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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7563799 No.7563799 [Reply] [Original]

What's with /ck/'s obsession with hating on IPAs or ales in general? Lagers are shit and anyone who denies it is a edgy neckbeard who worships ubermenschen German beer.

>> No.7563806
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>why do people not like me
>I choose my beers as a knee-jerk reaction to the post-prohibition hellscape localized entirely within my own country that I consider to be the default state of beer brewing everywhere
This is why, op

IPAs are great, what you're experiencing is the knock-on effect of being a jackass. Kind of like the association between Burberry and british "chav" culture, or basketball americans and their love of cognac. Nothing wrong with either of those, it's their fans that are the problem.

>> No.7563812

IPAs aren't great, they're overdone in all senses

>> No.7563818

Fair enough to ask why the hipsters on /ck/ hate IPAs (it's not because they are somehow all unbalanced and edgy, it's because they are popular); but you really shat the bed with your outright rejection of lager, which is blinkered and hypocritical.

>> No.7563820

I agree. I find (most) IPAs to be quite obnoxious and unworthy of any true merit.

I think that they're just a fad right now, and eventually (hopefully) it will pass.

>> No.7565435

> Lagers are shit

Lagers are THE shit

>> No.7566021

Ipas can be good or shit. Lagers can be good or shit. There's good and bad representations of every style.

4chan's close-minded one track mentality only really pisses me off about beer.

>> No.7566025

Not all IPA's taste the same. I think there are some really pleasant well balanced ones on the market. Sure, they're overdone but that doesn't invalidate them.

>> No.7566026


lagers are great and IPAs are terrible. so terrible that the entire appeal is to a niche community of faggots that thinks tolerating the most metallic tasting beer is a badge of manhood.

the only thing worse than an IPA is a sour. both are for hipster faggots though.

>> No.7566031

Most people I know that prefer IPA's are women, desu senpai.

>> No.7566033

its like 3 guys, most people here like IPA and all sorts of other styles

>> No.7566038

I find it hard to believe that most people who frequent /ck/ or 4chan in general have left the house long enough to have much a grasp on beer. They just know that one IPA they tried from the gas station close enough to walk to.

>> No.7566042

>. so terrible that the entire appeal is to a niche community
Only a tiny portion of the good beer market goes to lagers. There surely are some good ones, but there are way the fuck more good IPAs

People who primarily drink quality lager are as niche and hipster as it gets

>> No.7566043

The problem I have with most IPA's is that they are killed with hops. I prefer amber ales(irish reds mostly), weizenbocks, and the occasional pilsner.

The flavors are more varied and easier to drink, most IPA's are so hoppy to me, that they just take like grapefruit juice.

>> No.7566049

>The flavors are more varied
I don't find this to be true at all. There is such a massive gap between the taste of a West Coast IPA, and a Midwest style citra-like IPA. Seems like all the amber/red ales I have are always just pretty good with very little variance

>> No.7566050

Blows my mind when people complain that they don't like a beer style because of the way it is styled. All IPA's are ultra hopped.

Anyway, I'm more of a brown ale guy. I like Ambers too.

>> No.7566055

That's not true, I've had many hoppy yet balanced IPAs. I've also had many overly hopped, dry, crappy IPAs that I can't believe have such a following that craft brewers are just pissing them out, and usually several varieties over over-hopeed pale ales from the same brewer.

>> No.7566060


i wish i could find more lager hipsters then. everyone i know is an IPA/sour faggot and tries to get me to taste their bottle of vinegar that cost $20

there are some decent IPAs but they would never be my first choice and you would never catch me paying money for a sour

>> No.7566063
File: 118 KB, 1600x1200, lagunitas_maximus_ipa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying IPAs can't be balanced. One of my favorite beers is a well balanced IPA. I'm saying that by nature IPAs have more than average amount of hops. The style was created to survive long voyages to the indies. That's why they have double the amount of hops a normal ale has.

Pic related is a well balanced IPA I like.

>> No.7566075

>The style was created to survive long voyages to the indies
Well thats what the name comes from. But I don't think the modern style would be recognizable as what was called IPA at the time

The thing is, we can afford much better ingredients than people did in the past, so we can use more hops and more malt to create tastier and better beverages than were ever available commercially before

>> No.7566082



>"muh history of ship voyages"

literally shit tier low quality beer they overhopped to sell to shitskins in the third world turning into the dominate hipster beer style is insanity

>> No.7566087


I just don't like the majority of IPA's. I tend not to order them because they can be a crapshoot. If there's an amber, red or brown ale available, I know what I'm getting and I prefer them. With an IPA, might be fine, might be too much.

Why would I order something that I'm unlikely to enjoy. I'm not made of money.

Fun fact, I'm not a big fan of pale ales either. Mostly because of one beer my local always has on special that tastes likes shit, but I order it because $3 pints

>> No.7566093

>they overhopped to sell to shitskins in the third world
No, thats not the case at all. It was for the british sailors

>> No.7566095

It's cool, bro. You don't have to like what other people like. I honestly like the bitter and citrus flavor of Cascade hops. You don't have to like that.

>> No.7566098

The fuck do you live that normie as shit craft beer is considered hipster? Like Mexico or something?

>> No.7566100

I'm with you. I don't normally pay for IPA. I may try something a friend or family member orders at dinner. Perfect beer to me is brown and tastes like smooth coffee with a hint of hops.

>> No.7566101


An IPA even 10 years ago is vastly different than what we've been getting recently. I understand your arguement, and I enjoy an IPA when I find one that's highly recommended. I'm not going out of my way to seek them out, because most take like over hopped piss.

>> No.7566108
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best beer

>> No.7566113
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Not even the best Mexican macro lager, imo.

>> No.7566116

Bad IPAs:
Two Hearted
Stone beer

Good IPAs:
Any other IPA

>> No.7566125

Negra modela is the only halfway decent mexican beer widely available in ameerica

>> No.7566128


>craft beer

lol. i bet you vape and suck dicks too?

>> No.7566131

lol what? Who doesn't like Two Hearted?

>> No.7566135

So are you a rural redneck or a feral nigger?

>> No.7566138

well you clearly are either not american, or well over the age of 40?

I don't know much about vape people, but pretty sure they are the exact opposite of the normie craft beer crowd. They are probably the ones buying wine

>> No.7566205

Beer snobs and hipsters are the fucking worst cunts going around.
They're so fucking dellusional and in love with "their hobby" that they refuse to admit that a cheap and nasty macro beer can be enjoyable.

Its fucking bread water for fucks sake, yes there is skill required to make an exceptional brew but a standard and enjoyable beer can be made by literally anyone and cheaply, its not like wine or whiskey where real craftmanship and an investment of time is required.

>> No.7567099

Just a neat little fun fact for you: when normal people talk about what you refer to as "craft beer" they just say "beer".

It's like saying "I have no STDs" in your dating profile. Just having to say something like that raises questions about what you take for granted.

The only person I've ever met who would habitually say "craft beer" was this 20something fat nerd that used to work at my company a few years ago, his conversation starters usually revolved around binge drinking or Simpsons/Futurama quotes, and it was evident that he was fully versed in how to get drunk as cheaply as possible (Thunderbird and stuff like that). "Craft beer" as he called it was a new thing for him, a luxury made possible by his (relatively to him) new high paying job.

>> No.7567103

No one cares

Shut the fuck up

>> No.7567105

Anti-hipster/trendy is the most pathetic trend

Full of blowhard obnoxious shitheads

>> No.7567108

Are you him? How are you doing man? Hope all is well. Oh you know, busy as always, you know how it goes right? Yep. Yep. Well anyways I gotta go, keep in touch bro we should get a drink some time!

>> No.7567130

IPA is good, hop soda isn't

>> No.7567146

It's because ales and IPAs have been around forever but millennials in their ignorance think it's something new and exciting.
This is particularly true of the USA due to lack of culture and poor education/black influences.

>> No.7567556


It either tastes god or it doesn't. If it tastes good it's a nice drink and you should drink it and not be a faggot holy shit

I personally like Caesar Augustus

>> No.7567558


Funny, the Maximus in your picture is 7.5% but the one in my fridge is 8.2%.

>> No.7567901

>if i dismiss 90% of the market as somehow illegitimate based on subjective criteria in my head then my position makes sense.

>> No.7567917

What's with /ck/'s obsession with liking IPAs or ales in general? Lagers are the shit and anyone who denies it is a pretentious hipster faggot who rides a brakeless fixie.

>> No.7567920

Wouldnt be entirely honest if I said that the 4 for 5 quid ale selection, at asda, hadnt enriched my existence

>> No.7567941
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A lot of new hipster beardy cunt run breweries have a terrible habit of cramming the beer so full of hops that it becomes terribly bitter. Duechars is my normal IPA to go to, £1 a bottle at the minute

>> No.7568729

jesus, what's with all of the bizarro-hipsters on /ck/
>craft beer has become way too popular, time to ditch it like I ditched bacon and jump on the working class authenticity train now people have stopped drinking PBR again

>> No.7569170

I'm not big into Stone. They make plenty of above average beer, but they're not my favorite. Some of that probably has to do with Arrogant Bastard being the biggest edgelord beer.

Two Hearted though is classic and delicious and timeless. It's one of the most balanced IPAs available and to me is the benchmark of quality: if a brewery's ipa doesn't live up to Two Hearted, they need to keep working on it.

I hope your shitty opinion was bait.

>> No.7569192

>IPA needs hops for India!
Bruh they exported all sorts of beer to India, Pale Ales just happened to be popular and were named India Pale Ale as a marketing thing.
Porter made the journey just fine and yet it doesn't need 6000% hops

>> No.7569209

Porters for the Indian market used a fair bit of hops too.

>> No.7569410
File: 115 KB, 575x1024, CW3HJIuU4AEaXxf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's my fav beer OP :)

I really love almost all IPA's. I love the bitterness and slight burn, almost making my eyes water a bit. I love the fruity notes (grapefruit in two hearted is fucking awesome). I think I have just grown accustom to them. I turned 21 ~5 years ago during the height of IPA memery and I didn't question drinking a ton of IPA's and ignoring pretty much everything else. Now that's what my taste buds like.

pic unrelated.

>> No.7569420


I been livin' in cascadian microbrew heaven my whole life and drinkin' fine ass beer since I was a nipper, and I gotta tell ya, I really don't like IPAs. Sure, sure I get it, there's like a ton of flavor, but it's bitter as hell and I'm rarely in the mood for a bitterass beer.

>> No.7569496
File: 35 KB, 310x400, Founders-KBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's just a few people who hate on them, most people just hate on how overrated they are and how obnoxious IPA lovers can tend to be.

I think a lot of people on /ck/ agree that all styles of beer should be appreciated for one thing or another, and just have their personal favorites.

But seriously, Stouts are the best, fuck everything else.

>> No.7569500

IPAs are for faggots who hate beer but love the craft beer meme. That's why they're usually so high abv, so the basement-dwelling dilettantes attempting to reinvent themselves at college can stop after choking one down and say "yum nuanced" in the corner at a party before they hop on their bike and pedal home to their dorm to rage impotently at people on League.

The IPA fad is dying in america, and not a moment too soon. Soon the US will start putting that huge economy and geography to work on actually making good beer instead of shit-tier piss and patting themselves on the back.

>> No.7569506

No it isn't. Back in the UK IPA still means what it always mean. That hasn't been changed by american microbreweries attempting and failing but nobody knowing any better.

>> No.7569519

So brands like Thornbridge and BrewDog haven't seen much success with US style IPAs?

>> No.7569691

So what are some good lagers that are widely available in the US? The best I've found is Narranganset, though it's an adjunct lager. Pretty cheap, though.

>> No.7569836

Every few months I try another IPA just to see if can find something I like, but they invariably have this bitter aftertaste that doesn't appeal to me, even though I'll enjoy a stout that's objectively more bitter.

>> No.7569851
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IPA is shit ale meant to taste like lager for hipsters.


>> No.7569855
File: 72 KB, 782x522, 1459914340279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lager is for alcoholics.

>> No.7570322

>shit ale meant to taste like lager for hipsters
Your post is retarded meant to sound profound for other idiots.

>> No.7570418

I'm no connoisseur but here is MY personal ranking of what I buy:
1. English Strong Ales
2. Dopelbock
3. Good Lagers
4. IPA
5. Stouts

>> No.7571574

I love this beer, its fantastic

>> No.7571628

The same reason /sci/ hates engineers. It's 4chan

>> No.7571638

You're listening to people who have tried one or two IPAs that were bad and concluded "the vast majority must be bad". Those same people are the type to shit on wine and other food/drinks that have a huge quality and flavor variety after having only spent 20-40$ exploring flavors.

>> No.7571723

it's considered more manly or contrarian to dislike anything with any kind of flavour and instead consume anything as long as it's disgusting.

>> No.7572182

>I'm 12 and if someone doesn't agree with my opinion they're wrong

>> No.7572827

lagers are the only beer worth drinking.

>> No.7573885

>Two Hearted

Good taste Op good taste

>> No.7574523

>people unironically defending IPAs ITT

Losing what little respect I had for /ck/ desu

>> No.7575169

But german lagers are the best...

>> No.7575570

My favorite IPA is back in season! I just had to buy two four packs. VALLEJO! It's not sweet, it's floral and tart. I love it so much. Very refreshing on warm days without all the sticky sweetness of other IPAs.

>> No.7575608


>not stouts and porters

Shit taste ITT

>> No.7575664

IPAs, Brett Saisons, and Barrel Aged Sours are the best.

>> No.7575681

Everyone's pallet is different, you can't just say collectively one style is shit because .......
Things go in and out of fashion, including alcoholic beverages, look at single malts Glenfiddich took a gamble back in the 70s and it paid off, beer is probably the oldest drink in the world , we should be blessed to have so much variety instead of whinging on an anime image board about what you think the general public's attitudes and options should be towards one style of beer, that's absurd.

>> No.7575714


>> No.7576104

nigga he's Ash from Pallet town

>> No.7576135

I am known amongst my friends as being an IPA hater but Two Hearted Ale is on a separate level. It's the only IPA I will drink. Mostly because it tastes unlike an IPA and it was sent to us from heaven.

>> No.7577739

Two hearted ale is the only good ipa I've ever had because it wasnt an overhopped fucking tan glass of flowery bullshit

>> No.7577815
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Two Hearted is so unlike 95% of IPAs that I honestly don't even really consider it one.

The only IPA I've ever actually liked is pic related.

>> No.7578866


Because they're buthurt about bearded portly beer hipsters sniggering at their choices.

I like almost every style of beer when it is done well. IPAs, sour ales, porters, stouts, lagers, pilsners, trappist, etc.

>> No.7578899

I must be wrong for enjoying sour things...

>> No.7578918

Thanks for the tip.