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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7577460 No.7577460 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/! I'm gonna start working soon and I've been thinking what are some meals I can prep in the evening that will be edible without reheating the next day. Only pic related comes to my mind so far. I'd love to see some suggestions though.

Are regular bread sandwiches gonna be edible if I make them the day before? Do I stick them into fridge or something? How about some kaiser bun sandwiches?

Please I need some suggestions and ideas here.

>> No.7577468

If the bread is toasted you'll be better off, but either way yeah sammiches should do fine.

Other ideas are chili, turkey burgers (cheap and easy as fuck to cook).

>> No.7577559

So, do I make the chili in the evening, stick in into a box, and then into the fridge?

Will it still taste decent the next day if it'll be cold, without reheating?

Can I get any more ideas?

>> No.7577565

Yeah in a regular container your chili is good for a few days tops. Overnight won't hurt anything.

Another idea is get some chicken breast, lettuce, tomatoes, and whatever else and make fajitas. Also pretty cheap. The ingredients can also be used in other meals, like the chili for instance.

>> No.7577569

I honestly have no idea how to make tex mex food. I'm in eastern europe.

>> No.7577578

Salad is my go to lunch at work. Just make a nice salad and put the dressing into one of those small plastic dressing containers and your good to go. Today I had a nice arugula salad with red onions and feta with a garlic buttermilk dressing.

>> No.7577580
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Oh I see.

Well it's simple. The only thing you're cooking is the chicken.


Another idea is curry. Grab some frozen shrimp (or whatever you want to put in it - pork, beef, etc.), onions, and pic related and you have an awesome meal that goes great with simple white rice.

>> No.7577585

If you can't reheat things I'd recommend looking into gazpacho and other cold soups.

>> No.7577589

Pasta salad, potato salad, coleslaw, chicken salad, roast beef, ham, sandwiches, wraps, etc etc etc

>> No.7577599

Looks decent but also like quite a bit of work.

I guess salad it is. I have some doubts on whether it'll keep me up for a day but I guess I'll give it a shot. I can't into dressings though. Any tips on those?

>> No.7577606


Toasted sandwiches will go soggy as fuck maybe if you oven cook to reheat it'll dry it out again, dunno.

Anyhow: stew, chilli, curry

Rule of thumb: If it's something wet and slow cooked, it'll still be be nice reheated.

If you're reliant on something being dry or crispy, it'll be shit unless you only part-cook or if it's high in fat (fatty = oily = resists water)

>> No.7577619

Reheating things ain't an option for me.

>> No.7577684

I just use olive oil, salt and pepper for my salads. You can carry a lemon with you and squeeze it just before digging in.

I mostly eat cold salads with added carbs (hence the pasta and potato and it works for me, and Im not a skeltal at all) at work btw. During winter I carry a thermos. That's a game changer btw, because it holds my food hot for hours. Maybe you could give that a try?

>> No.7577688

If you need to bulk up your salad just add some meat to it. Look up chef's salad and cobb salad for inspiration in that department.

For dressing I usually just find a dressing that sounds good find a recipe online and adjust it until I like it. Vinaigrettes are the most basic dressing. You just need an acid (vinegar or citrus juice) and an oil most people also add mustard. Traditionally its 3 parts oil to 1 part acid.

>> No.7577703

And you can carry the vinagrette on a little bottle or container and just give it a shake before pouring into the salad.

>> No.7577735

>During winter I carry a thermos. That's a game changer btw, because it holds my food hot for hours. Maybe you could give that a try?
Wait, what? A thermos for drinks? Or are there ones for food as well?

>> No.7577762

You can use a thermos for drinks to put hot soups in. My favorite hot thermos lunch is tamales personally. There is nothing like pulling out a couple of hot tamales for lunch on a cold ass day.

>> No.7577774

A thermos jar for food. It holds pretty well. You just microwave the food before going out, put it in your thermos and have a warm meal by lunch.


>> No.7577783

The tamales look good but do you just stick them into the bottle?

>> No.7577804

You stick them and the broth you cooked them in into the bottle. Basically reheat the broth you used to cook the tamales in before you go to work then stuff however many tamales you want in there and put enough hot broth in to cover it then head to work.