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7565808 No.7565808 [Reply] [Original]

Why do yuros hate it?

>> No.7565811

I'm American and I hate it too. Literally just chocolate flavored oil.

>> No.7565820

That's what chocolate is

>> No.7565824
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>mfw brits say hershey's is too bitter

>> No.7565827

tastes like puke

>> No.7565828

Because it tastes like fucking garbage. Even regular chocolates like Kit Kat have like 3 times as much sugar in the US. Eat some fucking Lindt or proper chocolate and you'll know the difference.

>> No.7565837

Europes chocolate is shit though

>> No.7565838

>Was originally made with spoiled milk
>When they realized that they were making chocolate with spoiled milk they tried to fix the recipe
>Customers complained about the new taste
>So they now make their chocolate taste like it was made with spoiled milk

>> No.7565840


It contains butyric acid as part of a milk preserving process, giving it a hint of sour vomit. I'd rather chocolate tasted like chocolate than vomit.

>> No.7565842

I'm not about to take europes opinion on food any time soon

>> No.7565844
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lt tastes plain for me personally. I'd rather go with cookies and cream flavor. I'm Amerifat tho

>> No.7565847

it doesn't taste of chocolate

>> No.7565858

haha, fucking idiots add sodium chloride to their food so now it tastes like pee!!! haha

>> No.7565873

Except that Hershey's actually tastes like vomit. The first time I tried it, my immediate thought was "Wow, this tastes like vomit."

>> No.7565891

i don't care for it much either, but it's because i like dark chocolates. So when brits say it's too bitter" while they shove some solidified sugar-imean cadbury's into their mouths it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.7565901

But Hershey's isn't bitter, and I don't know anyone who thinks it is. I like bitter dark chocolate too, but Hershey's tastes like vomit.

>> No.7565906


i've never heard anyone say it's too bitter. chocolate itself is bitter. hershey's is very sweet with that nasty rancid parmesan note.

>> No.7565927

The Hershey bar was initially produced to be an additive ingredient in a WW2 first aid kit.

That tells you right there what it is. Field rations. Not meant for pleasure eating.

I've also had chocolate from Europe countries (swiss is best, germany makes some good shit too.) and yea, If I had to choose, I'd go EUR all the way.

>> No.7565952

wax too, dont a lot of american chocolates have wax in them aswell

>> No.7565972

I don't find it bitter at all myself, yet ive encountered multiple brits who say american chocolate, specifically hersheys, is too bitter for them, before going on about muh cadburys

I also don't taste any vomit/rancidness myself. Im not a fan, but it dont taste like vomit to me

>> No.7565980

I don't think they use actual wax. But when you use hydrogenated vegetable fat instead of cocoa butter to make chocolate, it gives it the texture of wax.

>> No.7565993


cadburys is, or was, much better than hershey's, but i don't see that it's noticeably less bitter.

>> No.7566278


>> No.7566299

still the best chocolate I ever had was in Switzerland, still nothing has come close to beating it in America

>> No.7566338

I never got it either until last week when I bought some clearence easter candy.

The kisses I got did have an acidic taste to them and I realized that was what all the vomit complainers were talking about. I never noticed it before though so maybe I just got a bad bag.

I wouldn't call it bitter. I think hersheys is actually pretty sweet. I'd always heard that British candy was crazy sweet though so I'd imagine ours would be more bitter in comparison.

Fucking love toffee Symphony bars though.

>> No.7567301

I used to buy into the "Hershey's is bitter" meme until a few years ago when I started eating actually bitter 75% solids dark chocolate.

It was fucking delicious. Bitter, but delicious.
I think when us British people say we don't like Hershey's because it's 'bitter', it's not because it's bitter, we just conflate it with that because Cadbury's is much sweeter. Hershey's tastes of something else entirely which is the problem.

>> No.7567319
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Burger here

Hershey's bars taste fine when you first bite into them, good even, but the after taste really is that of vomit, especially if you don't eat or drink anything after it fucking lingers in your mouth for an hour

I tried some imported German milk chocolate the other day and it was mediocre but no after taste, however after trying both German and Italian dark chocolate I like them much much better than American dark chocolate which is bitter *and* tastes like vomit ffs

I don't have the vomit tasting problem with candy bars like kit Kats or almond joy etc however, this is probably due to the fact that they have different flavors incorporated into it that hide the flavor, or they use some other chocolate idk

>> No.7567326


Stop posting.

>> No.7567329

honestly it's their inferiority complex

i did a blind taste test and all the europoors thought hersheys was better than kinder until I told them what it was.

>> No.7567332


>comparing two shit chocolates
>europoors stay mad

As long as Amerifats believe your bullshit you're winning though, right?

>> No.7567337

I always win

>> No.7567372

ok kid

>> No.7567376

>That's what chocolate is
Real chocolate contains no oil. Cocoa beans and sugar. Sometimes added cocoabutter. And milk powder if its milk chocolate.

>> No.7567378

Because only Americans are dumb enough to enjoy it.

>> No.7567407

Except butyric acid is the main contributor of vomit's taste and smell and can be detected at as low as 10 ppm.

>> No.7567452
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>> No.7567454

Tastes awful.

>> No.7567813

Why is everyone talking about cadburys? They're the meme chocolate, Galaxy and Yorkie are much better milk chocolate.

t. Britbong

>> No.7567821

Totally agreed but old Cadburys was still pretty good. Now Kinder is where it's at.

>> No.7567867


>better than anything

it's just slime that barely holds its shape at room temp

>> No.7567874

because they don't know about smores over there

>> No.7567903

Try melting it in the microwave over white rice. GODLY!

>> No.7567907

I bet you're from Wisconsin, aren't you

>> No.7567912

No why, is that a thing in Wisconsin? Cuz if it is im moving tomorrow

>> No.7567921

Fuck the Europeans and fuck the red belly bastard Americans who hate Hershey's you got damn commies. When their poor sad European grandfather's back in ww2 were being liberated by GIs they were given the best God damn chocolate in the world Hershey's the only chocolate to win a WORLD WAR kiddies. Don't you ever forget.

>> No.7567937


>Hershey's is so terrible it literally induces claps to fight wars for global jewry

I didn't like it to begin with but this is madness

>> No.7567949
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>> No.7567954

Switzerland was neutral mate.

>> No.7567960

I don't know. It just tastes bad to me, sorry Amerifriend. I like Hershey's "dark" (lol; it's half-dark for us) chocolate, though. Maybe there's something wrong with the milk they use for making their chocolate or something.

Ghirardelli's pretty deece, though.

>> No.7567993


>> No.7568008

The only reason I would ever buy Hershey's is if I'm making s'mores

>> No.7568047

Child detected

>> No.7568124

It's a perfect example of the kind of cheap, awful products Americans are willing to settle for if there's nothing better around to compare it to. Other examples of such products include most Macrobrew beers, Kraft cheese, Oreo cookies, Folger's coffee and pizza from whatever national chain.

>> No.7568741

Please if puke tasted like that I'd consider eating it

>> No.7568753

Because as the Allies crossed Europe on the way to Berlin, most of their (Euro) grandmothers traded sexual favors (heard if you had two, you got the daughter and butt sex) for a Hershey bar.

>> No.7568772

Aussie here. I actually don't mind it, it tastes exactly like the cheap shit chocolate they use in easter bunnies. Not as nice as a cadbury block though

>> No.7568786

Murican here.

I hate Hershey's because it smells like farts.

>> No.7568799

Tastes of nothing, feels like hard wax.

>> No.7568829

>grandfather's Hershey
But that shit was actually chocolate, bro.
Shit stops being chocolate when you start using coconut and soy butters. Hershey doesn't make chocolate, it makes chocolate inspired food stuff, like Kraft does with their "cheese".

>> No.7568843

Look we talkin about hershey's here which was made to be a cheap and affordable crappy chocolate, and that's what it is... sort of. It's not really that much cheaper anymore.

Stop with the US vs EU bullshit dumbasses. If you don't think you can find really good highest quality chocolate made in the US, you don't know shit about chocolatiers in the US. If you don't think you can find really shitty garbage chocolate in EU, you don't know shit about chocolatiers in the EU.

Just stop with it.

>> No.7568862

Isnt alot of mass produced chocolate made with taro or carub or whatever that hippie chocolate i heard about in that one episode of robot chicken?
Like world wide demand for cocoa far exceeds the square footage needed to grow said beans.

>> No.7568868


Yes, and, especially in the US. Although, there is really strict labeling laws when it comes to chocolate in the US, so its not like anyone is getting ripped off.

I see a lot of "chocolate flavored candy" products on the shelves here.

>> No.7568869

But even cheap-ass shit Yuro chocolate is better than Hersheys

>> No.7568874

Except it's not.

>> No.7568877
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>> No.7568883

M8s I'm sorry to tell you this but I've even had Eastern European chocolates and budget brands like Lidl and they all taste better than Hershey's. Like twice as good, I'm not even joking.

>> No.7568933


>> No.7568955
File: 139 KB, 493x769, chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lidl Milk Chocolate - pic related, tastes great
29p (40 cents) for 100g

Hershey's Milk Chocolate - tastes like ass
3.65$ for 293g = roughly 1.15$ per 100g

>> No.7568964

Only a timestamped image of you eating and enjoying that more than you would enjoy Hershey's is acceptable.

>> No.7569025

Okay, so you've proven that Euro milk chocolate costs less than a Hershey's bar, which isn't what I asked. Now are you gonna give proof that it tastes better?

>> No.7569044

are you stating a fact or asking a question lol its confusing

>> No.7569052

If my point was that it was just cheaper I could have posted any number of European chocolate brands that are even cheaper than that. What I posted was a specific type that I have tried, which happens to be less than half the price of a Hershey's bar and still tastes much much better. In fact I'd go as far as saying that one tastes like actual chocolate the other doesn't. I can't remember what the Eastern European one was called but it was even cheaper.

>> No.7569059

We're all still waiting for proof, anon.

>> No.7569075

Too waxy.

Too sugary.

I say this as a Canadian.

I choose Cadbury every time when I buy "mainstream" chocolate (Cadbury chocolates in Canada are made by Cadbury, not Hershey under license like in the U.S.).

>> No.7570197

as an independent witness from England, I can confirm that Lidl chocolate tastes far more palatable than Hersheys. Hope that clears things up to your satisfaction.

>> No.7570429


galaxy is ultra pleb chocolate. i like yorkie bars personally but i don't reckon it's better than cadbury just more to my taste

>> No.7570430


well then load it up with cocoa powder and sugar and dive in, you'll probably get pretty close

>> No.7570478

>burgers and euros fighting over whose chocolate is shittier
>be brazilian
>hershey's is the worst shit I can buy at a supermarket
>lindt is decent, but kinda bland
>kinder is the only one I actually like but it costs an eye here.
>never had any bong chocolates

>> No.7570487

>never had any bong chocolates
British Cadburys is good and so is Galaxy, they are milk chocolates though and are quite sweet.

>> No.7570508

It's only 11% cacao and tastes like vomit.

>> No.7570536

And chili con carne is only 11% chili. What's your point?

>> No.7570537

I'm american and I fucking hate hersheys. I guess that makes me a commiecuck traitor to freedom or something, maybe you should print out a picture of this post and shoot it with your gun you dumb ass rednecks.

>> No.7570545


we're not talking about chocolate con carne are we.

>> No.7571224

Here in Bongland Cadbury's is generally much worse in the last couple of years. Since Kraft bought it, they've done nothing but fuck everything up and generally people aren't happy with the changes.

If I want some nice chocolate I go for Lidl/Aldi dark or some Lindt.

>> No.7571239

>Here in Bongland Cadbury's is generally much worse in the last couple of years. Since Kraft bought it,
There is a slight difference but not too much to complain about.

The thing about Kraft buying Cadburys that upset Brits the most was the closure of some chocolate factories, even though Kraft promised they wouldn't do it!

>> No.7571251


this is taught in American history classes

>> No.7571256

because they have Switzerland and germany giving them the cuck

>> No.7571261

It is just chocolate flavoured wax

>> No.7571278

Even though Brits enjoyed chocolate as early as the mid 1600's - it was unavailable during the last War and I suppose the easy girls of the 1940's succumbed to bribery.

>> No.7571285

Hersheys peanut butter cups are fucking GOAT

>> No.7571293

That did annoy some people but mostly it's flavour and texture, the chocolate is far more waxy now. I can tell it a mile off as I like to chill my chocolate. It doesn't melt in your mouth anymore it just seperates.

>> No.7571303

because it tastes like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

>> No.7571308

noone here eats hersheys let alone comments on it so these "brits" calling it too bitter are clearly figments of your imagination

>> No.7571316

> the chocolate is far more waxy now.
It's not as bad as American chocolate though mate - Count your blessings.

It's a shame that our chocolate companies have almost gone.
Fry's sold to Cadbury .. .who in turn sold to Kraft.
Rowntrees merged with Macintosh . . .which was fine but then Rowntree Macintosh was bought by the Swiss company Nestle.

>> No.7571323

I tried this when i went to Orlando and it smelt like dog shite, not just saying that to piss off the americans.

>> No.7571336

Is this the reason for the vomit taste? I didn't even know this was a meme, but I remember the first time me and my friend tried Hershey's we had to stop eating it because it tasted like puke. Assumed we got a bad batch but it seems this is a common complaint. I'm a big fan of bitter, dark chocolates but not boak-infused chocolate

>> No.7571342

even younger Americans don't eat hersheys anymore, it's dog shit. nowadays we have hipster local companies producing real chocolate like Theo and Alma. my local pretentious organic faggot grocery doesn't even carry hershey products anymore

it's rapidly becoming the bud light of chocolate

>> No.7571356
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hersheys intentionally uses soured milk because it helped preserved dairy in the early days of industry and then Americans grew accustomed to the taste through wartime chocolate like the D-Bar (which was even worse than regular hersheys because it had to be heat stabilized, lol). veterans came home expecting the taste of sour chocolate and they passed that taste on to their kids. took generations to get out of that

>> No.7571377

certainly, I agree but Cadbury was such a decent chocolate that was readily available at every newsagent, shop and off license.
Now what do you have as a go to chocolate? Galaxy/Mars tastes/feels like lard to me and Nestle is just sugar and no creaminess.

I fucking love Fry's peppermint creams and Turkish delight though. Plus kraft didn't seem to tamper with those recipies at all.

>> No.7571384

cocoa butter is oil you retard. it is literally a fat.

not to mention cocoa solids contain a fair amount of fat in the first place.


>> No.7571390
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>> No.7571394
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>> No.7571399

Goddamn. How many of these types of threads do we need before you fuckers realize that different people, from different countries have different tastes, regardless of what you may perceive is better?

>> No.7571402

fresh off the boat?

>> No.7571411

>butthurt American detected

Your babby rant could apply to anything posted on /ck/ but if you read the thread you could understand the reasons why?

>> No.7571420

>anything posted on a *chan


>> No.7572097

Hahaha. You actually think that Kinder is considered good chocolate?

>> No.7573870

kinder is good 50/50 chocolate. Not enough companies do a milk/white mix like the eggs.

>> No.7574415

Puke was food and it still is you fucking retard

>> No.7574527
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Got sent a candy package by a friend from the land of freedom. All the candy except for the peanutbutter cup things were terribad.

>> No.7574532

I put squares over hot pizza and rub it around until it melts on top.

>> No.7574535

Because they're bitter, like their chocolate.

>> No.7575147

Im american and it smells like puke.

>> No.7575313

It sucks. But there is plenty of good chocolate in the US

>> No.7576682

Fuck Lindt. I don't wanna get shot by ISIS

>> No.7576718


>> No.7577279

Oil and butter aren't the same thing you fucknut. Both are fats but oil is liquid and butter isn't. Learn2chemistry

>> No.7577302
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>> No.7577626

what is swiss cholcolate?
what is belgian chocolate?

>> No.7577645
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You can get butt hurt all you want, but the candy that you enjoy is not sold in the USA. So calm down and stuff your face with the crap your country makes.

>> No.7578027

My nigga

I used to buy them in a bundle, when I was a fat fuck. The nut berry one was amazing
I never had Hersheys, but I can tell you that chocolate is really good and cheap, he's not memeing

>> No.7579987

The Hershey Milk Chocolate bar tastes very bitter. I do love the Cookies and Cream bar though.

>> No.7580323

I think you mean sour. Bitter is the taste naturally found on cocoa and can be very pleasant on dark chocolate, S well as diluted in milk chocolate. There is however no place for a sour note.

>> No.7580517
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Cadbury really has changed since Kraft bought it. They moved all production to Eastern Europe as far as I'm aware and they've really started taking the piss with their "brand-marriages" (pic-related).

>> No.7581029

That's a terrible excuse for being an idiot