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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7600795 No.7600795 [Reply] [Original]

Fasting today. Enjoy your num-nums, caloriefags.

>> No.7600891

Thanks, I'll try.
Are you fasting for health or spirit reasons?

>> No.7600914

i will. thanks.

>> No.7600916

I'm fasting today because of anorexia.

Hope everyone has a nice fast. Feeling especially healthy and clean today, water only.

>> No.7600917
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>> No.7600918

I had six pancakes, eight slices of bacon, two eggs, some maple syrup, and a huge doner

How many do you think I've had?

>> No.7600945

I forgot about psych reasons, good luck with that.

>> No.7600990

How many calories? >2000, by how much would depend on the size of the pancakes.

6 small pancakes could be ~60 kcal each, so 360, compared to 6 large pancakes at ~150kcal each, which is 900. 8 slices of bacon @ 50kcal/slice is 400, then two eggs is >=140 (by how much depends on cooking method), a huge doner could be anywhere from 500-1000kcal per se

so >2000 would be my estimate. that's a lot of tennis my boy

>> No.7601002

>not doing intermittent fasting

>> No.7601022


All of the above.

>> No.7601037

So is there two OPs

>> No.7602585

No I'm op

>> No.7602600 [DELETED] 

enjoy not eating pork or cheese on burgers

>> No.7602622

What is fasting?

>> No.7602838

How long will you fast?
What's the longest fast you have in the past?

>> No.7603383

Trying to become like Sonic the Hedgehog.

>> No.7603399


>> No.7603556

>Want to start fasting intermittently
>Don't want to stop lifting or cardio at all

Will I be tired as fuck? Isn't it hard to go to sleep on an empty stomach?

>> No.7603829

> Isn't it hard to go to sleep on an empty stomach?
It's much easier actually. If your goal is losing fat, you're better off with eating a big dinner and then just not eat anything past 7 or 8 pm.

>> No.7603836

I started intermittent fasting since I got promoted, so about a month ago.
I'm doing it because of a study I read on mice how the one that had IF did better in mental tasks and looked younger too. Even if it doesn't transpose to humans I'm teaching myself self-control and hunger induced anxiety.

>> No.7603897


Teaching yourself anxiety?

>> No.7603977

Typo... it happens
Teaching myself not to succumb to anxious feeling when slightly hungry

>> No.7604005

As a kid I was told that for every day you didn't eat, you lived a year less

So yeah I'm not big on fasting

>> No.7604025


>> No.7604027

>getting anxious when hungry
how fat are you?

>> No.7604604

>don't eat for 104 days over your entire life
>die at 74

What happens with the remaining years? Do you suddenly become unborn?

>> No.7605003

I assume you don't lift, and are the size of a tiny baby. I'm 6'3" 210lbs and still feel too skinny, and my deadlift isn't gonna get better by starving myself. Enjoy your dyel life tho

>> No.7605027

Nice broscience my friend.

>> No.7605068



>> No.7605280 [DELETED] 
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I sort of fast on occasion. Last Wednesday I got through the entire day on just 2 cookies and 2 cups of coffee. I'm trying to lose weight, and so far I've been seeing great results.

I'm a bit worried about health though. Not too sure if this is the right thing to do. Buts its not too extreme. Some days I get 1200 calories, others 900 calories. I eat once per day so I go most of the day without eating. Its been pretty effective.

>> No.7605293

Why fast on a weekend? That's when everyone is getting together and going out or having meals together. I do my fasting in the middle of the week, when no one has time or wants to do anything, that way I'm free to have fun on the weekend.

>> No.7605299


>> No.7605541


>implying i have any friends

>> No.7605807

5'4' 125, so a little bit yes

>> No.7605891


>> No.7605893

im a bodybuilder and i do IF. it's easy once y

>> No.7605894

once you get used to it*

>> No.7607407

Day number 2, boys. ;)

>> No.7608290

As a kid, I was told that some fat dude with a beard was breaking into my house on Christmas to give me presents

>> No.7608303

I fast during the day because I have a sedentary job.

usually a cup of beef or chicken tea or a large glass of lemon water but that's it until dinner.

>> No.7608343

>beef or chicken tea
You mean broth?

>> No.7608400

I just love the way fasting feels, I know I'm underweight but I just can't stop losing.

>> No.7608408


yes. 15 kcal and I'm as satisfied as if I ate a full meal

>> No.7608409


that's some shitty broth if it's on 15 cal.

>> No.7608535


I use buillion, but a clear broth is very low calorie regardless of how you make it

>> No.7608555


If it's a properly made meat-based broth (chicken, beef, veal, etc.) then it ought to contain plenty of gelatin which would likely push the calorie count over 15. Shitty broths or broth-like substances (bullion cubes) rarely have this gelatin. That's why they have such a watery texture.

>> No.7608599


that would be stock, not broth.

>> No.7608792

thanks, i just sent you a friend request

>> No.7608807


Broth is simply stock which has been seasoned so that it can be served. It still ought to contain gelatin.

>> No.7609699


no. it has been clarified, and the protein mostly removed

>> No.7610061


Is JELL-O broth?

>> No.7611123


jell-o is gelatin, which is what is removed from broth.