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7561177 No.7561177 [Reply] [Original]

What's the weirdest thing you were ever served at a restaurant.

Pic related, our local running "sushi" restaurant had this single individual mustard package circling around the belt and no on ever picked it up (and why should they).
Every few minutes the mustard would drive by, just sitting there on its plate. Sometimes I wonder if one of the cooks just wanted to agitate the customers but was too polite to spit in the soup...

>> No.7561192

sometimes as a joke i will replace my fellow servers' sugar caddies with mustard packets

>> No.7561311

Wasabi at most restaurants is just horseradish and colouring anyway. Mustard wouldn't be a million miles away.

>> No.7561505

It's pretty different, lad

>> No.7561916

they're pretty damn similar
I had mustard years after I first had wasabi (don't ask how, it's just one of those things)
The first thing I thought was
>wow, this is like white people wasabi!

Slight differences but the main sensation is the same

>> No.7562041
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I did not know this. I feel a little betrayed, is there nothing genuine in this world anymore?

>> No.7562044

How do rotating sushi places work?

Do you pay for what you take? How do they know?

>> No.7562056

Ancient Chinese secret, anon

>> No.7562060

You're either very young or very old.

>> No.7562063

I'm 25.

>> No.7562065

from my experience in america, they have a tiered-payment system based on the color of the plates. something like seaweed salad would be served on the cheapest-colored plate, while something like ahi tuna/avocado/sriracha mayo is inexplicably on the highest colored plate.

you stack up your plates as you go, then the waitress totals them. many places have "happy hour" discounts for colors.

>> No.7562069

I went to one once and price was determined by the color of the dish. You stack up the empty dishes and they total it up at the end. Pic related

>inb4 slip the empty dishes into your purse or bag

>> No.7562070

>It's pretty different

Weeb detected.

>Wasabi Eutrema japonicum/"Wasabia japonica")[1] is a plant of the Brassicaceae family, which includes cabbages, horseradish, and mustard.

>> No.7562092

It's the same in Japan. Some places have chips in the plates and the staff just scans the stack all at once to get your total.

>> No.7562096

No pic, but I went to this place called the Apple House once. I got grilled-beans, fries, and a burger. The beans were the worst thing ever, they were shit-covered embryos. The fries, on the other hand were just chips. Like, American lays-type chips, id lays made their chips by fattening underaged Asian girls than skinning them, bleaching and hardening their skin, and pouring a Dead Sea worth of salt on the shit. Finally, the big one. The burger. The meat had no spices, the cheese was the most plastic-ass thing ever, and I kid you not, it had a fucking pink area in the middle of it, it was literally undone. I literally just ran out without paying, luckily it was in rural-ass Virginia and I live in Kentucky so I doubt they's find me, even if they do they should pay me for eating there without an heroing myself on the spot.

Also, they were in the middle of Virginia yet they sold Ale-8, IDK how but they did, and that is kinda weird.

>> No.7562140

Roses and strawberries are also related but different. It's not a hard concept to grasp.

>> No.7562145

It's not pretty different though. Horseradish, Mustard & Weebsabi both contain the same chemical that gives them all the same basic taste profile.

>> No.7562148

Here's one of the more automated examples:

>> No.7563618

OP here, it's a all you can eat place. You pay about 20€ and can eat as much as you want but as I mentioned the quality isn't all that great.