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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7613926 No.7613926 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ like mac and cheese? Just made some, came out pretty good. Also obligatory cast iron master race comment as well.

>> No.7613928
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Scooping it out.

>> No.7613936

I like to add bacon and/or sausage to mine.

>> No.7613937

Be still, sweet boner...

>> No.7613942

yes this dish needs more fat

>> No.7613943

Sausage yes, bacon no.

>> No.7613952


given that the dish is like a continuous mixture of fat aren't you just displacing volume and making no significant addition to the fat content of the dish

>> No.7613963

I'm making mac and cheese today for my friends. I made it for the first time ever last month and they liked it so much they asked me to cook it again.

>> No.7613968 [DELETED] 

hard to clean senpai

>> No.7613994

What's your secret? I like to season the sauce in mine with a little smoked paprika and mustard powder, plus an egg yolk mixed into the sauce for extra richness

>> No.7613995

Cast Iron Flavor Gains all in that mac and cheese.

>> No.7613997

two layers of kraft singles and cooked low and slow in the oven to melt it then brown the top with the broiler

>> No.7614001

Moe fat = Moe flavor
Fuck off and let people enjoy their occasional heart attack inducing deliciousness. YOLO bitch!

>> No.7614020

Lately I've been making my cheese sauce with chedder, a lil bit of velveta, and that shredded Mexican quesadilla cheese from walmart. Then I add more cheddar and Mexican cheese to the top and pop it in the oven.

>> No.7614054

Ghetto but effective

>> No.7614058

it was a last resort for a craving and turned out better than I figured it would honestly. It was nothing like actual real home made macaroni and cheese, but it was edible and not gross in any way.

>> No.7614211
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What's the best way to stop my milk from curdling? Every time I make it that sauce ends up like this.

>> No.7614235


>> No.7614252

Turn down the heat nigga.

>> No.7614253

Nice OP. I would eat that.

>> No.7614325
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Yeh m8 but not on cast iron because I only do portions of 6 or more at a time. I also add broccoli and cauliflower as a filler

>> No.7614354

Too much heat too fast. If you're making cheese sauce, low heat and slowly stir in your cheese.

>> No.7614382

Yeah, I love it. For 500g of cheddar I'll add a tsp of black pepper, cumin, coriander, oregano, thym and 2 tsp of salt and parsley.
I'll usually have onions carrots and broccoli with either chicken or bacon to go with it.

I don't do it too often because it's probably the least healthy of my meal recipes, but it's delicious.

I fucking love cheese and broccoli.

>> No.7614395

Pro Chef here. Milk has to have some kind of gelatin to cling to. Especially if you're using skim. you can use roux at the beginning and then add the milk and bring to boil. you could bring the milk and all other seasonings to boil and then use corn starch slurry, potato starch, bean starch, and many others. You could even use agar or other molecular things once it has boiled.

on a side note, I always use a little white wine in my cheese sauce and if you boil the milk and wine together they will break the milk down. but if you use roux to start with then add the wine and then add the milk and dont burn the crap out of it, it will be awesome - like fondue for your mac.

>> No.7614400


oh hey, starch is 'a gelatin', thanks Pro Chef!

>> No.7614473

I think he was being sarcastic you fucking faggot ass motherfucker.

>> No.7614476

Directly from google.

Starch gelatinization is a process of breaking down the intermolecular bonds of starch molecules in the presence of water and heat, allowing the hydrogen bonding sites (the hydroxyl hydrogen and oxygen) to engage more water. This irreversibly dissolves the starch granule in water. Water acts as a plasticizer.

>> No.7614537

>tfw always end up buying the boxed stuff because my homemade mac and cheese always ends up rather grainy and non cheesy

>> No.7614832

Too much heat.

>> No.7614854
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>bring the milk to a boil
>professional chef

>> No.7614922

whenever this happens to me vigorous whisking helps smoothen it out. instead of using a wooden spoon try using a whisk next time from the very beginning

>> No.7615025

This is a joke, right? Who in their right mind would eat macaroni with pure cheese?

>> No.7615065

It's obviously not pure cheese and macaroni. You are unable to see the gooey sauce beneath the browned portion on top or maybe you just want to be a fucking faggot ass piece of shit and think you're cool?

>> No.7615072


that means starch is a gelling agent, not 'a gelatin'. gelatinisation is a process that makes it gel.

>> No.7615075

You mean the fat which has collected at the bottom? If I'm ever going to have a food-induced cardiac arrest, I'll be sure it's because of actual food.

>> No.7615079

let's see what you think is great and show us some photos of what you've made or eaten any where paid for that you think is great

>> No.7615093
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looks good anon

>> No.7615101
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I made this canard à l'orange yesterday

>> No.7615107

doesn't even resemble mac n cheese at all lol you must really fucking suck when your mac n cheese looks like gay little oranges or some shit

>> No.7615121

I didn't expect you to recognise food when you see it.

>> No.7615126
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You absolute spunk trumpet.

>> No.7615131
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>> No.7615132

you do realize you are in a thread labeled "mac n cheese" where OP is showing his home made mac n cheese and you are in here saying OMG MAC N CHEESE SUCH SHIT LOOK AT MY FOOD IT'S REAL SO FUCK MAC N CHEESE. Why not just not comment or look at the thread you white trash degenerate?

>> No.7615134

ITT: Some retard can't tell the difference between duck in orange sauce and mac and cheese.
Never change /ck/, you are the fucking worst board on 4Chinks.

>> No.7615141

What is "the use of irony to mock or convey contempt" Alex

>> No.7615142

You forgot to change your name, weeb.

>> No.7615149

In my first post I just wondered what this is all about, as I honestly can't fathom how someone could be so overjoyed about literal macaroni and cheese. You could have explained how this works, but you just chose to shitpost. Is there some special thing about this, ehm, dish, that I don't know about?

>> No.7615164

Considering there are chefs with 3 michelin stars making mac n cheese I would void your opinion in any way what so ever.

>> No.7615186

I'm sure they drink water too.

>> No.7615191
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post recipe plz.

i would like to make this.

>> No.7615219

Sure they make it, but they know it's easy comfort food and don't show it off like some sort of masterpiece. Find me a 3 Michelin star restaurant with mac and cheese on the menu and then we can talk.

>> No.7615221
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>> No.7615240


> but they know it's easy comfort food and don't show it off like some sort of masterpiece.

is anyone doing that itt

3 michelin star chefs eat what they like cause they aren't insecure shitheads

>> No.7615263

didn't know making a thread on 4chans /ck/ means you think it's a masterpiece. Well fuck. Guess McDonalds and BK and 5 guys are 3 star places now also.

>> No.7615272

Why not just make a full blown baked pasta casserole? I mean you still have to turn on the oven and wait for it too cook and preparation probably takes about the same time so why not go the full way?

>> No.7615288

There are 3 types of people ITT
>people enjoying the macaroni and cheese discussion
>people talking shit about Mac
>people trolling the people talking shit

Keep posting delicious mac and cheese. I've got a book full of recipes/ideas for mac that I'll post if I can find it

>> No.7615303

How can anyone even enjoy mac and cheese? Literally pasta and cheese, what the fuck? Americans really are disgusting

>> No.7615309

I'm too lazy to cook them separately so I just plop in spam or vienna sausages straight from the can

>> No.7615322
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fuck your crispy oven baked casserole shit.
best mac & cheese comin through.

>> No.7615329


both of those ingredients are eaten together, and didn't even originate in america

i like regular macaroni and cheese with a bit of mustard powder mixed into the flour for the roux, then after it's done topped with green onion and a few drops of tabasco

>> No.7615331

Anyone else prefer not baking their mac and cheese? I like the ultra creaminess when it's straight off the stovetop. Still want the crunchy topping though so I toast bread crumbs in a pan.

>> No.7615341

Well I should have refreshed the page.

>> No.7615355

You didn't make that for the photo. It's not yours. Regardless, Velveeta shells and cheese is my favorite and the best macaoni and cheese FROM A BOX. I have to make sure I mention from a box so the 3 star chefs in here don't freak the fuck out.

>> No.7615356

>You didn't make that for the photo. It's not yours.
no shit. I never claimed it was mine.

>> No.7615360

well fucking give me some

>> No.7615362

The idea of eating nothing but pasta and cheese didn't originate in America either, peasants have probably been doing it for centuries. America is the only cultural wasteland stupid enough to enjoy it when they have a choice.

>> No.7615409

Because people with no choice can afford water and pasta to boil, a way to make heat to boil it, and cheese and dishes. Sure thing bud. If you had said rice and beans then maybe.

>> No.7615423

How do I get started at making proper mac and cheese? All I've ever done is the Kraft box stuff.

>> No.7615431

type "google.com" into your web browser.

>> No.7615432

For the sauce:
1. Make a roux (cook equal parts flour and butter until aromatic, about 2 minutes)
2. Add warm milk to make bechamel sauce, cook until desired consistency
3. Add in cheese and seasonings of your choice
4. Add sauce to cooked pasta

For baked mac and cheese:
4. Make a topping out of bread crumbs (I like to use panko) and butter. Spread it over the top
5. I also like to add thinly sliced cheese on top
6. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, then broil until it's browned to your liking

>> No.7615436

fuck, I can't count

>> No.7615447

I live for crust on anything. You're probably the person who gives me their crusts. Hell I'll even take sandwhich crusts if it's good bread.

>> No.7615454

ITT: Some retard can't tell the difference between a serious post and a facetious post
Never change /ck/, you are the fucking worst board on 4Chinks.

>> No.7615457

the only people eating nothing but pasta and cheese are usually kids or people who can't cook and are making instant mac and cheese, your hate is making you stupid. there are plenty of pastas, cheeses, and seasonings to choose from.

>> No.7615693

Nah I'm all about the crust. Once you've scooped it out and mixed it up in a serving bowl it doesn't really make up that much of it anyway, plus I like how it breaks up the consistency a bit.

>> No.7615765

>worst board
>not /mu/

>> No.7615779

How did you make it?

>> No.7615874

Holy shit dude, pull that massive stick out of your ass. This is why nobody likes being around you.

>> No.7615899

Has anyone tried the sodium citrate method? I'm debating ordering a pack of it off amazon, I'm just not sure if its worth it.

mac tips:
>boil pasta around 2 minutes below recommended time, it will come out perfect after baking in the oven and will soak up some sauce
>sauce should be a bit runnier consistency than desired before baking
>add fine chopped cauliflower or broccoli
>add cayenne, mustard powder, pinch of nutmeg
>If you're using a white cheese, add turmeric and/or paprika for color

>> No.7615931

Nice looking mac and cheese, anon, although I prefer to add less duck and more cheese.

PROTIP: The orange colour often associated with mac and cheese comes from either velveeta or cheddar and not oranges as you appear to have guessed.

>> No.7615975

I was asked to provide a photo of my own food. Well, enjoy your trough of milk powder and fat, you animal.

>> No.7617395

Bring a pack of macaroni to the boil and simmer until cooked.

Meanwhile, make a roux out of equal parts butter and flour in a cast iron pan on a very low heat. Whisk until combined and let bubble for about a minute. Gradually add milk and keep whisking until combined. Increase the heat to medium, and add a heaped teaspoon of smoked paprika, a heaped teaspoon of mustard powder, a bay leaf and half a diced small brown onion.

Keep whisking until milk has sufficiently warmed up and begin adding handfuls of grated cheese gradually. Keep everything moving and adding cheese until you get a thick sauce. Season with a crack of salt (depending on how salty your cheese is).

Add your cooked and drained macaroni to the sauce and mix to combine. Meanwhile, heat up a lump of butter and about half a cup of panko breadcrumbs in another pan and cook until slightly toasted. Add this as a topping to your mac and cheese pan.

Put the pan with everything into a hot oven and bake for around 15 minutes or until the top is golden brown to your liking.

Let it set for a few minutes to cool down and enjoy.

>> No.7617430

looks like someone just stirred in a bunch of egg yolks

>> No.7617474

>in a cast iron pan
why is that relevant? is this only possible using cast iron?

>> No.7617480

No. But, the heat transfer in cast iron will put a delicious crust in the bottom of the pan. You can use glass cookware just fine, though.