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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7553507 No.7553507 [Reply] [Original]

Why are these so good? I'm not American and never had them growing up but was pushed by an American friend to try one. They are god damn delicious. What's the secret?

>> No.7553509
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Fat and sugar.

>> No.7553522

Also salt - most peanut butter is salty.

>> No.7553656

don't forget carbs. carbs are fucking good, too.

>> No.7553688

sugars are carbs you retard

>> No.7553713

Sauce on pic?

>> No.7553778

I believe that's grape jelly.

>> No.7553787
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>> No.7554021

That would be amusing if I had accidentally replied to the OP
But I didn't, so it isn't.

>> No.7555463

You forgot to put sliced bananas in it. Also consider putting Nutella in it.

>> No.7555532

They're a disgusting clump of sugar, you're just tasting novelty

>> No.7555944
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>> No.7555957

get some bomb ass peanut butter and homemade fruit preserves on some nice soft bread and you got a serious before bed snack. try it with a big fat glass of milk OP it's an American tradition

im also quite partial to nutella and honey

>> No.7555968

This guy, calling the pb&j a novelty. I'm sure it's just a phase

>> No.7556264

Go away Fede-lasse

>> No.7556293

Sugar, fruit, peanuts.

I usually opt for honey, sometimes banana slices, instead of jam.

There's a variation in New England called a "fluffernutter" that uses marshmallow fluff instead of jam. I've never had one, and it doesn't really sound like my kind of thing.

One of Elvis Presley's favorite foods was a grilled sandwich with peanut butter and mashed bananas. I made one out of curiosity. The heat slightly caramelizes the sugars. It tasted like a diabetic nightmare.

>> No.7556302

preserves > jam > jelly

prove me wrong

also britbongs who don't know the difference between jam and jelly need not reply

>> No.7556329

Any of those "natural" Peanut butters what list their ingredients as "peanuts" and "salt" are the best. Pain in the ass to stir, though.

Any anons have experience making homemade PB? Is it worth it?

>> No.7556364

It's pretty simple to do. Buy peanuts and roast, or buy pre-roasted but unsalted peanuts if you prefer. Then just stick it in a blender or food processor. Add salt and brown sugar or honey to taste and consistency. If you're having trouble getting it started blending add in a tiny bit of oil.

It's fun to do and simple but it tastes like you'd expect, peanut butter. If you're looking for something special and different from storebought peanut butter it's not worth doing, but if you want to mess around with ratios of salt and sugar to suit your tastes/dietary restrictions/ it might be worth it.

>Pain in the ass to stir, though.
Store them upside down. When you go to open it, all the oil will be at the bottom and it makes it a little easier to stir, or if you prefer you can skip stirring altogether.

>> No.7556373

The only time pineapple should be anywhere near pizza
On a fucking shirt

>> No.7556400
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This is what's wrong with /ck/. Every place on earth has its' own shitty childhood staple food but any mention of American food draws out the brigades of early 20s self loathing hipsters that pretend they've ascended from their roots because they eat at north african/middle eatern lamb brain bistros.

>> No.7556402

You shut your whore mouth.

>> No.7556404

The secret is massive amounts of sugar in the jelly, peanut butter and refined white bread.

>> No.7556411

>PBJ and milk
>Before bed snack

This is why you are morbidly obese and terminally diabetic.

>> No.7556423

And yet when you take those foods to other countries people act like it is the greatest thing ever. I'm a good cook, but I think the most excited I ever saw anyone eat something was when I made cinnamon-sugar toast to show him what I ate almost everyday as a kid. Obviously I'm not a kid anymore so I don't eat them, but dayum they taste good.

>> No.7557900

teach us your ways

>> No.7558187

I use them hiking and camping. Don't go bad, full of nutrition.


This. Jelly is fucking garbage, but anywhere you go that's all they have. Get toast with brekkie, comes with fucking little plastic containers of shitty jelly. Go to someone's house, fucking jelly.

Preserves or nothing.

Anons: favorite flavor for a pb+j. Go!

>orange marmalade
>tart cherry

>> No.7558206


i was peer pressured into eating a PBJ sammich too, shit is pretty amazing.

>> No.7558501

Same here, OP. Never had it when I was a kid, but we did always have peanut butter. Just tried this a year or two ago out of curiosity, and yeah they are damn delicious.

>> No.7558647

>white bread

>> No.7558651

preserves >= jam >>>>candied juice garbage

Marmalade is shit

>> No.7558730 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you sperging about
Obj and tastes good because it isn't good for you
The most activation of the taste buds come from sugar and fats and sodium
Peanut butter is basically all fats if all natty or sugary if jiffybrand and jelly is good Ol flavored sugar
It tastes good to everyonr abd will never not taste gppd because its full of calories

>> No.7558734

What the fuck are you sperging about
Obj and tastes good because it isn't good for you
The most activation of the taste buds come from sugar and fats and sodium
Peanut butter is basically all fats if all natty or sugary if jiffybrand and jelly is good Ol flavored sugar
It tastes good to everyone and will never not taste good because its full of calories

>> No.7558965

Ethan Carter, if you happened to still be wondering.

>> No.7558970

Apricot marmalade

>> No.7559000

There's no secret. It's something sweet and something salty and fatty bundled up in something starchy to keep the other two things off your hands. Every culture on earth that wants to get any pleasure at all out of eating invents something similar eventually.

>> No.7559002

you wanna know whats even better? a sandwich with speculoos and nutella

>> No.7559013

I think peanuts were native to the American SouthEast.

They are an awesome food with protein and good fats.

Try to find blueberry jam, another plant native to North America, full of antioxidants and is a refreshing alternative to grapes

>> No.7559039

Fats and sugars are good for you, just not in the amounts we eat them.

We are primates programmed to be hunter-gatherers running around all day, and we eat with that kind of appetite.

It's a modern invention that most of us sit in front of computer screens all day and we do not burn the amount of calories we like to consume.

>> No.7559049

Get off this board now faggot

>> No.7559055

nice projecting

>> No.7559237

Yuropoor here, picture related is my country's flag.
I never had a pbj, and this thread made me curious. I'll go buy bread, peanut butter, and preserve tomorrow. Bacon and bananas as well, to check that too.

What preserves do you recommend? What kind of bread would be the best? (I don't usually eat "pain de mie" nor pullman loaf). Do I toast it?

>> No.7559250

Toasting it with peanut butter on the bread is pretty damn good, then smearing some cold preserves on there would make it amazing. Any bread will do, but white/wheat breads/rolls will work better.

As for the kind of fruit, grape is considered traditional, but strawberry, apricot, blackberry, blueberry... pretty much anything like that will work wonderfully as well.

>> No.7559343

you're a dumbass. fats and sugars are what food is made up of, it's just a stupid fucking thing to say when responding to OP's question.

it's like saying >>7555944 when somebody asked why you enjoyed the movie you just saw.

yeah, that's the underlying reason, but it's just a pretentious and useless reply. it is interesting that peanut butter and jelly go together so well as a sandwich, and i'm sure OP was wondering as well.

i hope the next time you guys are in a thread about steak or something and this question is asked you all go "BECUZ THERE'S PROTEIN N WE USED TO BE HUNTERS"

>> No.7559377
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2 layers for life. what what. mine neggar

>> No.7559582

This guy gets it

>> No.7559599

"This is why you are morbidly obese and terminally diabetic"
>That's the American Tradition
>not liking GOAT PB&J

>> No.7559602

>I don't know what that word means

>> No.7559704

we're not "programmed" for anything. we're "programmed" to want to get as much energy in us as possible

>> No.7560020


>> No.7560056

>tfw pineapple anchovie master race
>tfw i have no face

>> No.7560084

I bought some plum preserve today /ck/
it's good.

>> No.7560086

Back to 2010 with you.

>> No.7560219
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So, there are peanut butters that are just peanuts with nothing else, but are there comparably healthy jams?

>> No.7560232

Sort of. I buy "more fruit" ones which are sweetened with some fruit juice. It's half the calories of regular spread, which is good enough I think. They do make sugar free spreads with artificial sweeteners and various preservatives. I think a pure fruit spread would have a terribly short shelf-life even in the fridge.

>> No.7560234

I took peanut butter with me to europe and bought local jams, made my little cousins PBJ sandwiches. The little euroshits wouldn't shutup about how great they were.
I bet your cake eating ass eats this for breakfast and you're a dutchman.
Eurotrash have a poor excuse for bacon that doesn't cook crisp like in the US, don't bother, stay europoor. On a side note, pbj goes good on white shit cheap bread or toasted.
Look at you, little miss pretty watching my waist, go slice up a banana and drizzle honey on it if your little princess ass is scared of big bad sugar added preserves.

>> No.7560235

I want that shirt.

>> No.7560238

Here's one (You), it's all you get until you kick your habit, okay?

>> No.7560239


>> No.7560252


Why do people keep posting this? What does it mean?

>> No.7560257


>> No.7560264
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oh, he upboated me? off the hook!

>> No.7560274
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+1 updoot

>> No.7560773

Do this and toast the middle piece of bread. It's delicious. It adds some warm and crunchy to the whole ensemble.

>> No.7560779

are you fucking retarded m8

>> No.7560782

I'm actually quite fit, but I do have a jiggle layer of fat over my rock hard abs thanks to my shitty 'murrican diet.

>> No.7560789


Strawberry represent

>> No.7560791

>we're not "programmed" for anything
>we're programmed for this

>> No.7560883

Peanut butter is disgusting

>> No.7560934

You know you mix the oil in instead of draining it out, right?

>> No.7560942

That makes the peanut butter all runny. I always drain mine.

>> No.7560952

just stir it really good then put it in the fridge it will stay solid.

>> No.7560953
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>> No.7560954

But then it doesn't spread!

>> No.7560962

yes it does?

>> No.7561258

Didn't the Elvis special also have bacon in addition to the PB and banana?

Always wanted to try it.

>> No.7561261

>he thinks eating before bed is somehow worse!

is this 1956?

>> No.7561264

that's literally what he just said, idiot.

>> No.7561270

Why do strawberries and chocolate taste so good together? It's simply a good flavor combination.

I like to use wholewheat bread and toast it before putting the sandwich together. Also, I like to use apricot preserves rather than grape jelly.

>> No.7561371

no it's not, idiot. he said that we're programmed to eat a certain amount of food because we would burn it off running around hunting.

i'm saying we're literally programmed to be as sedentary as possible and get as fat as possible, we just didn't have the means then

>> No.7561372

His favorite was called the gold digger. It's an entire loaf of sourdough, with an entire jar of PB, and an entire jar of jam, with a few pounds of bacon. He liked it so much he paid to have a bunch flown to him.

>> No.7561376


>50/50 PB/J ratio

disgusting. 70/30 master race

>> No.7561389


Fool's Gold Loaf. not golddigger.
And it was french bread, not sourdough.
Oh, and he and his goons flew there to eat it, not the other way around.

>> No.7561398

Huh saw this on VH1 years ago, crazy how they fucked up so much stuff, but either way. Damn son.

>> No.7561873

Fluffernutters are surprisingly ok though it can be a little dry and just exacerbates peanut butter sticking in your mouth.

There are mixed accounts on whether or not bacon is included in the Elvis sandwich.

Bullshit and you didn't even get the legend right. It was that Elvis and his friends spontaneously flew to where the sandwich comes from overnight to try it but there's no evidence that it occurred and it's more something that gets repeated and may have been started to get people to buy a pretty mediocre sandwich that you could make for yourself easily anywhere there's a market.

>> No.7561876

>saw this on VH1
>years ago
>crazy how they fucked up so much stuff
More likely you just fucked up and remembered incorrectly after years.

>> No.7561900
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>> No.7561920

try it with a few slices of bacon in it, shits delicious

also the sandwich that killed Elvis


>> No.7562498

I kind of want to make one of those, but I know I'll never be able to eat such a thing.

>> No.7562513

why cant you fuckers just toast the goddamn bread it's so much more better.

>> No.7562517

your country is so poor it doesn't even have a flag

>> No.7562518

It's really not. For peanut butter alone, yes. For jelly alone, yes. For PB&J, no. No, it's not at all better on toast.

>> No.7563396

One time I was out of jam/jelly so I used yogurt instead. Peanut Butter and Yogurt sandwiches are pretty fucking good. Oddly refreshing.