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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 616x462, oatmeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7558286 No.7558286 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your oatmeal? I like adding a banana or a little honey.

>> No.7558308
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>eating oatmeal

>> No.7558315

One volume of oats, two volumes of milk, 2 tbps cane sugar, 1 tbps of butter (very important), one ripe banana and cinnamon. Sometimes I change the banana for almonds.

>> No.7558318

>posting animu on a food and cooking board.

>> No.7558327

then what else do you fucking eat

>> No.7558359

I core and dice a granny smith then add a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg. Dont eat much oatmeal though because I only really like steel cut and those take 5ever.

>> No.7558447

add brown sugar

>> No.7558480

Salt, water and ground all spice
Nuke it until it almost bubbles over the bowl.

>> No.7558483

Honey, banana, and cinnamon is the ultimate combo imo

>> No.7558550


with a lot of additives:
rose water
pumpkin pie spice

then I add whatever berries I have lying around
plus exactly one teaspoon of sugar

this combo works with/without milk
I never change it.

>> No.7558563

banana and peanut butter is the goat porridge

>> No.7558588

Brown sugar, chunky peanut butter, banana, and walnuts.

>> No.7558620

I like cooking it in broth and some slices of ginger, then make it a little soup-y

>> No.7558703


>> No.7558763

my roomie just came in with a bowl of oatmeal for me because "i'm genuinely stupid and I made too much"
hers had honey and cinnamon but I would usually add walnuts, some chopped green apple, tiny bit of salt and some nutmeg

>> No.7558768

you cook the oatmeal in milk?

>> No.7558788

If you mean porridge then golden syrup

>> No.7558824


>> No.7559512

I usually mix in a mashed banana and ground flaxseed. Then I'll add raisins or some kind of dried fruit.

>> No.7559526


>> No.7559537
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things that aren't horse food.

>> No.7559546

>adding banana
Yeah, because there isn't already too much fiber in that crap.

>> No.7559549


>> No.7559566

It's really not a lot. Besides, fibre is good for you.

>> No.7559569

do you guys eat your oats out of the bag or do you heat it up first?

>> No.7559571

Sure, eat up those anti-nutrients, buddy. They're great!

>> No.7559578

What the fuck? Do you lap up and misuse every scientific buzzword you hear? Fucking idiot.

>> No.7559585

exactly same way i do it!

>> No.7559603

another keto fag?

>> No.7559606

Carbs are literally poison.

Enjoy you diabetes and skinnyfat body, fat fucking amrican

>> No.7559792

Scoop of whey and some peanut butter mixed in. Dollop of Greek yogurt on top. Maybe half a banana if I'm feeling saucy

>> No.7559930

brown sugar
more salt than recommended

I miss my morning oatmeal. Cutting means I have to stick to whey smoothies to keep my protein up and calories down.

>> No.7559962

Why live like that?

>> No.7560363

I mostly just do peanut butter and local honey (helps with spring allergies). I'll add a banana if we have a ripe one.
But sometimes I'll dice an apple and throw in the pan with brown sugar and cinnamon.

My girlfriend also cooks it with milk and sometimes adds chocolate or chocolate powder .

>> No.7560371

I make my oatmeal with milk and I like to add salt, cottage cheese and roasted(salted) sunflower seeds. The taste is wonderful!

>> No.7560373 [DELETED] 
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with dank memes


>> No.7560378 [DELETED] 

i like mine with milk and dank memes


>> No.7560397

water and salt

>> No.7560402

What is the difference between porridge and oatmeal?

Also to answer OP, raisins.

>> No.7560409

Porridge is the generic term. Hot cereal can be made with wheat, corn, oats, rice, etc.

>> No.7560410

Oatmeal refers specifically to oats.

>> No.7560446
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milk, brown sugar or maple syrup, sometimes raisins or sliced banana if I have it, and a small amount of butter

also you cannot have an oatmeal thread on 4chan without posting pic related, so I am doing that

>> No.7560451

I mix oats to my protein powder, mix in 2 cups whole milk, 2 TBS peanut butter and flax seed and blend it up and drink it.

>> No.7560467

>Peanut BUTTAH
>Chocolate whey powder
>Chia seeds
>Unsweetend almond milk
>Sliced nanner
>Dollop of Greek yogurt

They serve this shit on Olympus
Food of the gods

>> No.7560472

Butter and maple syrup.
Bananas might be nice but for some reason I never have them around when I've got oatmeal, and vice versa.

>> No.7560503

reddit: the post

>> No.7560542


>butter. Farm fresh type of shit
>some honey
>creme fraiche
>two tots Van Ryn's 15 y/o brandy

shit gives me a hardon

>> No.7560597

Have you guys ever eaten real porridge?

It's simply water Oatmeal and salt. If this is kept stirred during the cooking you will end up with the most creamiest mix ever.

I'm a Brit, so what do I know . . . . . but I don't need to kill it with half a gallon of corn syrup, that much I am certain.

>> No.7560609
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Why make boring food when there are alternatives?

>> No.7560612

>posts picture with no description

>> No.7560615

I prefer going with the simple savoury route, just generous amounts of salt and butter and that's it.

>> No.7560624


>> No.7560636

Willy bum willy bum bum bum willy inna bum bum

>> No.7560656

Well, I add nutritional yeast and salt to get my B12 for the day. Then I usually pair it with a couple servings of fruit with vitamin C, like oranges or kiwi.

>> No.7560698

I add peanut butter and a splash of heavy cream

>> No.7561155

i tried all kinds of variations (cooking in fruit juice, sugar water, [chocolate|sweet]milk, broth, adding dried fruits, spices, veggies, ground beef) but in the end i settled on cooking in plain salted water and adding a spoon of butter. Everythign else just tastes weird

>> No.7561181

Covered in hot sauce and sliced chili peppers.

>> No.7561186


make it with milk instead of water. brown sugar, cinnamon and either a banana or strawberry

>> No.7561190


>> No.7561204


you mean your mom?

>> No.7561213

almond milk, banana, chia seeds, walnuts and honey
put together
leave overnight

>> No.7561219
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also oatmeal cake with blueberries

>> No.7561597

Where the fuck is the pinch of salt

>> No.7561661

This post got me out of bed this morning to make myself some breal fast for once. Thanks OP

>> No.7561675
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Damn nigga, recipe?

>> No.7561685
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jeepers, this looks good. also enjoying a cup of cranberry juice with chia seeds rn, wondering if you add chia to those cakes?

>> No.7562918
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>Carbs are literally poison.

>> No.7563074

I'm an American and that's how I eat it.

I use instant oats, a little less water and a little more oats than recommended so it's thicker. Just a little salt, sometimes unsweetened cream for toppings. I really like the texture, and even that flavor of oatmeal made this way.

I don't like sugar in my oats because if you add enough for it to be anything more than just blandly sweet, it's too sweet to eat a filling portion of it.

>> No.7563082

I wish you /fit/ faggots would leave

>> No.7563092

Why? Intimidated by all the muscles I'm going to eventually have?

>> No.7563105
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>> No.7563117
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Why are people so averse to bland? There's a time and a place for everything, and I love my overspiced punch-in-the-mouth-every-bite dishes, but my oatmeal is usually instant oats with some hot water mixed in and a dash of salt. Nice and comfy, and fills you up enough until lunch.

Bland is a good changeup. Just like bitter. Plain oatmeal and black coffee aren't the most interesting dishes, but they add variety to a regular diet of otherwise flavorful cooking.

>> No.7563127
File: 54 KB, 500x666, no light without shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7563436

>How do you like your oatmeal?

A handful of raisins, some maple syrup (fake, the real shit is too expensive) and a dash of cinnamon.

>> No.7563491

Shame it's the same in the UK. Only Maple flavoured or the £10 for one the size of a Soy Sauce table serving bottle

>> No.7564435

Is this cosplay or a part of the game?