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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 128 KB, 500x325, kitchen-gadgets-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7600940 No.7600940 [Reply] [Original]

Who the hell eats tomatoes like this, its meant to be a garnish right?

>> No.7600944


>> No.7600950

Whats the problem? looks perfectly fine

>> No.7600951
File: 1.45 MB, 3008x2000, english-breakfast-june12-054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not "meant" to be anything, it's a plant which happens to be edible.

It is part of a full English breakfast though.

>> No.7600953


Some people like it that way

It is not meant to be garnish

>> No.7600954

I'm guessing that you are somebody that's never tried anything other than flavorless, grainy, supermarket tomato?

>> No.7600957

I see the problem here. You have never had a good tomato. You've only had sad grocery store tomatoes, not a ripe one straight from someone's garden. Do yourself a favor this summer and go to a farmer's market, buy a nice ripe red tomato, and make yourself a caprese salad. Thank me later.

>> No.7600959

Tomatoes in general are bitter sweet watery hunks regardless of quality, who the hell wants to eat it as if it were a sliced apple

>> No.7600962

>Tomatoes in general are bitter sweet watery hunks regardless of quality
lol no
s m h tbqh

>> No.7600963

Haha are you serious?

>> No.7600966

Tomatoes taste like nothing but awfully textured sugar bombs ruined by bitterness and strong acidity

>> No.7600967

A proper tomato is more meaty and, brace yourself... umami.

>> No.7600971
File: 48 KB, 500x375, 1424956996098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not convinced you've ever eaten a tomato at all, let alone a nice ripe one.

>> No.7600974

How do I cook it like that? Oven bake it?

Whole tomato or sliced?

Asian here. I always thought tomato was something to have raw or in tomato soup.

>> No.7600979


>> No.7600993

Are you fucking kidding. Tomatoes are a delicacy.

>> No.7601046


>> No.7601050

Then why are they grown and used the world over, even by third worlders?
"delicacy" to me doesn't scream dirt poor farmer food. delicacy means exclusive and more difficult to obtain than growing out of the fucking dirt

>> No.7601056

What the fuck is in that tea?

>> No.7601060

>implying dirt poor farmers' food is worst than yours
Ignorant first worlder

>> No.7601063

If they're food is better, then why are they 5'4" and weigh 110 pounds and I'm 6'3" and weigh 411 pounds and need a motor scooter to get around?

Checkmate atheists

>> No.7601084


It's common to eat some fruit with breakfast, and that looks delicious.

>> No.7601089

spotted the 14-year-old

>> No.7601121


>> No.7601158

Yeah, where are the tendies, right?
>no ranch
I would be so angry at mom

>> No.7601222
File: 19 KB, 470x313, cheese-recipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you too

>> No.7601275

They have a lot of poo in the loo people there. You figure it out.

>> No.7601305

that would be a teabag you morons.

>> No.7601355


Slicing it like this is kind of a waste of time if you're not even putting it on anything

just roast whole tomatoes or halves if you want and it will better anyway

eating plain uncooked tomatoes by themselves is something I don't really agree with though

>> No.7601365

>I've only had tasteless, mushy supermarket tomatoes and therefor think all tomatoes are like that
Quality kek.

>> No.7601366

home grown tomatoes, yes
homegrown heirlooms, double yes

>> No.7601376


>eating plain uncooked tomatoes by themselves is something I don't really agree with

Like as a matter or principle? Fresh tomatoes are great, and the one's in OP's pic clearly aren't plain; they look pretty well seasoned.

>> No.7601386


>> No.7601393

>I grew up eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, so that is the only breakfast food!

>> No.7601401
File: 53 KB, 600x399, French_Toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating meat and vegetables for breakfast

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.7601407


Neither beans nor mushrooms are vegetables.

>> No.7601409

>American cuck detected

>> No.7601412


okay but what kind of madman eats just beans and mushrooms for breakfast?

>> No.7601415


That looks tasty

>> No.7601418
File: 39 KB, 515x316, Implied_Facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not vegetable

>> No.7601419


They're both part of the full English breakfast posted above, and the only things in the thread resembling vegetables.

>> No.7601437

They're literally not, you ass

>> No.7601439

>Being fat.

>> No.7601442

>he gets fat off sugars and carbs


>> No.7601446

What makes a food "breakfast"?
Why is sugar coated wheat pellets OK but not actual food?

>> No.7601447


yeah bacon sausage and eggs

nobody gets fat off that stuff

>> No.7601461


>sugar bombs


>> No.7601467

Sugar is a carb and "only fat can make you fat" has been disproven since the 1960s.

>> No.7601805

I wanna know why people put a fried egg on something and it's supposed to be avant garde

>> No.7601860


That's just a plate, anon.

Eating directly off the table is what's sometimes considered avant garde.

>> No.7601863


when the fuck has this ever happened

>> No.7601869

>tfw going out to the garden and pulling a ripe tomato off the vine
>tfw slicing it up
>tfw olive oil, fresh pepper and sea salt
>tfw fresh baked crusty bread

FUCK. Why must I wait!?

>> No.7601871

lots of southerners, especially old people, just chop a tomato and eat it with salt and pepper.

>> No.7601873


Ignore the flyovers.

They only get ingredients like avocados and sriracha when they start selling them at fast food places (and then endlessly shitpost about them); of course putting a fried egg on something is mind blowing to them.

>> No.7601902

lol go eat sauteed kale

>> No.7601906
File: 315 KB, 350x325, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks kale is new
squee like a pig

>> No.7601933

as if a large portion of american cuisine descends from seattle or wherever you're from and not the south

>> No.7601939

It's unimportant what you personally choose to define as "American cuisine"; whatever your definition is, I'm sure it's nothing but horrible garbage that comes out of a box. Anyone who says "go eat vegetables" is an insult has invalid opinions about food.

>> No.7601940

People who like tomatoes?

>> No.7601953


Tomatoes are one of the most beloved fruits there is.

/ck/ just has a vocal minority of picky eaters.

>> No.7602034

lol go gentrify a neighborhood

>> No.7602113

you need to find better insults

you gonna call me a normie next?

>> No.7602126

I really like tomatoes with just a drizzle of italian dressing or a vinegarette.

>> No.7602141

try making scrambled eggs with diced tomatoes and cheese sometime

>> No.7602143

If you eat anything other than Sandy Walmart tomatoes I'd agree, but home-grown tomatoes cab be the sweetest juiciest mother fuckers you've ever eaten

>> No.7602144

>cheese anywhere near a scrambled egg

kill yourself

>> No.7602183

>eating breakfast

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.7602212

would you prefer creme fraiche instead?

>> No.7602259

Eating tomatoes like that is patrician you fucking nancy.

>> No.7602262

My father ate tomatoes like this with some hot sauce.

It's pretty good

>> No.7602263


>wah wah I don't like cheese on my eggies!

Don't listen to this faggot. Eat what you want, pal

>> No.7602291

Those tomatoes look like unripe shit.

Now, if you get some good tomatoes that are in season from say, a local farmers market, then prep them like that and add a little salsa on top, shit's pretty good.

I like putting a thin slice of sourdough underneath to catch the egg yolk. Ooh, and shredded mozzarella on top.

>> No.7602323
File: 11 KB, 200x296, Ole Bobby Lee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when filthy yankees don't even eat 'matos

>> No.7602331

If you grew up southern, which I did, partially (mom was from the south, dad was german), you never had a dinner without a plate of sliced tomatoes and onions, usually with a little oil and vinegar over them and salt and pepper. Especially in the summer and early fall. Not having that on the table would be heresy.

>> No.7602333

I know how you feel. My garden is getting big now, but nothing (aside from a few pieces of lettuce) can be eaten. I just want everything to grow already dang it! Lol

>> No.7602354

We did this in CT every summer when there were fresh veggies

every dinner we had a plate of garden tomatoes and cucumbers with red wine vinegar, celery salt, and pepper

>> No.7602372

It's not cooked in op pic, just sliced whole and seasoned the best way to eat it tbqh that or just plain. It's meant to offer a refresher to cut through the heaviness of the rest of the breakfast.

>> No.7603326
File: 1.26 MB, 4109x2282, caprese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your pleb is showing

>> No.7603345

HAHAHAHA! Look at that cat! It looks like he's all confused! HAHAHAHAHA!

>> No.7603356

Thats salad, not just hunksnof tomatoes as a dish

>> No.7603369

I actually had this this morning!

Sliced up a tomato, fried it in olive oil a bit and rubbed with salt and pepper.

Along with 2 fried eggs, 2 sausages, and 2 pieces of toast.

So, so easy it's ridiculous.

>> No.7603378

I saw this while holding an english muffin mid bite. Just put it down.

Fuck you.

>> No.7603478

>breakfast is only certain types of food

I want this meme to die

>> No.7603934

Have you never made yourself a tomato sandwich? Tomato's are great fresh sliced.

They are great all around really. Had a nice t-bone cooked in a fry pan, mashed potatos and bowl of stewed tomatos for dinner today.

>> No.7604016

Man that sounds disgusting, I cant imagine eating just tomatoes to be good...they are like mushrooms to me, only good as an ingredient

>> No.7604693

Are we talking about tomatoes here? You didn't confuse it with a grapefruit or anything, right?

>> No.7604708

This smart-ass behaviour never fails to make me mad.

>> No.7604724



Learn proper English.

>> No.7604729
File: 69 KB, 250x191, tumblr_lzn64wUEBv1qldlyho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the nigger who dripped balsamic on a caprese salad

get the fuck out

>> No.7604777


unless they come out of my garden in the summer, those are ok.

>> No.7604781
File: 96 KB, 500x738, 1432072416478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell eats tomatoes like this, its meant to be a garnish right?

>> No.7604790




>> No.7604794

Be less american, lard-arse.

>> No.7604855

Is that a flag napkin? If so, that's extremely disrespectful.