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7556568 No.7556568 [Reply] [Original]

What is popular offal food and cuisine in your country?
This is a Japanese Motsu-Nikomi (stewed pig intestine)

>> No.7556589

Liver Berlin style: roasted with onions and apple, served with mashed potatoes.

>> No.7556601

Lamb sweetbreads are the best offal when you can get them.

>> No.7556602


there isn't any since my country is not poor

>> No.7556631

At least the name is appropriate.

>> No.7556650

kidney pie?

>> No.7557453


>> No.7557470

I absolutely love the gamey texture of chicken gizzards in a good chicken stew.

>> No.7557473


Yeah in America only poor southerners eat the garbage flesh

>> No.7557476

Also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magiritsa

>> No.7557480

I'm American so nobody eats that shit but my parents are Mexican so I love menudo. Love that stomach. Also tripa tacos

>> No.7557505

Italy here.
Cuisine is very heavily regional so what's common in one area is unheard of and strange in another.

While we as a whole eat just about every part of an animal, the only offal people from the area I am from commonly eat are beef and veal tripe/stomach, veal liver and beef and veal tongue. Occasionally brain of various animals, usually pork, lamb or veal, often scrambled with eggs or added to mince for making sausages. Also livers and gizzards of various birds. That's it.

Other areas eat veal, lamb's or kid's lungs and spleens, kidneys of various animals, lamb's intestines, beef tendons and likely more. My mother is fond of chicken hearts, rabbit hearts and pork liver. I'm not much a fan of offal, but I'll eat it if prepared nicely.

Oh, if blood counts as offal, we used to eat that up until a few years back when it was made illegal to sell for some reason. There's a sweet pudding made of pig's blood, chocolate, almond essence/liqueur, sugar and bitter orange zest that I like.

>> No.7557515


I'm not scottish, but we have a lot of scottish settlers and many of our cities are designed to be carbon copies of scottish cities.

And we have regular marching bands and pipers.

I work at a place where we have haggis ceremonies and girls dancing around swords weekly, all year round.

>> No.7557520

You don't eat/suck eyes? Also, while not offal, the best meat of the goat comes from it's cheeks, soft and creamy.

>> No.7557525
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Sandwich de potito

Cow tripe and intestine, chilli pepper and onion. Mayo is optional.

>> No.7557530

Puerto Rico.


A type of blood sausage made from, obviously, intestines filled with blood and some spices that are then roasted. Being able to prepare it makes you valued at barbecues that start with the whole animal, mainly because no one wants the job of cleaning those casings.

>> No.7557541

One more from PR


A stew made with tripe and a calf's foot.

>> No.7557543
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Cheap offal meatballs, I bought these for school lunch whenever the market was on.

>> No.7557546
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Also known as savoury ducks

>> No.7557555

Do anons even like offal dishes beyond tradition? I mean a lot of it is badly textured, a bunch of spices and sauce covering up literal garbage meat.

>> No.7557566


I like eating cooked blood, liver from some animals specially the rabbit, tripe is fine well cooked with just a bit of vinegar if it's well cleaned.

So yeah.

>> No.7557587

Not that I've heard of, no.

As said, I typically hate offal. However, I get a... I don't know the word in English... something halfway between 'desire' and 'need,' I guess... to eat liver and/or kidneys. I do like a few foreign offal dishes, though, like German pork liver loaf, American dirty rice and Khmer Phnom Penh noodle soup.

If feet and other not-to-meaty bits count as offal, then we eat beef and chicken feet as well as beef tails. I also use pork feet to cook foreign food.

>> No.7557590


I really enjoy the texture and taste of udder, tongue and blood sausages. Not much more beyond that.

>> No.7557602

I love steak and kidney pie.
Not a massive fan of the texture of liver.
Chicken hearts are fantastic pan-fried
Haggis, faggots and blood sausage are top-tier food imho but they do feature a lot of spices so you may not wish to count them

>> No.7557967


Nova Scotia?

>> No.7557990

In Canada, the most common offal dish in rural pubs and stuff is deep fried calf's liver with bacon, onions and gravy, served with fries.

>> No.7558014

>living in a bank

>> No.7558287

>Tripes à la mode de Caen
A stew made from the four stomachs and the foot of a bovine.
>Fromage de tête
(not cheese), a patty made from the face of a pork and jellyfied when in the oven
that's the only two offal dish with a specific name I can think of, other than that we have many dishes with various sauces:
pork and bovine foot, lamb and beef head, beef tongue, lamb brain, livers and kidneys from anything.

>> No.7558323

South german

"Kutteln" wich is pig stomach cut into stripes and the cooked in vinegar. It is served with "spätzle" wich are german egg noodles.

>> No.7558435

Grilled chicken intestine, liver, gizzard. Pig's blood, if you count that. Haven't tried it, but I think they stew it with some herbs and eat it with a steamed rice cake.

>> No.7558464

the word is craving, it can be used as a noun as well as the perfect continuous tense of the word crave

i think perfect continuous is the right tense, you might want to check that

>> No.7558637
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geez. these things honestly don't taste terrible, but the texture is mush. they're essential mashed liver

>> No.7559042
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Tortilla de Patatas.

>> No.7559066
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>> No.7559221

>we need a really hot pan, as hot as we can get it
>we're gonna start pouring the extra virgin olive oil
