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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7590544 No.7590544 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7590559

smart water best water
fiji is ok
dasani aquafina and poland spring are all ass

>> No.7590560

Go to bed

>> No.7590561

its water you stupid cuck a 20oz bottle that costs 89 cents is exactly the same as one that costs like $3

>> No.7590594

god tier: anything that doesn't have fluoride or any other additives in it
shit tier: anything that does

>> No.7590658
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my wife really enjoys this brand, i dont know why myself.

>> No.7590661

kys tier: buying bottled water

>> No.7590669

how about your wife's son?

>> No.7590806
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It's fucking water.

What's the damn difference?

>> No.7590821

Arrowhead > all

>> No.7590822

>no perrier

>> No.7591036
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>> No.7591039
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Beyond God Tier coming through.

>> No.7591071

tap water>all

>> No.7591887
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>not drinking the water of the gods

>> No.7591946

Fuck you pure life is my fucking favorite water

>> No.7591952

smart water should be god-tier for the bottle design alone

i just buy one every week and keep refilling with tap until it gets too crumbled up to use comfortably

>> No.7591953

>drinking out of plastic bottles

Enjoy your cancer

>> No.7591957


before someone calls me a pretentious fuck, i meant the convenient flip cap, not the "smart water" logo

>> No.7591959


enjoy never living, fear monger victim

>> No.7591977

They call it smart water because once you buy it you are smart enough to never buy that disgusting shit ever again.

Fiji is the best

>> No.7591980


>paying even more for water is smarter


>> No.7592086

Looks like the brita shills are back

>> No.7592180

>drinking water from plastic bottles
Enjoy your man titties.

>> No.7592200

Fiji water is shit. All that fluoride.

>> No.7592202

Some obviously just filter it, dump chemicals into it then bottle it without regard to taste.

Some actually care and try not to make it shit.

>Tfw Memphis's tap water is better than certain bottled waters

>> No.7592439

Over the summer I worked with a guy who refused to drink any water-brand besides Dasani. He'd claim all the others would give him heart-burn.

>> No.7592516

who /zephyr/ here? who /FL/ here?

>> No.7592530

Nestlé owns Poland springs

>> No.7592534

I don't know if it's actually cleaner but I bought a filter and the water really does taste less metallic than bottled water.

>> No.7592547

>not liking Dasani and the slight metallic taste

Plebian please.

>> No.7592556

I have a fat friend that says all water gives her heart burn. I had never heard anyone say that before and I still don't believe it.

>> No.7592592

t. never drank Nestle water
literally tastes like cancer

>> No.7592622

Berkey water filter master race, all other water is for plebs.

>> No.7592626
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>Tfw drinking pure filtered Lake Michigan tap water
>Tfw state legislators refused to allow the sale of Lake Michigan water to California during the summer drought
>Tfw the two counties of Illinois bordering the lake made the decision for all of the lake Michigan states

Might as well rename it Lake Chicago to be honest

>> No.7592635

Fiji and Evian are the only a e s t h e t i c choices

>> No.7592643

>Paying for brand name only

its like you're retarded or something.

>> No.7594054

all that fluoride turn you retarded?