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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7601923 No.7601923 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get some kitchen horror stories shared?

>> No.7601983
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>> No.7601988


>> No.7602013

More than half that article is the same stuff repeated two or three times.

What kind of shitty news site writes like that?

>> No.7602044

the daily mail

>> No.7602049

If I had to guess, Daily Mail

>> No.7602056

These people are disgusting and their whole country should be gassed

>> No.7602070

to be fair, toilet paper is garbage and using water to clean your asshole is way better

>> No.7602084

t. Sanjeep Gupta Patel

>> No.7602194

>spend all day preparing chicken noodle soup and clam chowder to perfection about 40 qts a piece for dinner service
>take off heat and move aside continue prepping for nights dinner service.
>dishes start to stack up
>call idiot 16 year old dishwasher over
>hey anon can you clear those dishes over there? ya thanks
>20 minutes later "where the fuck is the soup"
>wander around looking and end up in the dish pit
>2 40 qt pans are sitting freshly washed on the drying rack
>stupid stoner fuckhead dumped them down the drain while clearing the ladels and spoons
>plot twist
>I was the dishwasher

>> No.7602481

>>plot twist
get out reddit
i am serious. or else.

>> No.7602503

use wet wipes you dirty barbarian

>> No.7602510


>plot twist?
>I was phone!

>> No.7602511

but this jew from long island says I'm a bad person if I do that

>> No.7602569

The Jews also tell people to mangle baby ducks.

>> No.7602570


I dunno which one makes me more sad now.

>> No.7602581


>> No.7602586
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>> No.7602587
File: 61 KB, 400x274, shitburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's some shit in this here burger.

>> No.7602589

>Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.Apache Server at poo2loo.com Port 80

>> No.7602598

for most of human history the leading cause of both children and mothers dying during birth was the doctors didnt wash their hands before assisting them

>> No.7602854

I thought I was high...
Some sites run bots to "make articles", mainly copy-pasting full articles after removing credits. Including some big news sites.

>> No.7603009 [DELETED] 


>> No.7603098

How is this a big deal unless he didn't wash his hands afterwards. I mean we all wash our assholes while bathing. I'd be much more reluctant to eat food prepared by someone who uses tp and doesn't wash his hands afterward than if some uses his hands to wash his ass and washes his hands with soap afterwards.

>> No.7603109

>unless he didn't wash his hands afterwards.
Well the place was contaminated with human faeces so either he didn't or he did a very bad job

>> No.7603117

Oh fuck off, stop thinking that 4chan jokes are reflective of reality. I have never known one person who consistently washes their hands after pooping. There is simply no need to, even if you use your bare hands, if you do a good enough job of wiping and admitting this doesn't make me subhuman, despite the memes that are about to be thrown at me.

>> No.7603125

>bottles in kitchen covered in fecal matter

Can you fucking read?

>> No.7603196

mother uses dental floss to tie things up for cooking.

you know, dental floss, which is a synthetic fiber.

>> No.7603210
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>being dishwasher
>owning computer

pick one

>> No.7603216

>There is simply no need to
>even if you use your bare hands

Just to get this straight and make sure you didn't type this out wrong. I've typed shit wrong on the internet before and felt like an ass after it

Are you saying there is no need to wash you hands even if you use your bare hands to wipe your ass?

That aside what circle do you run in where not a single person is obsessive about washing up after shitting? I know tons of people who are really obsessive about that and a few who will try to take a shower afterwords every time if possible.

>> No.7603229

You're describing yourself, not your friends.

>> No.7603233
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>most of human history

yeah, about that. modern medical science is only a couple of hundred years old. history, depending on where you are, goes back as much as five thousand years.

You're talking about the random relatives or neighbors that were around, not doctors.

>> No.7603251

Hows dysentery treating you?

>> No.7603252

>young earth creationist detected
Civilization in the societal sense is generally regarded as at least ten thousand years old. Human history goes back way, way farther than that. Homo Sapiens usualy considdered to go back about two hundred thousand years or so.
>go fuck a bible

>> No.7603253

I knew it.

>> No.7603255

it literally became a common practice in 1865 you retard. If you are going to talk out of your ass at least google it first

>> No.7603257

Which is not 'most of human history' you imbecile. See >>7603252

>> No.7603260

I guess it isn't really a kitchen, just my trash roommates

>they do their dishes once every 3 weeks on average
>ive started just piling their dishes by the door towards the trash
>they try to get mad at me
>i just ask them if it's not my privilege to use the sink and they shit the fuck up

>the only two methods they know of cooking are boiling and baking
>they only bake cakes
>they boil everything else
>they leave pots of disgusting water on the stove for days at a time

I've gone from passive aggressive to straight p aggressive with out I deal with their shit and they STILL don't think I hate them with every bone in my body.

>> No.7603261

recorded history you fuck

>> No.7603263

>hurr durr what you're saying is so stupid i can't even comprehend it
Nice meme, bro. I barewipe and don't wash when I'm not making food afterwards

>> No.7603270

>wat is moving the goal posts
Recorded by whom? We've have records of it now.
We also have written text from several thousands of years ago, so somewhere mid ~1800 is in no fucking way 'most of recorded history' either, you uneducated little man.

>> No.7603276
File: 144 KB, 457x381, 1323389693723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back side
fuckin brits.

>> No.7603279

Cletus, is that you?
(I bet you're popular with dem ladies.)

>> No.7603282

thats happened often..I saw a dishwasher throwing away 100L of lobster soup

>> No.7603322

>human history started the day i was born
>you cant prove to me tere was anything before i existed

>> No.7603473

blease boo in duh loo

>> No.7603758

>Be Yuropoor
>Have Moroccan gf
>Visit the country on holidays
>Some stalls don't have TP, only a bottle of water
>Instructions are clear : grab a bottle with one hand, wipe your ass with the other with water, put the bottle back close to the toilet, clean your hands with soap and warm water because you're not a fucking animal and they have running water there since the colonisation.
It actually works surprisingly well. Probably better than tp in some occasions. I tried doing it at home, but got lazy to think about filling the bottle with lukewarm water before starting shitting (my anus is nesh and water gets too cold in the north.)

>I heard the Koran itself has hygiene instructions on which hand to use to wipe and eat (no soap/warm water at the time, and some dishes are eaten with bare hands)
How did he fuck that up? How did he end up with a shit stained bottle in the kitchen? On several occasion that is.

I thought rats usually take tare of these things (for some reason, rats hate these plugs as much as sewer workers.)

>> No.7603803

2plot twist: u r a fagit