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7581688 No.7581688 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most efficient way to be drunk while not getting a hangover?

>inb4 ass wine

I've heard clear liquor (like vodka or gin) mixed with something flavored but mostly water.

>> No.7581700

Drink water. Eat food before drinking. Drink more water.

Just drink water, really, most of a hangover is dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

>> No.7581710

Drink a glass of water between each alcoholic drink
Drink a sport beverage before going to sleep

>> No.7581718

Skip the meal before you start drinking, this ensures that you get drunk faster, you get more bang for your buck and your body has to deal with less alcohol.

Then eat a big greasy meal with lots of carbs and protein before you go to sleep after your done with your drinking.

Guaranteed no hangover.

>> No.7581727

Drinking so much water does fuck all to keep you hydrated, you'll just piss it out and have to pee all the time because you are drinking too much fluids altogether.

It's better to lick salt of your hand than to drink a gallon of water. The more excess water to drink the less you will be able to hold.

>> No.7581735

>drink a gallon of water
moron. Drink a glass or two.

>> No.7581752

Swear to God I'm a genetic retard.
I can handle Red Wine, Brandy, Single Malt and Rum but Gin or Vodka gives me crippling hangovers.

>> No.7581784

>getting drunk
>one glass of water before every alcoholic drink
>one or two glasses of water
>getting drunk of one or two alcoholic drinks

Yeah, I don't fucking think so.

Drinking water doesn't prevent hangover, if anything it makes them worse because you have to piss even more and piss out even more salt and minerals.

Salt, fat, protein, carbs. That's what kills and prevents hangovers. But in the morning it's too late, you're already hungover, and eating before starting to drink if you want to get drunk is the most counterproductive thing you can do as a full belly prevents you from getting drunk.

That's why it's best to get drunk on an empty stomach, know your limits and then have a meal before you go to bed.

>> No.7581795

This guy's wrong.

most of a hangover is due to a byproduct of metabolizing alcohol. i.e., when you drink more than a couple drinks, a chemical called acetaldehyde builds up in your body, and this causes most of the unpleasantness of a hangover. Studies prove this as well. You don't feel better until your body has had time to process this substance, which takes up to 24 hours.

Other studies show there's a vitamin cocktail you can take to help process acetaldehyde faster, mostly B-vitamins and l-cysteine, and studies show people who took this during drinking and in the morning felt better than those who didn't.

Other than this, a hangover's mostly unavoidable if you want to get drunk. If you just catch a slight buzz, you can mostly a void a hangover.

>> No.7581802

Literally not even remotely true

>> No.7581806

And yet, here I am, getting drunk and not being hungover.

Thanks, water.

>> No.7581832

placebo/bro science. It's just an old wive's myth and college student bro science that water can cure/prevent a hangover.

There are no studies showing that 1. dehydration is the main cause of a hangover, or 2. that water prevents/cures a hangover.

And though your anecdotal evidence doesn't matter, mine is the opposite: no matter how much water and nutritious food I ingest, it doesn't help me feel better if I drink a large amount of alcohol.

>> No.7581837

Probably because you didn't drink that much you little bitch

>> No.7581911

I drink shit vodka ($10 a handle) mixed with strawberry Snapple. Drink a bottle of Gatorade before and during and you'll be shitfaced but wake up right as rain.

>> No.7581923

And which liquid that covers best part of the earths surface and helps the body to expell toxins via the kidneys do you think would help prevent a hangover you fucking retard

>> No.7581951

Hardcore highly functional alcoholic here.

I drink between 15-20 shots of whiskey a night for 5 years. I've only had two hangovers and it's when I didn't follow my protocol.

Right before you pass out, drink 32oz Gatorade (or water) and take 800mg of Iburprofen (NOT tylenol/acetemonphin, that will kill your liver)

When you wake up, take a 5 hour energy drink (or caffeine pill) with 400mg ibuprofen....right as rain to continue your life you hate

>> No.7581961

Couldn't help you, I've been a heavy drinker for years but I've only had one hangover and that was after a bachelor party

>> No.7581966

Drink some water and take a couple ibuprofen before you go to bed you dumb shit

>> No.7581973

Ibuprofen can damage your liver, kidneys, and stomach lining if you're drinking

Especially in the amounts of both alcohol and ibuprofen that you are

>> No.7581977


Stupid stupid stupid

>> No.7581978

Ibuprofen is safe for liver. Medium-Low risk for Kidneys and high-risk for stomach lining

>> No.7581979

Stop drinking at least an hour before bed.
Snack before bed.
Drink a glass of water before bed and leave a filled one by your bed for night time drinking.
This helps me minimize the sick feeling the next day.

>> No.7581983


MFW people still confuse Ibuprofen w/ acetaminophen

>> No.7581987

Neither are good for you while drinking

>ibuprofen is safe for the liver

Not if you're drinking the amounts you are and taking the quantities of ibuprofen that you are

>> No.7581991

lol what??

Can you point me to the part of your post that makes a coherent point or even relates to the subject?

Water doesn't prevent or cure hangovers. It's scientifically proven. Why this upsets you is baffling, but that's the facts.

>> No.7581999

No. If you read actual studies, the one off cases of alcoholics having liver induced problems due to ibuprofen are with people who take 3200mg/day for an extended period of time

>> No.7582007

If you have liver problems that you likely do from having 15-20 drinks everyday, then ibuprofen can exacerbate those issues

>> No.7582010

>then ibuprofen can exacerbate those issues

Not 800 mg/day

or rather, it's a sub 10% likelihood

>> No.7582020

Long term use, it certainly will

>> No.7582027

>Long term use, it certainly will

I'm also a medical scientist/researcher and this logic drives me up the fucking walls...and I see it very often in the professional world.

Correlation DOES NOT mean Causation.

BRB, patient is a drunk who drinks 1 liter of whiskey a day for decades, lets attribute it to ibuprofen....smfh

Could have literally never taken ibuprofen once and would be in exact same situation

>> No.7582030

meant to mention cirrhosis diagnosis

>> No.7582034

>correlation does not mean causation
Why even bother taking the incredibly stupid risk, why take it if it will irritate the stomach lining and kidneys veritably?

>lets attribute to ibuprofen

Nobody said that you fucking idiot, it will exacerbate the issue

>could have literally never taken ibuprofen once

God, you are fucking stupid, learn to read.

>> No.7582042

>God, you are fucking stupid, learn to read.
Learn to remember what you typed. You said it would exasperate liver issues and it won't

>> No.7582046

>Why even bother taking the incredibly stupid risk, why take it if it will irritate the stomach lining and kidneys veritably?

It's not risky at all by definition

>> No.7582051

Yes. I did. That's a supported line of reasoning, but you literally said I was chalking down liver issues to ibuprofen alone

Learn to remember or even read back on what you just typed

>> No.7582053

That's literally not true. Stop being a fucking retard.

>> No.7582054


Exacerbate. I doubt your claims of being a medical scientist if you can't even use real words.

>> No.7582055

Exasperate is a word

>> No.7582061

>That's literally not true. Stop being a fucking retard

lol. It's not true. Even though 40+ years of scientific research shows it to be the case


ummm, please google

>> No.7582067

>even though 40+ years of scientific research shows it to be the case

That's not even remotely true. Stop literally being a retard for the sake of this argument. Your claims of being a scientist seem to imply you're a retarded intern on his way out

>> No.7582081

Wew lad. Hop onto Lexisnexis and do a search from 1980+ for ibuprofen Alanine aminotransferase and Aspartate aminotransferase; then come back and admit you don't know what the fuck you are talking about

>> No.7582090

Know your limit.

>> No.7582093

So what you're saying is that you don't actually know what you're talking about

Please kill yourself. Your claims of alcohol and ibuprofen interaction being risk free are completely unfounded.

>> No.7582098

The only person in this entire thread who is correct is >>7581795

If you drink enough you're gonna have a hangover, thats the nature of toxin metabolism, end of story. Anybody claiming otherwise is lying or didn't drink that much.

Now there are things you can do to help a hangover go away faster when you do get one, such as strenuous exercise such as weight lifting. Working up a sweat expedites the process of ridding your body of toxic metabolites to be replaced with healthy ones. And I know 4chan is full of straight edge fedoras with delusions of superiority, but cannabis can also ease the symptoms of a hangover significantly.

>> No.7582106

This keeps getting better. I just told you how to find 100's of unbiased studies showing that is the case. This is some Sanders Supporter level of lack of logic and reasoning.

>> No.7582113

You keep bringing up studies and don't provide a single one of them. And I'm supposed to do your research for you? Interesting

>> No.7582117

Couldn't drink for shit when I was younger
Got a cooks job & started drinking daily with them at & after work
Now I can mix anything. Bourbon, wine,beer all back to back. Doesn't matter
Last time I went on a bender I did 14 bourbon, a beer & 2 shots in a span of 5 hours.
Still went to work the next day

>> No.7582118

I'm telling you to do your own research because if I posted the articles, you would say I cherry picked.

>> No.7582123

How convenient, you won't provide any studies because you don't find it's worth your time.

>> No.7582128

You are the biggest dumbass I've ever seen on this site. Wow.

>> No.7582141

I've provided you with 100's if you will take the 90 seconds

>> No.7582143

You haven't actually provided anything

>> No.7582144

so the key is to be an alcoholic?

>> No.7582147


This anon knows his shit.

Drinking on an empty stomach also runs the risk of a blackout which you really want to avoid.

>> No.7582152

>this anon knows his shit

>hangovers are just dehyrdation guyz

>> No.7582165

>You haven't actually provided anything
Lol, ok m8

>> No.7582177

You literally haven't

You're an awful researcher/scientist/whatever dead-end job you actually work

>> No.7582181


>That's why it's best to get drunk on an empty stomach,

That's terrible advice. Never drink on an empty stomach.


Firstly that anon mentioned food also. Learn to fucking read.

Secondly hangovers are not 'just' dehydration but the most annoying symptoms can be prevented by drinking enough. I'd suggest something like powerade/gatorade or even coke over water personally (I find it works better and if you get seriously drunk you're more likely to remember to drink it if it tastes good).

I'd also suggest having a drink next to your bed for when you wake up. It's not going to help at all but it's a nice thing to wake up to.

You can always spot the faggots who have never truly dealt with abusive drinking by their shitty advice.

>> No.7582186

>You're an awful researcher/scientist/whatever dead-end job you actually work

Yet I still make 160k/yr....I'm ok with that then :)

>> No.7582190

>learn to fucking read

I did. I read the part that underlined how hangovers are mostly just dehyrdation and electrolyte imbalance

That is not even remotely true. How about you actually learn to read and stop perpetuating absolute nonsense

>but the most annoying symptoms can be prevented by drinking enough

It'll alleviate some symptoms, it will not prevent them or remotely cure them, your body has a toxin in it, it's not just deprived of water

You're a dumb fucking retard

>truly dealt with abusive drinking

I doubt you're abusively drinking if you're cured by water, you sound dehydrated, not hungover

>> No.7582192

For a multitude of reasons I somehow don't believe that

>> No.7582199

>lying on 4chan

>> No.7582230


>I did. I read the part that underlined how hangovers are mostly just dehyrdation and electrolyte imbalance

Note 'mostly just' is not the same as 'just'. He'd have been more accurate to say 'most of the noticeable symptoms' but still.

>That is not even remotely true. How about you actually learn to read and stop perpetuating absolute nonsense

The symptoms most people dislike in a hangover will be solved by eating before you start and drinking correct fluids. Again gatorade or similar is superior to water.

>It'll alleviate some symptoms, it will not prevent them or remotely cure them, your body has a toxin in it, it's not just deprived of water

I never advocated water alone and alleviating symptoms is all most people want.

>I doubt you're abusively drinking if you're cured by water, you sound dehydrated, not hungover

The vast, vast majority of alcoholics (as in 'hospitalised due to withdrawal' levels of abusive) I've met will also give the same advice.

And again I mentioned more than just water. Learn to read.

>> No.7582233

lmao kid I make $210K/year git gud fuccboi

>> No.7582243

the reason you pee is because your body has too much water. your body holds in water if you don't have enough. if you pee a lot your body is still maintaining just the right amount of water it needs.

according to my anatomy professor, alcohol actually fucks with your kidneys, preventing them from allowing the right amount of water to return to your body (instead of being peed out). so you can expect to pee a lot because alcohol causes that, but also drinking lots of water doesn't have as much of a positive effect as you may think.

just don't drink so much!

>> No.7582246

>mostly just is not the same as just

Grasping at straws

>the symptoms most people dislike in a hangover will be solved by eating before you start and drinking correct fluids

It will be solved by not introducing alcohol into your body, as cliche as that sounds, that is the solution, these symptoms do not occur if you do not drink alcohol, your body will not get rid of alcohol if you drink Gatorade, there is some evidence suggesting consuming L-Cysteine which can be found in eggs, before and after can mitigate some of these issues. That's something different

>the vast vast majority of alcoholics I've met will also give the same advice


>I mentioned more than just water

You said it was mostly just dehyrdation. Regardless diet isn't going to magically cure you of a hangover or prevent one

>> No.7582267

I don't get hangovers from drinking too much, only withdrawals from not drinking enough.

>> No.7582273


>Grasping at straws

Your inability to understand basic English is your problem anon.

>It will be solved by not introducing alcohol into your body, as cliche as that sounds, that is the solution, these symptoms do not occur if you do not drink alcohol,

The best solution is not to drink obviously but that's hardly an option.

>your body will not get rid of alcohol if you drink Gatorade,

I never suggested it would do such a thing. It will, however, help prevent some of the more negative symptoms you experience afterwards (and is superior to merely rehydrating). And again eating before is key.

>You said it was mostly just dehyrdation

Nope, though I quoted an anon who did.

>Regardless diet isn't going to magically cure you of a hangover or prevent one

Never claimed that either. What I suggested will help but it's not going to fix everything. The best you can hope for is a reduction in the shittier symptoms.

>> No.7582281

A functioning one, yes

>> No.7582289


That runs the risk of addiction and subsequently withdrawal which is a much larger problem than the occasional hangover.

>> No.7582326

Not factual at all. It absolutly prevents hangovers, i am proof, test me.

Source your irrefutable evidence. Just because you say its a fact doesnt make it so. It makes you look like an idiot.

Btw its nothing to do with the buildup of alcohol metabolism byproducts the body is more than capable of handling those toxins efficiently and effectivly. The body pulls water from its most abundant source... the brain is 80% water, it uses some of this water to supplement loss in the rest of the body. Why do you think a hangover results in a headache? Why do you think people who drink way to much get put on drips in hospitals, why do you think drinking water after the fact does nothing. Because its way harder to rehyrate than it is to stay hydrated in the first place. Drinking a litre or so of water before you blackout will negate any hangover... dont try and refute me with words, test it for yourself.

>> No.7582453


Listen kiddos, I make $780K/year and there's nothing you can do to prove otherwise, so please run along and let the grown ups do the talking.

>> No.7582520

Dehydration is not the main factor in a hangover. No studies suggest otherwise.

>Also, markers of dehydration (e.g., vasopressin) were not significantly related to hangover severity. Some studies report a significant correlation between blood acetaldehyde concentration and hangover severity, but most convincing is the significant relationship between immune factors and hangover severity. The latter is supported by studies showing that hangover severity may be reduced by inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis.

>Many people favour the (unproven) popular belief that dehydration is the main cause of alcohol hangover symptoms. However, taking a closer look at the present research on biological changes during alcohol hangovers suggests otherwise.... Moreover, these findings suggest that alcohol hangover and dehydration are two independent yet co-occurring processes that have different underlying mechanisms

Literally the only evidence that drinking water prevents hangovers is random anecdotal stories.

>> No.7582602

If you drink a lot there's nothing you can do to prevent getting hungover, and nothing that can cure it except for time. You can take steps to lessen the effects and reduce hangover effects from smaller levels of consumption. This is what I've found from a combination of reading articles and personal experience.

Important factor but often overhyped. Moderation is important - sip water throughout the night and before you go to bed, but don't go overboard. 'Drink 2L of water right before bed' is a meme and rarely works. If you find yourself waking up after a few hours feeling thirsty go ahead and have a sip of water, but do not chug at this point. Gulping down plain water on an empty stomach is a quick route to nausea. The next day, sip on something a little sweet and/or salty like fruit juice or sports drink rather than straight water.

Basically go with what works for you. Some people like greasy, fatty meals, others prefer more 'refreshing' stuff like a salad (probably because it offers a means of rehydrating). The best is probably a combination, something like a meat and salad sandwich.

>Aspirin/Berocca etc.
Mainly a placebo/means of getting water and sugar into you, use if you enjoy.

Some light exercise (e.g. a walk) can help to take your mind off things, strenuous exercise is a bad idea.

>Choice of drinks
Doesn't seem to make much difference ime. I haven't had better results with 'clear' spirits or sticking to one kind of drink. Going hard on drinks mixed with caffeine (cola, energy drinks) makes it harder to sleep off the hangover.

>> No.7583016

take b12 vitamins before drinking and have a large glass of water before going to bed.

>> No.7583063

Jesus fucking christ just drink water before going to sleep, hangovers are the effect of the dehydration alcohol gives to your body

I cant tell you how many times ive been drunk af and next day no hangover at all while everyone else just tells me "man im dying"

Drink any liquor then 1 to 3 glasses of water before sleep and if you get a little headache, which i sometimes do, its not bad at all and you can take care of it with an aspirin in the morning

>> No.7583076

Not always. Many of us don't feel any other effect than dehydration, but as you'll see if you read the thread, there are those who suffer more serious hangovers far beyond simple dehydration.

Why didn't you read the thread, but? Did you really just assume that over the course of 75 responses from 27 unique posters nobody would have already said what you did?

>> No.7583472


You do realize this a board filled with alcoholics? Water might have helped me when I was 15 and couldn't drink enough to damage myself, now water is just something to help the dry mouth and as soon as it goes in it comes right out just as clear as it went in.

>> No.7583549

>drinking water doesn't solve hangovers

Maybe not "solve" them but it reduces the effect HUGELY

I've had worse hangovers drinking half as much alcohol and no water then I've had drinking twice as much followed by 3-4L of water before sleeping and throughout the night when I wake up

>> No.7583553

>now water is just something to help the dry mouth and as soon as it goes in it comes right out just as clear as it went in
I drink 3-4L of water before going to sleep/throughout the night when I wake up and I hardly piss at all (I wake up out of habit to drink water, it's become the norm for me to wake up 3-4 times throughout the night since I'm drinking 20-30 standard drinks every single night and water following that)

>> No.7583682

Drink clear liquor. Chug water before sleep. Eat something with carbs and vitamins and shit.

Upon waking up drink more water, gatorade, eat some fruit, go for a walk, take a shit, light a spliff.


>> No.7583761

I can't kek enough on faggots who think they drink 3-4l of water before going to sleep. Don't you realise you would puke this shit just as you lay the fuck down?

>> No.7583774

completely submerse yourself in water until you can no long breathe

>> No.7583776

>before going to sleep/throughout the night when I wake up
can't you read mate?

>> No.7583779

I can. You still overestimated yourself

>> No.7583797

>drink 1.5-2L while laying down watching tv about to sleep
>wake up 2-3 times each night and drink 600ml each time

I didn't even mention the water I drink after waking up in the morning

It's hard to overestimate when I drink from the same specific bottles filled before I start drinking every single night:
-1x 2L at couch
-3x 600mL at bed
-1x 2L near bathroom sink


>> No.7583874

>getting "buzzed"
>people with different genes have different reactions to stuff

>> No.7583889

I have tested that very many times and it didn't stop a hangover.

>> No.7583893

Then why do I still get hungover when I drink water throughout the drinking and then plenty of water before bed?

>> No.7583896

>drinking until you're actually drunk
>not knowing your limits exactly and getting a neat buzz and riding it out, waking up next morning with no hangover at all
Lame as it might sound but moderation is key. You can't get seriously drunk and not get a hangover.

>> No.7583904

>You can't get seriously drunk and not get a hangover
I'd argue otherwise

>> No.7583920

I don't even like getting buzzed, i just want to get really drunk.

>> No.7583924

this desu

i want to get so drunk every night that my brain ceases to function, where's the enjoyment in getting a slight buzz. May as well have a cup of tea

>> No.7583926

lots of water during drinking and before sleeping. You'll piss a whole lot but your chances of a hangover will be much less

>> No.7583929


Maybe stop drinking? The pain you get in the morning is your body's way of telling you it doesn't like the substances you are putting into it.

>> No.7583939

because getting a light buzz is enough to perk you up and trick your mind into thinking everything is okay

>> No.7583943

stay awake until you are sober.

>> No.7583952


this also, if I have time during the day (e.g. not working all day) I drink a shitload during the day so that I'm relatively sober by the time I go to sleep, that way no hangover

>> No.7583977 [DELETED] 

>That's terrible advice. Never drink on an empty stomach.


Drinking on an empty stomach gets you drunk much faster and your body has less alcohol to deal with. How is it bad? There's only positives to it.

Try it before you knock it. I've been drinking for a long time and my advice is strictly based on experience.

Drinking on an empty stomach also runs the risk of a blackout which you really want to avoid.

Blackouts happen when you don't know when to quit regardless. It just goes faster on an empty stomach because you generally have to drink less that way. Which is the whole point, less alcohol for your body to deal with but you get the same feeling of drunkness out of it.

>> No.7583983

>drinking on empty stomach
I avoid this as well, I start drinking when I'm hungry and only eat when I'm black out drunk

>> No.7583985

>I've heard clear liquor (like vodka or gin) mixed with something flavored but mostly water.

That's how I've had my worst hangovers. However, that might be because I didn't dilute it with enough water.

>> No.7583993

>drink horrible cheap white wine 4/5 wine 1/5 lemonade (wine is cheapest drink here in Australia)
>slowly start exchanging lemonade for water and adding more water than wine over time
good way to keep getting drunk but also avoid a horrible hangover

>> No.7583996

What happens if you drink too much is that you piss out minerals, especially magnesium which will lead to you getting cramps and headaches, even if you don't add alcohol.

Drinking a shitload of water to stay "hydrated" is a complete meme.

The only time you need to drink more than usual is when you sweat profusely and you naturally will do so because you'll get so thirsty you' can't ignore it. But drinking excess water when you aren't thirsty is not healthy at all and doesn't help your body.

>> No.7584013

>being hardcore alcoholic

>> No.7584031

>That's terrible advice. Never drink on an empty stomach.


Drinking on an empty stomach gets you drunk much faster and your body has less alcohol to deal with. How is it bad? There's only positives to it.

Try it before you knock it. I've been drinking for a long time and my advice is strictly based on experience.

>Drinking on an empty stomach also runs the risk of a blackout which you really want to avoid.

Blackouts happen when you don't know when to quit regardless. It just goes faster on an empty stomach because you generally have to drink less that way. Which is the whole point, less alcohol for your body to deal with but you get the same feeling of drunkness out of it.

>> No.7584046

I'm not a hardcore alcoholic, just an old, seasoned and experienced drinker.

Drinking massive amounts of water isn't some vague, unhealthy thing that might impact you over time. It has an immediate negative effect.

>> No.7584080

>seasoned and experienced drinker (tips fedora)
>drinking massive amounts of water has immediate negative effect

>> No.7584136

Not the word he used though fuckface.

>> No.7584141

>wat is waterpoisoning
Seriously. Fucking google it. Also see why you shouldn't drink tons of water while training because it further dilutes what little mineral you haven't sweated out already.

>> No.7584176

Drink water. Eat some food.

All people saying hangovers are unavoidable are inexperienced drinkers. Hydrate beforehand, drink some water in between alcohol, eat some food. I've gone through 20 oz of liquor in a night without a hangover.

>> No.7584189

>piss it out and have to pee all the time
Well since alcohol is a diuretic you're going to be pissing all the time anyway and that is the main factor of alcohol that causes dehydration. The best time to hydrate is the morning before you plan to drink. I usually just eat the ice out of any mixed drinks I get and that's enough water for the night. Maybe a glass when I eat since I don't do alcohol with food often.

>> No.7584197

>think I'm worrying about the health effects of drinking water when I'm an alcholic

>while training
lmao, ok zyzz

>> No.7584206

If you drink water at the right rate, i.e. constantly over a long period, preferably while you're still drinking, then you're just replenishing what your liver is using to break down the alcohol, and you shouldn't be anywhere close to flushing all your salts out.

If you chug a 2L bottle once every 10 minutes, well, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.7584251


>Drinking on an empty stomach gets you drunk much faster and your body has less alcohol to deal with. How is it bad? There's only positives to it.

You've clearly never been blackout drunk anon. It's a terrible thing to have happen to you and is much, much more likely if you drink on an empty stomach.

Even ignoring that an empty stomach might help you get drunk faster but it will also take you longer to recover. You'll also feel worse.

>Blackouts happen when you don't know when to quit regardless. It just goes faster on an empty stomach because you generally have to drink less that way. Which is the whole point, less alcohol for your body to deal with but you get the same feeling of drunkness out of it.

Actually true blackouts (i.e. a completely blank spot of memory) are much more likely if you drink quickly, empty stomach or not. Drinking more but over a longer time will likely avoid them. This is backed up by research in addition to my own experience (look it up if you don't believe me).

Drinking on an empty stomach is bad. Do not do it.

>> No.7584264


From my own experience this seems to work.

No idea why though since logically sleep deprivation would make you feel worse.

>> No.7584382

Pretty much this.
Daily drinker here. Haven't had a hangover in years.

>> No.7584394

Not the anon you're arguing with but here's source,

>> No.7584411

Man the fuck up, stop drinking shitty vodka and gin because they're pleb tier alcohols, and eat a load of greasy shit while you drink.

Alternatively, just man the fuck up and accept that hangovers are part of drinking.

>> No.7584452

>You've clearly never been blackout drunk anon.
Maybe 2 or 3 times when I was 15 and just started drinking. That was never on an empty stomach though.

>it will also take you longer to recover. You'll also feel worse.
Complete bullshit. The opposite is true. Do you seriously eat a meal every time right before you start drinking? Maybe you don't understand what I mean by empty stomach. I don't mean fasting a day and night before. Just not eating anything after lunch if you wanna drink in the evening or no eating after breakfast if you want to drink during the day. And by drinking I mean drinking with the aim to get drunk, as OP specified.

>Actually true blackouts (i.e. a completely blank spot of memory) are much more likely if you drink quickly, empty stomach or not. Drinking more but over a longer time will likely avoid them.
What part of knowing when to quit did you not understand? You can drink as quick as you want as long as you don't drink too much.

>Drinking on an empty stomach is bad. Do not do it.

Drinking too much on an empty stomach is bad but drinking too much is always bad. I'd rather be too drunk on an empty stomach than on a full one, at least I'd only throw up liquid as opposed to the full meal you would've eaten before you started drinking.

Seriously, eating a big meal before drinking to get drunk is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. I don't know anybody who does that. You eat afterwards, maybe snack some salty shit during the act if you drink a lot of beer and are pissing all the time. Because you need salt to prevent dehydration, not extra water, which would make it only worse.

Drinking on an empty stomach is awesome. You should try it.

>> No.7584462


>drinking liquor on an empty stomach is awesome
>i know how to drink responsibly

pick one.

>> No.7584475


>Maybe 2 or 3 times when I was 15 and just started drinking. That was never on an empty stomach though.

Being 15 is a different situation entirely to drinking as an adult.

>Complete bullshit. The opposite is true. Do you seriously eat a meal every time right before you start drinking? Maybe you don't understand what I mean by empty stomach. I don't mean fasting a day and night before. Just not eating anything after lunch if you wanna drink in the evening or no eating after breakfast if you want to drink during the day. And by drinking I mean drinking with the aim to get drunk, as OP specified.

How late are you eating lunch and how much are you eating at lunch? If we're talking 5-6 hours and a reasonably sized lunch things might be different. Still in what world does that translate to 'empty stomach'? You're describing someone that's reasonably full.

>What part of knowing when to quit did you not understand? You can drink as quick as you want as long as you don't drink too much.

You can fail to know when to quit and not achieve a blackout level of drunk if it's spread out properly. Similarly you can know your limits and still fuck up if you do it too quickly. I've made that mistake a good few times.

>Drinking too much on an empty stomach is bad but drinking too much is always bad. I'd rather be too drunk on an empty stomach than on a full one, at least I'd only throw up liquid as opposed to the full meal you would've eaten before you started drinking.

Dry retching is bad for you.

>Seriously, eating a big meal before drinking to get drunk is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. I don't know anybody who does that.

Anon this is incredibly, incredibly common advice (though not eating a huge meal as much as a reasonable one).

>Drinking on an empty stomach is awesome. You should try it.

I've tried it and had some of the worst incidents in my life as a result.

>> No.7584614

Wake up with a cocktail of Gatorade, vitamin b complex, 100mg caffeine, 200mg ibuprofen, and 25mg benadryl.

>> No.7584772
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>> No.7585808

>Being 15 is a different situation entirely to drinking as an adult.
Yeah, as an adult you should be sensible enough to not get blackout drunk.

>How late are you eating lunch and how much are you eating at lunch? If we're talking 5-6 hours and a reasonably sized lunch things might be different.
An apple takes about 30 minutes to be digested. A full meal takes about 6 hours or less to pass your stomach and small intestine. Your stomach is just the sack filled with acid in your belly, numbnuts. I didn't say empty colon you complete fucking retard.

>Still in what world does that translate to 'empty stomach'?
This one, faggot.

>You're describing someone that's reasonably full.

>You can fail to know when to quit and not achieve a blackout level of drunk if it's spread out properly.
This is the dumbest horseshit I've read in a long time. You can not get blackout drunk if you know when to quit because if you did, you would quit before you got blackout drunk.

>> No.7585810

>Similarly you can know your limits and still fuck up if you do it too quickly.
How quick you can or can't drink is part of your limitations, dumbass.

>I've made that mistake a good few times.
Then you don't know.

>Dry retching is bad for you.
What the fuck is dry retching? It would be completely liquid, thin puke as opposed to the thick and chunky variety you get if you throw up with food in your stomach.

>Anon this is incredibly, incredibly common advice
Yeah sure, advice for people who want to avoid getting drunk. If you are insecure and want to be admired by other immature fucks for how much you can drink, absolutely stuff your face. White bread soaked in olive oil is the best.

But if you just want to get drunk, not get a hangover and save money, then drink on an empty stomach. You need less alcohol to get drunk, it's cost effective and you should be able to avoid a hangover because there's less alcohol to metabolize.

>I've tried it and had some of the worst incidents in my life as a result.
Probably because you are irresponsible and a bit stupid.

>> No.7585813

Never stop drinking. Can't be hungover if you're always drunk

>> No.7585839

It's alcohol in, alcohol out. Determine your daily alcohol needs and do not exceed them.

>> No.7585885
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>ctrl+f pedialyte
>no results

babby-tier alchie thread