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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.85 MB, 4608x2592, tmp_18223-20160427_160643-1376487564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7614358 No.7614358 [Reply] [Original]

>have Chinese gf
>one of her friends is a chef
>all that hotpot
>all those dumplings
>basically bring him any ingredient and he makes something delicious
>pic related

Picked up 6 pounds of live crab for $20. FUCK YEAH.

Why haven't you integrated yourself in to the local asian culture. Those fuckers love food more than anything

>> No.7614384

>one of her """" friends"""'

>> No.7614387

Top cuck
Is this the new "my wifes son"?

>> No.7614391


Heck yeah, OP. I made friends with this old Chinese lady who owns the local Azn market. She's been teaching me all kinds of cooking tips; inviting me into their restaurant kitchen to share food & teach, etc. It's awesome. I guess she's surprised to see a white boy buying chicken feet, pork blood, etc.

And don't limit yourself to Asian. There's plenty of other cultures who can teach you a lot of awesome cooking stuff.

>> No.7614403

He has a wife, you dumb cuckposters.

>> No.7614410

And? Its traditional Chinese practice to keep a concubine if you have enough to money

>> No.7614413

He doesn't, though. On both accounts.

>> No.7614415

>Its traditional Chinese practice to keep a concubine
No it isn't, fuckwit.

>> No.7614436

> implying asians dont have affairs

>> No.7614445
File: 3.12 MB, 4608x2592, tmp_18223-20160427_163938-1529169739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf wanted you guys to have this photo.

>> No.7614472
File: 3.06 MB, 1920x1080, tmp_22389-Screenshot_2016-04-27-16-52-01-1529169739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progression of the crab.


>> No.7614479

Judging by that ring your "girlfriend" is clearly married.

>> No.7614483

uhh yeah it is. Wealthy land owning Chinese would almost always have as many concubines as they could afford which was usually one or two. They would help their wife out with house hold tasks such as spinning and weaving silk or other handicrafts as well as raising children

>> No.7614485

Yeah, shes definitely guilty.

>> No.7614486

Gook Fantasist BTFO!

>> No.7614494

that ring that is clearly on the middle finger?
you are as blind as a bat, and as dumb as your mother.

>> No.7614498
File: 16 KB, 450x349, Louis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think he took a pic of his sister or something?

>> No.7614501

Her "friend" is probably leaving the nuts hanging out each time she tells you she is leaving for "cooking" lessons.

>> No.7614505

Look at the size of that hand, obviously transgender.

>> No.7614506


>> No.7614515
File: 3.83 MB, 4608x2592, tmp_24951-20160427_165603-1376487564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to feast!

>> No.7614517

You fags wouldn't whore out your gf for free food?

>> No.7614533


Who's eating the chips and chicken nuggets and why aren't they sitting at the kids table alone?

>> No.7614543

Actually we are. It's nice with something savory to go with the dumplings.

Gf agrees.

>> No.7614566

What's wrong with her thumb? Cripes.

>> No.7614579

What's with the cucking trend in /ck/? Why would anyone do this

>> No.7614581
File: 3.39 MB, 4608x2592, tmp_27909-20160427_172655-1376487564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it.



>> No.7614585

Does it matter?

Explain the wedding ring.

>> No.7614597

It's on the middle finger, not ring finger. And it's far from a wedding ring. Our wedding ring will be handcrafted by me from gold I will extract from the earth somewhere in Yukon.

>> No.7614598

>I will extract from the earth somewhere in Yukon.

You sound more cuck'd than OP

>> No.7614608

I AM OP, you flying mongrel.

And explain how it's cuck to craft something like that.

>> No.7614617

He wants you to pay 2k to the diamond jew.

>> No.7614622

Because crafting makes you cuck? That's two strikes

>'Friend' who cooks

>> No.7614628

>Paying for diamond ring

Mining and Blacksmithing are the newage reddit tier interests

>> No.7614634

The burly old guys over at /diy/ would like a word with you, son.

Also, you're on the COOKING board. Of all places to call someone a cuck for crafting something, it's here?

>> No.7614643

>burly old guys

You mean the young guys who pretend that they are old? Blacksmithing/Mining has been ruined by the reddit culture

Every bearded guy wants to be a blacksmith and listen to shitty metal

>cuck for crafting something

Food is a necessity but being cuck'd into making rings and gf ''''friends''''

>> No.7614646

You are a disillusioned idiot if you believe that.

Go get laid. Sounds like you need some love.

>> No.7614653

>so jealous and confidence barren that he doesn't even want his gf to have male friends
I don't think he can get laid anon.

>> No.7615608

keyword: would
In the modern world, it's flipped in that Chinese women hold as many cucks as they desire due to the fact that there are now almost 2 Chinese men for every 1 Chinese women, and statistically not many of those women are attractive enough to be desirable.

>> No.7615630

there are literally like 2 chinese people that live in my town

>> No.7615658

Have you ever met a girl that you tried to date
But a year to make love she wanted you to wait
Let me tell ya a story of my situation
I was talkin' to this girl from the U.S. nation
The way that I met her was on tour at a concert
She had long hair and a short miniskirt
I just got onstage drippin', pourin' with sweat
I was walkin' through the crowd and guess who I met
I whispered in her ear, "Come to the picture booth
So I can ask you some questions to see if you are a hundred proof"
I asked her her name, she said blah-blah-blah
She had 9/10 pants and a very big bra
I took a couple of flicks and she was enthused
I said, "How do you like the show?"
She said, "I was very amused"
I started throwin' bass, she started throwin' back mid-range
But when I sprung the question, she acted kind of strange
Then when I asked, "Do ya have a man, " she tried to pretend
She said, "No I don't, I only have a friend"
Come on, I'm not even goin' for it
This is what I'm goin' sing

>> No.7615664

>marry white girl
>Parents flip out
>Only child that is not divorced, didn't have some bullshit cheating shit going on

Sorry but white is right

>> No.7615689

I know you're trolling but how the fuck do people think this? In the past 5 years I've lived in Miami, NYC, LA and Portland, and Portland was the only place that was remotely like this. But it's okay since their craftsmanship is shitty and they usually go out of business within 6-8 months. I can't think of anything more futile than being mad that a business that's gonna be inevitably shut down. It's like being mad at ineptness, you'd rather that these hipsters were great craftsman, so then you'd be socially allowed to accept their faggy music and dyed beards.

>> No.7615794

Post feet

>> No.7615811

Looks good OP. Save me some leftovers.

>> No.7615834

>Mining has been ruined by the reddit culture
You need to get out of the 4chan bubble and take a look around the real world for a while, blacksmithing I can find somewhat understandable even if I don't agree, if you are using reddit as a byword for 'an increase in popularity and image which I don't like', but "mining has been ruined by the reddit culture" is some of the highest grade 4chan mouthbreathing autism that I have seen. What do you even mean?

>> No.7615869

She's a big girl

>> No.7615882
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>> No.7616253

fuck me I want all those dumplings

>> No.7616306
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Right back at you

>> No.7617554

dude who the fuck eats crabs with dumplings with fries and tendies with ketchup

>> No.7617565

which faggot country are you from OP?

>> No.7617576

an adult who wants to eat crabs with dumplings with fries and tendies with ketchup and has the means to do so

>> No.7617577

holy shit eat some vege you fucks.

>> No.7617578

>>liking a skill that requires effort, diligance, and expertise is reddit
holy shit you cucks are faggots. are your shitty egos that threatened that rather than someone being in a relationship while you're forever alone, you actually hate anyone with a jealous fervor for knowing a skill you don't? particularly ones that have been in use since the dawn of civilization?

>> No.7617606

I find it hard to believe that some Chinese bureaucrat didn't realize how stupid it was to condone the murder of millions of Chinese babies just because they were female.

>> No.7617611

10/10 would smash post noods

>> No.7617763

Never underestimate the depths of human stupidity.

>> No.7617780

Uh they didn't. Infanticide was never condoned by the government. Granted they had the one child policy but the punishment for having a second kid was not too kill the female one.

>> No.7617791


While the government itself wasn't the one literally committing the murder, they surely ought to have known that this would happen after implementing said one-child policy.

>> No.7617810

ITT Muh OP's GF is cheating on him

Are you all alone forever or something? What happened to this being a food discussion?

>> No.7617933

>hey guys i know a cook and he makes delicious food!
>umm that's nice
Not like this was a quality thread exactly for discussion to begin with.

>> No.7618675

You are danish Arent you ?

>> No.7618703

>it's a /ck/ brag thread

fuck off idiot

>> No.7618733

That's cool man. My Chinese lady friend's parents are so so at cooking, so I guess it's luck of the draw. Cute GF, by the way :^)

>> No.7618740

hot pot, dumpling are simple dishes that lazy students make when they do get-togethers
even that saute crab is not impressive

sure, i don't doubt his friend is a chef
but unless op tells him to stop being so lazy, there's barely any discussion to be had here

>> No.7618750


>> No.7618770
File: 10 KB, 329x281, 1387852725866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your asian qt3.14 gf is cuter than some one else's asian gf
you should be embarrassed anon

>> No.7618805
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>white """"males""""

race-mixing is not /ck/ related, sorry fellas.

>> No.7618815
File: 3 KB, 125x70, 1461880051835s (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7618825


>forgetting to crop your image

good thing you didn't save the full size you lil trickster cunt ;-)

>> No.7618834

I didn't get a chance, thats why I posted the thumbnail. I want to see the image.

>> No.7619167

>squinty eyes
Pick one

>> No.7619186
File: 4 KB, 227x85, you gotwhatIneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And (You) say he's just a friend,
And (You) say he's just a friend.

>> No.7619237

who eats dumplings without proper dipping sauce

what are you, some sort of mongoloid

>> No.7619243

She looks cute, good job anon. Jealous of your fucking crab deal too.

>> No.7619249


>> No.7620165

would munch her mochi

>> No.7620452

german, prolly
"Rauchen kann tödlich sein"