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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 111 KB, 1300x869, pile-raw-squid-rings-24389613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7590550 No.7590550 [Reply] [Original]

I just ate 500 grams of raw squid. Didn't realize until I happened to read the directions saying "this product must always be cooked first."

How fucked am I?

>> No.7590554

Haaaa haa haaahaaa haaa!
Epic thread!@
Can't believe you did that OMMMGGG!!@@@!!!
OH shit.!
Lolo ""this product must always be cooked first."
You didnt read the direcvtions OMG!!! EPIC

>> No.7590556

yeah.. I wish I was trolling.

I have a job interview tomorrow morning too, I can't afford to be sick.

>> No.7590562

How fresh was it? It might be okay... maybe. I'd see a doctor ASAP if I were you.

>> No.7590563

Why the fuck were you won't raw squid?

>> No.7590564

Simple. How long ago did you eat it? 4 hours ago? Chances are, if you aren't feeling a thing, than you're most likely safe from food poisoning.

Did you eat them an hour ago? Then you might be in some shit. Or you may just be safe and ate some none-contaminated squid. Either way, get a hold of some diphenhydramine and get sleep soon.

>> No.7590566

One of those pre-packaged things from the shop, I figured it was pre-cooked.

I hardly ever eat squid and it tasted good, didn't know there was anything wrong with it.

>How long ago did you eat it?
Over the last half an hour

>> No.7590571

I'm gonna go to the pharmacy next door and see if they can help.

>> No.7590574

Lol you're fucked mate

>> No.7590584

How on earth could you not tell it was raw?!

>> No.7590586

what kind of squid comes in packaging with instructions?

>> No.7590588

Just left the pharmacy.. she offered me a hydrating mix to replace fluids when I start vomiting. Fuck.

Thanks anyway. This interview's gonna be fun.

>> No.7590596
File: 9 KB, 244x315, noogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, don't tell me you ate a bunch of raw seafood before a job interview.

>> No.7590597

Yep. Precisely 16.5 hours from now.

>> No.7590605
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Post yfw the squid kicks in

>> No.7590608
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>tfw it was sashimi grade and op is fine

>> No.7590613
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>> No.7590614

stick your finger down your throat

alternatively, drink half a handle of vodka, that'll kill any live shit, but will leave the bacteria poop

>> No.7590615

Honestly, I would have immediately forced myself to puke. Anyway, I think you'll be fine. When I used to get food-poisoning, it would be almost immediate.

>> No.7590620
File: 468 KB, 1080x1920, 2016-04-20 18.42.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit..

Yall are seriously going to think I'm trolling, but I JUST got a call from the guy going to interview me. Something came up and he just rescheduled it to Friday.

This is turning into one wild ride.

>> No.7590622

I had food poisoning from raw oysters surface a day later.

>> No.7590623


>> No.7590625

Post meds as proof and keep us updated.

>> No.7590627


>> No.7590628

i bought a fuic from woolies the other day but it tastes sorta watered down if u meet me in town in like 30 minutes or less u can have it its mostly full

>> No.7590639

You really care enough about my dumbass food poisoning to be kept updated?

Yeah nah ur a cunt

>> No.7590655

Tell your dad I said hi anon

>> No.7590672

Ive got 30 schmeckles on Anon expelling squid liquid from both endswithin the hour

>> No.7590687

I'm emotionally invested, I've never had food poisoning but I am emetophobic, so I'm really interested to see what happens (and rooting that you turn out okay).

>> No.7590733
File: 23 KB, 236x265, squid girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling OK so far.

Starting to worry that the interview was postponed for some reason other than coincidence now :(

>> No.7590749

Just start hitting that mf gag reflex 100 100

>> No.7590777

Whatttt noooo

>> No.7590782

It may be divine intervention.

>> No.7590840

3 hours, you're fine. Probably the healthiest meal this week. I think squid is pretty forgiving in such regards, thus why 95% of shitty cafes have it as an entree.

Parasites might be an issue in the coming months tho

>> No.7591143


Yeah, I hope the squid kills you. You're either a backwoods hick or a nigger.

>> No.7592744

>stick finger in mouth
>go further
>throw up in toilet

Don't be a fat puss, just get it over with or you might live to regret it.

>> No.7592755

Why didn't you censor daddy?

>> No.7592761

Food poisoning invariably takes no fewer than three weeks to set in. Idiots are just unaware of this and attribute it to their most recent meal.

>> No.7592780

why bother? doing it on mobile, the black line has partial transparency per swipe so I had to do it a dozen times on each, not worth wasting my time.

also had explosive diarrhea this morning but aside from that im fine, so I guess we can /thread now

>> No.7592781


you clearly have a subconcious tendency to self-defeating behavior

>> No.7592800

how the hell did you eat raw squid>?

You just opened the pack, thawed it and ate it?

>> No.7592896

it wasn't frozen, just chilled in a nice little packet with some sauce. I've eaten things in the same kind of packaging & same company and they're always pre-cooked. Tasted good if a bit squishy.

>> No.7592940

if it didn't taste bad, and the sauce was salty, it's super unlikely you'll get sick

don't stress yourself out and placebo yourself into being sick and i bet you'll be just peachy :)

>> No.7592942

>all those ignored calls from Dad
Why don't you love him, OP?

>> No.7593011

yeah im good, feeling fine and it's been like 18 hours now so not worried.

Off to cook myself up a nice burger now

>> No.7593018

I also make a habit of eating days-old roast chicken left in the open, I love the texture of it. Never made me sick so I'm guessing eating that kinda food has given me a good immune resistance to food poisoning bugs now too.

>> No.7593035

how fucked do you feel?

>> No.7593040

you only YOLO once
rip in peace OP

>> No.7593057

0.000%, all good here senpai

>> No.7593109

Ocean parasites can't exact parasite everything.

OP is warmblooded.

Squids are coldblooded.

Why would a parasite that mainly targets coldblooded creatures like squid be able to do the same thing to a warmblooded human?

I wish people used their brains more.

>> No.7593339

not understanding y'all is a contraction of you all.
do you not use contractions at all? Do you never utter "don't, won't, can't, etc.."

>> No.7593351

>t. biologist
Don't act like you know what you're talking about when you don't, especially when it took me half of a second to google it and find that you are completely wrong


>> No.7593354

Squid often has parasites in the skin which must be removed by cooking or freezing.

If your package was previously frozen, meh.

If not, lolololo

>> No.7593366

>not exclusively eating raw squid

>> No.7593380

>Never made me sick so I'm guessing eating that kinda food has given me a good immune resistance to food poisoning bugs now too.

That's not AT ALL how the body or anything else works you fucking retarded nigger FAGGOT


>> No.7593397

The point is I don't use hick or nigger contractions because I'm not a hick or nigger.

>> No.7593412

Your main worry with raw squid is worms. The risk is lower than it is with raw fish, but it's still a concern. There are some types of bacteria that can grow on squid that can cause food poisoning. Usually you'll know within about 24 hours whether you've got food poisoning from seafood.

>> No.7593486

Sure it is. You get exposed to pathogens, you develop a resistance and they don't affect you as badly the next time.

>> No.7593489

I use y'all but I'm neither a hick nor a nigger. What does this make me?

>> No.7593492

99.9% chance nothing at all will happen. People eat raw squid some countries.

Worst case is you will get a parasite and have to take some pills. But it will take longer than a day for you to know.

>> No.7593496

You might have just eaten raw pig anuses. You won't know if you're fucked until later. Good luck. You're probably fine though.

>> No.7593509

I fried some chicken livers last month.

>Bite in.
>Realize piece is undercooked.

I was hoping that I wouldn't get sick. But I ended up getting so fucking ill I nearly wound up in the hospital.

So yeah, you're fucked. :D

>> No.7593547

Go buy a lotto

>> No.7593551

It's a little too late to be thanking the fates.

The job interview is one thing now he just needs to avoid blasting off to Neptune on a geyser of his own pressurized, liquefied shit.

>> No.7594053
File: 197 KB, 1328x747, 20160421_191529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Sticking to something a bit safer tonight!

>> No.7594067


You have this pepe except when he's looking at you?

Anyway these threads of people overeacting to questionable eating practices are stupid. It would be funny except a good chunk of the posters ITT are being completely sincere

>> No.7594079

I'm OP, I was completely sincere. Appreciate the "help" for what it ended up being worth

>> No.7594084


Food safety is preventative. You could eat pounds of raw chicken and it would still be unlikely that you get salmonella. The point is that if you often eat chicken your chances of getting sick from improperly prepared food increases as time goes on. These threads where people say "FUCK you ate food that was kind of raw HOPSITAL NOW" are fucking full of retards.

>> No.7594100
File: 609 KB, 1280x1552, I+am+the+strielok_2fbc7d_5230596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"FUCK you ate food that was kind of raw HOPSITAL NOW"
I love those threads. Pic related, I was the anon that posted that analysis of the radiation poisoning. Faggot actually bought it too.

>> No.7594165

Off to bed again anons.

Interview 11am tomorrow morning.

Wish me luck!

>> No.7594172

They're ignored texts, anon

His dad knows better than to bother calling at this point

>> No.7594312


>> No.7594611


expose yourself to aids, maybe you develop a resistance!

>> No.7594651

Enjoy your parasites burrowing into your heart/brain in a few months/years. Save what you have left for examination. If you don't have anymore and the product has a code on it, go back to where you bought is ASAP. Buy another one with a matching code. It's going to need to be examined. Keep the original packaging if you still have it, too. Dig it out of the garbage if need be.

>> No.7594694

We won't miss you, faggot. Die you worm infested mongolid

>> No.7594876
File: 600 KB, 641x482, filipinochimp and kane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7594976

Completely fucked. You'll probably turn into a squid within the week. Get in your car and drive to the sea before you become unable to breathe air.

>> No.7595023

good one

>> No.7595064

This thread shows how completely brainwashed your generation is with food poisoning and this other germ that I can't even remember the name of. The one that grows if you put garlic in oil in a bottle or something. It's supposed to develop everywhere now and kill you in 5 minutes or less. Ridiculous.

You're gonna be just fine, you might get a slightly upset stomach if that.

>> No.7595071 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 1548x772, 1370132700960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would /ck/ eat this squid?

>> No.7595114

food safety is also intended for restaurant and places that serves to hundreds because one contamination will affect many people. For normal people the statistics don't mean shit, they are too low.

>> No.7595119

squids live so shortly they are way more cleaner than fish. Also not being literal fishes means the parasites are totally different.