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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7610378 No.7610378[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>this is considered a "meal" in America

>> No.7610382

>with any sandwich purchase

A sandwich can be a full meal by itself.
Grain, vegetables, meat.


>> No.7610384

>a bag of chips, a bottle of pop, and a convenience store sandwich are consider a "meal" in America

>> No.7610387

It goes with a sandwich.

>> No.7610390

When made to standard formula, a six
inch SUBWAY® sandwich includes two full servings of vegetables,
essential nutrients vitamin A and iron and are free of artificial trans fat
and rich in complex
All SUBWAY® bread is fortified with Calcium and Vitamin D, and a six inch sandwich
includes the equivalent to a glass of milk.
When made on 9 Grain Wheat or Honey Oat bread, each sandwich contains at least
20% daily value of fiber.

>> No.7610391

The ad clearly indicates that the sandwich would not be a meal by itself. You are making it a meal by adding the chips and soft drink.

>> No.7610396

>implying a steak, baked potato, bread, spinach and drink isn't considered a meal

A sandwich and a bag of chips is the same fucking thing just in smaller portions.

>> No.7610397
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>eat sandwich by itself
>get Diet Soda
>give bag of chips to homeless guy or co-worker or friends

>> No.7610399

same as adding fries and a drink to a fast food order in every country ever.

It's called a "meal". marketing slogan. is this your first day on earth?

>> No.7610400

A sandwich with chips and a drink is common in delis across America. I see nothing wrong here. Try bashing them for their ridiculous fountain drink sizes, you fucking retard.

>> No.7610445

Americans detected

we're talking about a corner store packaged sandwich here. not some bakery fresh made-to-order sandwich that would actually be filling and nutritious

>> No.7610454

They sell prepacked sandwiches even in culinary meccas like France.

>> No.7610462

have you ever been to a fucking corner store and taken a peek at the sandwiches? this isn't a grocery store

>> No.7610491


OK lets assume that it is some corner store packaged sandwich? So what? It's still considered a small lunch. It has meat, lettuce, tomato, cheese and bread.

I still don't know what point you're trying to make? Word choice?

The definition of "Meal" - the food eaten on regular occasions.
"a perfectly cooked meal"

Meal doesn't mean sauteed mushrooms and onions on a steak and lobster with potatoes and asparagus.
Meal can be a peanut butter sandwich with milk.
A meal can be a nutrition shake.

Your argument is so weak and desperate it's pathetic.

>> No.7610494

>literally everyone except me disagrees with me
>0mg u must all be amiericans
>insecure about where he lives so he continues to shitpost to feel better about living somewhere shitty.

>> No.7610496

Keep squirming, America. You may eventually free yourself from your cultural quagmire.

>> No.7610502

I'll keep that in mind, as I feel literally no effects of your imaginary issue you're projecting on an entire country.

>> No.7610505

Okay, I hope you have a good night of talking about America on a website founded by Americans that is hosted on server in America that are maintained by Americans. In fact enjoy the internet. A great American invention.

>> No.7610510

>keep squirming
>entire thread is about an issue with word choice on the most insignificant advertisement ever, with the weakest argument imaginable

Oh man, you checkmated us. I'm definitely moving now.

>> No.7610515

Basically this. What do >>7610445 imagine as a meal? Surely it's not strictly an above-standards fully-balanced course. A simple sandwich, even a "convenience store sandwich" (which you insist doesn't serve the purpose of a sandwich), can keep me going for a few hours.

>> No.7610516

what country are you from? I want to know where this bustling hollowed promised land of cultural prosperity and harmony is.

>> No.7610524

>Shopping at 7/11
>Taking their signage seriously

>> No.7610528

What, is a sandwich, crisps, and drink not enough for you, fatty? Go climb up your own ass.

>> No.7610539

Crisps? Where are you? Do you call fries 'chips'?

>> No.7610542

>thinking any other country even matters
America is a global culture. It has single handedly affected more nations around the world than any other empire in the entirety of Earth history.

>> No.7610552

Well, I'm not in America, if that's what you want to know. But seriously? Who doesn't consider a sandwich (even if it's bought from a shop and not a "real" sandwich), crisps (chips), and a drink a meal? Fuck me, how many fucks on this board are eating 6000 calories a day?

>> No.7610564

>someone doesn't know their history
Sorry bro, but you should have studied more in world history class. We've been affecting other countries for about 200 years, but you're not taking into account the Mongol empire, the British empire, the Roman empire, all of which was around way longer than us, and some of which still affects us today, whether you can see it or not....seriously, you need to think before you type.

>> No.7610565
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Best post I've seen today

>> No.7610580

It's definitely debatable. Other empires have stood longer, however the magnitude of influence is definitely much higher from America, mostly due to advances in technology.
We could argue all day about this, but it's not as clear-cut as you're making it seem.

>> No.7610588

I suppose one must consider how a diet naturally reflects one's daily activities. I used to work on construction sites, and I rode my bike, so of course I had a much more salubrious diet. Now I work a lame desk job and don't burn as many calories, so I cut back to the standard three square meals. Some days a small sandwich'll satisfy me for a while.

>> No.7610591

Maybe, but you threw down the gauntlet of it being a clear cut case with your first post.
I don't want to have long drawn out discussion, I don't have time for it, but just the fact that there's still at least 16 million descendants of Ghengis Khan living today speaks volumes as to the effects of the mongol horde. And I'm not even going to get started on the Romans, that could take all day.

>> No.7610592

Don't like it? Don't eat it then....faggot

>> No.7610597

I'm not the same person from the post you replied to. I was a bystander lol, but yeah it just depends on what you're measuring.

>> No.7610599

Well, obviously your physical output determines your needs, but I doubt many people on here are as active as Michael Phelps while in training. (Just used him as an example because that was the last time I heard of someone eating 6000 calories a day).

>> No.7610650

didn't he consume over 10k calories while training?

guy is a fucking machine

>> No.7610693

Man I want some subway now. Bacon steak and cheese. Chicken pizziola. Italian BMT. Meatball marinara. And I personally usually go with a cookie and drink instead of the chips. Sometimes both. Depends how hungry and how hard I worked that day. 6 inch or foot long. Also to clarify I'm not a land whale.

>> No.7610799

post like these make me wish /ck/ would get thos little flags that /int/ gets

>> No.7610805

I made this suggestion to moot once in a /q/ thread and he laughed at me.

>> No.7610810

>in america it costs two hundred dollars for a bottle of pepsi and a bag of doritos

>> No.7610813

Gee, isn't it wonderfull to just throw an autist rant and attack a strawman?

>> No.7610814

flags are the best. I love /int/ too

>> No.7610870

It's a fucking gas station.

>> No.7610876

A sandwich is a sandwich regardless if it was made two minutes ago or two days ago.

>> No.7610924

The guy next to me at work thinks like you. He unironically believes the reason he's fat and always tired is genetics.

>> No.7610948

>hollowed promised land
It's hallowed, you idiot.
Also, OP is from America. The vast majority of anti-America shitposting is from Americans triggering Americans in the classic 4chan tradition of trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.7610956
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The vast majority of "anti-American shitposting" is actually just someone saying something totally innocuous like "I like Indian vegetarian food" or "I enjoyed an Italian wine last night", and then our resident insecure flyovers fly off the handle and start shrieking HAMBURGER HAMBURGER USA #1 THEY HATE US CUZ THEY AINT US

About 0.01% of "anti-American shitposting" is genuinely both anti-American and shitposting, it's just that retards who think Cheesecake Factory is fine dining take it as a personal attack when someone doesn't like what they like and dislike what they don't like.

>> No.7610965

are you saying that a cheap low quality sandwich from a gas station is equivalent to a freshly made sandwich you'd pay $10 for in a sit-down restaurant? because if that's what you're saying (and it is what you are saying) then you are very wrong

>> No.7610969
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>implying I'm an American

>> No.7610975

If that's what they're saying and you know that's what they're saying and you know that they know that that's what you're saying, why are you asking them if that's what they're saying?

>> No.7610982

Very cold Americans are still Americans, American, no matter how many Prime Ministers they have.

>> No.7610983

actually it has the caloric value of a meal

so fuck you, op

>> No.7610985

That's not how you troll a Canadian.

What you do is you say you've been to Toronto and you loved it. You can totally see yourself living there.

Then they fly off the handle and start ranting about how it's not the real Canada because they have indoor plumbing.

Whatever the Canada version of a flyover is, they feel about Toronto the way flyovers feel about New York. So the way you push their buttons is you say "as an American I love Canada, Toronto is just great".

>> No.7610987

>mfw a yuropoor couldn't afford food near me

>> No.7610989

>Whatever the Canada version of a flyover is

All the bits of Canada that aren't Toronto?

>> No.7610992

is Quebec acceptable to fly under the flyover radar?

>> No.7610993

Canadian ReCaptcha:
Select All Things.

>> No.7610994

>is Quebec acceptable

Quebec is never acceptable.

>> No.7611002
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>mfw American "logic"

>> No.7611003
File: 88 KB, 339x338, laughing anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you do is you say you've been to Toronto and you loved it. You can totally see yourself living there.
then I'd lmao @ ur life and call you a fag on 4chan

>> No.7611004

Ken Domik lives in Bradford, Ontario.

>> No.7611005

You're not helping your case, here.

>> No.7611009

Why what's wrong with Ken?

>> No.7611010

>animu on a food and cooking board

>> No.7611015
File: 30 KB, 403x497, 1456478677550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you aware of what website you are posting on?

>> No.7611019

The chan, a duck fattening and pan flute forum based in Tunisia?

>> No.7611022

fuck off back to /a/.

>> No.7611025
File: 283 KB, 880x923, mods confirmed weebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but every time I post on /a/ i get banned :(

>> No.7611028

What did the info graphic say?