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7566937 No.7566937 [Reply] [Original]

Hey kna/ck/ers,

I recently got a Peruvian cookbook, and I made some of the cooked recipes in it (anticuchos de corazon, papas huancaina), but I'm worrying about doing ceviche. How do I ensure that the fish I buy is safe to eat without heating it?

Cheers lads.

>> No.7566945
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>> No.7566947

I wouldn't eat any fish I buy from a store/fish monger raw or ceviche'd... Strictly freshly/personally caught

>> No.7566949
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poke is better

>> No.7566951
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>> No.7566957

ask about the fish from the store you buy it from.
i always do that if i eat sushi. i've literally said "i'm making sushi, is that <add fish name> fresh/good enough?"

>> No.7566979

Apart from eating Guinea Pigs, I never any any idea about Peruvian cuisine but I did some looking around but they do seem to have a lot of indigenous stuff (herbs, potatos, etc) that probably isn't widely available elsewhere, yes you could use alternatives but then I think you are missing the point.

When it come to fish do as >>7566957 says, ask your fishmonger (I would be inclined to visit them rather than a store or supermarket) if you live quite a way inland, then I would be cautious.

>> No.7566982

yeah, i said store because i was unsure if "fishmonger" was the correct word.
anyways, they always know about that kind of stuff and they have no reason to lie.
been wanting to try ceviche for a long time, don't know why i haven't

>> No.7567001

I'm English and it's the word we use, can't say about countries though.

I'm lucky, I live in a seaside town and I can get fresh fish but to be honest sushi and sashimi I just find a bit MEH, I can see what the Japanese are trying to do with portions and presentation but I would rather eat something else.

Reading about it, ceviche is kind of cured and the whole meal looks like something worth trying. I'm intrigued.

>> No.7567012

ceviche is delicious, but so is sushi too imo. the reason i would rank ceviche higher is that i haven't had it as much.
either way i suggest you try it, at least at a good restaurant.
about the word fishmonger, i was thinking about it myself but was unsure, thanks for the confirmation. english is my third language

>> No.7567137

I think the lemon does the job at killing stuff, like wasabi in sushi. I think.

>> No.7567161

It's an england-specific phrase, people in the US will know what it means, but it will sound a bit antiquated, like saying "hooch".

We would just say "fish store" or "seafood vendor" or something like that.

Anyway I find the current fascination with peruvian food kind of amusing, when I was a kid it was viewed as a novelty but nothing to get excited over and now people are acting like ceviche was invented last tuesday.

>> No.7567289

this. My Peruvian teacher in Spanish always told us that the lemon essentially "cooks" the fish, though she still wouldn't recommend eating ceviche from street vendors if we ever visited Peru.

>> No.7567303

Lemon does not cook proteins.

And that is why peru is a third world shithole. If someone """""educated"""" sustains that lemon cooks the fish you can pretty much guess what is left for the rest of the population, raw frog juice being an example.


>> No.7567362

>Lemon does not cook proteins

Not with heat, but acid such as lemon juice denatures proteins in a similar manner. That's why the fish in ceviche turns opaque just like fish cooked with heat does.

>> No.7567366

Lemon juice is an acid that can denature proteins and also the harmful bacteria in the meat. Ironic that you're disparaging education systems when you don't even have a grasp of first year bio.

>> No.7567373

Buy fresh fish from your local port

>> No.7567430

you got schooled, son.

protic environments wreck havoc on the carefully arranged structures of protein. that's how yogurt works. selective environments allow mostly safe bacteria to thrive. hence the genus name lactobacillus for their ability to produce lactic acid, giving that sour taste at the same time preventing harmful bacteria that haven't adapted to high pH levels from growing.

tl;dr, you're an idiot on the internet and i'm rubbing it in.

funny how with a first world education you still graduated stupid.

>> No.7567436

get a load of this self-righteous moron

>> No.7567441

If you want to make ceviche, you want the most fresh fish possible. Either catch it yourself or head down to the wharf.

>> No.7567572

el peruANO

>> No.7567584

A lot of fish have worms and unless you take them out (literally one by one) or cook the fish with heat, they won't die. So I avoid sushi or any raw fish desu. Not worth it.

>> No.7567610

The anisakis can be killed by freezing the fish

>> No.7567636

So no fresh fish sushi or cevicche? What's the point then?

>> No.7567644

I've eaten sushi and ceviche probably over a thousand times in my life and never gotten a parasite. I'm fairly certain the risk factor is extremely low on this.

>> No.7567669


Go to a good (not just your regular; like a seriously good) fish monger and tell them you want fish to eat raw. It's not an uncommon request, they will be able to help.

>> No.7567832

>tfw no Peruvian gf

>> No.7568283


>> No.7568292

What's the book OP? Would you recommend it?

>> No.7568401
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The book is written by a guy who runs a Peruvian restaurant in London - the recipes are localized to the UK. It's pretty cool, actually.


OK, sounds good.


Not true - the fish isn't in the lemon long enough to kill most parasites. It does "cook" the fish and will deal with most bacteria, but some critters are resilient enough to survive it.

It's kinda a moot point, since the recipes often call for a marination time of minutes, not the more commonly recommended hours.


"Ceviche" by Martin Morales, owner of the restaurant of the same name.

Not sure if I'd buy it at the £25 asking price - I got it as a gift. But it's definitely an excellent book. A whole lot of "personal story" stuff ("Back when we wuz in Peru, my old grandma would..." etc), but he makes up for it with some really great recipes. The ox-heart skewers I made were amazing, and he also has a good recipe for pork ribs.

>> No.7568405
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Ugh, meant to say acid, not lemon.

>> No.7568618

I might recommend marinating it longer than a few minutes.

Every time I made it, I would marinate it in the fridge overnight, or at least for a few hours... I prefer the texture more when it's marinated a bit longer, anyway, but maybe that's just me.

>> No.7568627

Hmm not normally a fan of the big-photos-and-storytime type books, but might keep an eye out for it on cheap/secondhand if the food is really good