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File: 827 KB, 1000x667, peanut-butter-and-jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7598479 No.7598479 [Reply] [Original]

We discuss the Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich

Are we supposed to grow out of this 3rd grade staple food?

Do you still like them?

Peanut butter/Jelly preference?

>> No.7598487

They were a necessary evil when I was a kid because some days that's what mom made me for lunch. Never liked them, haven't eaten one since childhood.

>> No.7598491

no jelly, pickles and mustard

>> No.7598493

Damn. I'm sorry for your loss
Dafuq country you from?

>> No.7598496

Took a long hiatus from these but ate some recently. Chunky peanut butter with strawberry preserves. Was delicious

>> No.7598507

Natural peanut butter and apricot jam.

I also like to freeze the whole sandwich, then let it sit out for five minutes so only the bread defrosts. The filling is super dense and it's wonderful to eat. It's like peanut butter fudge.

>> No.7598510

I eat one everyday, granted, I use organic, multi-grain bread, natural peanut butter, and low-calorie/sugar-free preserves. I also sandwich a bit of pork floss and tsukemono, kinda like a riff on Chinese pastry. However, PBJ is GOAT in all forms!!!

>> No.7598513

has anyone tried almond butter?

>> No.7598517

peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are super tasty. I prefer jiff crunchy peanut butter with grape jelly.

>> No.7598525

no, is it good?

>> No.7598532

its a bit sweeter than peanutbutter, but very good. I recommend giving it a try. (costs more money tho)

>> No.7598534

peanut butter
>high salt but almost pure protein to the point where if you eat too much you can turn your poop green
>2 parts sugar 1 part fruit but you can make it yourself from seasonal local fruits
>goes best with soft, white bread but just as yummy on wheat

sorry I dont see how my age dictates what kind of food I can eat. Its got a nice blend of salty, sweet, fruity, and nutty and goes great with a glass of milk.
I would never consider myself too old for this all-american classic. its only "kid food" because kids are capable of preparing it without starting a fire or cutting off a finger

>> No.7598545

It's more like a quarter protein.

>> No.7598609
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Peanut butter and this stuff

>> No.7598624

No loss, just was never that fond of sweet shit, and jelly is way too sweet for me.

>> No.7599028

I think its a good quick pre-work out snack for those of us that don't want to bulk, but want enough energy to keep going.

Also jelly is fucking gross gelatinous shit and if you prefer it over preserves or jam you should kill yourself

>> No.7599085
File: 19 KB, 348x172, peanut-butter-banana-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PBnB master race

>> No.7599110

It's hard to go wrong with peanut butter.
It's peanuts and salt (maybe some magic processed oils too).
Getting good jam is important. I can't stand Smucker's and the like, it's honestly just low quality syrup.
Get something with a higher fruit content.

Solid choice

>> No.7599160

sesame seed bread
chunky peanut butter
apple or strawberry jelly
none of that extra pb to jelly ratio shit, equal amounts of both. also don't be a fag who puts peanut butter on both pieces of bread.

>> No.7599197

I like

Butter and jelly sandwich.

>> No.7599249

White bread, creamy peanut butter and a light jam like apricot or apple jelly. I learned not to make it with dark jams like grape or strawberry because they give you a thirst that only milk can satisfy.

>> No.7599259
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noodle.. use your noodle..

noodle.. do the noodle dance~

>> No.7599327

red raspberry and blackberry jams have always tasted best to me on PB and Js, and in general.

>> No.7599455

Creamy honey P.B. with pear jam on wheat bread ughhh

>> No.7599464

OK, so why didn't you, like, I don't know, say something like, maybe, for instance, "hey ma, could i just have the peanut butter without the jelly?"?

Less work and lower cost for her. There's no way she would have refused.

>> No.7599472


It is mostly empty simple sugars. Fine if you like it, but it isn't much better than eating candy.

>> No.7599497


>> No.7599523

>kids are capable of preparing it without starting a fire or cutting off a finger
You're obviously not a parent.

>> No.7600214

I skip the jelly. Too sweet for me. I just like peanut butter on wheat bread.

I always just use one piece of wheat bread and fold it half because I love the crust and also, I can never finish a full sandwich.

>> No.7600218

Grilled cheese and PB&J do not belong on healthy bread. It makes it taste bad and wastes good bread. Eat the food or don't

>> No.7600229

Put a piece of bologna in there and come back and tell me it's not the best damn sandwich ever

>> No.7600250

Try boysenberry, best preserve ever

Is this bait?
I ain't afraid of no pb&j&bologna sandwich

>> No.7600266

I'm not b8ing I promise

The saltiness of the bologna pairs well with the sweetness of the jelly/jam

>> No.7600319

If I had bologna now I'd eat it now. I'll give it a shot.
A couple years back I went over to pa's for spaghetti. I told him about a person I knew that ate grape jelly bread instead of garlic bread with there spaghetti. So he trys it(I don't). That's his go to now.

>> No.7601032

>he fell for the peanut butter banana meme

>> No.7601432

Add fluff to that enjoy deliciousness suitable for a god
Get diabetes die early still worth

>> No.7601438

pb&j is an iconic sandwich combination. it's not good to have all the time but every so often i have a craving for one. i like raspberry jam

creamy > chunky

>> No.7601632

needs bacon

>> No.7602091

-Toasted buttermilk bread
-Home made unsweetened peanut butter
-Boisenberry preserves
-Banana slices
-Honey drizzle
-Fry the sanwich lightly in a pan

>> No.7602115

Homemade cherry preserves
Homemade chunky peanut butter
Fresh baked bread

All ya need.

>> No.7602117

Peanut butter (I usually buy the 100% peanut to use in satay sauce) and Nutella is a deliciously deadly, throat-clogging combination.

>> No.7602127

so close. mine's:
>chunky PB
>dill pickles
>prepared horseradish with a touch of mayo
>griddled with butter
so delicious, so sinful... and yet, i can't stop.

well, mustard's in the same family of horseradish anyhow

>> No.7602131

do you at least fry the bologna first?

>> No.7603115
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>this + honey

>> No.7603629

I'm a fan of 9-Grain/Whole Wheat, Reese's PB, and either cherry/blueberry preserves, or apple butter.

>> No.7603634

45 year old here, I pack PB&J on my long bicycle rides. I usually eat at mile 20-50-70.

>> No.7603701

>Are we supposed to grow out of this 3rd grade staple food?

I don't want to live if that's the case.

>> No.7603715

aaand cucumbers

>> No.7603719


Elvis pls

>> No.7603944


You have to be a pretty pretentious cunt to say you can't enjoy a PBJ to snack on.

>> No.7603962

Nothing below a century warrants food

>> No.7604062

I slather toast and bread alike with


amounts of PB and a secondary ingredient like jam, honey, nutella, or maple spread

>> No.7605007

Whole wheat bread, toasted, crust still one, creamy peanut butter, concord grape jelly or apricot preserves.

>> No.7605036

>he doesn't eat peanut butter and banana

>> No.7605315

I love PB&J but my problem is most of the chain grocery stores I go to 90% of the jellies are made with HFCS and the ones that don't have shitty sweeteners and more fruit are 3 times as expensive.

>> No.7605346

Make your own, it's literally fruit, sugar and heat

>> No.7605362

White chocolate peanut butter with raspberry jam will always be my preference.

>> No.7605768

>White chocolate peanut butter
Is that legal?

I've never seen this stuff. Is it in american grocery stores?

>> No.7606175

They're useful when utterly poor, but remember, for it to be a complete protein, you need to use a bread with grains.

>> No.7606189
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Whole wheat bread, toasted.
Crunchy style natural peanut butter.
Strawberry jam.
Tall glass of very cold whole milk.
Light on the PB, heavy on the J.

>> No.7606639

I eat 2 every day, 1/4 cup extra crunchy peanut butter and 1 tbs strawberry jam. Eat that, and a pound of chicken breast and some veggies and you are at like 1700 calories with like 180 grams of protein. I dont eat for taste though, food is fuel. Ive done this for well over a year and havent gotten tired of it.

>> No.7606669

They are good but basically a desert. So much sugar in them just from the jam and bread. My go-to is crunchy peanut butter (non sweetened, no sugar kind), whole wheat sprouted grain bread (I like the nuttiness of the bread) and almost any type of jam.

Int he mornings some time I make a pb and j breakfast roll which is replacing the bread with a tortilla and putting a whole banana in there with it.

Other variations involve honey and nutella. But those are rare as it's just so sweet I only want to have it a couple times a year.

Still, incredibly high calorie choice of food for very little nutritional value.

>> No.7606679

I'm 31 and I still love the fuckin' things. I try not to eat them too often, I know they're basically just a bunch of sugar.

It's gotta be strawberry jelly or preserves for me. I'm not hugely picky about peanut butter, I like creamy and crunchy, and I prefer fresh-made but have put away plenty of Jif and Peter Pan.

White bread is great, but my favorite bread is toasted whole grain. When I was very young, my father would make PB&Js for me on whole grain toast and now it's a comfort food for me.

I like a little more peanut butter than jelly, but I like a whole lot of both in a single sandwich.

Ugh, now I want a PB&J.

>> No.7606886

>some of you faggots

my first instinct is to fucking gag, but on the other hand part of me wants to believe you can't all be wrong

>> No.7606892

Not quite the same thing, but I really enjoy myself a peanut butter and banana sandwich every so often and toast with jam. But I haven't had a straight PB&J in ages.

>> No.7606894

I used to be a Creamy PB guy, but a few years ago I suddenly became a Crunchy guy. Anybody else switch?

>> No.7608833

Peanut Butter and Mango Chutney. Do it.
Thank me later.

>> No.7608973

Who /peanutbutterandcheddar/ here?

>> No.7608987

I don't like bread that much so eating these are the only time I get to. I get a good grainy bread, extra chunky peanut butter and raspberry preserves. I don't like jelly I always prefer preserves, they have texture, real fruit taste and aren't generally as sweet if you get a good quality one. I like it on a lightly toasted bread.

>> No.7609110

I like them once in a while
When I want something sweet

>> No.7609115

I tried this a couple days ago and felt the bananas didn't add anything to the sandwich

>> No.7609123

>Chunky peanut butter with strawberry preserves
My nigga.

I keep these things at the office for a quick lunch in a pinch if I can't be assed to go somewhere or forgot to bring leftovers from home.