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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7580359 No.7580359 [Reply] [Original]

Just about ready to start preparing my yummy home made barbecue sauce.

>> No.7580388

>home made
>mixing premade shit together

Kill yourself. Just get a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's if you're that lazy.

>> No.7580398

Hello VA fag

>> No.7580401



America, everyone.

>> No.7580404

Enlighten us on your favorite sauce recipe, then.

>> No.7580414

The only premade thing I used was organic ketchup and a little mustard. Salt, spices (look up a recipe, adjust to personal taste) some apple cider vinegar, bring to boil, simmer to reduce to desired consistency.

It's really not that hard. Mixing two premade sauces is just fuckery. If you must do it, do it in the dark without a thread about it, because it's nothing to be proud of.

>> No.7580422

>If you must do it


Nice meme.

>using ketchup and not stewing your own tomatoes
Fucking casual, why even bother?

>> No.7580424

>tomato paste
>equal parts black pepper/salt/chili powder
>simple syrup
>white vinegar

The hardest part of this recipe is letting it sit in the fridge so the flavors can meld together.

>> No.7580437

>kids think the word 'you' is a meme

The recipe called for it. Didn't need to add any sugar that way. I see what you're trying to do, but it's still a world away from mixing two premade sauces.

Stay defensive Lord of Plebs.

>> No.7580439

The point is that you're not talking to the person in the original post, moron.

Keep thinking your flavored ketchup is real sauce.

>> No.7580455

And two premade sauces mixed together is "real sauce"?

>> No.7580454

I use brown sugar instead of simple syrup, adds a heavier sweetness that's pairs better with the meat

>> No.7580464

Yeah, that's obviously why I'm telling you to stew your own tomatoes for sauce you fucking product of incest.

Is it actually too fucking complicated for you to figure out that there might not be just you and one person in a thread?

>> No.7580476
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All you did was dirty another pan. Keep thinking you're so rustic Gordon.

>> No.7580481
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Meat is on.

>> No.7580488
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Oh fucking boo hoo you have to rinse a pan to not make ketchup sauce waah wah waaah. Are you actually that lazy?

Don't fucking claim you're making homemade sauce when 90% of it is fucking ketchup, fucking inbred.

>> No.7580490

Less than 50% was ketchup you idiot.

>> No.7580495

>it's only half ketchup, it's real sauce I swear!!!!!

That's fucking sad that you're proud enough of your ketchup sauce to defend it so fiercely.

>> No.7580499

I just enjoy your cry baby responses actually.

>> No.7580513

Just like how you enjoy your flavored ketchup and pretend you're a real chef for making it?

Make it with your own tomato once and tell me your flavored ketchup is better.

>> No.7580522

Maybe once my garden grows some. I don't like store bought tomatoes.

>> No.7580832
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I was wondering if I could get someone to react wen I added the home-made bit. Haha.

Anyway, moving right along.

>> No.7581339
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Looking good, anon. Keep us posted on your progress.

>> No.7581458
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Probably going to have to finish it off in the oven. The temperature only went up two degrees in the past hour.

>> No.7581495

Is it strange if the best barbecue sauce I've ever had was a can of tomato sauce over a really fatty cut of beef, and all the fat mixed in with the tomato sauce? Wish I'd saved that shit.

>> No.7581960
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And, done.

>> No.7581996
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>It was a ruse the whole time!

>> No.7582003


Thats normal...it can go quite a few hours before temp starts rising again desu...

>> No.7582105

Man, I'm glad for OC to do with cooking, and I bet that tastes good but

FUCK how do you spend hours barbecuing and making sauce, and then not spend 2 minutes giving a fuck about how your plate looks?

Those potatoes only will taste like sauce. Ditto the asparagus, which should have been thrown on the grill. Melt that butter, you dick. Fuck, yes, apparently I'm angry.

>> No.7582111

is that fucking chateaubriand?

>> No.7582163

Is that French for top round?

>> No.7582166

Nice meat. Nice Maryland coaster, too. Where are you from?

>> No.7582212
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Do you make your own:

>apple cider vinegar


You actually mix premade shit together? Kill yourself. Just get a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's if you're that lazy.

>> No.7582218

>not using black strap or sorghum molasses
Fucking plebians

>> No.7582248

>making your own salt
we should probably start collecting the salt you have

>> No.7582383

Oh dude! What a dank insult!

Youre definitely the sort of guy who harvests his own herbs and spices to avoid making a meme bbq sauce. If youre not evaporating your own seawater you may as well use Cuck Baby Rays

>> No.7582486

>is that fucking chateaubriand?

Obviously not, look at the circumference and the sinew all over it.

>Is that French for top round?