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File: 74 KB, 1024x768, ketchup_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7592604 No.7592604 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: shit tier condiments normies love for fuckwhatever reason

>> No.7592611
File: 20 KB, 410x410, kraft-mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most vile substance known to mankind

>> No.7592618
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>people never use a little bit of it, they absolutely drench fucking everything in it to the point where the food is the condiment and ranch is the food

why don't they just fucking drink a bottle of it would that be enough ranch?!

>> No.7592629

>hidden valley
oh god thats so shit tier, but i like their chipotle ranch

>> No.7592636
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>> No.7592642

that ones actually not bad

>> No.7592646
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>> No.7592656
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>> No.7592661
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>> No.7592663
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condiments are for bad food

>> No.7592664

hp sauce. tried it and it's absolute shit tasting

>> No.7592668

Jesus this shit makes me rage. I instantly lose respect (as far as food taste is concerned) for anyone who uses this fucking garbage. It is the crown achievement of your average person overall being Man-Child' w/ a palate of a 6 year old

>> No.7592671
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>> No.7592680

I never saw that before

>> No.7592682

I've never eaten it. What's wrong with it besides being a meme?

>> No.7592685


This ain't shit bucko...it be da bomb...

I'ma tryin to figure out a way to develop a harness that'll strap to my head and support a bottle of this wonderfulness right under my nostrels...

Makes me hard as diamonds...

>> No.7592687

I will beat the ever living fuck out of you if I ever meet you

Miracle Whip is elder god tier

>> No.7592688
File: 77 KB, 464x323, Tabasco-Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related ←
That is the GOAT dijon. Fuck off.

>> No.7592691

tabasco is fucking G.O.A.T tier if you put it on something that actually goes good on it. I like eggs and bacon on it. I see people put it on fucking ramen though, thats disgusting and the chipotle one is really fucking good

>> No.7592695

stay mad normies

>> No.7592700

My gf will release all my anger, if you know what i mean, don't worry

>> No.7592707

cover your dick in miracle whip and see if she will lick it off

>> No.7592711


>> No.7592716


>> No.7592719
File: 443 KB, 553x670, Screen Shot 2016-04-08 at 7.57.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ketchup shit tier condiment
>is a common ingredient in many of the sauces you enjoy
OK there fagwad, opinion discard.

>> No.7592721

That sounds pretty kinky

>> No.7592723

ANY bottled barbecue sauce. Fuck that shit.

>> No.7592726

then make her make you a sammich

>> No.7592738

i said condiment not ingredient you fucktard, i see normies put fucking ketchup on their pizza

>> No.7592739

Eat shit nerd

>> No.7592745
File: 178 KB, 284x516, 0274_18_SBR_HoneyChipotleBarbecue_284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking chipotle baby rays
shit taste detected

>> No.7592754
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Anybody who uses cheese in a can should be thrown in a fucking gas chamber.

>> No.7592759
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those go great with crackers

>> No.7592760

Ok kid

>> No.7592768

These are all pretty awful. Way worse than ketchup, which is awful to begin with.

>> No.7592770


>> No.7592773

Kill yourself

>> No.7592786


>> No.7592787
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>> No.7592793

You need to die. You need to fucking die.

>> No.7592795
File: 36 KB, 300x300, heinz- sweet relish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7592799
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>> No.7592808

Jump off a cliff. Hot sauce is the most patrician thing there is.

>> No.7592813

whatever you say normie mcnormerson

>> No.7592816

spotted the cuck

>> No.7592819

Would you prefer ketchup and mustard you cuck? It won't burn your tongue, I swear!

>> No.7592821

All it fucking is is pureed/sieved chili/jalapeno peppers with a little bit of salt, sugar and vinegar. Hell, it's basically a sugarified tobasco sauce and only purpose is to cover up the taste of shitty food

I wouldn't have a problem with it except for now people cover good food in the shit

>> No.7592823

hot sauce is for niggers and hilary clinton

>> No.7592835

Try it on your chicken tendies lads. It will make you less faggoty.

>> No.7592842

i put hot sauce on pizza only if its little ceasers because little ceasers is shit

>> No.7592855

Somebody mad

>> No.7592864
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>> No.7592865
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nah shit's just fine

>> No.7592866

Hey guys everyone has their own tastes and maybe we shouldn't shame people for what they like.

When I'm feeling particularly adventurous I'll mix a little BBQ in with my ketchup

>> No.7592898

I don't even know what this shit is supposed to be.

>> No.7592899
File: 18 KB, 300x300, frenchs-mustard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It is hot garbage and tastes terrible. Mustard in general is nasty but normies love it.

>> No.7592915

vile substances used by normies to ruin salads and tacos

>> No.7592927

So, pretty much every condiment is for normies then?

>> No.7592937

I hate that stuff, generic "taco sauce" with no spice at all. It's basically ketchup with a hint of jalapenos

>> No.7592944


>> No.7592952

Hot Sauce is patrician but frank's red hot is the most mild one there is

>> No.7592964

Sucks as a condiment but key ingredient in tons of sauce
>1000 island
>sweet n sour
>Japanese curry
>Russian dressing

>> No.7592965

Most of the mass market condiments you can find at the supermarket in Nowheresville, USA are shit. But some are worse than others, like Taco Sauce, Ranch Dressing and Miracle Whip.

>> No.7592967
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>> No.7592970

Not a huge fan but Its needed in a BLT, also pretty tasty mixed with siracha as a fry sauce

>> No.7592973

Those are all pretty pleb, though.

>> No.7592975

Yeah ranch is trash but I still like it because I'm a man child

>> No.7592979

OP needs to learn to love the chup'

>> No.7592982

Yeah yellow mustard kinda sucks, but its good n cheap to use in cooking. Like in Carolina BBQ sauce, or slathering on ribs with a dry rub. But you don't like mustard at all you truly are autistic

>> No.7592985

I actually like these.
Everything else in this thread is shit however, especially >>7592618. Fuck anything ranch related.
Le ebin b8 bro!

>> No.7592992
File: 30 KB, 326x385, itputslotionontheskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can eat bottles of american mustard.
I just pour it in a spoon and lick it while watching a movie.
Vinegar, mustard seeds,tumeric.
So simple. so delicious.

>> No.7592999
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>> No.7593003

BBQ is dank if you don't like it your a commie.
1000 island/ Russian dressing are key on a Reuben the patrician sandwich.
Japanese curry is pretty damn good, espec with a piece of katsu
Sweet and sour is OK.

>> No.7593004
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>> No.7593029
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>> No.7593032
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>> No.7593036


>> No.7593054

mayo is fucking awesome
bottled ranch is objectively shit, you have to hand mix that stuff.

dont like garlic and hot?

mustard objectively makes you able to taste more at any given moment than without. thats why its served on stuff like lamb and roast beef

shit is basically mayo with sugar, objectively awful

>>sugar rays
may as well dump a back of sugar and cyanne on whatever you're making. Go for stubs bbq, its normally the least sugard sauce on the general market.

does anyone even eat this shit?

kill yourself

freshly prepared or never

see other comments about mustard and why you're a faggot who doesn't like sour tastes

basically required for good japanese sauces

>> No.7593062
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>> No.7593068
File: 29 KB, 480x640, Bondage Soy sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7593071
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>> No.7593075

oi, cunt!

>> No.7593088

At least my honey mustard is safe.
Honey mustard is good shit.

>> No.7593090

no condiment is safe

>> No.7593091
File: 105 KB, 1000x1000, kraft-BBQ-honey-mustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this normie shit

>> No.7593099
File: 36 KB, 291x500, 51W7YgQ2YIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that shit, I meant like this

>> No.7593104

>BBQ is dank
Yes, but the sauce is only required to cover up the taste of shitty BBQ.
>Reuben the patrician sandwich
No doubt it's a fun novelty and an old school classic, but aside from that sandwich there is no reason for either Russian or Thousand Island dressing to still exist. They are relics of a particularly grim time for American dining.
>Japanese curry
Fastfood tier
>Sweet and sour is OK
50 years ago it sucked, but at least it seemed exotic.

>> No.7593105

i tried

>> No.7593117

I never understood how honey mustard anything caught on, but I blame McDonald's and Hickory Farms.

>> No.7593120

I don't care how much of a meme this is, it's still delicious

>> No.7593127
File: 11 KB, 261x193, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got valid points.
Good BBQ just needs a lil sauce and the good shit is mostly vinegar n musturd with a lil kethcup.

I don't us Russian dressing for anything else.

Is ff tier always that bad? It has its place.

And yeah and sweet n sour I have once in a blue moon.

Also shit BBQ and sweet n sour are good for dipping tendies

>> No.7593132

Chocolate and hazelnuts is a fucking classic combination. That stuff just happens to be a lame example of it. Still good because the concept is good, but it's as bad as you could possibly make it and still have is pass as good.

>> No.7593136

Eh its not bad for dipping frozen tendies in, same goes for prepackaged BBQ, sweet n sour, and ranch. And yes I am an overweight man child.

>> No.7593138

>dipping tendies
not even once

>> No.7593140

Im not big on sweet relish I use it on occasion but most of the other condiments I have little to no problems with.

>> No.7593784 [DELETED] 

>The most basic of cooking ingredients
Nice joke, bro! Upboated! XD XD XD

>> No.7593792



pick 1

yellow mustard is literally OUR sauce

ketchup and 'cha are reddit's sauce, my friend.

>> No.7593795

>ITT: people try to bait one another

most of these condiments have their places

>> No.7593803

>most of these condiments have their places
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.7593949

is it just me or does the 'light' taste better? I guess it has less buttermilk so it tastes more tangy

some broccoli florets, little ranch, nice snack.

>> No.7594025

It's spicyness without the excessive vinegar. And instead of just using chili flakes or some hot spice it's actually fruity, and to top it off it has garlic in it.

It's definitely overrated, but it isn't as bad as you make it out to be. Tabasco/Ketchup is 10x worse.

>> No.7594187

Good mayo is only for the Gods (your poic does not qualify
You plebbin' Muritards and the like are not invited

>> No.7594510
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>this meme

>> No.7594529

Why are you all sperging over this? I genuinely like it and don't get the hate

>> No.7594531


I'm not too into hot sauces in general so I'm probably lightweight here but that habanero sauce is crazy, really good for spicing up guacamole etc with little sauce needed

>> No.7595715
File: 33 KB, 500x505, 11152349_963468860352671_5229530546060499858_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G8 B8 M8 I R8 8/8

>> No.7595947

What the fuck is Miracle Whip and why would anyone ever eat it

>> No.7595984

You don't belong on a food and cooking board.

>> No.7595994

>shit tier
>normies (98% of people on Earth)
>fuckwhatever reason
gee anon, i just don't know, maybe we like it because it's good, but the problem is (You)

>> No.7596485

Go to google, type in condiments, and there's your thread.

>> No.7596559

you dont belong here