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7584837 No.7584837 [Reply] [Original]

Food in UK that you can't get in America

You yanks don't even have Doritos brand salsa dip, what the fuck

>> No.7584839

That's because we know how to make it ourselves so why would we buy it?

>> No.7584841

If that's the case why would you have so much fast food and convenience culture

We know how to make salsa too but it's interesting how you guys don't have this?

>> No.7584843
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nope, we just hire mexicans to make real salsa for us.

wow, you really got us there. tell us more about these new world ingredients you limeys just found.

>> No.7584845

usa has tostitos salsa

>> No.7584849


>usa has tostitos salsa
Ahh ok fair enough

>> No.7584851

That's because we don't dip doritos in salsa

>> No.7584852

this. so much better

>> No.7584858

We just got that yellow segment tube, I think you call it maze.

I put an order in to try a tube, Only £5.00 each.

>> No.7584872


i do and its great.

>> No.7584900

What's so special about it?

We live right next to mexico. Why would I expect this to be any better than what pedro makes down the street.

>> No.7584917

>What's so special about it?

Doritos is an American brand yet they don't sell this product in America.

>We live right next to mexico. Why would I expect this to be any better than what pedro makes down the street.

You wouldn't. That wasn't the point of the thread.

>> No.7584920

oh, you mean "teensy poppy yellow bits"?

>> No.7584922


Why would we need this shit when we have Mexicans?

>> No.7584931

You also don't dip flavored chips(sigh...crisps) in dip.

>> No.7584935

Clotted cream
Also a proper cuppa
Also anything tea related that doesn't use the words "green", "sweet", or "iced". And even then its regional.

>> No.7584940

No shit faggot

>> No.7584943

What's wrong with combining flavors?

>> No.7584947

Arrogant fucker.

>> No.7584948


>> No.7584954

Americans get freshly made salsa in grocery stores. I have to say they definitely got us beat on that.

>> No.7584955

Do whatever you want.

>> No.7585081

Chocolate digestives.
Decent chocolate. Cadbury's chocolate is embargoed.
Orange squash, or any sort of squash.
Literally any proper biscuits.
Fish and chips.
Sweet and sour chicken.
Anything without HFCS.
Proper mustard.
Bovril. Most won't even have heard of it. I'm pretty sure that's what they flavour the cardboard with for big macs.

>> No.7585115

Texasfag born to British parents here. Just about all the local supermarkets carry the digestives, ribena (squash), biscuits, and Colman's mustard.

The better ones also have bovril.

Any chinese restaurant will have the sweet and sour chicken, and fish and chips aren't as ubiquitous as they are in the UK but aren't hard to find. They're especially common in the US south, which loves it's fried fish.

Kebabs? We have doner and schwarma though not as common as in England. We also the Mexican version "al pastor" which is common in the southwest.

I'll agree our chocolate sucks, but then again I don't find British chocolate to be any better. Gotta go to the Dutch/Germans/Swiss for good chocolate.

The thing that I found hardest to find was English-style sausages. There are some specialty shops which sell them but they're all pretty crappy. I ended up learning to make them myself.

>> No.7585117
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>> No.7585691

I really hate the term flyover, but that's what this thread will be about.

I live in a large coastal city that's full of immigrant-gun grocery stores. I could probably find anything listed here without too much trouble.

>bragging about shitty salsa
>to americans

>> No.7586209

ukfag here

The Tesco own brand is better than the Doritos branded in my opinion. It has thicker chunks, and stronger flavour.

>> No.7586226


Does anyone know a genuinely hot retail salsa? I'm tired of getting crap label 'hot' that is just a faint tingle of heat.

>> No.7586231

Brit here, that salsa is disgusting. Pretty much any supermarket brand is better than it.

>> No.7586236

The UK is one of the worst countries with the worst people, and funny enough, the worst salsa.

>> No.7586247
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Lads, lads, we're getting too caught up in all this salsa jive and not focusing on the fucking




>> No.7586362

>The UK is one of the worst countries with the worst people

You hurt my feelings anon :(

>> No.7586382

Gotta make your own.

>> No.7586394

Yes and why would you have bags of doritos chips, when mexicans can make it for you too

>> No.7586403

>chocolate digestives
every supermarket around carries them
>any sort of squash
literally every grocery store produce isle sells multiple squash types
>Literally any proper biscuits.
if you're talking cookies, that's absurd, the US and canada (where I live) has tons of good cookies, what does "proper" even mean?
>Fish and chips.
literally anywhere on the west or east coast has a huge amount of fish and chip places, the quality varies but it's generally very good
probably not as good as near middle eastern countries I agree, but there are kebab places (aka donair, gyro, doner) places all over the US and canada, nova scotia in particular, and I'm sure many ethnic neighborhoods all over the US, have lots of it.
>Anything without HFCS.
tons of sweets and sodas without a hint of HFCS available if you aren't in a flyover
>Proper mustard.
this is extremely subjective, my local grocer has tons of different mustards from different cultures I'm sure it's good

>> No.7586606
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Saw my co worker with this

>> No.7586723

Those are the shit and they're like 20p each too

>> No.7587535

They would get shit on by better, more popular brands of salsa.

>> No.7587545 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 250x250, a8e92d5aee24909027e6110583465338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this thread is lazy bait or genuine ignorance but you can get most of the things listed at specialty shops run by british ex-pats who import the stuff en masse

not to mention importers who sell things on amazon, who can ship to you next day if that's your desire

globalization happened, you should all try and catch up

>> No.7587548
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>literally every grocery store produce isle sells multiple squash types

Lol. That's not what the britbongs are talking about. "Squash" in UK parlance is a liquid drink concentrate, usually fruit-flavored. You dilute it with water to make a finished beverage. Pic related.

That being said, I've seen pic related at some US supermarkets; Ribena is even more common.

>> No.7587560


You don't even need to go that far. Most of it would be stocked at a normal US supermarket as well as commonly found restaurants as several posters have already pointed out.

>> No.7587855

I'm so sad that I can't eat those any more. I can't have toffee, because it'll yank fillings out.

>> No.7587985

british mustard is pig disgusting but easily available in the US

>> No.7588035

you mean its not 90% corn syrup?

>> No.7588160
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Do Americans really put a cup of water in the microwave instead of using one of these? I've heard most Americans don't even have a kettle in their kitchen.

>> No.7588165

I asked some Americans and they seem to not own electric kettles, rather they use one on the stove.

>> No.7588169

Their electrical systems in their houses can't handle electric kettles

>> No.7588174 [DELETED] 
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>visit relative who moved to London
>tells me to put the kettle on for tea
>fill it with water, go to plug it in
>the second I do, door is kicked in and I'm arrested because I didn't have me kettle licence
>forced to pay a 50pence crime and watch BBC's version of King Arthur as penance

>> No.7588181


>> No.7588186

>british chocolate


>> No.7588206

>visit relative in u.s.
>go to local grocery store
>I'd like to buy a kinder egg please
>"what are you crazy? Those things can contain small parts that may be swallowed by a baby!"
>"ok then, I'll just take that assault rifle - would you like to do some form of background check?"
>"that won't be necessary, would you like a free 6 pack of shitty, watery beer with that?"

>> No.7588210

Americans BTFO

>> No.7588327


because they dont drink tea, kettles are redundant there. They drink coffee but they all have those weird coffee machines that they make it, so again, they dont need to use a kettle.

>> No.7588333



>> No.7588336


where do you go to get a gun with no background check/paperwork?

>> No.7588344 [DELETED] 
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Fail, lmao

silly yurocucks never learn

>> No.7588348
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>> No.7588349 [DELETED] 
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Britfats BTFO

There is no recovery

>> No.7588353

We have Frito bean dip and whatever shit Lay's gets because we're already saturated terrible, bland tex-mex sauces.

>> No.7588355 [DELETED] 

Fucking Yanks ruining fun as always

>> No.7588357
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so good omg cant believe americans dont have this stuff

>> No.7588360

>$8 for 2 Kinder Eggs

Enjoy The Bern, The Donald, The Shrill Witch, or The Rat Canadian next year my friends.

>> No.7588362 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x544, ahahaha.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek
Ooooh shut down
Tasty butthurt

Good show cu/ck/s

>> No.7588364

>it's not water-injected, antibiotic-laden, arsenic-laced, factory-farmed white chicken breast


>> No.7588367 [DELETED] 
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Well clearly whatever UK has is super healthy compared to burgers

As you can see, >>7588349 island monkeys have become the true 51st state of amerilards

>> No.7588369
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who could forget our famous cheese bread

>> No.7588373 [DELETED] 
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delet this

>> No.7588374

I know, those fucking Britbongs are beating us at our own game

>> No.7588385


You can legally buy a gun private-party with no background check, but if it is being sold by a retail store then there is always paperwork involved.

>> No.7588390

actually, heating water in the microwave is the most energy efficient method

source: chemisty in college where we calculated amount of energy to heat water to boil using gas, microwave, and electric kettle/hot plate

>> No.7588396 [DELETED] 

>yank science

>> No.7588397
File: 1.10 MB, 1921x2953, Branston_Brown_Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The taste, so... rich and full of depth. Words cannot describe the myriad of flavors achieved in this culinary concoction, we must simply call it "brown"

>> No.7588400 [DELETED] 

Brown sauce is fucking legendary you no-hope pleb scum. I can tell you've never had any.

>> No.7588410 [DELETED] 
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>Just want to make friendly banter
>Anon has to quell a bit of cheeky fun

>> No.7588440
File: 155 KB, 2365x2365, 460g_HEINZ SALAD CREAM_ORIGINAL__0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At its conception, fellow chefs and taste testers were in awe. The creamy texture and subtle sweetness blended in perfect harmony with the salad. "well there's no actual cream in" someone claimed. "but it's just so creamy, we simply cannot name it anything else"

>> No.7588456 [DELETED] 

Why are JF so obsessed with us lads?

>> No.7588500

>hating on brown sauce
Why even do that.

>> No.7588550
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>paying $3.99 for Kinder Surprise

>> No.7588566 [DELETED] 

Everything is expensive in the Northeast

>> No.7588570


if you're trying to imply that the 'brown' designation implies a lack of depth, you need to bone up on your colour theory

>> No.7588673

wanna bet motherfcucker? I'll plug in my 3 phase ups right now and fuck ur shit up with my industrial electric kettle 4 megawatts fuckin redcoat motherfucker i'll boil so much tea ill make boston teaparty 2 but this time it'll be warm and your dead bodies will be my digestive biscuits you fucking REDCOAT FUCK

>> No.7589096
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10/10 bet it's not hot brit bongs think black pepper is hot


>> No.7589115

>any sort of squash
literally every grocery store produce isle sells multiple squash types

I'm an American an I know what he's talking about
Its like fucking mio it's a concentrated flavored liquid you put in water
Think liquid kool-aid

>> No.7590323

but then they'll just shoot you for your money instead

>> No.7590466

This stuff plus cool original doritos is perfect.

>> No.7590520
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I like how the biggest "gotcha!" in the britfags' arsenal is a chocolate egg with a plastic toy inside.

>> No.7590552

As Americans, we are the best chefs on the planet, ever.

We are that good. We cared enough, and we performed enough. American food, at the highest class is the greatest ever.

>> No.7590570

I hate to break this to you, but we can get all those things, including your brands of tea.

As far as salsa goes, we have entire grocery aisles for salsa, plus every store sells their own fresh made, plus we all know how to make ourselves, plus we can get it at every mexican market, plus most mexican restaurants sell theirs in pints or quarts, so WHY would we even care about Doritos salsa? Doritos is marketing their product to people who would actually buy it.

>> No.7590576

Who needs kinder eggs when our happy meals come with fries AND a fucking toy.

I'm an adult now. I'll take my chocolate in the form of a Hershey's with almonds, thank you.

>> No.7590583

Having 3 phase in a home? What the fuck is your major malfunction "electrician"? 230V does the job just fine.

>> No.7590589
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>if you're talking cookies, that's absurd!

>> No.7590888
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>> No.7590892
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I'll just take a kinder egg since yurocucks are dumb as shit

>> No.7590897
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>actually we can, here's proof
>being poor

>> No.7591326

I just reported you and Symphony Market to the FBI, have a nice day you commie pinko

>> No.7591374

All those things are widely available in the US. I think what you hit on is that the plebeian masses with shit taste go for the shit American bastarsisations, but that's true of our population too. American products are popular over here for a reason, and that reason is because we have just as many faggots as they do. In fact it's probably a lot easier to get good quality British food in the states than vice versa, since the only American products I've ever seen are bottom of the barrel mass market stuff. If it doesn't appear in TV adverts, we don't have it.

>> No.7591377

We don't usually have to pay 5 times the price for imported American products though.

>> No.7591398

Mrs Renfroe's habanero salsa is alright

>> No.7591419

This salsa is shit-tier anyway. Tastes like ketchup more than actual salsa.

>> No.7591437

actual food you can't get in the US
real haggis (its illegal)
black pudding
sausages (they're not the same)
custard creams

>> No.7591531
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I doubt there's any grocery store that carry them but I 100% guarantee somewhere in the US there is some hipster butcher/chef that sells them under a different name
>real haggis
you should clarify that what you mean by 'real' is we can't get sheep lung imported from the UK (a ban that may be lifted soon). We have sheep here, and they have lungs, how much of a difference this makes I have no idea but what you said is a bit misleading.
>black pudding
usually called "blood sausage" here, not uncommon at all among 'artisanal' butchers
>sausages (they're not the same)
Not sure what you mean by this. You have certain brands that aren't imported here, or there's a specific style that never caught on in the US? Either way that's nitpicking at best since the same could be said of almost any food between any two parts of the world.
I was about to begrudgingly give you that one as it's a specific brand until
we have suet, we use it in bird feeders. Woodpeckers go crazy for it.
>crumpets, custard creams
now you're not even trying

>> No.7591544

>actual food you can't get in the US
Texasfag here.

Local butcher makes 'em
>real haggis (its illegal)
Illegal to sell sheep's lungs, yeah. But people get around that by slaughtering a sheep and making it that way.
>black pudding
Local supermarket stocks 3 types. Fancy butchers make them too. And so do I: the blood is readily bought at Asian markets.
>sausages (they're not the same)
Agreed, it's hard to find English style sausages here. Thankfully it's easy to hand a British recipe to a butcher and have them make them for you. Around here the butchers are very used to making custom sausage during deer season, so this is no problem.
Supermarket import isle, or Asian market
>custard creams

>> No.7591563

Gotta get the ghost pepper salsa. That one is goat

>> No.7591757

I hope you're taking notes kids, this is what's known as "getting reked".

>> No.7591829

>In fact it's probably a lot easier to get good quality British food in the states than vice versa, since the only American products I've ever seen are bottom of the barrel mass market stuff. If it doesn't appear in TV adverts, we don't have it.

This is one of my cultural woes. As an American, I've seen what they sell as American food in Britain and Europe, and it's fucking HIDEOUS. I get actually embarrassed when I see that stuff. No wonder people think we eat garbage, since that seems to be all that gets exported as American food.

>> No.7591903

this. when I lived in KSA seeing the few imported american products at the grocery was sad and quickly forced me to go native in my shopping.

>imported American foods
in the frozen dinner section they only had stouffers tuna casserole for 30SAR ($8). I got it once, it had clearly been thawed and re-frozen several times in transit. I can imagine some saudi guy thinking for the rest of his life that's what we eat regularly.

for pickles the choices were vlassic (meh) and some off brand that on the label said "for export only", worst pickle I've ever had.

I could go on (if anyone cares I will) but the point is they were only getting the shittiest exports we had and the same could be said of a lot of the imports we get

>> No.7592023

The Horlicks is out of stock.

PS Ovaltine is better than Horlicks.

>> No.7592186


>> No.7593989

Hahaha, Americans... blown the... fuck out...?