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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7610856 No.7610856 [Reply] [Original]

> eating the crust first

>> No.7610860
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, donald-trump-and-his-steaks-fwx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> steak....... well done.

>> No.7610862
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>I don't drink water..... I don't like the taste of it.


>> No.7610889

>won't eat crusts
>cuts off crusts
>won't eat any vegetables besides potatoes
>will only drink bottled water
>muh gluten free
>has to make 10,000 adjustments to food orders for non-allergy reasons
>eats the icing but not the cake and vice versa
>eats cereal with anything that isn't milk
>won't try anything new, ever

>> No.7610893

what if i get a refillable bottle and never drink out of a glass or mug unless it's coffee?

>> No.7610898

> eats in bed.

Strong correlation between this and degeneracy

>> No.7610901

That sounds fine, I mainly meant people who buy cases of bottled water and only drink new bottles. Why don't you like to drink out of glasses and mugs?

>doesn't like garlic or onion
>spergs over Nutella or peanut butter
>orders off the kid's menu
>eats Kit-Kats without snapping them
>proudly calls themselves a picky eater
>has to deconstruct foods and eat them piece by piece
>double dips in a communal dip
>puts ketchup all over fries

I pour milk before cereal, which I've been told is weird.

>> No.7610904

>slurps sauces directly from the packet

>> No.7610914

>won't eat cookies without milk
>pulls apart oreos
>won't eat lamb fat
>prefers chicken breast to dark meat
>drinks instant coffee

>> No.7610918

i like to sip through out the day, and i don't want to have to think about not spilling my drink.

>> No.7610925

>Eats steak any way but medium rare or rare
>Pretends any cultural dish is immune from being bad
>Doesnt know how to eat meat off the bone

>> No.7610930

> eats meat or animal products

Disgusting. Lacking moral fibre

>> No.7610941

>putting food in their mouth

>> No.7610947

If you eat oreos at all you're probably a fat shit

>> No.7610957

And probably literal fibre

>> No.7610958

You can always tell the fat fucks who think everyone has the same self control issue/bad genetics they do

>Tfw skinny, eat MacDonalds twice a week and hear my fatfuck but constantly dieting co worker talk about how fattening it is

>> No.7610963

I used to work with a bitch like that.
Claimed McDonalds was the devil and on a work outing for a meal she even ordered a small salad with water.
A few days later her Facebook is lit up with all the McDonalds Monopoly coupons she'd collected.

>> No.7610979

When americans stick their tongue out before putting food in their mouths

>> No.7610981

Like Jack?

>> No.7610986


>> No.7610995

fucking newfag

>> No.7610999

/ck/ doesn't have newfags.
Either you belong on /b/ or you're projecting.

>> No.7611021

Fuck you icing is gross.

>> No.7611023

>When people try to argue that it's alright to hold your cutlery in the opposite hand because you're lefthanded.

>When people ask for "dry" red wine (or make a similar request that shows they know absolutely nothing)

>When people ask for salt, prior to tasting what they have on their plate

>People who don't eat the salad when eating out

>People who drink any kind of soda

>> No.7611038

>won't eat lamb fat
My dad won't eat any kind of fat at all and insists that no one else should either. The funny thing is that whenever he makes steaks he will leave the fat on but expects you to not eat it and if he catches you trying to eat it he'll attempt to stop you while screaming about how unhealthy it is.
He's a good cook and I love him but holy shit man let me eat in peace.

>> No.7611047

/ck/ - Shallow & Pedantic

>> No.7611051

>swallowing before chewing for atleast 30sec

>> No.7611078

>>eats Kit-Kats without snapping them
i do this because i am a man?

>> No.7611101

There is literally nothing wrong with eating the crust first. if I order a pizza, I'm eating every crust first. Then I'm too full to eat the good part and I save it for the next day. What do I have in the fridge waiting? A disc of the best part of the pizza

>> No.7611102

>>eats Kit-Kats without snapping them
Snap them in the package so you don't do it with your hot hand and melt the feeble chocolate. Also, use the package to hold them. Fucks who like to get their hands dirty and never wash make me so mad I get literally hot under the collar.

>> No.7611647

>>eats cereal with anything that isn't milk
>>won't try anything new, ever
Surely these two contradict each other?

>> No.7611654
File: 329 KB, 681x553, Good Guy Google.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>won't eat cookies without milk
I've never had cookies with milk, am I missing something?

>> No.7611660

this is true insanity

literally eating the thing that is there solely for you to hold the pizza slice without getting your fingers covered in tomato sauce or grease

>> No.7611667

>A disc of the best part of the pizza
...that's been made far worse because it's no longer fresh.

What's the point in "saving the best for last" if that process reduces the quality of what you're saving?

>> No.7611675

>eats with mouth open
>smacks food
>wastes food
>doesn't compost
>fries chicken in bed

>> No.7611676

So you leave the best part in the fridge so it is less good when you eat it and just eat the crust when the Pizza is all fresh and warm?

>nothing wrong

>> No.7611677

they have knives and forks in developed countries you know?

>> No.7611678

do you eat a sandwich with a knife and fork?

no? so why do you activate autism when it comes to pizza?

>> No.7611682

>Pretends any cultural dish is immune from being bad

I'm of the opinion that any dish that is famous and enjoyed by many people can never actually be bad. Its simply you have to eat enough of it or food like it to enjoy it. I've been able to acquire a taste for pretty much every food I've disliked simply by forcing myself to eat enough of it. So far the only foods I haven't been able to conquer are coconut and natto but with both of them I have been able to start eating a little bit

>> No.7611730

>uses Himalayan pink salt

>> No.7611738
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>has no concept of calories and eats any time that they think about food like a goddamn animal

I genuinely and whole-heartedly believe that fat people deserve to be executed.

>> No.7611742


>> No.7611935

>talking while chewing
>chewing with open mouth
>double bites
>using his fork like a shovel
He really is a fucking pig. Trump was right.

>> No.7612183

fuck you, eating the crust first indicates that I am a responsible person, and I'd rather get a hard task out of the way before enjoying life

>> No.7612184

>being this mad you don't have enough food to eat whenever you want

>> No.7612185
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>t. Amerilard

>> No.7612190

I hate cookies without milk for the same reasons I hate eating peanut butter and jelly without milk.

>> No.7612193


Dunking cookies in milk is awesome.
Go do it. Now.

>> No.7612194

>People who don't go /out/ into the wilderness and forage for their own food
Fucking spoiled little shits, I tell ya'.

>> No.7612195

I get arrested for doing that though.

>> No.7612198

Shouldn't have gone on old man Bill's property then!

>> No.7612216

For what reason?
You're supposed to look up what plants you can and can't take, and on which properties you can take them.
>Tfw uprooting invasive species with the local park ranger
pure bliss

>> No.7612227

Hey man, peanut butter is great

>> No.7612244

>people who buy cases of bottled water and only drink new bottles
Because if the bottles sit for too long, the plastic leaches into the water. And there's some nasty shit in plastic.
I drink bottled water because:
- It's assured clean when I'm away from home
- It doesn't spill or full of dust like an open container
- Easily available
I keep a bottle under my bed, and a couple in my car, for emergency hydration. And a big bottle in the chiller at work to stay hydrated and awake.
I'll drink tap water at home just fine, but bottles are just practical. And if I get out of my local area, I'm unused to the bacteria.

>> No.7612257

>not eating the pussy
>not swallowing the cum

just being honest

>> No.7612263

Do you eat anything but cereal? If not, you might need to sit down a bit and think it through real carefully.

>> No.7612265

this tbhh

>> No.7612281

>people who drink any type of soda.

Really nigga

>> No.7612343

Enjoy your heart disease, skinny fuck

Weight is only one manifestation of an unhealthy diet

>> No.7612359

>my friends tick most these boxes


>> No.7612367

potatoes are a starch, not a culinary vegetable.
they don;t fucking count.

>>eating the icing,
unless its very thin and it never fucking is, icing is for plebs.

people who cut out entire distinct cultures of food and food without animal products are fucking cancer. just because you eat meat doesn't mean food without it is awful. stick to tendies

>>eats cereal
I'd shorten it to this but i suppose thats probably taking it too far, Cereal is just a fucking trap option though and it's like wasting a feat on armored athlete.

>wont try anything new ever
hypocrisy is magic. eat your veggies you fucking tendie

>> No.7612370

double dipping is always acceptable if you just turn the food around (obviously only applies to foods that can be turned around)

>> No.7612380

introduce him to this.
if he doesn't read it the TL dr is canola oil is normally worse for you than saturated fat.

>> No.7612383

>>swallowing cum
fucking straight girls.
not that I wouldn't swallow. what kind of person goes down on someone then spits it out? theres no safety to worry about at that point, all you are doing is making them feel bad.

>> No.7612424

>And if I get out of my local area, I'm unused to the bacteria.

Jesus how fucking fragile are you?

>> No.7612439

I don't think there's a problem with not eating the icing on a cake
The icing a lot is super sweet and actually makes me feel light headed

>> No.7612444
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I used to be a busser in a busy restauraunt and it made me really judgmental of what people leave on plates.

>People who eat chicken wings and leave a big ol piece of meat on the end.
>Anyone who eats their ribs with a bib and a fork
>If you havent had a food that involves a multistep process to eat before (Such as whole shellfish or whole Artichokes), trying to look cool and do it your own way instead of asking for help.
>Ordering stuff like Nachos/Chili Cheese fries/Loaded Tater Tots with every ingredient seperately plated.
>"Just the patty please, no bun"

Outside a restauraunt:
>Anyone who chews with their mouth open
>Anyone who eats food on thier mattress.
>Adding A1/Sriracha/Ketchup to everything you eat.
>Owning Bacon Salt

>> No.7612447

How much of /fit/ is on /ck/?

>> No.7612465

>Most red wines are dry, with the exception being some dessert styles of red wine such as Port. Most red table wines, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Zinfandel, Pinot Noir, Syrah and wines from these grapes such as Bordeaux and Burgundy, are completely dry.

Sweet reds exist, Anon.

>> No.7612544

>being so poor that you have to cook for yourself instead of paying other people to cook for you

>> No.7612558

Here. I would argue that most people here who participate in genuine cooking threads are fit, or at least not fat. Most people who cook in my experience generally care about what they eat, hence the time spent on cooking forums learning how to cook.

Most fatties I know eat mostly take out or microwave shit and don't know how to cook anything.

>> No.7612572

If I was a billionaire I'd still cook for myself at least occasionally because it's fun.
Making one of your favourite dishes on a friday night with a couple (or 12) beers maybe with a show or podcast on. That's comfort.

>> No.7612576

>bacon salt
what? such a thing exists? ill keep my eye out for it

>> No.7612586

Eating candy bars regularly after the age of 12.

>> No.7612619

>cookies without milk
What do you want me to wash it down with? Or do you just want my mouth to be all chocolately and crummy?

>> No.7612622

why is it not okay to hold cutlery in opposite hand if they are left handed?

>> No.7612629

My wife's son wont eat the crust of his sandwiches and I cant fucking stand it.

I still love him

>> No.7612630


>> No.7612650


I am still voting for Trump just to rustle your jimmies :-)

>> No.7612652


>> No.7612658

>for emergency hydration.

You sound so pathetic it's unbelievable

>> No.7612671

>Because if the bottles sit for too long, the plastic leaches into the water.
Because that wasn't happening already before you bought it.

>> No.7612685

this must've been the dumbest thing i've read all week

>people that cant eat meat when they recognise it as part of an animal. ribs liver big parts on the bbq

>> No.7612686 [DELETED] 

Cuck detected

>> No.7612709
File: 67 KB, 736x736, 998a830a9784b33fb1f947475e6c32b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a stuffed crust, you fucking degenerate. Anyway, biggest ones that come to mind are
>pre-saucing your fries
>eating diet anything
>eating a raw and un-sauced steak just because "I'm a le real man XD"
>eating eggs with a solid yolk
>preferring margarine to butter
>putting anything, ANYTHING on your tendies aside from good ol' fashioned ranch
>not liking pickles on your burger (you're basically removing 80% of the taste wtf)
>won't eat something solely based on "muh can't stand the consistency"
>won't eat desserts based on "looking adult" reasons
>won't eat ketchup

Any I missed?

>> No.7612710

Wow... You were born in the late 90's weren't you? I fuckin love the original stuffed crust commercials man... Especially the ones where the pizza slice got abducted by aliens and was probed with a cheese syringe to give it stuffed crust

>> No.7612732

> drinking coffee
> eating soup
> pretending noodles in soup is not soup
> putting ketchup on hot dogs

>> No.7612735

>asks /ck/ for cooking advice

>> No.7612737

>He is anal about ettiquette when this isn't a formal dinner nor dinner at a restaurant.
>Shits on vegetarians/vegan by principle because a particular vegan cunt annoyed him.
>Have stupid reasons to not eat a certain kind of food (ie vegans for moral reasons that will contradict themselves around fish/dairy/bugs products).
>Considers alcohol like a way to get shitfaced, doesn't know how to drink during dinner.
>Drinking soda during dinner.
>For non vegetarians, eating only beef pork and poultry.
>For anyone who isn't a child being forced to try something he doesn't want to eat, requesting to be served the saucy dish without it touching the side of starch.

Also this isn't really reflective of character but it really grinds my gears:
The store brought "sauces" that are not at all like the sauce of a dish, usually very sweet, kinda sour from vinegar and full of spices. Talking ketchup, that japanese sweet and sour prune and vinegar sauce ect...
>Putting them on anything other than fries or cheap snack foods.

>> No.7612778

>using ketchup
>using frenches yellow mustard
>thinking that, in this day and age, eating sushi is exotic and an accomplishment

>not wasting food a host took time to prepare for your whether or not you like it or it goes against your eating principles. Obvious exception if it would cause an allergic reaction

>> No.7612781

that was supposed to say "not eating food a host prepared for you"

>> No.7612782

>bad genetics
people still believe genetics make you fat? sad.

>> No.7612787


pretty much everyone who is currently cutting and craving food. source: me

>> No.7612793

I used to have ceral with strwaberry yogurt when I was a kid

>> No.7612808

>frequently eating frozen food
>"I hate water"
>"vegetables? ew"
>"fruit? does gatorade count?"
>soda all day every day
>why am I always feeling like shit, anon?

>> No.7612816

Doesn't eat food because they heard a meme fact on the internet.
>o-oh I read peanut butter companies allow 2 rat hairs per jar
>d-didn't you see that unilad video where they pour coke on the pork?
>I heard you can clean your toilet with coke, that can't be good for you

>> No.7612820


If you consume animals or animal products, you are a deeply flawed individual

>> No.7612838

overindulging to the point of obesity is really the biggest one, right?

>> No.7612842

>he doesn't like cold food
Hot pizza is good, leftover buffalo chicken pizza is better.

>> No.7612849

>eating pussy

that's beta cuck behavior.

>> No.7612916

tbqh coke and most store-bought peanut butters are quite bad for you.

>> No.7612917


>> No.7612923
File: 129 KB, 680x815, g3cg5WI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw would tell adult guests to pound sand when trying to order off of kids menu

>> No.7612927

>>fries chicken in bed

>> No.7612971

>he doesn't drink from glass bottles
Enjoy your man boobs.

>> No.7613020

>Dips their burger into ketchup
So fucking disgusting, might as well just eat a whole bowl of ketchup. Also gets all over their mouth and fingers. And there are adults that do this.

>> No.7613083

>its a lets bait /pol/ thread

>> No.7613104

Anyone else put the spoon in their mouth upside down when eating ice-cream to avoid tooth pain?

>> No.7613108

>tooth pain
i have never had that problem

>> No.7613113

Cold sensitivity. It sucks.

>> No.7613255


Wondering the same. I can only imagine it's bothersome if you're sitting next to someone and your elbow might hit theirs?

With eating I kinda flip back and forth which hand I use for the fork depending on just whatever I feel like at the moment.

>> No.7613302

>is over 12 years old
>won't eat vegetables
>recently turned 19
>STILL won't eat vegetables
Goddamnit Jacob just eat a goddamn tomato you fucking manchild.

>> No.7613306

desu fampaitachi

>> No.7613323

>people who buy cases of bottled water


>> No.7613343

>Eat about half the slice
>Turn it around and eat the crust, leaving a little bit
>Turn back around and eat up until the last bite-width
>Eat from the side, enjoying the ultimate part of the pizza, good bit of toppings, that little bit of sauce that just barely escapes the outer edge of cheese, and just a little bit of crust

What does this say about me?

>> No.7613375

He said people.

>> No.7613442

Wish we could still have Jack threads :(

Those were what hooked me into coming on /ck/ in the first place.

>> No.7613447

kinda. it's pretty good, I'd recommend at least trying it out

>> No.7613461

I do this too, I don't think it's weird. What I think is weird is the people who refuse to eat the pizza crust... Why do people always leave the crust? The crust is good, and you can dip it in sauce...

>> No.7613466

these, but I have one more to add
>eat out somewhere
>don't take home the leftovers
one girl I was hooking up with for a while used to do this, while also paying for my dinner, and it would drive me up the god damn wall

>> No.7613501

I crack eggs open over Totino Pizzas and cook them like that.

It's fucking awesome.

>> No.7613506

Maybe he means shake bacon?

>> No.7613513

>Anon, you don't eat the crust? That's like the best part!

>> No.7613520


she will dump you lol

either that or you won't get head, ever

so enjoy your life i guess

>> No.7613523

Honey roasted BBQ is awesome on tendies.
Pickles are obnoxious; you bite half a slice, then it slips out and slaps you in the face with ketchup and mustard. They taste fine, but I hate them on burgers.
I never ate dessert as a child, and I'm not about to start now.

Everything else is good on your list though.

>> No.7613529

It might not be the best part, but you're still a faggot for not eating it. God forbid you put something in your mouth that isn't slathered in cheese.