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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7576866 No.7576866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>it's expensive so it must be good

Whether it's food or drink, I'm surprised people still believe this.

>> No.7576870
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>I can't afford it so it's overrated and placebo
Due to extreme wealth inequality, I am not at all surprised poor '''people'''' (I use this term loosely) have to say stuff like this to rationalize their position in life.

>> No.7576893

That apply to everything, food isn't an exception.

>> No.7577008

A lot of times there is an exponentially higher price between good and very good (I don't know, say wine or olive oil). Sometimes there is a popular misconception that a higher price is a better quality product, as in store brand ingredients vs name brand ones. And on top of that, there's no accounting for taste.

>> No.7577017

What poors think normal people do:
>fuck off, I am far too fancy for $50 wine, sell me the $500 wine because expensive means good
>fuck off, I had that $6 Yellow Tail and it's terrible, I'll take the $12 E. Guigal CdR because it doesn't literally taste and smell like garbage

>> No.7577042
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Let me tell you a story about diamonds.
When they're mined out of the earth, the workers get paid a few dollars per every hundred pounds or so.
But, by the time it gets cut and polished and sent from country to country, suddenly the price artificially inflates to make them seem 'rare' and precious, when they're actually not.
But, rich people will pay however much they need to because its expensive, so obviously they must be worth it.

>> No.7577043


>> No.7577074

>everything is like diamonds
Yes, the price of saffron is controlled by a cartel that artificially hoards saffron in order to make people pay more for it

Where do you fucking poorfags come up with this shit

>> No.7577105
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saffron mining is very dangerous so the the miners can ask a higher wage thus raising the price

Also, the Saffron Cartel was broken up more than 30 years ago

here's how I store saffron at home

>> No.7577124

To be fair to OP. Price does affect perceived quality, and thus some products are sold at a higher price point than their quality and ingredients would dictate as part of the product's marketing strategy.

>> No.7577283

>artificially hoards

So, they don't really hoard it? It is just an artificial hoarding? What is an artificial hoarding? It is like all on a computer or something? If it is, they must be uploading it somewhere to a server. I bet we can hack it and steal the saffron. We could download the saffron to USB sticks and sell the sticks for a great deal.

We'd make a fortune.

>> No.7577287

Yeah, you know this instantly when you buy a diamond ring then try to resell it. Price inflation for diamonds is crazy.

>> No.7577316

This is true. People tend to have a greater appreciation for things that cost them money, as opposed to things they get for cheap/free.

But there's something else at work as well. Industrialized farming and food processing has made much of our food very cheap, but not particularly high quality. Going for something a step up from that usually comes with a significantly higher price tag. So in many cases better does indeed cost more, though costing more does not automatically make something better.

>> No.7577345

Generally diamonds only apply to women who have no real concept of value and care more about the status the high price reflects.