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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 300x625, FireDiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7567974 No.7567974 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/, I recently thought of a surefire way to lose weight for you fat fucks out there

I call it the Fire Diet™

The rule is, everything you eat must be drenched in hot sauce. Not just any old sauce, it has to really be hot. Something like Dave's insanity sauce or hotter. Also, no milk.

The idea is to make eating unenjoyable and painful. Since the sauce will mask the taste of anything you eat, you can start eating healthier foods (since you can't taste them anyway).

What do you guys think?

>> No.7567985

Good luck while you're on the toilet

>> No.7568147

I've taken to using a 500,000 scoville sauce on anything I eat. Basically does exactly what you say, I can only eat small amounts to ease the discomfort. A bowl of soup easily takes like 45 minutes to eat because I need to cool my mouth off between every spoonful.

This is completely true. Crapping it out is way worse that taking it in.

>> No.7568200

If drenching everything in hot sauce kept you thin why are so many blacks fat

>> No.7568205

or, you could just, like, eat less?

amerilards are retarded

>> No.7568218

>there are no fat people outside the USA

>> No.7568227

Pepper extract sauces are so good in the mouth, but too much gives me stomach cramps like none other. Like the kind where you have to take the nastiest diarrhea, but you don't actually have to go, so you sit there holding your stomach or just sitting on the toilet hoping for it to pass.

>> No.7568265
File: 51 KB, 780x468, Main+difference+between+usa+and+europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave it to yuropoors to rage about America when it was never even mentioned

>> No.7570177

consuming that much hotsauce would be dangerous. the vinegar in the hotsauce would damage your kidneys

>> No.7570195
File: 49 KB, 400x400, tKKLeZaJ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K.. Keep me posted.

>> No.7570331

No, it wouldn't be much hot sauce at all. Because you wouldn't want to eat that much hot sauce

>> No.7570349

>need to lose some weight? why not just try fucking hurting yourself every time you eat and removing the sensation of taste from your daily experience
lifehack culture is one of the worst things to come out of the internet

>> No.7570471


Have you ever heard of gastritis and stomach ulcers?

>> No.7570482
File: 27 KB, 439x550, CcfN5a5WAAAXhLh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>removing the sensation of taste
Mate this is the most taste intensive diet there is

>> No.7571081

I call this one, "The real fool proof diet".
It is guaranteed to help you lose weight

>Step 1
Put the fucking fork down fatty
>Step 2
Congratulations, you're done.

>> No.7571095


Sure, but what makes you think that hot sauce causes them?

>> No.7571102

sounds like gastrointestinal distress and a burnt anus