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7552683 No.7552683[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is how Vienetta ice cream is most produced guys!


>> No.7552697

Damn, doesn't seem to be available much in north America.

>> No.7552713

Land of the Free, home of the no Vienetta

>> No.7552720

They used to at some point; had it as a kid in the 90s here in Canada.

>> No.7552727


Yeah, I remember seeing commercials for it all the time when I was a kid (currently 27) and then it just disappeared.

>> No.7552882

I'm 27 too and I remember eating these when I was very little. I don't remember commercials or even seeing them for sale, but I know my mom bought them.

>> No.7552897

Just turned 27 as well. There's so many goddamn 27 year olds here. I never really liked ice cream cakes but I remember for these being particularly delicious.

>> No.7552977

Last time I had some was in a shanty town in Mexico, bought one at the bodega there for like $2. It's good, but I'd rather just have a bowl of ice cream with toppings.

>> No.7552992

>see bourgeoisie flavored advertisement for this shit as kid
>ask mom if she'll buy one
>brings it home
>get hyped to see what sort of frozen novelties people 1/3 - 1 class above us enjoy
>tastes like absolute shit
>find out that I have an aversion to the style of vanilla used by non-Blue Bell brands
>forever upper middle class

>> No.7552995

they still sell it in aus luckily

>> No.7553005

ways can't be expressed of how beautiful that assembly is.
too bad im lactose intolerant

>> No.7553035

Love the minty one
Used to buy it for 99p in co/op in britland..

>> No.7553152

This video is shit, doesn't show a lot of the interesting bits. Like when they box it. Noooo ice cream comes in one end boxes of vienetta come out the other

>> No.7553173

Didn't you hear the news? It's 2016 bro, they got Lactaid pills now.

>> No.7553290

Where? I haven't seen them in NSW metro areas for over 10 years.

>> No.7553292
File: 300 KB, 500x500, 1449573553193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A video to watch while on a diet (NOT)

Dad? Is that you?

>> No.7553327

im in Melbourne and can get them at coles/woollies (forget which one, but its one of them)

>> No.7553389

just checked online, its woolworths

>> No.7553614

The ones I remember seeing on TV were from Friendly's, they probably still make that shit. They don't have any of those in the city here, but they're all over the burbs.

>> No.7553620

we also don't put butter....oh wait sorry, """clotted cream""" on top of our ice cream.

>> No.7553782


heh, we can buy them in almost every supermarket here

>> No.7553843

For some reason this video is doing the rounds on Bookface here in Britain.