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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7589532 No.7589532 [Reply] [Original]

What do you take to work for lunch?

>> No.7589559

A hearty sandwich and an apple. I'll have a cup of coffee if I feel like it. Work lunch is best kept simple.

>> No.7589560

This. Hate feeling like a bloated fuck at work.

>> No.7589562

I have a really nice co worker who always has different food, everyday before they eat I ask "can I get some of that?" or "wanna share that?" and they obblige everytime so I just stopped bringing my own food, these days they pretty mich just bring a whole extra portion for me, really xool of them.

>> No.7589567

wow you are a parasite

>> No.7589570

I eat out for lunch.

Usually I'll go to a local curryhouse called the This n That.

£5 for a huge plate of curries and stuff

pretty good

though on tuesdays and thursdays I go elsewhere because they don't have lentil dal on those days.

>> No.7589572

Usually some leftover fish and a side of popcorn

>> No.7589576

I hope it's overly stinky fish and you make sure to burn the popcorn.

>> No.7589592
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I do meal prep. It gets a little boring until Monday, haha.

>> No.7589598

i always eat rice + something (usually beans +veg) for supper, so I bring the leftover portion to work the next day.

>> No.7589605

whats that red meat in the top right corner suppose to be?

>> No.7589611


Jesus christ are you an ant or a fruit baskets?


I don't even do lunch anymore. If I pile it on I really only need breakfast or dinner for the day.

>> No.7589619

The worst.

>> No.7589624

You must have a nice job, I work in customer service and getting food in me is a real mood lifter when I'm pissed.

>> No.7589634

That's nice of them but don't take advantage. Maybe you should treat them now and then.

>> No.7589635

>Jesus christ are you an ant or a fruit baskets?

Excuses me?

>> No.7589678
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I sit at a desk all day.

I don't do breakfast or lunch, just look forward to making a baller dinner washed down by booze.

>> No.7589827

Rice 'n beans wrapped in a tortilla

The best lunches are the ones you can carry in a ziploc bag without them getting soggy

>> No.7589835

Bologna and cheese.

>> No.7589837

4 cigarettes
two monster mean beans
jimmy johns if it's pay day

>> No.7589841

Figured I'd try here since it's lunch related.

I'm looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (that's Japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (that's Japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (Korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i don't want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.7589844

I try to eat every 3 hours, so they're mostly smaller healthy snacks, with the exception of lunch which is always a more respectably sized portion of a home-cooked meal. Usually what I had for dinner the night before.

>> No.7589850


I applaud you, and agree.

I don't bring lunch to work. Watching people brown bag it or reheat their godawful leftovers in the "cafeteria" depresses me, too. If I eat, it's a good business lunch. Or I just wait for post-work to eat something decent.

>> No.7589855

>genuine chocolate flavor
nice chocolate flavored corn syrup you got there bro

>> No.7589969
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Whatchu got 'gainst my brown bag?

>> No.7589979

How are you not hungry though? That's unfeasible unless you have a tiny woman stomach or are the size of a squirrel.

>> No.7589984
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I just go back to my trailer and make a tuna sandwich

>> No.7590000

I work in the middle of a hipster area so I usually always go out for lunch (which I don't take every day, so I can leave early). My go to is a teriyaki bowl place across the street, and a poke bowl place on Fridays.

>> No.7590005

Food only further pisses me off usually

>> No.7590008

Avocado, tofu, broccoli, and tomato. Chopped up and put some light dressing in it. Easy and healthy.

>> No.7590028

Lol, one time I brought some cauliflower as part of my lunch and heated it up in the microwave. I guess you know what kinda smell it has, that sort of cabbagy somewhat fart-like smell. Well someone brought in their autistic son to work that day and the kid fucking flipped out at the smell. He started screaming across the whole office EEEEEEEEEEEEEEUUUUUWWWWWWWWWW and saying some random autist shit that had no meaning.

I usually don't eat lunches at work any more. I eat fruits for breakfast and then just kinda hold out until dinner. From time to time the office will have some food available from meetings when I jump on the leftovers whenever I can...

>> No.7590030

I work from home 2 days a week and usually skip lunch those days. On office days i have lunch with clients on the companys time at a rotation of 20 or so different spots.

Favorite is a Mongolian place where you make your own bowl of what you want

>> No.7590055

You're scum. Please just stop existing.

>> No.7590064
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found the non-white/Bernie voter

>> No.7590072

I can't think of much I'm so insecure about I'd bring it up in such a manner.

>> No.7590074

A fairly simple lunch

PB&J or bologna and cheese sandwich
Apple or orange
Few slices of cheddar or some other type of cheese

I never like feasting at work or eating a large lunch to where I get stuffed or sleepy, just something simple and healthy to keep me going.

>> No.7590081

lul and Murgans wonder why they are so fat! Look at that garbage!

>> No.7590082

Wagies on suicide watch

>> No.7590084

Librul detected

>> No.7590092

>Sitting at a desk all day
>Drinking booze every night

Are you 500 lbs.?

>> No.7590109

I eat once every 2 days. When I do eat it's usually pork/beef with a vegetable and some kind of processed pasta (kraft mac and chese, chicken ramen). It's a pretty good diet. Over the last year I've lost almost 60 pounds.

>> No.7590177


Just that you sit at your desk or downstairs and eat something that can't be very satisfying at all after being made 4 hours or so before. It's like lunch in elementary school - that shit was garbage but I had to eat it. Something about it rubs me the wrong way, especially because I kind of equate it with seeing these people in the cafeteria "trying to lose a couple of lbs" by eating a Lean Cuisine, or some mediocre soggy pasta, but they're still fat, alone, and unhappy. And I work in a pretty solid company, I can't imagine what it's like in an Office Space cubicle farm.


Nah, I don't really get hungry much. Even when I eat dinner at the end of the night, it's more out of necessity/enjoyment than it is a bodily need. I'm not skelly or fat, just right in the middle.

>> No.7590179

Are you taking vitamin supplements and such though? No point in beating obesity if you die of a calcium deficiency

>> No.7590197

Liberal on welfare handouts

>> No.7590251

An apple, a sandwich, yogurt, veggies with cottage cheese deep.

Eat the yogurt first break, then the sandwhich+veggied/dip on lunch, then an apple for second break.

>> No.7590256

I make sandwhiches on Sunday and eat them through the week.
As long as you're not throwing condiments on them, they taste pretty much the same if they're wrapped up.

>> No.7590258
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More or less something like this. Bonus points if you guess what country I live in.

>> No.7590264

this desu

Enjoying those groggy mornings and that unfulfilling work, wagie? Don't look now, it's already 11pm, better head to bed! I think I'll stay up for a few more hours and work a little more on my literature backlog -- with all this free time, I've had the opportunity to become so much more cultured. Oh well, another day another dollar!

>> No.7590280

korea you fucking fuck

>> No.7590284

Some 3rd world country.

>> No.7590302
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fuck you stop cursing

>> No.7590305


Yes, fried eggs over rice and pubic hair is a delicacy in 3rd world Korea :)

>> No.7590321

fuck you koreaman

>> No.7590328
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call my flag a Pepsi logo one more time and I will fucking sock you in the face I swear to fucking god someone screencap this I will do it

>> No.7590336


>> No.7590350
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>> No.7590353


>> No.7590355

>worked with a bunch of Vietnamese people
>they would microwave fish all the fucking time

I'm Vietnamese too, but god damn man, get your shit together.

>> No.7590369
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>> No.7590374

931 S. Vermont CA 90006 come you korean fuck

>> No.7590378

I usually pack something that's good cold. Crusty bread with a little butter and honey to go with it. Spinach, arugula and kale salad topped with shredded carrots, diced red onion, kidney beans, shiitake mushrooms and a homemade vinaigrette is my lunch for this week.

>> No.7590387
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>> No.7590394

그럼 구반포역 2번출구로 와라. 맞짱까자 이 한국인새꺄. 내가 양키의 손맛을 보여주지.

>> No.7590400

at my old work i used to make decent stir frys in the toasted sandwich machine to make people laugh. My Samoan collegues would take turns bringing in day old chips and fried sausage and crap from a chinese fast food place and microwave it then eat trough style , fucking disgusting

>> No.7590410
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>> No.7590412


>> No.7590413

I work in a restaurant so I don't bring meals to work because I can just cook whatever I want to eat. Usually I get enough food just from tasting throughout the day. Around closing time I'll have a Wild Turkey/coke and a BLT which is closer to lunch than anything else I guess.

>> No.7590414


oh wait that's apartment. I hate posting wrong picture brb gonna hang myself like a good Korean

>> No.7590417

>tfw when I was in high school some Korean knucklehead tried to fight me in the school parking lot
>tfw I went there expecting to get my ass kicked and he never showed

why are koreans such cowards

>> No.7590423
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They are not cowards. You are coward for coming on time. Real bravery is arriving late and/or going to the wrong place in purpose. It is a traditional Korean custom.

>> No.7590433

who do you think are the worst asians

>> No.7590439

gooks hate japs
obv this gook will answer jap

>> No.7590446


All jokes aside, I don't really have problems with East Asians, although most Korean Japanese and Chinese people hate each other in large and small ways.

Maybe poke fun at SE Asians, being the "toilet" of Asia, but that's it.

If you ask my dad or my grandparents, they will be glad to tell you why all Japanese people deserve to burn in eternal flames.

>> No.7590457


I don't hate Japanese people. If we could start over from scratch and there was no historical baggage, friendship with Japan would be the best option for Korea. China maybe, but much better with Japan.

>> No.7590483
File: 9 KB, 218x222, cmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the FUCK can I get a munchie box in America??

I'm near Denver

>> No.7590486
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I stopped bringing food to work.
I used to take in a pot of home-made 'crumbus' with is my special hummus infused with crumbs from toasted pita bread and smashed up chocolate coated chickpeas along with a small box of chips, usually just doritos. I liked to sit on the table and eat them. Everyday the same fucking things happend

People 'helped themselves' despite all being fucking obese and having their own lunch
People laughed at me for having chips and dip for lunch even though Lebanese office workers do it all the time
I got laughed at for finishing off my crumbus by mixing with healthy greek yoghurt and eating with a spoon at the end even though half my co-workers eat 3 snickers bars a day

Fuck eating at work. Damn food plebs. all of them.

>> No.7590495
File: 232 KB, 1284x778, denver skyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy shit same

where the fuck can i find a munchie box why does denver have such shit food

>> No.7590496

work provides us with
>2 protein
>1 starch
>1 veg
on hot

>mixed greens for salad
>cottage cheese
>egg salad
>pasta salad
on cold

>milk (whole, 2%, skim, chocolate)
>peanut butter
>several types of bread
>assorted cold cereals
>assorted goodies from the pastry kitchen

every day. they take good care of us.

>> No.7590497

money so i can buy something there

>> No.7590781

Everybody knows that guy, fuck that guy, fuck you too scumbag.

>> No.7590801

I usually go to motomaki for a hearty and healthy sushi burrito

>> No.7590809

lol good pasta

>> No.7590817


Fried cutlet sandwich. Maybe throw in some mayo lettuce and tomato and pickle in it.

>> No.7590843

I work from home, so I can make myself whatever I like nice & fresh.

Today was a cream cheese, smoked salmon & cucumber sandwich.

>> No.7590995

That chicken looks exactly like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx5x1yU_Zfw

Did you copy their receipe, it wont suprise me. we are on 4chan

>> No.7591012

do you work at an ER?

>> No.7591079

well yeah the OP question is about lunch so all the info at the beginning is just you trying to feather your balls or something and wasn't needed in any way.

>> No.7591081

how fat are you?

>> No.7591084

Tandoori chicken

>> No.7591090

holy shit how autistic are you?

>> No.7591092

that is a fucking ordered munchie box you twit. He didn't make shit

>> No.7591107

do you work for google?

>> No.7591130

The food here isn't shit, you guys are just lame. Now let's meet up for a blunt and some Yolandas Tacos for 4/20.

>> No.7591443

I drive home for lunch and usually eat leftovers. Sometimes I'll pick up some food on the way.

>> No.7592807

6' 180

>> No.7592827
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A man after my own heart

Give it a week or two and you'll become accustomed to it.

I've never been a breakfast person, then I skipped lunch so I wouldn't have to stay late at work.

Now I've realized '3 meals a day' let alone 5+ is plain retarded and a myth perpetuated by big agriculture.

All of our cultures, ancestors, and religions talk about the importance of fasting and if you do a little google-fu, you'll come to see there is zero science behind 3 meals a day.

>> No.7592834
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This or he's posting from jail/school (same difference).

>> No.7592836

I go out and get something from a local place. SOmetimes falafel, sometimes lamb noodle soup

>> No.7592958

What's the name of this delicate dish?

>> No.7593047

How do you reheat shit packed in a metal box?

>> No.7593050



>not being NEET master race

>> No.7593058


What's in the baggie on the bottom left corner?

>> No.7593063


>Wanna share that

I cringed

>> No.7593168

how new are you?

>> No.7593286

3 tacos, 2 oranges, and a cookie or small "dessert". Day laborer.

>> No.7593473

>everyday before they eat
>"ey can i get some of that"
>"wanna share that?"

>> No.7593546

Don't cut yourself on that edge

>> No.7593550

I bring nothing to work for lunch because I work making lunch and am allowed a free lunch while working so I can eat whatever I want to make for lunch at work.

>> No.7593553

this hurt my brain to read stop saying lunch so many times dude

>> No.7593573
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it sounds like you want to get bent over your own box

>> No.7593574

Place I work has a cafe so I usually get a turkey or ham sandwich and a bowl of celery.

>> No.7593577

i don't work long enough to need to eat lunch on my shift lol

>> No.7593634

Not that guy but my co-workers do the same thing for me. They like me to try out their foodstuffs just so if they can improve it or if it greatly needs working.

It doesn't help that I'm one of two guys (the fatter one and single) in a crew of married women.

>> No.7593656

A 6 cubic foot refrigerator filled with things I was convinced I'd want to eat for the the next 6 days or so, but a bbq stand here, a taqueria there, and a kbbq truck rolling through an industrial park later and I'm left with a fridge full of broken yogurt, spoiled vegetables, and "dry aged" meat.

>> No.7594418

Not him, but i worked for ebay for a little while and had similar accommodations

>> No.7594520

I'm IT for a business that employs mostly black women.

One day someone brought leftover shrimp something with dairy, probably like shrimp Alfredo... and nuked it, the smell permeated the office.

One of the employees came into the office and (loudly) said "Goddam, one of you bitches needs to wash! The whole building smell like your stank puss!"

That was a good day.

>> No.7594532

1x greek yogurt (varying flavors)
1x V8 energy (varying flavors)
1x V8 spicy
1x burrito or sandwich wrap
1x tuna creations pouch
4x 16.9oz bottles of water

>> No.7594535

2nded. I'll eat like a rabbit at work; lots of black coffee and some protein. Salads are nice, so is fruit. Never more than like 500 calories though.

Once I get off though, I'm down for pizza and beer or what have you.


>> No.7594539

Lay off the soda, son.

>> No.7594553

I don't drink any at work, homie

>> No.7594592

i used to have a lunch meat sandwich for lunch and some fruit for work snacks. but i've found that i don't really need lunch--i'm hungry enough to need a snack when i get home from work either way. so now i have 1-2 bananas and an apple for lunch (spread out over the afternoon).

>> No.7594596

Simple Porcini Risotto. beeaatch

>> No.7594597

>wanna share that
i'd look you dead in the eyes and tell you to fuck off

>> No.7594600



>> No.7594607

i work at a (shitty) mall so i just hit up the food court
jimmy the greek all day erryday

>> No.7594609

>works low-pay retail
>wastes money eating out every day

>> No.7594613

i make pretty good commission so it's not usually an issue

but i don't literally eat out everyday

>> No.7594621

>sells cell phones
>eats dicks

>> No.7594628

internet packages, actually

and i'm engaged to a man too

>> No.7594655

Every Day:
>frozen vegetables
>protein drink
Sometimes I just have the protein drink.
Occasionally I'll have one of those fifty cent bags of peanuts, but only if I'm really hungry.

>> No.7594708

>baiting this hard

>> No.7594906

Munchies box + ironbru
Just kidding I don't work

>> No.7594969


>> No.7595135

what are those black stuff? crushed oreo?