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7592539 No.7592539 [Reply] [Original]

Best alternatives to beer?

I need to stop drinking but I need something else to drink in its place.

>> No.7592552

Seltzer, unsweetened tea. Energy drinks once in a while when you want some kind of Buzz.

>> No.7592558

Zero calorie cola and almost too much lemon juice over crushed ice.

>> No.7592559


Hm seltzer sounds good. I like the fizz of beer. I don't like seltzer water though.

What's good? Soda is too sweet.

>> No.7592568

kratom if it's still legal in your state. love me some white wine too

>> No.7592569

Water, herbal tea, regular tea. Little (and I do mean very little) sugar for the tea.

>> No.7592586
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Non alcoholic beer

>> No.7592587

I used to order kratom by the kilo online and sell it to all my burnout friends at about a 10,000% markup. Kratom tea helped me kick heroin a couple of times too.

>> No.7592616

If you like carbonated drinks, you could just take whatever drink you currently like and carbonate it yourself.


Don't know what your tastes are, but I usually make a black maidenhair fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) tisane with some orange tree leaves and sugar to taste (or stevia, if you're quitting sugar too).

>> No.7592640

I was a pretty regular user, but my state banned it a few months ago because one of the college towns was a hotbed for it and one of the methodone doctors didn't like it. I'm gonna try Kava and see if it's worth anything. Or maybe just move somewhere that will let me enjoy life a little bit lol

>> No.7592647


>> No.7592652


>> No.7592654

Kombucha or Apple cider vinegar. Make your own for bonus fun

>> No.7592659

malt soda?

>> No.7592675
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Water, iced tea, and coffee

That's all I drink

>> No.7592779


>> No.7592789

this plus ice water

maybe a little snack

before bedtime

>> No.7592801


I don't know anyone who sells it.

>> No.7592815

i'd recommend darknet markets but this is /ck/ not /g/

>> No.7592824

Why can't they make an alcohol free beer that doesn't taste awful? I know they can't get it to taste the same, but it could at least not taste like metal.

>> No.7592831


Why can't they make Beer Zero like Coke Zero?

>> No.7592840

busch na isnt "terrible" but im a drunk so ill drink anything

>> No.7592849

my god the thought of an alcoholic drinking non-alcoholic beer is so sad.

>> No.7592874

What about a designated driver who wants to augment the illusion that he's joining in?

>> No.7592888
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Meth, duh.

>> No.7592903
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Aye, sir. Trips must be obeyed.

>> No.7592905

vodka + coke zero

>> No.7592939

Try drinking coffee instead. I think caffeine helps replace the alcohol.

>> No.7593250


quality kvas. You can't buy it, you have to make it from very good rye bread

>> No.7593252


>scotch tape

christ, just buy a new pipe or blow one out of a test tube for fuck's sakes

>> No.7593333

Tonic, ice, and lime is really delicious, I hate seltzer and tonic water on their own but try this combo.

>> No.7593347


Will lime juice work?

>> No.7594747

Nick stop posting

>> No.7594771

Flavored seltzer

>> No.7594784

club soda with bitters