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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7575821 No.7575821 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7575823

Are you honestly too stupid to figure out how to use a fucking Crock-Pot?

>> No.7575826

>get up
>get ready for work
>put meat in crockpot
>go to work
>come home
>pull meat out of crockpot
>tender and delicious
Sometimes falling for memes improves our lives.

>> No.7575831

>The meat's been in the Crock Pot for 35 minutes and it's still not done!

>> No.7575832

>get up
>get ready for work
>put meat in crockpot
>go to work
>come home
>find a pile of smoldering ashes where my house once was
>meat wasn't even cooked

thanks crock-of-shit-pot.

>> No.7575833


>> No.7575836

salsa chicken

>> No.7575840

It says on the box to not use crockpot if you live in the third world.

>> No.7575872
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>> No.7575875

Goddamn son if you Fuck up with a crock pot there is 0 hope for you

>> No.7576060
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>> No.7576067

How is this a meme? Crock Pots are amazing if your busy working at home or you know you have a busy day. Like, were you wanting it to cook a sirloin steak or something?

It takes time to cook food in, but its not for the days you want to spend 30min - 2 hours in the kitchen cooking. Its for times when you are on the run and/or need to be focused on other things and you still want a nice home cooked stew or something.

>> No.7576070

Can anything identify the food that' in the crockpot?

>> No.7576076

Sous vide steak. Such bullshit. Doesn't come close to a nice bbq'd steak. The doneness isn't everything familia.

>> No.7576080

You stupid

>> No.7576096

I'm gone for work for 12 hours a day. Can I put frozen shit in my crock pot or something and be okay?

>> No.7576100

I've put a bunch of frozen veges and some frozen minced beef in mine covered with water for the day. It cooks during the day, then I add a cup of dry pasta and some stock cubes. It makes a nice stew/soup on the cheap really quick.

>> No.7576106

12 hours though? Every recipe I see is either 4 hrs on high or 8 hrs on low.

>> No.7576112

Make sure theres enough water in there and be prepared for some of the vege to be a little mushy and your fine. If your worried then put a timer on the power outlet its connected to for 8-9 hours. Then turn it on to heat it back up when you get home.

>> No.7576115


Putting frozen food in will be fine. I regularly put whole frozen chicken breasts in mine in the morning.

Check what your slow cooker does after its done. Mine goes to a warm setting. For you 8 hours on low and 4 on warm would be absolutely fine.

>> No.7576147


>> No.7576906

anyone notice that every crock pot stew/roast etc. recipe tastes the same? it's a good taste/smell to come home to, but i wish there was more variety

>> No.7577031

what if you just used different spices/ingredients? Or is it all 'meat and onion and garlic and peppers and tomatoes'

>> No.7577044

Notice how the house stinks up completely when you use a crockpot, more so than other forms of cooking?

>> No.7577179

I want this "misuse the word meme" meme to die.

You're also a fucking idiot slow cookers are great at what they do.

>> No.7577300

>wake up at 1pm
>piss in the bottle
>hang your head outside the window to smoke a fag because your mom won't let you smoke fags in the house
>guzzle some coffee and mountain dew
>eat some of last night's pizza on the bean bag
>take a shit
>die again on the last level of that shitty console game that you had paused all night (4am to 1pm)
>get on 4chan, fap to the tranny thread on /b/ then unsuccessfully troll for a couple hours (should have went with the atheist troll)
>decide trolling on /ck/ is easier

>upload: CrockPot.jpg
>"memes that you fell for"
>click on "Post"
>shit, forgot to add snarky content to the subject
>time for the bong and YLYL threads

Quality thread, OP.

>> No.7577306

I steam potatoes for 15 hours (it makes them much sweeter and increases their flavor a great deal). The entire house has a very peculiar odor from cooking potatoes in that manner. It is pretty nice, but not as nice as a turkey in the oven or bacon frying.

>> No.7578074

Coming home after a long freezing cold day in winter when a beef or lamb stew has been cooking away in the pot smells like fucking heaven.

>> No.7578107

I fail to see a problem with this

>> No.7578116

Yet clearly it worked.

>> No.7578131

Looks like you fell for the "everything that people enjoy is a meme, meme"

>> No.7578180

>Ribeye Steak
>iron skillet
>fat free searing
>searing meat on high heat
each one is an individual case

>> No.7578434
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>cast iron skillet
>chef knives

ill never trust this board again

>> No.7578458

Knives are meme?

>> No.7578662
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everything is meme.

>> No.7578679

crock pots can be replaced by sous vide machines and sous vide machines can do more than crock pots can.

>> No.7578737

Salted carmel sriracha marinated bacon in a sue veed is amazeballs.

>> No.7578768

sourdough starter

>> No.7578773

This may be not the place but how do i improve at cooking? Is there a essential guide or something like that? I can do main dishes but absolutely no improvisation.

>> No.7578776
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>> No.7578788

Research and practice.

>> No.7578807
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>salted Carmel

>> No.7578891


>> No.7578919

Pho. I've had it probably twenty times from at least ten different locations and it's the same every time: shitty rice noodles in a bucket of flavorless dishwater. The fact that it's foreign doesn't make it good and worthy of your approval. The Vietnamese are more than capable of making shitty food, which they do on a regular basis, the most widespread of which is pho. It's below peasant grub. It's rice and filthy water from the Mekong. Any first-worlder who claims to enjoy this garbage is lying to themselves.

>> No.7578964

Crock pots are fucking great. Da fuq are you bitching about.

>> No.7578965
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>> No.7578976

This would be standard shitty bait but the fact you ate something so many times from so many places even though you hated it is hilarious to me because I can actually imagine losers doing that.

>> No.7579202



fuck you cast iron shills. You assholes make these things sound like they're as good as teflon-coated pans but they're not even close. Anything remotely gooey will stick to the bottom and burn and the charred remains will be impossible to remove without flaking off the seasoning underneath and having to redo the whole fucking pan. I've tried 3 different methods for seasoning mine that took all day to do, but afterwards bacon still stuck to the pans every single time on the first try.

>> No.7579212

that's because you've never had real pho. the kind where the mom spent all fucking day making the broth. you never will until you're friends with a viet person. and since it is trendy, you got these little closet sized eateries popping up with shit quality.

rice vermicelli bow with whatever meat is great. the good eatery will make sure the carrots/daikon are lightly pickled.

banh mi is arguably the best tasting sub you can get for under $5 any where. i used to get 2 for $5 at a place and it was way better than any subway i've had.

>> No.7579215
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I've never had bacon stick to mine lmao

I just throw it into the dishwasher and it just werks

>> No.7579262

I'm so fucking triggered right now.

>> No.7579369

Are you me?

>> No.7579439


>> No.7579463


I will be using a crock pot tomorrow to make dinner.

Looking forward to it.

Crocked turkey legs! The trick is to have a crock pot big enough!

>> No.7579497

Crock pots just make everything you put in them so samey. A roast beef with carrots, potatoes, onions and celery lose any defining characteristics. You'd be as well off eating just veggies as you would the meat.

Braises in enameled dutch ovens allow you to taste all the ingredients separately. I pretty much exclusively braise my slow-cooked foods and transfer to a crock pot if I'm gonna be bringing it to a potluck or party

>> No.7580510

>you've never had real pho

There it is. The standard 20 character response to any criticism of Vietnamese noodle water. There it is, everybody.

Maybe someone, somewhere in the Quảng Bình province can serve up an authentic bucket of Ho Chi Minh's revenge that's actually edible, but the shit these gooks over here are passing off as a good meal is flavorless swill. Even they cover the shit with peppers or hot sauce.

>> No.7581256

Faggot. Smoking indoors is gross.

>> No.7581282


I like using a crockpot because I don't like leaving my stove on for a long time while I'm out of the apartment.

Mine's not programmable though so I have to keep track of the time to make sure it's either done enough or doesn't turn into mush.

>> No.7581289

I honestly can't tell if you are retarded or rusing.

>> No.7581290

Seconding this, I tried making my own pho following a recipe from a Vietnamese lady and it turned out flavorless. All the pho apologists at my work were like "oh white boy can't cook proper pho, go have it from a Vietnamese person" So I did, specifically when a Vietnamese professor invited us over to her house to try some homemade Vietnamese food. It really is flavorless swill, just a vaguely meaty broth and noodles, I would eat it again but it's literally nothing special.

>> No.7581310

I don't want to get into a shit flinging contest over memefoods, but "I had food from a person from country X and I didn't like it" is hardly a damnation of that food

The average person everywhere is pretty bad at cooking, just look at /ck/

>> No.7581313

>people in this thread who can't use crock pots or cast iron skillet or fucking knives

Jesus Christ I'm barely /ck/-worthy and this shit is ez as fuck. Are you all literal retards or am I just a better cook than I though?

>> No.7581429
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Turkey leg progress, 6 hours on low.

Onion soup base, beef stock, onions, thyme, bay leaf.

Gonna thicken up liquid later for gravy. Oh yissss! meme or not this ish good eats

>> No.7581443
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It sounds like you need to get gud and stop being a whiny little bitch.

>> No.7581534
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Memeware melting meat right off the bones.

>> No.7581581

slow cooker crock pots are the millennial cooking revolution that any leftist nu-male needs.

>> No.7581675

...but they've been around since the Egyptians..

>> No.7581683


>> No.7581789

>chef knives
What the fuck dude? Its shape means it can do pretty much any chopping/cutting job you need .Are you trying to cut your toe nails with it or something?

>> No.7581799

They aren't magic matie put some fucking oil in there. If its too hot shit will stick same as anything else. You can tell by the sound of the sizzle what the right temp is. Ears are important to use during cooking not just your eyes and hands.

>> No.7582582

hey, you can at least make a pot pie out of that

>> No.7583067

You are literally too stupid to live, let alone be allowed to cook. As in any soup dish, the key is in the broth plus for Asian noodle dish, condiments. The soups are designed NOT to be over powering so that you can add the condiments and sauces to your taste. Please leave the mortal realm and hope you get reincarnated as a donkey.

>> No.7583095


>> No.7583104

>smoke a fag

Continental name-calling allowed?

What's the Eurofag/Americuck ration on this board?

>> No.7583543

Raw egg on rice
Tried a spoonful and immediately dumped it out and fried it.