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7598831 No.7598831 [Reply] [Original]


Well, looks like someone actually got arrested for putting soda in their water cup.

>> No.7598836

What a fucking manlet

>> No.7598841

He got arrested for hitting the manager with his car.

>> No.7598847

The Springdale Police Department on Wednesday confirmed that Cody Morris 18, faces one count of felony robbery after the manager of a McDonald's on South Thompson Street accused the teenager of pouring himself a drink without paying.

“The theft became a robbery when the alleged suspect allegedly used force to resist apprehension by the store employees,” explained authorities, who noted that Arkansas law does not prevent from workers from attempting to detain criminal suspects.

>> No.7598848

I'd bend him over.

>> No.7598853

>5' 08"

So, he's a midget?

>> No.7598860

It wouldn't have come to that if he didn't hit the manager with his car.

>> No.7598867

>paid the bond
Now he can't make up a heartfelt story about being too poor to afford soda.

>> No.7598898

>Taking soda over water is considered robbery
>Let's waste tax payer dollars housing and feeding this so called "criminal"
>Manager chimps out and gets rekted by the "criminals" car

I really hate this country and the idiots that run it. This situation could have been avoided had the manager not chimp out over some fucking soda.

>> No.7598902
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are you fucking kidding me!?!

>> No.7598974

>go to burger king
>nig-nog in front of me asks for a cup of water
>watch her poor it out and fill it with soda
The soda machine in that store is completely obscured from the employees' filed of vision. This isn't even a ghetto burger king.

>> No.7598983

i am really fucking annoyed as how they slap on bullshit felony charges to make people's sentences worse

the guy probably didnt assault anyone
just like all the people they put "resisting arrest" when they never fucking have
the whole justice system is a fucking scam

>> No.7598988
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There's one Taco Bell near my house that always eyeballs me as I go to the drink station after I get my water cup.

Jokes on them, I actually get water.

>> No.7598998

he a good boy he dindu nuffin

>> No.7599008

I got a Mc donalds cup in the drive through and it was mostly ice. I wanted to go to another Mc donalds and get a refill but was concerned they would consider it stealing since it was a different location.

>> No.7599064


Am glad to see that. Faggot whitey deserved it.

>> No.7599095

It's such a click bait title.

Him stealing soda isn't the big deal, the physical assault and hitting them with his car is

>> No.7599109

Good call. McDonald's restaurants are franchises. The other location may not be the same owner. I'm not sure on this, but usually refills do not come with drive through orders anyway. The secret to getting what you want is to speak up and ask politely. Either way you should have ordered light/easy ice. I think all this shit about fountain drinks is because they are very profitable to the restaurants.

>> No.7599113

What a backwards law.

>> No.7599139

uh yeah it is a big deal
they ran out of the restaurant and tried to detain him over that 1 dollar soda
its not about dindu
like every cop does this, every single time

they slap on like a bunch of bullshit charges in an attempt to make the main charge stick

its always like resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer, and like som eother bullshit when none of these people actually assaulted anyone

like those are serious fucking charges, and the only evidence ever for those charges are he said she said, and that shit like lands people in jail for fucking years

>> No.7599152

All of it is very profitable. If not by margin, then sheer volume. A cup of soda really shouldn't bother a manager, they're just being assholes about it.

>> No.7599291
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I live in Fayetteville, about five minutes from Springdale.

A bit of background, Springdale is basically little Mexico. Only mexicans who are 90% english illiterate, marshallese, and white trash looking for a cheap place to run their meth labs live in the inner city. On the outskirts you have wealthy trash like the Tysons and the Duggars.

So when I saw this on the news, I was honestly not surprised. This entire area is atrocious now, Fayetteville has evolved into "Shi Tpa Town" ever since we got a Whole Foods.

>> No.7599364

Min wage employees risked thier lives to prevent the escape of someone who stole like $1 worth of soda, andcsaid thief is being charged with a felony that will ruin his life, prevent him from giving back to society via potential lost employment and tax revenues, and cost society tens of thousands of dollars in legal and incarceration costs?


>> No.7599535

I've been arrested for 4 days for that exact thing, (friday on memorial day weekend so no court till tuesday). This was in Madison Wi tho.

>> No.7599701

>muh socialism
>I am entitled to soda
>victimless crime

>> No.7599706

Yeah McDonald's lost 10 cents of income and the state pays $30k.year plus cost to prosecute him.

Makes sense.

>> No.7599790

>hello yes, is this the American police? Yes I'd like to report an American White male who is eating in McDonald's and being polite to the POC staff, and even worse I think he has a job. Something must be done.

>> No.7599806

>5' 08"
lol every bit counts at that point

poor lil guy

>> No.7599828

Thank god. Hate fucks like this.

>> No.7599838

How did the employees get it in their heads that it was a good idea to try and detain someone for stealing a drink when they may very well have a gun (America)?

Is their minimum wage worth risking lives over a soda that the owner probably doesn't even care about?

>> No.7599848

Maybe they thought the McDick's CEO would knight them as Honorary McBurger Warriors and they would get $15/hr (no benefits though).

>> No.7599864


You obviously never dealt with junkies before. They burn through the napkin and soft drink supply by taking advantage of the system. You don't know how bad it is until you suffers a supply shortage and we are often at the mercy of suppliers.

>> No.7599882

>5' 08"

When will they learn?

>> No.7599886

Not the employee's problem. They should hire security guards if they want people to tackle thieves.

>> No.7599895

Why would a minimum wage flunky give a fuck about that?

>> No.7599921


Probably not the shortage itself, but usually not having something means the flunky will have to deal with assholes giving them flak about it.

>> No.7599963

do you think that pretty boy has been turned out yet

>> No.7600129

>Probably not the shortage itself, but usually not having something means the flunky will have to deal with assholes giving them flak about it.

This, and OCD management and staff who thinks any job they hold they are expected to bust their ass off for it.

>> No.7600432

>they ran out of the restaurant and tried to detain him over that 1 dollar soda

don't steal soda if you don't want to be detained

>> No.7600447
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shut the fuck up junkie go shiver in a fucking corner while you fix your next hit

rite into yur dick vein bud.

>> No.7600451

he was probably getting turned out long before he went down this road

>> No.7600452

So people should just be allowed to steal shit, right? Is that okay with you?

>> No.7600455

FYI the manager tried to stop him not a wage slave. Its his own fucking fault for trying to get in front of a vehicle over stolen soda.

>> No.7600463

Because taking soda is such a travasty right? Its a niggardly thing to do, but that doesn't make it robbery.

>> No.7600464

I've never seen or been to a McDs where the soda dispensers are accessible to the customers.

>> No.7600472

isnt taking something thats not yours actually a robbery? stealing a few cents of carbonated syrup is like... super pretty theft

>> No.7600522

spotted the dumbass who resisted arrest

>> No.7601475

Use of force, actual or threatened technically makes a theft a robbery.

The kid was stupid, the employees were stupid, the escalation over a soda is pretty ridiculous. The cops appeared to have only done what was necessary given the information they had. One only hopes the judge that sees this trial sees a felony conviction of an 18 year old soft drink thief is ridiculous. Hopefully the prosecutor offers a plea bargain for petty theft + assault and this dumbass can do community service by picking up fast food trash off the road or something. Who fuckin knows. Fuck Arkansas and fuck McDonald's.

>> No.7601503
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>> No.7601852


aYYY he ain doin nuffin mayne wuddaFUCK niggas out heah systemiKKKly oppressed in ameriKKKa 20muffikin16 nigga we ain do nuffin fukin POLICE PROB TOOK THE FUKIN PICTUR BEFO SHOOTIN IM MAN fukkin RAYCIZZ ass MUFFUKKAs

>> No.7601861

that thing looks like predator

>> No.7601909

>Felony Robbery for stealing less than a dollar worth of product
>Not some form of assault for hitting him with the car

What the fuck?

>Look up the legal definition of robbery
>Theft with force while the victim is present

Eh, I guess that makes sense.