, etc. They feel they aren't hurting anything because it doesn't have the traits we typically associate with normal life. Tl;dr they're hypocrites.

>> No.7615714

>reacting to stimuli is the same as being a sentient being that can literally feel pain

>veganism is only about animals feeling pain and not the environment and what's healthier

>im a psychotic fedora tipping nihilist with zero moral compass or understanding of how life works


>> No.7615720

>i only care if it has a face

>> No.7615721

>reacting to stimuli is the same as being a sentient being that can literally feel pain

Okay. So Vegans eat shellfish, right?

>> No.7615725

>im a retard that cant read
>im a dumb nihilist

Even if plants could feel pain, you'd be killing less plants and animals by eating plants strictly than supporting animal agriculture which is HEAVILY reliant on plants

>> No.7615727


Being so insecure in your beliefs that you're triggered by a bait-posting neckbeard.


>> No.7615729

No. And shellfish can experience reality. They are sentient beings as well

>> No.7615734

That's not insecurity. That's calling you a retard because you are a fucking retard

Apparently there's too much bacon and fat clogging your fucking brain to understand something so simple


>> No.7615740

>And shellfish can experience reality.

Well according to this study, so can plants.

And according to a body of evidence. shellfish only respond to stimuli, which is your argument for dismissing this research in >>7615714

How much are you going to twist in the wind on this one I wonder?

>> No.7615742

>>veganism is only about animals feeling pain and not the environment and what's healthier
It's healthier to eat (white)meat than it is to not.

And you can buy ethically raised and slaughtered chicken/turkey

And it's not poultry that's hurting the environment but cows and pigs.

Why don't you eat ethnically prepared poultry?

>> No.7615745


Damage control; the post.

>> No.7615751

>according to this study, so can plants

That's not what it says at all. Your fundamental misunderstanding of the human language makes this argument completely useless and waste of both our times

>> No.7615756

>its healthier to eat white meat than it is not

Provide anything that proves this in any way

>and its not poultry that's hurting the environment

Yes it does

>> No.7615760

"I'm a little upset fagot who got told"- the post

>> No.7615761

>That's not what it says at all.

Plants can respond to seasons because they have a similar mechanism that animals use to form memories.

Plants respond to "reality" I.e. the changing of seasons. "Responding to reality" is the reason you claim for not eating shellfish.

>> No.7615771

Responding to reality which means absolutely nothing is not the same thing as experiencing reality as an actual sentient being does

>responding to reality is the reason you claim for not eating shellfish

No it isn't.

>> No.7615778

>Yes it does
Only factory farming which you can choose not to support.

free range poultry is nothing, wild turkeys have roamed the Americas longer than humans and before colonization existed in far more significant numbers.

And white meat has no negative health affects while offering easier to acquire protein them plants.

>> No.7615786

>only factory farming

It's all forms of animal agriculture, which is still cruel and unusual

>wild turkeys have roamed the Americas longer than humans

This is completely irrelevant

>white meat has no negative health affects

Animal fats and proteins are not healthy for us

Being a lazy fuck who can't eat plants or protein rich plant sources isn't an excuse for an environmental degradation and slaughtering innocent animals because you have no self-control

You don't need as much protein as you think, harvesting animals for protein alone is retarded

>> No.7615789

>muh environment

Just eat bugs then faggot.

>> No.7615796

Sorry not everyone's devoid of empathy like the fucking idiot you are

>> No.7615804

So you claim that shellfish are sentient?

Many mollusks do not have brains, particularly in marine mollusk species. Where is this sentience you claim?

The best you can claim is that they "respond to stimuli". Which is precisely what plants do.

Twist away.

>> No.7615823

They have central nervous systems that are entirely capable of feeling pain

If you've ever actually seen a fucking shellfish you'd realize they aren't like a fucking plant

This isn't twisting at anything, this is again me pointing out how absolutely moronic you're being and changing the meaning of words in the middle of the discussion

>> No.7615829

actually, no, this is troublesome. I'm going to have to rethink my diet so be as unobtrusive to the planet as possible. You might think it's a meme and I'm something to be joked about, but I care for living things and feel bad.

>> No.7615843

>no brain
>can feel pain

No. They respond to stimuli.

>they aren't like a fucking plant

In the core respect of this particular instance they are exactly like a plant: they both respond to stimuli yet neither are sentient.

>This isn't twisting at anything

Sure thing. You're very pretty up there. Like a giant wind chime.

>> No.7615852
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>pulling out the fedora and psychopath memes this quickly
I knew vegans were unstable, insecure tumblr landwhales, but this is something.

>> No.7615854

>but I care for living things and feel bad.
Only photosynthetic life so far has proven to be able to sustain itself without the need for consuming other life.

It's the natural order, and nothing any organism should feel bad over.

>> No.7615857

They have a central nervous system and can feel pain, this isn't something new

>neither are sentient

That's absolutely fucking absurd. Have you ever actually seen a live shellfish? You'd realize there's a gigantic difference in how they respond to stimuli and someone trying to kill them than a fucking stalk of corn

This is just you being as retarded and obtuse as possible to justify your complacency and objectively retarded habits

Congratulations on being the biggest retard I've encountered all day while living in New York

>> No.7615859

You seem upset

>> No.7615860

>Only photosynthetic life so far has proven to be able to sustain itself without the need for consuming other life.

There are plenty of non-photosynthesising bacteria.

>> No.7615862

>only photosynthetic life

That's inherently untrue and you know it.

>> No.7615865

That absorb other bacteria

>> No.7615867

>They have a central nervous system


>and can feel pain


>Have you ever actually seen a live shellfish? You'd realize there's a gigantic difference

Oh so really you just mean "It looks more 'alive' to me so it must be and I feel bad about that"

What makes this massive difference so real to you? Is it because they move? Flowers move to follow the sun. Is it that the respond quickly to stimulus? A venus fly trap responds quickly AND moves. Is a venus fly trap sentient?

Or is it just that you "know" this and therefore it must be true?

>> No.7615870

Nope. There are certainly extremophile bacteria which produce energy via. novel chemical processes.

>> No.7615896


Yes. There is increasing amounts of surmounting evidence that they do, especially in crabs and lobsters who you'd realize don't take kindly to being chopped up and thrown in a fucking boiling pot of water

>it looks more alive

No. I'm combining what's actually been studied with subjective reason.

You are literally being as retarded as possible. You are not even attempting to understand that there could possibly be any difference between a crab and a tomato because you don't even want to entertain the idea, for the sake of this argument I suppose.

A venus flytrap is not like other plants and it is still not remotely like a shellfish

Do I need to contact your aide or something? Do I seriously need to tell you the differences in basic biological functions that you yourself can easily observe but decide not to because you have no actual argument remaining?

Your stupidity is astounding. There is not a single fucking human being in the actual real world outside of 4chan that would remotely entertain your absolute idiocy. You are the equivalent of one of those militant Bernie fagots

>> No.7615911

>There is increasing amounts of surmounting evidence that they do

Well apparently there is an increasing amount of evidence that plants have memories, so what will you do precisely when that evidence becomes insurmountable?

>Wall of text

You make claims of sentience for mollusks that don't have brains, based on your own feelings, so I don't think you could school anybody on basic biology.

>> No.7615930

>that plants have memories

Go ahead and try to tell me again why this has anything to do with having sentience, feeling pain, actually experiencing reality like a sentient being does

Of course you won't. You'll just go through a bunch of even dumber mental gymnastics that make yourself look more moronic with each post

>based on your own feelings

Based on scientific research that says they have central nervous systems capable of feeling pain and experiencing reality as a sentient being. Also based on the fact that I can differentiate between a lobster and a fucking potato

The latter of which you continue to show me that you might actually resemble with your intentional strawman

I mean why do you even bother intentionally misinterpreting points? It doesn't help your argument, it just makes you appear dumber than you already are.

>> No.7615933

You're just a worse person than me. You don't have as strict a moral code or guidelines. You can probably justify and rationalize anything for the benefit of your little taste buds

>> No.7615939

So you continue to have no argument. How about you do the first right thing in your entire life and go excuse yourself from the human race, permanently.

It's obvious you don't have an issue with my argument considering you're not even bothering to refute at this point. You're just a little butthurt bitch mad that he's not only an obese retard but an obese retard exposed as a psychopath

>> No.7615959

>Samefagging this hard

Wow that's some desperation my vegan friend.

>Go ahead and try to tell me again why this has anything to do with having sentience

I don't know, go ahead and tell me again where a nervous system is the same as being sentient?

Oh wait that's right it isn't and you've just gone around and around, twisting in the wind, dodging the question.

>> No.7615966
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>vegan falls back to calling people psycopaths

>> No.7615996

>That absorb other bacteria

What bacteria are you thinking of?

I know certain cells e.g. macrophages in the immune system 'engulf' bacterial cells but what bacteria do that to others as a mechanism for sustaining it self and generating energy for binary fission?

>> No.7615998

>Mounting body of evidence that plants have some kind of intelligence and the ability to store information
>Perhaps even the ability to feel pain
>Pretty soon the only ethical diet will be soylent

>> No.7616009

>but plants don't kick and scream when we kill them so it's o.k....

t. vegan

>> No.7616016

There's no evidence yet that phytoplankton have feelings, so vegans are free to chow down as much blue-green algae as they like.

>> No.7616084

The argument against eating bivalves could easily be retasked against plants, bivalves are that simple and basic.

>> No.7616096

You're an absolute fucking moron and a complete autist

Seek help immediately

You are clearly schizophrenic and delusional as well as incapable of basic reading comprehension

>> No.7616105

They have nerve ganglia

>> No.7616114

They don't feel pain nor they experience any form of reality that an actual sentient being does

If you can't understand something so simple you should probably check yourself into the same mental institution the other schizophrenic carnist cuck should

>> No.7616130

Just two pairs of nerve cords and three pairs of ganglia, no cephalisation, no behavioural changes or changes in neural firing in response to injury. In addition the farming of bivalves involves very little collateral damage to other species.

>> No.7616204

Have you ever actually grown anything anon?

Plants move away from things that hurt them, like heat, or direct light that is too intense. They do this because they can detect, or "feel", if you will, whatever it is that can hurt them, and they try to avoid it to survive.

You're just deluding yourself if you think plants are just inanimate objects, because they're not. They're every bit as alive as you, me, or any other animal, and by eating them, you're killing them the same way you would a cow, or a chicken.

>> No.7616215

Reacting to stimuli is not the same thing as anything that has been mentioned

Try to use more memes so your utter stupidity is less cringeworthy to read

And again, what fucking difference would it makes anyways if they could feel pain? You would still be causing less suffering to plants by eating a plant based diet than supporting animal agriculture which is very dependent on plants

>> No.7616220

I mean if we can't eat meat AND we can't eat plants what the hell can we eat then?

>> No.7616243

Human that's died of natural causes.

You'd have to get the human to sign a consent wavier.

Eating the corpses of consenting elderly is probably the most ethical food you can get.

>> No.7616256

Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep better at night, pumpkin.

>> No.7616280

How many times do people have to tell you idiots that ANIMALS EAT PLANTS


fucking learn that

>> No.7616289

Nice argument

Go kill yourself now since you're intelligence is that of a fucking clump of dirt

>> No.7616459
File: 105 KB, 1040x746, 1412793418303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh boy, the relentless veganfag is white knighting his virtues again. we should totally be vegan now

>> No.7616569

Well, you SHOULD but you're monsters whose only defense boils down to "I don't care about the facts, I care that it tastes good" which isn't a proper answer to the issue. You're saying "I am wrong. I admit it. You're right, I am a soulless, uncaring monster. but muh taste buds."

>> No.7616607
File: 9 KB, 300x168, shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you irl

i know you are trolling but this is what i image you look like when you are actually serious about something

>> No.7616627


Think about the past, people ate mostly meat. Its so you live and don't fucking starve to death. For me, veggies taste like shit but i steal eat some along with my meat.

>> No.7616634

This guy knows what the score is

>> No.7616661

I would literally murder you and eat your flesh if I was legally able.

>> No.7616668

>Plants don't move

Yes the fucking do. What retarded world do you live in that you think plants don't move. It's a REQUIREMENT to be classified as life.

>> No.7616680

>people ate mostly meat

That's not even remotely true

>> No.7616790
File: 129 KB, 724x611, fgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you're monsters
What a stuck up prick.

>> No.7616969


>Think about the past, people ate mostly meat

no they didn't

also the majority of the meat our ancestors did eat was fish which is generally considered to be one of if not the healthiest meats for people to eat to this day
bovines were still used for milk and other things throughout history but actually eating beef in significant amounts didn't become as common as it is until relatively recently