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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7580563 No.7580563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat your leftovers? Do you feed it to guests? What foods make the best leftovers?

>> No.7580586

Yes. No. Stewed dishes as well as rice. In that order.

>> No.7580598
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Had leftovers for brekky

>> No.7580615

I habe leftovers all the time but i never rat them because i end up making other stuff. Whilei do have the money to so this i wish i didnt waste so much food

>> No.7580621

don't make so much at once then

>> No.7580629

The problem is in having to cook for two and not scaling recipes?/ it being impossible to. In fact i dont really role with recipes and just cook on a whim. Maybe i should cook less and use the left over ingredients for other stuff. But then that's limiting in the dishes i can cook.

>> No.7580632

i wouldn't give leftovers to guest, but i eat mine all the time

>> No.7580641

no one here ever has guests

>> No.7580647

>But then that's limiting in the dishes i can cook.

How so? What are you making that you cannnot make with a smaller batch of ingredients?

>> No.7580664

It's fine if you tell them. For instance I've been at friends and ate his families Thanksgiving leftovers. I also have given away turkey sandwiches from my leftovers.

I've had other leftovers too but the person told me. My first question is "how old is it?". Longer than a day or day and a half I usually decline. But these are friends I know well. I'd never offer leftovers to someone I don't know well, and trying to pass leftovers like you just made it is also immoral.

>> No.7580669

I do eat my leftovers. What the hell else would I do with them, throw them out?

I also serve them to guests if it's something like a stew/curry that gets better with time.

>> No.7580670

Well yesterday was a lamb roast and today was tuna steaks sold to me in a bundle of three. Its just if i use less stuff im often left with an amount thats only good for one person.

>> No.7580673
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>trying to pass leftovers like you just made it is also immoral.

I do this all the time

>> No.7580698


So buy a smaller lamb roast. Or cut a piece off the roast and use that meat to make a gravy base for your lamb, or add it to a salad. Or save it for making stock.

Tuna steaks:
Buy a smaller package. Use the excess to make an appetizer.

It's not hard bro.

>> No.7580703

I live alone so I usually cook between 2-4 portions of whatever meal I'm making, and eat it for dinner for the next few days. The majority of my dinners are leftovers because of that.

I'd never serve it to a guest, that's disgusting.

Lasagne is one of those dishes that's better as leftovers.

>> No.7580737

Good idea with the lamb i guess but cant buy less steaks cause theyre from fish market, not really packaged. Still good thinking. Not about the cost just the guilty conscious and the whole "children im Africa" thing

>> No.7580946

Is meal prep leftovers?

>> No.7580952

>EQG figure

>> No.7581010

I do pretty much the same thing when cooking for myself, but I often like to make a large amount of something, eat it for a few days and portion some of the leftovers and freeze them, depending on what it is.

Works best with stews/soups, casseroles and stuff like that as they tend to freeze and reheat pretty well.

I'll often make a large roast of some kind and then re-purpose the leftover meat for the next few meals. Last time I made a large pork shoulder, for example, I used the leftovers to make tacos a couple times, sandwiches, then some curry and then I chopped up the last of it to put on some nachos.

>> No.7581034

>Lasagne is one of those dishes that's better as leftovers.
It's the opposite.
Most dishes that contain pasta turn into complete shit after a few hours

>> No.7581061

Only if it is a stew.
Stews always taste better at the second day.

>> No.7581066
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Yeah, no.

Twice baked lasagna. It's a thing.

>> No.7581069

>having leftovers

i make like one serving of things at a time

>> No.7581071

Yes, I eat leftovers all the time.

No, I never feed leftovers to guests, unless they ask for some or it's something like Thanksgiving or Christmas where the leftovers can be used in things like sandwiches, etc.

Soups, chili, stews, roasted meats, and casseroles usually make the best leftovers.

>> No.7581104

> implying I'd ever let someone else into my house

No leftovers for anyone except me

>> No.7581119

Leftovers are goat.
>get back from work
>dead tired and lazy
>microwave leftovers
>ready in two minutes
Greatest feeling in the world.

>> No.7581126

>Do you eat your leftovers?
yes of course

>Do you feed it to guests?
no i would never feed guests leftovers

>What foods make the best leftovers?
Well almost all food if it's well made, in our home we don't own a microwave so the food is always well heated and keep most of it's taste

>> No.7581144

My niggas be eatin what I eatin, If I ain't cookin then I ain't hosting, he eat leftovers like me

>> No.7581159

id imagine just about everyone eats leftovers op

depends on your definition of "guest". if my friends comin over to drink and play fifa ill give him leftovers if we have any

hosting a party or gathering of some sort? probably not

>> No.7581170

Surely there are things that can't be made in single servings though, like whole roasts?

>> No.7581171

Yeah, I know that. I'm a grown man if I don't want to eat my friends leftovers I get in my car and go pick something up.

>> No.7581194

Of course, what else would you eat for lunch at work?

I also like to repurpose leftovers. I had leftover mashed potatoes, so I mixed them with garlic, onions, egg, and breadcrumb, then fried them into little croquettes with sunny side up eggs and pepper relish. Served it to family and friends.

Of course, it helps that I still live at home, because I can make 4 to 6 person dinners, and it'll all get eaten.

>> No.7581198

I've never had a guest in my house.

>> No.7581251


Yes. I feel guilty if I let shit go bad before I can finish it off

No, that's not being a good host

Soups and stews work the best because the flavors marry together over time.

>> No.7581258

What kinda 'grown man' cries bout leftovers then gets in a car to go to burger king? Sound like a picky kid to me.

>> No.7581276

I eat leftovers for lunch at work the next day (or next few...)

If it's something like chicken thighs, I'll re-purpose it after I'm bored of the plain original. Today I took the last three pieces and made fajitas with some bell peppers and onions. Family was pleased.

I'll feed that shit to whoever. "Anon, do you want some ___?" I get a yes or no, simple as that.

>> No.7581291

Of course. I never invite people home. The list of what foods don't make good leftovers is probably a lot shorter. Not all left overs are suitable for re-heating but could be eaten cold instead.

>> No.7581293


Lol, shut up kid. Sometimes it's certain fish dishes I don't care for. I either go to a pub that makes great food that I can actually walk drunk too, or goto the store and buy shit I want and go back and cook it. Yes I do the dishes I dirty. A person exercising their own choices, yep very childish behavior.

>> No.7581298

Yes, but now he's a picky manchild.

>> No.7581302

> eat
yes, of course, it's food
> feed to guests
never, but not out of conviction. when I invite people over, it's people I like, so I cook for them fresh (and usually from scratch). then I eat the leftovers the next day

>> No.7581307

Are you Irish Stew Guy?

>> No.7581319

You go to a friends house, and after being offered some leftovers, you go out and buy food and cook it in their kitchen? You don't actually have friends, do you?

>> No.7581323

So you're telling me there's not any foods you don't like, and you'd eat something you don't like when you have better options?

And I'm the man child? I think not.


I don't get that reference, so probably not.

>> No.7581334

One time my friend brought two pizzas over to my house, didn't offer any to anybody, ate pretty much the entire first one, then put the other one in his car to take home

Technically, he bought them so they were his to do with as he pleases but I always found it odd kind of autistic

>> No.7581336

I'd say 'nah m8, I don't like that. What else you got?' I wouldn't get in my car and go find food elsewhere. What the fuck man.

>> No.7581337


On the contrary I have a few. But we are very tight so they don't care. I usually buy enough and offer them some, of course. Then they usually don't even eat their leftovers.

Or most of the time there's a frozen pizza in freezer and I just eat that. We aren't picky over that kind of shit.

>> No.7581348


If someone ever came to my house then refused my food, left, came back with groceries and cooked in my kitchen it would be the last time they were over at my house.

>> No.7581353


You absolutely are a man child. When you are a guest and refuse people's food that they offer you for dinner you are a child. That is the attitude of a child.

>> No.7581355

You can't be for real, you had some good bait. I'm out before you make me angry.

>> No.7581367

People who throw out food should be lynched.

>> No.7581381


Is this considered rude in England or America?

First of all I'm refusing leftovers, not his food. If he knows I'm coming over we eat the same thing but agree on it. It's just polite.

And lastly, we served in the military together and went on two deployments together. We are pretty damn tight and this is not seen as unusual behavior between us.

I wouldn't do that to a casual friend or acquitance. But I would tell you "I don't want that, no thank you" and not eat any. Unless you're the mom of a girl I'm banging, I might fake enthusiasm.

>> No.7581384

Of course I eat them. I usually just turn them into an omelette if they re-fry, or simply nuke it in the microwave.

I used to go out for pizza with a big group. More than a few times, I was able to collect up all the leftover slices at the end and stick them in a takeaway box. Transferred them to a tupperware box, separated layers with greaseproof paper, and froze. Snacks for a month.

I even intentionally over-order chinese takeaway so I can have it reheated the next day.

>> No.7581386


This is more acceptable. Maybe choose your words better next time because you sounded unbelievably autistic.

>> No.7581397

I like how it went friends > a few > he

>> No.7581403

Cultural festival turkey is different. I've given out leftovers of that before, because my mother always makes turkey tikka masala with the last of the xmas turkey, gets sick of turkey before finishing it, and throws out perfectly good frozen leftovers.
Since I know people who might not get an xmas dinner with family, I've given them a tub of frozen turkey tikka masla, and it's always been welcomed because it's damn good turkey.

>> No.7581409

Always at least 2 serving left over bf can have it for lunch or it can be reclaimed for another dish

>> No.7581417

Yeah, I see it.

He introduced me to my wife, so now I live by him. I am now friends with a few of the guys that are his friends. But not close friends. So if we are hanging out its usually at my military buddies place.

So I have 1 close friend, and a few casual friends. Fun to drink with/hunt with and we get along. I'm on 4chan, isn't it assumed likely I don't have many friends?

>> No.7581430

> 1 close friend, and a few casual friends

OK Chad

>> No.7581461


Even /b/tards grow up anon. I'm still here tho, the ride never ends.

>> No.7581469

I see you have not only outgrown /b/ but also mastered sarcasm.

>> No.7581599

you keep doing this on purpose do you?

>> No.7581635

I try not to cook more food than what one would need for a single meal, so no left overs. However, there are ingredients that I keep which will go bad if not used soon and with those I'll cook them down either confit or to jar which will preserve their life a little longer.

>> No.7581655


>> No.7581938


What's so funny pleb? You like your reheated pile of shit food over fresh?

>> No.7582078

I cook for more than one, never know when friends or family will come round.

>> No.7582087

i try not to leave leftovers and if i do, i absolutely never feed them to guests

>> No.7582104

Who are you mad people? If I go to a mates house and he says 'got some leftover lasagne, want some?' Fuck yeah. You lot are saying that would be a bad thing? What the fuck? Who are you trying to fool? It's pathetic watching you act like you have friends.

>> No.7582138
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Leftovers account for at least half of my meals. I cook lots of potatoes and rice and vegetables in bulk most of the time. I have to cook meat more often because it doesn't last as long. I'll make greek or bean or grain salads that last a few days.

Fancy meals make even more leftovers, like soups/stews and curries, or I'll make a dozen meat pies and freeze them, big batches of lasagna and other casserole type things.

I don't notice much of a difference between fresh and reheated. But we always used to eat like that back home though so I'm sure it's just something you get used to. I can't exactly blame people for not liking leftovers.

>> No.7582164
File: 62 KB, 590x582, sleeptightporker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thumbnail made me see this

Sleep tight porker

>> No.7582189
File: 2.17 MB, 720x540, piglet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that pig.

>> No.7582200

If they want some
Casseroles, stews, and soups

>> No.7582947

Sleep tight porker

>> No.7582967

This is part of why I don't cook at home, really. Leftovers are never enough for the next night's dinner, and I hate taking food in to work. I'm cooking for one, so it is what it is.

>> No.7583036

sleep tight porker

>> No.7583077

Normally for breakfast I have leftovers if I have any. If I can't stand the stuff, I chuck it away. What kind of vile piece of shit human being do you have to be to serve leftovers to a guest? Jesus I'd rather make some instant cup noodles. Thankfully I live in the middle of a city so there are like 5 cheap eateries within 5 minutes of where I live so I never have to but yeah.

>> No.7583089

I never had leftovers except with things I buy like donuts or pizza and I don't keep them longer than two days after I bought it.

>> No.7583102


People who lynch should be turned into food.