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7571252 No.7571252 [Reply] [Original]

>"I won't eat this because only kids eat this."
Is there a more pretentious reason to not eat a certain food?

>> No.7571263

there is a reason only kids eat it. this is the underlying message behind that statement.

>> No.7571279

That's not pretentious. Kid food is designed for a child's undeveloped sense of taste.

Pretentious would be, "I think that type of food is yucky so everyone else must too, and they're all just pretending to enjoy it".

>> No.7571343

>I won't eat this because only kids eat this
>I won't watch this movie because only kids watch this movie
>I won't play this game because only kids play this game
>I won't allow myself to enjoy this, because only kids are supposed to enjoy this, and I'm a big people now.

>> No.7571357

i don't even understand what people are supposedly denying themselves because kids like them. turkey dinosaurs? jelly cubes? adults don't balk at these things, they just like other things.

>> No.7571359


Shut up Jazmine

>> No.7571385

Eat a lot of baby food OP?

Actually children have a hightened sense of taste. Your taste buds reproduce at a lower rate as you age. Thats why so many kids hate broccoli, asparagus, etc.

Your sense of taste basically dies the older you get. If you mean palate thats different.

>> No.7571395


> Thats why so many kids hate broccoli, asparagus, etc.

it's also because they just haven't learned to like them yet. these are acquired tastes for a reason.

>> No.7571400

Who the fuck says this OP

nobody - that's who

>> No.7571425

For the most part kids have shit taste. They don't appreciate complexity or nuance, and are put off by bitter flavors. Also they crave sugar. So foods targeted toward children tend to be simple and sweet. Fruit Loops cereal leaps to mind as a perfect example. Nothing to it except bright colors, sugar, and artificial flavors, fortified with some vitamins so parents won't totally balk at buying it.

To a kid that's enough. To me it's fucking gross.

>> No.7571495

i fucking love fruit loops tho.
but they get kinda boring after a few bowls.
(lucky charms are the consistently good breakfast cereal.)
ive met people who are like this they exist and they wont eat kid foods(childrens cereal dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets small carton chocolate milk caprisun) and like not for health reasons or because it doesnt taste good. purely because kids eat it. its pretty pretentious.

>> No.7571504

That's now how it works.
Children perceive bitter flavors more intensely than adults, making many foods unpalatable to them until they lose taste buds as they age.

>> No.7571536


Then why could I drink soda and eat sugary crap as a kid and now it all tastes sickeningly sweet?

Must be those dead taste buds, right?

>> No.7571556

that has nothing to do with taste buds. when your body is growing, you have more craving for sugar because it wants as many calories as possible.

>> No.7571570

Whatever floats your boat. To me eating Froot Loops or Lucky Charms as an adult for any reason other than nostalgia seems weird. Not because it's kiddie shit, but because by the time you've grown up you ought to have come across much better things to eat than that.

>> No.7571582


that is how it works, partially. you learn to like flavours that you initially perceive as toxic. it isn't merely about the attenuation of your perception of those flavours, though i do acknowledge it's a significant factor.

>> No.7571585

La comida es el paraíso...

>> No.7571588

I will always love sugary breakfast cereal, chocolate milk, kool-aid, and pbj sandwiches but other than that getting old made me stop liking sugary bullshit.

>> No.7571602


>children have stronger taste buds and taste flavors more intensely
>e-except when it comes to sweet!

>> No.7571605

>sugary breakfast cereal, chocolate milk, kool-aid, and pbj sandwiches
You never outgrow some childhood faves, but aside from chocolate milk that's a pretty pleb tier list.

>> No.7571625

>Eating a cake when its not your birthday

>> No.7571636

>stopping eating but it's not Ramadan

>> No.7572031


That's not at all what pretentious means.

Pretentious is how OP used it. Chicken fingers might be enjoyed largely by children, but there is nothing wrong with an adult eating chicken tenders unless one applies judgement. The judgement holds chicken tenders to a higher esteem than necessary, thus it's pretentious.

>> No.7572041

no. Your argument literally only works for a meat craving, aka protein and fat. That is what builds a body.

>> No.7572045

you are seriously fucking stupid. I can't even tell if you are trolling

>> No.7572055


Thinking kids food is bland and boring is not pretentious; it's normal. You can eat your tendies, just don't get mad when other people call you a manchild.

The other anon was right. It's pretentious to think your opinion is right, and stomp your feet and insist that you're right when the vast majority of people disagree. In that sense, the people who start picky eater threads and ask "why people pretend to like IPA", for example, are pretentious.

Taste is subjective, obviously, but eating off the children's menu and insisting everyone else is just pretending to like their grown up food is pretentious as fuck and childish.

>> No.7572062


not the guy you're responding to, but holy fuck that is some convoluted and incoherent reinterpretation of pretentiousness

>> No.7572064
File: 157 KB, 394x491, 389e9fdaf0127da63662d98596810a7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mature food for mature people like myself

>> No.7572077

>protein and fat
>That is what builds a body

so you're saying eating fat will make you fat? lol
a growing body needs calories to expend
sugary and fatty foods are packed with calories
your brain rewards you with a dopamine release when you eat fatty, sugary foods, hence the cravings for more

eating protein and fat won't just magically make you bigger

>> No.7572078
File: 120 KB, 407x407, CRnZc_SWUAEDSpT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPAs are the best beer, and if you think otherwise, you are a retarded child who has no taste for men's beer.

>> No.7572081
File: 15 KB, 276x368, 1299308458196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPAs are the worst beer, and if you think otherwise, you are a retarded child who has no taste, at all.

>> No.7572084

>eating protein and fat won't just magically make you bigger

**unless you don't expend the energy they provided

>> No.7572094
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