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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 640x480, Shakshuka-Side-View-2-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7593628 No.7593628 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Jewfags of /ck/

I want you best shakshuka recipe, also what do i eat this stuff with?

>> No.7593648

Nice crusty bread.

>> No.7593655

Is that pretty much just eggs cooked in tomato sauce?

>> No.7593661

Goes nice with bacon.

>> No.7593663

Potatoes. However you like them.

>> No.7593667

It's got peppers, garlic and paprika in it but essentially yes

>> No.7593668

Yes. With tons of heat. It's breakfast food.

>> No.7593673
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Garlic naan

>> No.7593676

I could see that being good with hot sauce.

>> No.7593679

I bet it would be hella f*cking good over rice.

>> No.7593680

you gonna put some 'cha in your 'ka, breh?

>> No.7593725
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>> No.7593906

This is North African food, not Jewish.

>> No.7593913

It's Semitic food if we're going to split hairs.

>> No.7593917


All new foods are created by cultural overlap, and the Jews have basically been a bug that's wandered around picking up the best things from every culture and combining it with the best things of the new cultures they came in contact with.

It's always been true, and is still true today. Jews are basically the Bruce Lee of culture, except they're not just one person.

>> No.7593930

The problem is when jews try to claim the food that they've picked up as their own. Falafel is even Israels national dish and they claim it's theirs but it's the Arabic peoples food. It's like the Mexicans flooding America taking over and then claiming Thanksgiving dinner or apple pie is their national food.

>> No.7593953


Falafel is the national dish of Israel because it had been eaten there for centuries. Half of North Africa considers couscous their national dish, but it sure as fuck isn't what the Bedouins were eating before it was colonized and fought over by a multitude of other cultures.

Most bongs think curry is their national dish...

>> No.7593968

Are you upset about Arabs and Persians eating rice? That rice didn't come from there.

>> No.7593982

Are there no North African Jews?
Or do Jews only come from Poland?
Also, are you a fucking idiot?

>Arabic peoples food
Copts also claim falafel.
Jews (including my own family) have been living in Middle Eastern countries for a long time - but we can't claim that as our food? Would you like us to do some Heston Blumenthal shit instead? What the fuck.

>> No.7594008

These dishes have been around for a long time and eaten by a lot of different people - Jews included .

But somehow they end up becoming only traditional "Jewish" food, when reality is it is consumed by dozens of other peoples along the Mediterranean.
Just like "Semitic" became synonymous with Jewish.

>> No.7594085

Everybody recognises falafel, hummus, whatever etc. as being Arab as well.

The only reason shakshouka is seen as Jewish is because it was popularised by Israelis and western hipsters are more comfortable with that. Unfortunately, Tunisia/Libya is a bit more unknown for you people than Israel.

>> No.7594095

there are arab jews you fucking moron

>> No.7594107

Whatever you want it with. You're in charge of making sure your shakshuka is off the hook-a.

>> No.7594120

and fried chicken is not orginally nigger food.

what's your point?

>> No.7594179

>literally calling them out for cultural appropriation because they're Jewish.

It's gone full-circle, ayy. Isn't butter chicken the national dish of England now? Japan eats KFC for Christmas. Cultural diffusion and adaption result in interesting phenomena.

>> No.7594273

>eaten there for centuries
Israel was established 1948 you fucking mong.
Rice isn't a dish. Are you even trying?
So? It's not a Jewish dish. Just because your parasitic people lived in North Africa doesn't mean it's their dish. There were Jewish minorities in Scandinavia as well but smorgasbord isn't Jewish because of that.
>arab jews
Curry isn't the national dish of England and KFC isn't the national dish of Japan. I don't care if people eat different food, the problem is when they try to steal it. Nobody in Japan would say that KFC is a Japanese food and no Anglo-Saxon would say that curry is English. Just because you eat a certain cuisine doesn't make it yours.

>> No.7594277

My jimmies get all rustled when white ppl try to steal hip hop too. Smdh, stay woke senpai 100 100

>> No.7594286

>Isn't butter chicken the national dish of England now?
No, it is not.
Where did you get this idea?

>> No.7594290

>Falafel is the national dish of Israel because it had been eaten there for centuries.
Complete and utter, blithering, retard.

>> No.7594372

There's a reason I asked the question instead of claiming it as fact.

Fuck the "le spooky jew" meme though, /pol/ memes got no place in /ck/. I don't think these crossboard posters even realize that /pol/ is satirical.

>> No.7594406 [DELETED] 

Jews are an objectively terrible 'people', though.

>> No.7594426

I'm not a fan of them myself, but I have to admit that they've got great food.
I dated this one girl back in high school, (before my hatred set in) and her mom made this matza ball thing that was the shit.
It was basically a giant meatball in soup, but goddamn it was tasty.

>> No.7594501

Maybe you're looking for the politics board. If it's not about their food, it's sort of beside the point here. I suggest you do your activism elsewhere.

>> No.7594525
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>make red sauce
>let sit at least overnight
>preheat oven
>heat up in a pan to simmer
>make a little hole with a rubber spatula or spoon, and crack an egg in
>cook for a bit
>park it in the oven
>eat with garlic bread

It's that simple.

>> No.7594558

>my best shakshuka
I don't really have one, I go kind of basic but what I have is pretty good.
>sautee garlic, diced onion and chilis in a wide pan
>add a bit of wine, small can of tomato paste, water
>season with black pepper, salt, cumin, oregano, paprika
>simmer for 30 minutes to an hour
>crack eggs on top
>top with costco goat cheese if I have it or just cream cheese (this works really well, but you have to be careful when you serve it to get the cheese from going everywhere, you can also just add it at the end to keep it from blending)

Jewish bread is crusty, so serve it with something like that. I can easily get through a loaf of French in one morning. fluffy, airy breads are shit, skip them and go for fresh bakery bread.

>> No.7594562

oh yeah, and if the chilis don't add enough spice and I want something more, I'll add jalepenos, chipotle sauce, or maybe Chinese chili oil, whatever I have on hand. you can use hipster ketchup if it tickles you, this is an appropriate dish for that.

>> No.7594567

>tomato sauce in a cast iron pan

>> No.7594705

Let's not

>> No.7595360

I just made shakshouka for the first time. The sauce was too watery. What did I do wrong, how do I fix it?

>> No.7595365

>tomato in cast iron

>> No.7595510 [DELETED] 

Oven yourself, kike.

>> No.7595557

>What did I do wrong
You bought shitty tomatoes.
>how do I fix it?
Buy less shitty tomatoes.

>> No.7595584

Stop believing all the cast iron meme posters.

>> No.7595661
File: 55 KB, 490x367, ftzN6Wg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can I get a recipe for this?

>> No.7595666

>make tomato sauce with some spice
>put eggs in it

You're welcome.

>> No.7595736

>Rice isn't a dish.
Asians would disagree with you, white boi.

>> No.7597195

Thank you satan

>> No.7597739

that depends, did you use tomato paste, fresh tomatoes, or diced tomatoes? if you used fresh tomatoes, bad news, you have to simmer the shit for hours until it reaches the right flavor and consistency, which is why I never bother with it. if you're using diced, mashed, whole canned, or even puree, you still have to boil out a shit load of water or add paste. if you're using just paste, add less water. if you're using anything else, consider killing yourself.

for some reason paste is hard to find in my country and diced is hilariously overpriced, so I just used fresh tomatoes in all of my sauces for more than half a year until I finally found a store that sells cheap bags and cans of paste imported from the States via Philippines. It was like a godsend how much easier and faster it was to make a large serving of any kind of tomato sauce, and I think it tastes better. Don't buy into the "you gotta make it from fresh" memes, tomato sauce is boiled through hell even from freshness and the only thing that makes canned food suck more than fresh food is the fact that it has to be boiled for a long time until it reaches a safe temperature.

>> No.7597740

I already gave you one, look at the fucking thread before you post in it dingus

>> No.7597960

Eat it with pita bread and hummus and you will never find anything better to eat

>> No.7598089

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil


definitely gonna make this though, with some feta. looks delicious

>> No.7598101

so what OP, you just want my tomato sauce recipe? cos its just eggs poached in tomato sauce

>> No.7598113

my dads tunisian and when he makes this its the best shit ever
he makes it with herring i think, i have to get the recipe from him
from what i understand there used to be a lot like a lot a lot of jews in tunisia

>> No.7598165

Simmer the sauce for longer next time to allow it to thicken.

>> No.7598798

I wonder what were méditerranéan staple sauce base before tomatoes were brought back from Americas.

>> No.7599540

I made a version with chopped crispy bacon and crumbled feta sprinkled over it and posted it here a few years ago. I'm claiming copyright!

>> No.7599626

Shakshuka looks AMAZING, I feel like it can't possibly taste as good as it looks

>> No.7599631

Make it well, and it tastes even better than it looks. Try and find the dry Za'atar (the one that looks yellow/brown not green) and use lots of it. Lots of za'atar, lots of smoked paprika and lots of chili. Don't over-do the cumin. It's a fucking genius dish.

>> No.7600353

you are so wrong